Swallowing the Starry Sky: Rebirth of the Thunder Dragon Emperor, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 236: The Thunder Dragon Emperor is born, and the Plateau ancestors are ready to fight

"Why is this happening? What kind of enemy is on the other side?"


The Plateau tribe hasn't seen such a commotion for many years.

Even those dark quasi-immortal emperors never dreamed of such a scene.

But all this only means one thing.

That means there is a very powerful enemy on the opposite side!

Even let the heritage of their entire plateau be revealed at this moment!

This is unthinkable!

Even Emperor Huang Tian can’t do this!

Could it be that there is a being more terrifying than Emperor Huang Tian?

Beyond all speculation and beyond all imagination!

I don't know where it came from!

"I just took a breath suddenly. There's no need for you to be so nervous!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Dong felt a little embarrassed.

He was originally a foreign aid invited by the Ruthless Emperor, so he has to appear more domineering when he appears!

So he turned back into his previous state of Thunder Dragon King!

As a result, he accidentally released a wisp of aura above the realm of sacrifice.

Look how scared the other person is!

They simply came out in full force!

"That is..." A strong man at the Lu Jin level said with a trembling voice.

There was a vague figure in the deepest part of the evil land, and there was actually... the seventh ancestor? !

As time went by, even the road-ending creatures of the strange tribe had never seen him. They had only heard that there might be a sixth ancestor lurking in the ultimate disaster land.

For a moment, all the Lujie-level creatures felt their scalps were exploding, their hearts were shaking, and they were a little unbelievable.

Even they themselves felt that the ancestral land was unfathomable. As time passed, they had never imagined that the seven ancestors would exist side by side.

Before they could recover, a shocking incident occurred again!

In the cracked ancestral land, three more skinny figures suddenly appeared.

The Lu Jin level creatures present were as motionless as clay and wood sculptures.

But my heart was trembling and horrifying, and it was hard to believe what I was seeing.

There are actually... ten ancestors, which I have never seen before, let alone seen!

Currently, there are a total of ten Road-End-level creatures of the strange tribe, which shock the heavens and the worlds and have no rivals in all the brilliant evolved civilizations.

But now, the ancestor has reached the tenth level, which is the same as the Lujin level creature!

This feels counterintuitive.

The strong men of the strange race are now petrified, and they can't believe what they are sensing.

Ten figures stood side by side, letting the river of time roll back, causing all the strands to collapse, and all surrendered under their feet.

They were born together, affecting the stability of the past, present and future, and shaking the foundation of the present world.

Even a Road-Ending Immortal Emperor would find it too weird and difficult to accept. The number of ancestors in the clan actually exceeded the "extreme number" of nine? !

Ten terrifying and ancient coffins lie across the plateau, shining behind the ten figures, providing them with endless power.

At this time, even the supreme creature, Lu Jin level Immortal Emperor, was hairy, his whole body was cold, and he seemed to be in a dream!

They were suppressed by an unimaginable ominous force, their bodies were trembling slightly, and they felt that the plateau was extremely dull.

What happened today was so shocking and unbelievable that it was beyond the imagination of all the strong men present. What kind of place is the ancestral land?

There are actually ten ancestors dormant!

The body of the Luju-level creature was tense and silent. Even though he had endless doubts, he did not dare to ask.

The icy permafrost, the barren plateau, the avenue trees full of strange power and a few clusters of ominous flowers and plants.

The ancient coffins lying under the cracked earth, everything is so weird, and the atmosphere is filled with terror.

"Danger awakens us from slumber, and heart palpitations disturb our souls."

The ancient coffin trembled, and an ancestor spoke, his blurry figure scanning the world.

The ten Luju level creatures on the plateau lowered their heads, trembled slightly, and did not dare to look at them.

He told the truth about the recovery, and sure enough, there were changes.

The strange race has never had any enemies, but if anyone disobeys them, their evolutionary path will eventually collapse, the flame of civilization will be extinguished forever, and only ruins will be left.

Today, all the ancestors were born, which indicated that the problem was extremely serious and it even concerned the rise and fall of the clan and the life and death of the ancestors!

Variables, how terrifying and powerful are their effects? !

"It's not Huang! It's the Dragon Emperor!"

One of the three ancestors who always faced a certain direction spoke.

The atmosphere on the plateau became more and more solemn, and all eyes were focused on the three ancestors. The appearance of the Dragon Emperor was undoubtedly an unprecedented shock to the strange tribe. They had never thought that besides the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, there was anyone else who could have such a powerful force that the foundation of the entire plateau had to be revealed.

"Dragon King..." The Road End level creatures whispered, and this name stirred up a storm in their hearts. They began to recall the ancient legends, trying to find the traces of the Dragon King from those vague memories.

"Why did he come?" Some creatures couldn't help but ask, with a slight tremor in their voices.

"For the end." The ancestor's voice was like the sound of a bell from ancient times, heavy and distant.

The end... These two words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the heart of every living being hard.

They realized that the appearance of the Dragon Emperor was not only a powerful enemy, but also the end of an era.

"We...what should we do?"

There was panic in the voices of some living beings. Facing such a powerful existence, they felt unprecedented powerlessness.

The ancestor was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Prepare for battle."

Fight... These two words are like the morning bell and evening drum, awakening the fighting spirit of all living beings.

They know that no matter how powerful the opponent is, they cannot retreat, because this is their home, their faith and glory.

The creatures on the plateau began to move, mobilizing all their strength to prepare for the coming battle.

Ancient war drums sounded on the plateau, and passionate war songs echoed in the air.

And in the distance, Lei Dong, the Dragon Emperor, was walking towards the plateau with a leisurely pace.

His breath had become much more restrained, but the invisible pressure still made all the creatures on the plateau feel suffocated.

"I have no intention of being your enemy."

Lei Dong's voice echoed across the plateau, calm and firm, "I'm just here to find an answer."

The answer...all living beings were confused. They didn’t understand what the Dragon Emperor meant by the answer.

But no matter what, they could not let the Dragon King enter the plateau easily, because the deepest secrets of their tribe were hidden there.

"If you want the answer, you have to get past us first!"

A Road-Ending-level creature stood up, his eyes full of determination and resolve.

Lei Dong stopped, looked at the creature, and nodded slowly: "As you wish."

The battle was about to break out, and the entire plateau was plunged into a tense atmosphere.

However, at this moment, an unexpected voice broke the silence.

"Wait a moment!"

A young voice sounded, and all eyes turned to its source.

A young creature came out, with wisdom shining in his eyes.

"who are you?"

Lei Dong looked at the young creature, he could feel the extraordinary aura emanating from him.

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