Swallowing the Starry Sky: Rebirth of the Thunder Dragon Emperor, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 194 My wife is awesome! The ruthless emperor helped me transform silver

Chapter 194 My wife is awesome! The ruthless emperor helps me transform the galaxy

"My dear, have you really understood the way of sacrifice?"

Feeling the changes in the ruthless emperor, Lei Dong was also filled with joy.

At the same time, the gap between the two people seemed to have widened again.

On the surface, it seems that the Immortal Emperor and the Sacrificial Dao are only a little bit different.

But in reality, the two are worlds apart.

This is like a ping pong ball on the ground and the moon in the sky.

This is something that cannot be achieved with just a little bit of effort.

The Immortal Emperor’s arrival at the sacrificial path is a process of repeated accumulation and sublimation.

Don't look at it, the empress just traveled on the long river of time for a while.

But in fact, she has experienced every subsequent period of time.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which is the current situation of the ruthless emperor.


At this moment, there was no concept of time and space in her eyes.

Before breaking through the barrier of Devouring Starry Sky.

The empress and Lei Dong are in similar situations, both think that the parallel barrier between these two completely different time and spaces is difficult to break.

But now this woman has jumped out of the three realms.

This can be viewed from a higher dimensional perspective.

It's like when you encounter an obstacle, just get over it.

But most people can’t cross it!

That's the difference!

Fortunately, the Star Dome Railway has now achieved a complete space span.

The star field they are currently sailing in already belongs to the position of the Devouring Starry Sky.

There is a vast Milky Way ahead.

"Is that your territory? It feels like the development space in this area is not as good as in the perfect world!"

Seeing this scene in front of me, I saw the empress slowly floating into the air.

The trains of the Planet Railway run side by side!

But at this moment, the empress's hands were able to develop a kind of energy.

And these hands can expand infinitely to the size of the Milky Way.

"Do you mind if I help you put it together and put in something I like?"

In fact, this is not a consultation, but a domineering move by the ruthless emperor!

The next moment, I saw many blue light spots appearing on the fingertips of this beautiful woman.

The light spots may be large or small, but each light spot contains rich spiritual energy.

As these auras fly forward, they continue to decompose, and then they can almost cover the entire galaxy.

Including Blue Star, all the planets in the solar system have received a spiritual revival.

"this is?"

Although he is an Immortal Emperor, he can deduce the infinite future of a planet.

But the thunder at this moment can only infer the situation of 1/3 of the Milky Way.

Under the nourishment of this spiritual energy, planets that were already alive will become more energetic.

Not only the original masters will get more powerful power.

Even the various functions of ordinary people will be stimulated.

The most obvious one is longevity.

Just like Blue Star.

It is possible for those warriors to live to be 150 or 200 years old.

But the life span of ordinary people is only 80 to 100 years.

After being revived through spiritual energy, the age of ordinary people will increase to about 300 years.

And for people who have cultivated a little bit of strength, it will be at least 500 to 800 years.

If the strength can break through to planetary level, then there is no problem in increasing the life span to 1000 years.

It feels like this is almost the same as the characters in the previous novels about cultivating immortals.

Different paths lead to the same goal, which is a release of genetic potential.

"Haha, I still like the original world. Your world has gone astray. Machinery cannot replace the power of nature!"

Although the entire galaxy has been transformed.

But the ruthless emperor himself is not optimistic about this galaxy.

Because people here are going the wrong way.

Including the entire Swallowing Starry Sky World, they have all gone astray.

They all use technology as their main development method.

As everyone knows, machinery or silicon-based life is only an auxiliary method for the main life form.

Just like the various weapons used in a perfect world.

But the real source should be the human body.

If you rely too much on these so-called technologies, you may see a lot of results in a short period of time.

But it doesn’t help the body in any way!

What the ruthless emperor can do now is to work hard to transform the human body of the galaxy.

And on those planets that have no life yet, trigger a revival of spiritual energy in advance.

In this way, as long as civilization can appear on this planet, it will inevitably follow a path of natural development!

"Ma'am, you're so awesome. You did something I always wanted to do but couldn't do!"

In fact, Lei Dong doesn't like this world polluted by technology.

His body is the Thunder Dragon Emperor on this planet.

Their race was once held high in the sky in distant ancient times.

There is even a legend about the Dragon King of the East China Sea!

But I don’t know when it started.

Human beings gradually gave up the pursuit of their own power, and instead used metal to pollute the entire world!

Including the monsters at the beginning of Devouring the Starry Sky World, they were actually caused by human beings' abuse of various drugs and technology.

And it may be difficult for the ruthless emperor to help this people return to their original nature.

Because the imprint of science and technology has been deeply ingrained in everyone's mind.

Even if we want to delete them all, it will take several generations of efforts.

"Hmph! I hope that transformations like the Holy Ruins can occur on your planets!"

It turns out that the empress's transformation of the galaxy was not based on her own preferences.

Instead, we used the Shetian Trilogy and the Holy Ruins world at the farthest reaches of the river of time as a reference.

In a world full of modern technology, some people have the power to transcend technology.

It is possible to get sublimation from wild fruits or wild flowers on the roadside.

This can cause the entire planet to awaken.

And there won’t be any backlash!

This idea is very good!

"Madam, you are so powerful!"

Lei Dong was very grateful for everything the ruthless emperor had done.

In other words, that was how Blue Star was in his impression at the beginning of his life cycle.

Especially in the Eastern world where thunder is growing, there was a period in history when the civilization of cultivating immortals was at its peak.

But somehow, it was replaced by these modern technological civilizations and metals.

Until the ocean is polluted, the earth is polluted, and the sky cannot be saved.

People just started to regret it!

"Haha, sister is so awesome. Are you planning to turn your husband's back garden into a holy market?"

I have to admit that this empress's handiwork is really grand.

Lei Dong may just see a planet or a small part of the solar system.

But Ye Qingxian saw the empress's true intention.

This ruthless emperor who has just entered the sacrificial realm has created a brand new universe!

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