Zhutian: Countless me, join the chat group

Chapter 383 Galen’s consent!

"Did Lux ​​go to meet the other party again?!"

Garen originally thought that he shouldn't bring up this topic.

But he couldn't help it.

The main thing is that Lux is not prepared to talk about this topic with me.

When he brought this matter up again later, Garen felt that he couldn't do it.

Maybe later he would reveal that he had been following Lux for a whole day.

Garen felt that he would rather die if his sister misunderstood that he had some special fetish.

So Galen directly pointed out the issue that he was most concerned about.

"Yeah, I've been with Bai Ye recently, because I promised him that I would go to Demacia!"

"pretty good."

Garen said this against his will. In fact, Garen didn't really want to discuss Bai Ye.

After all, in Garen's eyes, Bai Ye is just a yellow-haired guy.

I don't have a very good attitude towards Huangmao.

Do you have to be with Bai Ye during this period of time?

It turned out that he was just taking Bai Ye for a walk in the capital of Demacia.

Originally, Garen was still wondering what the two were doing.

Now he has a rough idea.

"Brother, I plan to go to Valoran later, with Bai Ye."

After Lux said this, she actually observed Garen's expression carefully.

She was somewhat nervous at the moment.

After all, she herself didn't know whether Galen would agree to this matter.

Garen had protected himself so well in the past. If he really allowed himself to leave Demacia so easily,

It didn’t feel like it fit in with what Galen had done before.

"You're planning on leaving Demacia?! You said you wanted to leave Demacia and be with that guy?!"

Garen tightly grasped the letter in his hand and sat up from his seat.

The news he least wanted to hear finally came.

Leave Demacia!!!

And he left with Bai Ye!

What the hell!

He knew his sister wouldn't just say that.

But this news is not what I want to know at all!

"Brother, don't be so excited."

When Lux saw Garen's excitement, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Are you so excited?

Actually, Lux had already thought about this when she talked about this matter before.

Galen should have some objections here.

Garen has always done these things based on his previous idea of ​​protecting himself.

So Lux was also very clear when she said this.

There is a high probability that Galen will refuse.

But Lux didn't quite understand why she was so excited.

Why are you so excited?

"How can I not be excited? You want to leave Demacia with that guy? Do you know each other?"

Now it was Galen's turn to ask Lux if she knew about the White Night.

He really couldn't understand why Lux suddenly had such a terrible idea.

Does she understand Bai Ye?

Just prepare to travel around Runeland with Bai Ye.

What a joke!

I really have to leave now. If anything unexpected happens, I won’t be able to find Lux.

Runeterra is simply too big.

Finding Lux is definitely not an easy task.

So when Lux said that she wanted to go on an adventure with Bai Ye.

This is why Galen was so excited.

It's impossible not to be exciting.

"I understand him. Besides, Mr. Bai Ye has no ill will towards me. I can feel it."

Lux looked at Garen seriously.

Since this matter has been brought up, it means that Lux has already thought about it.

And she has been getting along with Bai Ye for the past two days.

Curiosity about Runeterra has reached its peak.

At that time, she actually implicitly proposed to Bai Ye that she wanted to follow Bai Ye to travel around the Rune Land.

But at that time, Bai Ye seemed to have rejected him?

Although she declined politely, Lux seemed to understand Bai Ye's meaning.

At that time, Bai Ye seemed to want him to come back and ask Garen's opinion first.

If Galen allowed herself to leave, Bai Ye would take her away.

So this is also the reason why Lux came back to ask Garen.

Of course, there is another point about Lux.

Since Bai Ye has already asked me to come back and ask Garen about this matter.

That means Bai Ye doesn't have much ill will towards me.

After all, if he had ill intentions towards me, he would just leave quietly.

There was no way I could come back and talk to Garen about this.

After hearing what Lux said, Garen suddenly felt powerless all over.

Because he knew very well that no matter what he said, it would be of no use.

Lux must have thought it through.

That's why I told myself this.

"Lux, I don't mean to stop you. I'm actually very happy that you can grow up and don't need protection. But I also hope that you can protect yourself. Even if you want to leave Demacia, you have to figure out some things first!"

Garen looked at Lux seriously.

In fact, Garen did not forbid Lux ​​to contact her.

This is what he wanted to see before.

So when Lux talked about this, Garen was actually somewhat happy in his heart.

"I actually understand a little bit, and I'm very strong!"

She is not a vase.

"Alas, I."

Galen didn't know what to say.

Lux has already said that she is not a vase.

Doesn’t Garen know Lux’s strength?

"Don't worry, brother. I will come back after I finish my travels!"

Lux thought Garen was worried that she would never come back after leaving.

So she quickly explained.

I will come back later.

But regarding what Lux said, Garen was not actually worried that Lux would not come back.

He was worried about Lux's safety.

"Forget it. I don't disagree with you going out later, but you need to bring that guy over to see me!!"

Garen was silent for a while, and finally decided to agree to Lux's departure.

Although I feel a little reluctant.

But Galen also knew that his sister had indeed grown up.

Unlike before, my opinion won't be asked for everything.

Now she has her own ideas.

Galen was relieved, but also a little worried.

So even if Lux was ready to leave here and travel around Runeterra with Bai Ye.

Then Garen must also meet Bai Ye.

If something happened to my sister, it must be related to Bai Ye.

Then he will hunt Bai Ye to death.

"Yeah, I'll ask Mr. Bai Ye about this later!"

Lux felt somewhat delighted.

I originally thought it wouldn't be that easy to get my brother's consent.

I didn't expect Galen to agree so quickly.

It seems that all the words I prepared before are no longer needed at this moment.

But I still need to ask Bai Ye about this matter.

There is nothing I can do if Bai Ye doesn't want to.

But it shouldn’t be that serious, right?!

In fact, Lux is not very sure about this.

But getting Galen's consent is enough for the time being.

But Garen felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

I didn't expect it

I just agreed, and my sister was so happy.

It seems that my sister was really seduced by that yellow-haired guy.

Afterwards, I must give Huangmao a good education!

"You respect him quite a bit."

Galen said sourly.

Although I have already thought about it in my heart.

This is the way it should be.

But no matter how I comfort myself in my heart.

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel sad.

This is my own sister.

"Actually, Mr. Bai Ye didn't let me call him like that. He just told me to call him by his name. He said we are friends and there's no need for so many formalities. I think it's nice to be with him!"


Another knife stabbed into Garen's heart.

Why does this move you?

Garen felt very unhappy in his heart.

After thinking so much, I never expected that Lux would be completely moved by Bai Ye's just one or two words.

it's good now

It turns out that protecting yourself too well is also a sin!

"Do you like this way of getting along?"

Although Galen felt sad.

But I still think that Lux might like Bai Ye’s way of getting along with others better?

No wonder they became friends so quickly.

Perhaps it’s because Lux and Bai Ye get along very harmoniously and easily.

Is that why they became friends so quickly?

Thinking of this, Garen had another idea in his mind.

Maybe I could try getting along with Lux in this way?

Although Galen actually felt very awkward.

Because Galen was definitely a proponent of this understanding.

But it's not impossible to change for the sake of my sister.

After all, my sister left with Huangmao just because of this kind of thing.

If I don't do something, I feel like there's something wrong.

"I don't know either, but it does feel good to be with Bai Ye like this for the first time."

Lux frowned. She didn't know whether she really liked him or not.

But this was also the first time that she and Bai Ye had gotten along like this.

So I guess I like it a little bit, right?

"Then we can get along like this." Garen said, and then added: "Actually, I think if you think this makes you feel relaxed!"

Garen also wanted to avoid Lux's misunderstanding.

"No need, brother, you are so weird today."

Lux shook her head at what Garen said about changing the way they think about getting along with others.

She thought it was totally unnecessary.

Besides, Garen looks really weird like this!

Do they change the way they get along?

Lux felt it was totally unnecessary.

"Ah!? I'm just..."

Garen touched the back of his head embarrassedly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Is it weird?

But isn’t this the way my sister likes to get along with others?

What's more, Garen was afraid that Lux would be deceived by these things in the future.

But Garen didn't expect Lux to say that.

For a moment, Garen felt so hurt!

"By the way, brother, I have something else I want to tell you."

Lux remembered that she seemed to have something else to say to Garen.

I was just talking about Bai Ye and almost forgot about this matter.

"whats the matter?"

Galen had no interest in anything now.

It feels like everything has become dull.

It seems like I shouldn't care about these things at all.

If I had known it would backfire, why would I have said so much?

"It's about the prison. I'm not going to go there."


Garen originally thought that Lux was still going to talk about Bai Ye.

After all, in Lux's words, yesterday and today have always been about the White Night.

That's why Garen was anxious.

I never expected that Lux would actually say this.

Why did she suddenly not want to go?

Didn’t Lux always clamor to meet those magicians?

In fact, they did not agree at first.

But Garen couldn't resist Lux's pleading, so he finally agreed and went to ask.

The king also agreed.

In fact, Garen was aware of the decree that Jarvan III was going to issue.

The reconciliation between the magicians and Demacia was also discussed by many people.

The impact of this incident is really huge.

It's impossible that Jarvan III agreed alone.

Then this matter is agreed to.

Everyone needs to discuss it before they can decide whether it is possible.

In the end, everyone came to a conclusion.

Maybe it is possible, but not now.

This still needs some consideration, so Lux was agreed to go to prison.

In fact, it is because they want to promote this.

Let Lux go to the prison to see those magicians and see what they are thinking.

But it seems that something unexpected has happened to Lux?

Suddenly he said he didn't want to go anymore. What's going on?

"Brother, because I think that meeting the magicians right now will be useless and will only irritate them."

"Did you come up with this on your own?"

Garen was stunned. He didn't expect that this was what Lux said.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised. Could it be that Lux thought of this herself?

He doesn't feel quite like that.

Before, Lux had been clamoring to go over there.

Even if she analyzed it herself, Lux couldn't do anything in the past, and it would only irritate the other party.

But Lux didn't think so.

I am still very determined to go and have a look.

In the end, Garen agreed only after he could no longer resist Lux's pleading.

But at this moment, Lux directly overturned what she had said before.

How come she suddenly has this kind of realization now? !

Lux felt a little embarrassed being looked at like this by Garen.

Because she thought of what she had said before.

This is really a slap in the face.

"Actually, it was Mr. Bai Ye who told me these things. I talked to Mr. Bai Ye about some things."

Lux said this embarrassedly, if it wasn't for Bai Ye herself she really wouldn't be able to react.

But this had a different meaning to Galen.

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