Zhutian: Countless me, join the chat group

Chapter 381 Is Demacia prepared for bloodshed?

"Would you please stop talking?"

Garen was already in a bad mood, and Jarvan IV wanted to stab him in the back.

What does he mean?

If I beat him, my sister would feel even worse.

How is it possible that it will only take two days?

How could this be?

Has this world become so crazy that I can't even understand it?

"I know you're sad, and I can understand that, but I think you should just wait and see, and don't rush in and do anything. We're following you secretly, and you don't want your sister to think you're a stalker, right?"

Jarvan IV carefully reminded Garen.

He was now afraid that Galen would go crazy.

If Garen goes crazy, this matter will not be so easy to solve!

If you think about it carefully, what they are doing now is not really aboveboard.

Just following Lux secretly like this.

If Lux found out, who knows what she would say to them!

"I'm protecting Lux!!!"

Galen couldn't help it.

Am I a stalker?

But I was clearly protecting Lux!

How come he becomes a stalker when it comes to Jarvan IV?

"Why are you so angry? Will your sister believe you if you say that?"

Jarvan IV shook his head and said helplessly.

Obviously, Lux would not believe what he said.

After all, you've been following me all the way, right?

"Okay, calm down, I'm calm!"

Galen was still able to calm down for now.

After all, Bai Ye didn't do anything extreme.

So in Galen's opinion, this matter is still tolerable.

Their eyes continued to look over there, but in fact, they had no idea what the two of them were talking about.

Just looking at Lux, she seems to be very happy.

Lux is now chatting with Bai Ye about some things about Rune Continent.

At the same time, Lux also remembered something.

She turned her head and looked at Bai Ye curiously and asked, "Bai Ye, do you think our Demacia's magic ban is good or bad?"

Lux has actually been thinking about a question.

So, is the ban on magic a good or bad thing?

As someone who was not affected by the incident, it was difficult for Lux to look at the matter from an objective perspective.

That's why I decided to go and see those magicians.

Lux wanted to go see them and observe them from there.

Is this good or bad?

In fact, she was also very clear that as a beneficiary, she was not qualified at all.

Go and see the other person yourself.

Maybe the other party will think of it as showing off.

In short

When faced with this kind of situation, Lux was also very calm.

But I couldn't hide the thoughts in my heart.

She really wanted to know the problem.

And when Bai Ye appeared, Lux realized that she could ask Bai Ye about the situation.

He knows so many things, so he should have his own opinions about Demacia's ban on magic, right?

Even though Bai Ye's view might be somewhat one-sided.

But Lux was still able to get the answers she wanted from these few words.

Bai Ye said responsibly that he would remember these too.

"The Demon Ban Order? Actually, this matter has both advantages and disadvantages."

Bai Ye was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lux to ask him about the Magic Ban Order.

But after thinking about it, Bai Ye decided to answer Lux's question.

In fact, the issue of the Magic Ban has both advantages and disadvantages for Demacia.

"Are there pros and cons?"

There was a hint of surprise in Lux's eyes.

Bai Ye ignored him and continued talking to himself.

"That's right. First of all, because Demacia bans magic, the environment here is definitely safer.

You don't think all magicians are easy to get along with, do you?

Oftentimes, the damage caused by magicians is enormous. Even in a peace-loving place like Ionia, there are many problems caused by magicians.

Then the disadvantage is that without magicians, Demacia's combat effectiveness will at least be greatly reduced.

But I feel this is all good.

In fact, what I cannot understand the most is why nobles can learn magic, but commoners cannot possess magic. This is actually a double standard.

Although it feels a bit hurtful to say this, I don’t mean to target you!”

Bai Ye glanced at Lux and then said what he was thinking.

In Bai Ye's opinion, Demacia should either ban it completely or not.

Don't engage in such double standards.

In Bai Ye's opinion, Chunchun is just being hypocritical.

“Actually, I have thought about this.”

Lux had actually thought about this before.

It is because of this incident that Lux has been unable to figure it out.

So I want to go to the prison to see these mages.

Now that Bai Ye has said this.

Lux also knew that she had to face this matter.

After all, there is nothing wrong with being the beneficiary.

"What if Demacia doesn't ban magic?"

Lux couldn't decide this matter, but she had thought about it, if Demacia did not ban magic.

So what will happen next?

"I don't know, but since something has existed for so long, if it is to be changed, then it will inevitably be accompanied by many things."

Bai Ye thought this matter was too hasty.

In fact, Jarvan III has already started doing this.

But if we do it now, it will obviously cause big problems.

Make peace with the magician?

It would be better to just continue to maintain the current situation.

After all, if you reconcile at this time.

So how do we count what we did before?

Is it possible to forget everything?

This is obviously impossible, and it is impossible for everyone to forget these things.

So change requires timing.

"Don't want to change? Didn't you say these policies are hypocritical?"

Lux looked at Bai Ye in confusion, not knowing what to say for a moment.

If I remember correctly, it seemed that what Bai Ye said about magic was double standards on their side.

But now Bai Ye brought up this kind of thing again, and for a moment Lux didn’t know how to answer Bai Ye.

Isn't this considered double standards at this point?

"Overcorrection may have the opposite effect. If you release those magicians now, the first thing they will do is to deal with you!"

Bai Ye did not deny that Demacia was hypocritical.

After all, his own nobles can practice magic, but others cannot.

As far as Bai Ye's double standard is concerned, there is nothing wrong with being beaten by a mage.

If you do this yourself, don't blame the other party for taking action.

But Bai Ye kept thinking about this matter.

On second thought, there is actually one thing that has not been dealt with, right?

You have kept them locked up for so long, and so many mages have been sentenced to death.

And now you suddenly say something like this about the past.

Later, Demacia and the mages reconciled.

Demacia allows the emergence of mages.

If you put it that way, then what happened before has happened.

Now even if everyone really chooses to believe it again.

Can you really believe it again?

Maybe it's really impossible to believe it this time.

You are like this now, but who knows if it will be like this in the future? !

The contradiction did not arise in this period of time, but has existed for a long time.

Coupled with Demacia’s double standards, the possibility of convincing others to believe it is naturally much smaller.

This contradiction exists, so it will be useless even if it is cancelled.

Bai Ye felt that Jarvan III was also naive.

Just look at what Silas did after he came out and you will know.

If you release Silas on your own initiative, it may reduce the other party's resentment a little.

But this contradiction has never been completely resolved.


Lux didn't understand why Bai Ye said that.

It was clearly their way of showing goodwill.

Release the mages and allow them to continue living in Demacia.

Isn’t that a good thing?

But according to Bai Ye, is it wrong for them to do this?

"Because hatred cannot be resolved, at least it cannot be resolved so quickly, so if you just let them go, then congratulations. Demacia will be in civil strife!"

Bai Ye revealed this bluntly.

There must be a war between mages and Demacia.

There is no way to avoid this.

No matter what they do, this is how it will be.

"The mistake between the mages and Demacia was established from the beginning. Either you stick to a policy or you don't have a policy at all.

Changing things at will like this would be bad for you, although I have always believed that you are somewhat hypocritical in your treatment of magicians.

But how can I put it? Your change is actually unnecessary, at least not in this era."

Bai Ye expressed his views.

In his opinion, many things cannot be completed all at once.

For example, what Lux is thinking now or what Jarvan III is thinking now.

"But if we don't resolve it now, there may not be a chance to resolve it in the future. Wouldn't this conflict always exist between the two parties?!"

Seeing this, Lux also expressed her doubts.

Judging from what Bai Ye said, the conflict between the two sides has always existed.

Then there will be no reconciliation between the magicians in Demacia.

It always will be like this.

Well, since it will all turn out like this in the end.

Why not give it a try?

If I try harder this time, maybe it won't happen?

Although there will be a short period of pain, compared to those, this seems more acceptable, right?

"Are you ready to bleed?"

Bai Ye cannot be denied.

What Lux said was actually considering the problem from another perspective.

Regarding this, Bai Ye said that this possibility also exists.

But there was one thing that Lux had not taken into consideration.

That is whether they are ready for it.

If they were already prepared, Bai Ye wasn't going to say anything.

After all, they have already thought it through, so why should I just mess around?

But Bai Ye could actually clearly sense that the other party seemed to have not considered this matter at all?

"Preparation for bloodshed?!"

Lux murmured, she didn't know about this matter.

But the entire Demacia probably isn't prepared?

"When those magicians are released, they will also want to let others feel the same way as what happened to them.

This may not matter to you nobles, after all, you are protected by powerful military forces.

But for civilians, this is a disaster. They are also forced to feel this kind of pain. Maybe they are not prepared for this!"

Compared to the nobles, more people died in Demacia at that time.

The mages who escaped from prison didn't care about that.

It doesn't matter whether they are civilians or not, as long as they are Demacians, they will be targeted by them.

In fact, the nobles are not afraid at all because they have someone to protect them. Garen's legion can protect them.

After all, it was impossible for Silas and others to harm the nobles.

The first is Lux. Lux’s magic is much more powerful than Sylas’.

Isn't the reason why Silas was able to recover because he absorbed Lux's huge magic?

But in fact, Silas couldn’t absorb it all.

Likewise, there is Galio.

As long as Galio is there, there is no way they can win.

Magic Buster.

"Perhaps Demacia is not yet prepared for this!"

As Lux spoke, her eyes gradually became firmer.

At the same time, she also understood a truth in her heart.

That is, my previous thoughts were too naive.

I didn't even think of these at the time.

I was still thinking that those magicians were innocent.


If you look at it from the perspective of what you are thinking now.

The magician is indeed innocent.

But this is a locked-up magician.

Once these magicians are released.

Then these magicians are not innocent, the innocent ones are the civilians of Demacia.

The makers of all these rules are the powerful.

Although ordinary people also received some benefits from this.

But wasn't the original intention of establishing Demacia to ban magic?

So that's always been the rule here.

It's just that they have some double standards.

But we cannot let this cause problems for the civilians of Demacia.

This is something Lux would never allow.

Lux's look was serious, in stark contrast to before.

This scene fell into the eyes of Galen who was watching not far away.

That's Bai Ye bullying Lux!

Lux's expression became serious at that moment!

Does this need to be said?

It must be that Bai Ye said something rude.

This is why Lux has this expression.

My sister has never had such an expression.

"Hey, hey, hey, maybe you are too nervous?"

Jarvan IV looked at Garen strangely.

Lux seemed to be a little more serious.

Why are you so nervous, Galen?

is it necessary?

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