The cooperation in football games still needs to be negotiated, and it will take some time to negotiate various licensing contracts.

But it's not a big problem, as Chika Ohara from the finance department is in charge of this aspect, and Toru Fuyukawa is also planning to wait until World of Warcraft and Pokémon are almost done before mobilizing people to start working on FIFA. What's more, he currently has to finish Don't Starve.

The production of "Don't Starve" is not difficult, and the team leader of this game's development team, Futaba Koyama, is also very capable, but with several games being developed at the same time, the daily work intensity still increases suddenly.

In addition, although the handheld game console was fully in the hands of Kaori Akiyama, he had to review some key decisions, or discuss them with Kaori Akiyama. Otherwise, if he didn't understand the progress of the handheld game console sector, how could he lead the overall situation?

Generally speaking, when a company reaches this level, a big president like Toru Fuyukawa does not need to be responsible for the development of the project at all.

Capitalists naturally use their money and resources to make money, not their labor. But there is no other way. On the one hand, the foundation of Shengguang Society is still a little shallow. Currently, its only first-party studio is Yokogaya Studio, which developed the "Three Kingdoms" series.

On the other hand, in order to expand its presence in the gaming industry, Juyin swept through all the powerful independent studios on the market two years ago.

Those independent studios that are capable and willing to be "recruited" are now basically under the control of Juyin. And the top game producers of top companies like SATE and NICO have basically signed contracts with big companies, which have good benefits but strict non-compete agreements, so they are impossible to poach.

Even though he doesn't need to be directly responsible for the satellite sectors such as light novels, music, and animation, he still has to take the helm. Especially since the Pokémon game will be released early next year, the anime version of Ohara Nanako should also be taken seriously to avoid any toxic plots that suddenly appear and cause problems for the IP.

With a lot of things to do, Dongchuan Che works very hard every day.

Although the Holy Light Society has recruited many young talents from various prestigious universities and the society in the past two years, to put it bluntly, the Holy Light Society is like a collection of babies with great potential. The future is bright, but there are not enough cadres with strong combat capabilities at present.


Sometimes people really don’t know their limits unless they are pushed.

As the handheld game console segment began to operate, Miyano Miyano and Sato Fujiko also shifted their work focus from market operations to building an internal management team.

Promote a large number of talents!

In other companies, it usually takes three to four years to be promoted to a small leadership position. In Shengguang Society, as long as your work ability is indeed strong, you can be promoted after only one year!

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward!

As Miyano Mitsuha promoted several "veterans" who had just graduated from college two years ago but joined the Holy Light Society when it was first established last year to become section heads, and Fuyukawa Tetsu also stated at the company meeting at the end of the month that the company urgently needed to promote a group of management due to expansion, the entire Holy Light Society was in an uproar!

What is the concept of section chief?!

Most Japanese companies still use the seniority-based system.

This not only requires employees to wait for years, but also because Japan is an aging society, most management positions in large companies are already occupied. Therefore, for young people in Japan, they not only need to wait for years, but also need to wait until their immediate boss retires or gets promoted before they have a chance to be promoted. Otherwise, there is no possibility of promotion at all because there are no vacant management positions.

In a top company like Shengguangshe with six or seven thousand employees, becoming a section chief before the age of thirty is already a godsend.

Yes, good luck from heaven!

When he was still in NTsoft, Fuyukawa Tetsu was the section chief at the age of 25, and was known as the "youngest section chief in NTsoft's history." But that was mainly because Miyano Mitsuwa was preparing to open up a movie game track, and there were extra positions for team leaders and section chiefs, which gave Fuyukawa Tetsu the opportunity to be promoted to section chief.

To put it bluntly, in today's severely aging Japan, the thing young people lack most is opportunities.

Desires are compounded by the opportunities to realize them. Needless to say, with the conclusion of the Holy Light Society company conference at the end of June, all the employees of the Holy Light Society were excited and full of energy!

In fact, because he was worried that these guys would work overtime and die suddenly, Fukawa Che even paid for it himself and required the company's employees to go to Tokyo Medical University Hospital for a physical examination every month. The result was...

These young guys in the company are working overtime even more crazily!

On the one hand, there are doctors to check, and on the other hand, although Fukawa Che asked employees to do physical examinations, he was mainly worried about problems. After all, he has always felt that he and his employees are just partners, not emotionally, and worrying about the health of employees is mainly a byproduct. However, leaders like him who care about the health of employees are still rare in Japan.

A scholar dies for a confidant!

This has directly boosted the enthusiasm of the entire company!

Sometimes Dongchuan Che worked overtime at night. At two or three in the morning, he would carry the sleeping Izumi Himawari on his back and take the yawning Sayoko and the others to the parking lot. When they were ready to go home, he could see that some floors were still brightly lit.

He went to find the security guard on duty and asked him to go up and remind the guys who were working overtime crazily. Only then did they turn off the lights and go to sleep.

With such a warm working atmosphere, the work progress naturally increases rapidly.

"Don't Starve" was just launched as a project at the end of May, and it had already entered the final stage of bug fixing and optimization in early July.

When an advertisement like "Fuyukawa Tetsu's new work - Don't Starve, will be released next week" appeared on the homepage of the GOGO platform, the entire gaming community was shocked! How could a game be launched at the end of the previous month and released this month?

The players were all stunned!

Just kidding, although they knew that Dongchuan Che was very fast at making games, they thought that the game "Don't Starve" would probably not be available until the end of the year. But it's only been a month, and the World Cup hasn't even ended yet!

Players all over the world were excited, and as they were ecstatic, a video that [revealed] the [inside story] of the Holy Light Society began to spread wildly on major video sites.

There is nothing special about this video. It is just that an employee of the Holy Light Society posted his daily work schedule at the Holy Light Society on a short video website like TikTok.

The beginning of the video seems pretty normal. A girl wakes up at 9am, goes to the company cafeteria for breakfast at 10am, and then from 4pm to 5pm is the [lunch break] after their group negotiates work with other groups.

Everything in the video up to this point is normal. Many netizens in the barrage said that they envy this kind of working environment where they can sleep until 9 am and continue to sleep in the afternoon.

In particular, this working group also raised two cute kittens, and the working environment was very comfortable. However, as the video continued, many people were confused. Other companies got off work at around 5 pm, but the girl who recorded the video had dinner in the company cafeteria and then returned to her workstation.

To be honest, when I saw this, the atmosphere of the barrage was still relatively normal, just lamenting that it is not easy to make money. But at the end of the video, I saw that this girl didn't get off work until about 3:00 a.m., and then she lay down the recliner in front of her workstation very familiarly, and slept in the company with several other Shengguangshe employees who also did not go home, and the whole barrage area exploded.

I go to bed at four in the morning and get up at nine in the morning, including a nap, which means I only sleep six hours a day!

One stone caused a thousand waves!


In terms of public opinion guidance, there was nothing unusual.

Although at the beginning there were indeed many netizens who attacked the Holy Light Society and Dongchuan Che on the Internet, calling him a black-hearted boss!

Competitors also took the opportunity to hire trolls to stir up trouble, but Miyano Mitsuha and Sato Fujiko were no pushovers. As soon as the trend came out, they took very decisive measures to deal with it - posting a video of Fuyukawa Che working on weekdays, and at the same time having an ordinary employee of the company post a video of a pay slip recording several months' salary.

The intensity of work in the Holy Light Society is indeed extremely terrifying, but to be honest, Asians are indeed the most enduring race in the world.

This is not a derogatory Confucian cultural circle, but because many countries in East Asia have experienced thousands of years of agricultural society. The characteristic of agricultural civilization is to endure, from spring planting to autumn harvest. As long as there is a good harvest in autumn, the hardships encountered in spring, summer and winter are worth it for farmers.

Although Japan has long ceased to be an agricultural civilization, this kind of thinking habit is not so easy to get rid of.

You should know that before the economic bubble burst, Japan's manufacturing industry was very developed and it was one of the world's top industrial powers. Honda Toyota cars, Panasonic washing machines, Toshiba Sony TVs, these things were sold all over the world at that time! At that time, there was no fully automatic production line, and they were produced purely by Japanese workers on the assembly line.

Such a small island country can produce products that can meet the needs of the whole world, and even put pressure on the US manufacturing industry. It is obvious that the Japanese are not incapable of hardship, but the environment has changed, and the rewards for hard work will no longer be so great.

By the same token, the intensity of work in the Holy Light Society is indeed extremely exaggerated nowadays. However, when you see that an ordinary employee who has just joined the company receives over 300,000 yen in overtime pay every month, and that the old employees who joined the company last year receive more than several million yen in dividends at the end of the year, the voices shouting "Dongchuan is an old thief with a black conscience" disappear. Although there are still some water armies who take money to do things and shout there, no one listens.

Even many college students, after seeing their pay slips, are clamoring to come for an interview when Shengguang Society recruits new members next year.

Especially when the video of Toru Dongchuan's daily work was released, the whole network was boiling when people saw that the big president Toru Dongchuan often worked overtime until late at night, and occasionally when he had a midnight snack, he would also order a portion for the employees who were working overtime!

The name [Dongchuan Old Thief] gradually turned into strange nicknames such as [Model Worker Dongchuan] and [Dongchuan Ox Horse].

What’s even more interesting is that this happened a few days before the release of Don’t Starve, and the online trolls were leading the trend, with some attention focused on Don’t Starve, trying to ruin the game and associate it with the term “exploitation of workers”. However, due to the reversal of public opinion, Don’t Starve has inexplicably become a hit.

On the first day of the game’s release, including pre-sales a week in advance, sales reached three million!

Three million units sold on the first day!

It was a terrifying number that shocked game developers all over the world! The Holy Light Society was in an uproar, especially the rookies who had just joined the team this year and were transferred to the Don't Starve development team by Toshikawa Che. They all wanted to erect a monument for Toshikawa Che!


With sales of three million on the first day, it is certain that this game will sell over ten million copies.

With sales of tens of millions of sets, even if the dividend ratio given by Dongchuan Che is relatively low because they are new apprentices, how many young people who have just entered the workplace can get company dividends! And even if this dividend is low, in the face of such huge sales, it is equivalent to several months of their salary!


During this time, I have learned some skills and gained some experience in the company, and I can also get dividends!

What's more, this can add a highlight to your resume!

There are so many game professionals around the world, but how many of them have participated in the production of works that have sold over 10 million copies? !

After the release of "Don't Starve", the entire company was filled with a festive atmosphere, but Toru Dongchuan was not too happy.

On the one hand, he knew that with the quality of the game "Don't Starve", even in this world, the sales volume would not be bad. On the other hand, although the sales volume of "Don't Starve" was high, it was a low-budget work, and the unit price was not high, about seven dollars per copy. Even if it reached 30 million copies, after deducting various costs and employee salary dividends, he would only get a few tens of millions of dollars. It would be better to give Izumi Himawari a concert.

The main purpose of making this game is to pave the way for future handheld game consoles and enrich the game lineup of future handheld games.

Instead of caring too much about the sales of "Don't Starve", Dongchuan Che went to find the girl who posted the video, who was the "culprit" of the recent rhythm.

It must be said that as an ordinary employee, she was suddenly summoned by the president, and she had caused trouble for the company some time ago. This girl was so panicked that her legs went weak as soon as she entered the president's office.

When Dongchuan Che, who was typing on the keyboard behind his desk and working on documents, said "Sit down first" without even raising his head, the girl with a silly look knelt down with a plop in front of Dongchuan Che's confused eyes.

A very formal dogesuit, with the little butt raised high in the pleated skirt.

Seeing her like this, Dongchuan Che was also stunned for a moment. To be honest, because of the video posted by this girl, although "Don't Starve" unexpectedly became popular, it did bring a lot of trouble and risks to the company before. However.

Dongchuan Che claimed that he was an evil capitalist, but he was not a slave owner who exploited his employees for money and wanted to gain control over their bodies. He always felt that he and his employees were in a cooperative relationship, and he didn't like to think about "what ifs".

The fact is that this girl's video made "Don't Starve" popular, and this girl's video did not reveal any company secrets and there was no breach of contract, so he naturally was too lazy to PUA her.

This time he called this girl over, on the one hand he wanted to ease her nervousness, on the other hand this girl's videos were quite interesting and spiritual, so he planned to transfer her to the marketing department.

Dongchuan Che lived in Bengbu and was about to say something, but at this moment, the door of the president's office was pushed open again. Izumi Himawari walked in humming a little tune. During this period of time, the World Cup was very popular, and her new album was also very popular. She was praised by fans every day, so she was in a good mood recently.

As soon as she entered the room, she was about to act coquettishly towards Dongchuan Che, but at this moment, she saw the female employee sitting down in front of the desk.

In the president's office, the president and the shivering female employee sitting down, especially this female employee who is pretty.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the president's office changed.

Seeing that Izumi Himawari's face was starting to freeze, the distressed Dongchuan Che was ready to explain. At this time, the cute female employee was probably too nervous, or she saw that Izumi Himawari had misunderstood everything, so...

In the confused eyes of Fuyukawa Che and Izumi Himawari, this cute Japanese female employee was so nervous that she couldn't catch her breath. Her eyes turned into mosquito coil circles and she fainted.



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