With Futaba Koyama coming over as the deputy team leader of the Don't Starve development team, Toru Fuyukawa was indeed relieved. But what surprised him was that Futaba Koyama, who used to like to look up information on her own to solve problems, had come to him more often recently, and occasionally came to the president's office in the afternoon with a notebook.

It was a rather strange change, and Dongchuan Che was a little curious, but the first thing he had to deal with right now was the issue of building a factory for handheld game consoles.


"I didn't expect you to like a large SUV like the Cayenne. I thought you would buy a compact sports car like Mei Ting."

Porsche 4S store in Ginza, Tokyo.

Watching the sales lady excitedly running to make an order, not caring about the surprised and envious looks of passers-by, Dong Chuan Che, who was sitting by the window, smoked a cigarette and talked casually.

Akiyama Kaori, who was sitting opposite, took a sip of coffee and said with a smile, "When I first started college, I was working at the Akiyama family. I was mainly responsible for some grassroots work, so I occasionally helped carry various materials and model equipment. A small car was not convenient. As a result, I got used to driving a big car."

Akiyama Kaori kept talking, and her eyes looking at Fuyukawa Che were full of sweetness. Although a top-of-the-line Porsche Cayenne is only tens of millions of yen, it is a drop in the bucket for Fuyukawa Che now, but... For gifts, it doesn't matter whether they are expensive or not, the key is who gives them.

Thinking that she just casually said a few days ago, "Are you going to Kyoto in a few days? Then I'll go to Fujiko to borrow a car," and today Fuyukawa Tetsu took her out to buy a car. Akiyama Kaori enjoyed this feeling of being valued.

Feeling the change in her eyes, Dongchuan Che smiled and said, "Why are you so easily moved? It's just a car. You can afford it even if you pay for it yourself."

"You are such a straight man. If other men gave a woman a luxury car, they would definitely take the opportunity to show their affection to her. You really don't understand romance."

Akiyama Kaori pouted her lips coquettishly, but at this moment, Fuyukawa Che leaned forward and gently kissed her red lips.

"Does this count as understanding?"

"Oh! It's so annoying! There are so many people here!"

Being kissed in public, Akiyama Kaori's face instantly turned red, and she looked around quickly. It was obvious that because the two of them had just paid in full for a top-of-the-line Porsche Cayenne, the employees and many customers in the 4S store were paying attention to this side.

To be honest, after being in charge of the Qiushan Group for so long, she has long been accustomed to the feeling of being noticed, and she is even known for her generous style. However.

It’s just like when you were a student, you usually felt nothing during classes in the classroom, but if one day you suddenly developed a crush on a girl in the class, sometimes when you passed by her seat, even your walking posture would become distorted with nervousness.

It's the same now.

Akiyama Kaori was so shy that her fair little hands were clenched on her knees.

Feeling her shyness, Dongchuan Che found it very interesting, but he did not continue to tease Akiyama Kaori. Instead, he flicked the ash from his cigarette and said with a smile: "By the way, the current situation of Akiyama Group is not good. Not only are many old employees ready to come out with you, but because of the business adjustment of NICO, Akiyama Group has also suffered a major blow in terms of business. Is there anything I can do?"

When talking about serious matters, especially the affairs of the Akiyama Group, Akiyama Kaori's big eyes, as bright as black gemstones, gradually became serious, and more complex emotions emerged in her eyes.

The Akiyama Group is considered a well-known large family in Kyoto. However, with the chaos in the top management caused by the death of Akiyama Kumohachi, the eldest son Akiyama Makoto and the fang-baring Akiyama Ryunosuke are fighting for the position of chairman every day; plus, NICO has also made business adjustments to deal with the threats from Big Silver and the Future Holy Light Society, resulting in a sharp drop in the Akiyama family's current order volume.

With internal and external troubles, the Akiyama family is now in a precarious situation.

At this stage, if Akiyama Kaori wanted to take revenge on the Akiyama family, she could encircle and suppress them with the help of Fuyukawa Che, and the Akiyama Group would have almost no chance of survival. However, thinking of the past, Akiyama Kaori's mood was also very complicated.

If Akiyama Yunpachi had not asked her parents to do that mission, she would not have lost her parents when she was born. What's more, no matter what difficulties there were, Akiyama Yunpachi did adopt the method of sacrificing pawns to save the king in the end.

For Akiyama Kumoya, the foundation of the Akiyama family is more important, but for Akiyama Kaori, they are her only biological parents. And she also knows all the things that Akiyama Ryunosuke did behind her. But on the other hand, whether it is out of guilt or for some other reason, Akiyama Kumoya is really good to her and has always treated her as his own daughter.

A mixture of gratitude and hatred.

Very complicated emotions.

Akiyama Kaori hesitated for a while, then shook her head sadly, "Forget it, let the past be the past. I don't want to have anything to do with the Akiyama family anymore."

Her tone was very lost, and there was a look of heartache in Dongchuan Che's eyes.

He actually knew that Akiyama Kaori would feel uncomfortable if he talked about the Akiyama family at this time. But Akiyama Kaori was fully responsible for the business of the handheld game console segment, and the two of them were going to Kyoto today.

When I go to Kyoto to discuss the handheld game console business, what should I do if I run into someone from the Akiyama family?

Will Kaori Akiyama still miss the old times?

Will Kaori Akiyama want to take revenge on the Akiyama family?

Whether to continue to cooperate with Akiyama Group or completely abandon Akiyama Group, he, Fuyukawa Che, actually respects Akiyama Kaori's choice, and he doesn't care what will happen to the Akiyama family. But the premise of everything is that before discussing things, he hopes to understand Akiyama Kaori's ideas first, and to form a united front internally first, so as to avoid some unnecessary troubles later.

A simple example is that he, Fuyukawa Tetsu, doesn't really care what attitude Akiyama Kaori takes towards the current Akiyama family. Whether it's nostalgia or revenge, he supports it. But Akiyama Kaori doesn't know what he thinks. What if Akiyama Kaori mistakenly thinks that he, Fuyukawa Tetsu, hates the Akiyama family, but Akiyama Kaori herself is a little nostalgic? At that time, Akiyama Kaori will be caught in the middle and it will be difficult for her to be a human being.

What if Akiyama Kaori thought that Fuyukawa Che still wanted to continue cooperating with the Akiyama Group and borrow the mature industrial chain of the Akiyama Group, but she herself wanted to cut off ties with the Akiyama family? Then, she would be caught in the middle and it would be difficult for her to do anything.

We are all family, there is no need to be hesitant about some things, just talk it out directly.

However, this approach is also somewhat cruel, because Dongchuan Che has also opened up the scars of Akiyama Kaori.

If it were a simple-minded woman, she would have probably started to yell "Do you care about my feelings?" But it was obvious that Akiyama Kaori understood Fuyukawa Tetsu's intention. She knew that Fuyukawa Tetsu was thinking about her, and she also felt that Fuyukawa Tetsu regarded her as a family member who didn't need to worry too much when speaking.

It's a great feeling to be cared for, accepted and trusted.

As a woman who had just lost everything, she could not bear the delicacy and care that her beloved man inadvertently revealed.

So, under the gaze of Toru Fuyukawa with his eyes widened slightly, Akiyama Kaori's eyes began to turn slightly red.

"Hey, hey, hey, is it really that serious? There are so many people here!"

Dongchuan Che quickly took out a tissue and handed it over, with a very panicked expression on his face.

Knowing that Dongchuan Che was just trying to make her happy, Akiyama Kaori burst into laughter. She quickly took the tissue, wiped away the tears that had just dripped out of her eyes, sniffed her little nose, and then said fiercely: "It's all your fault! I just came out to buy a car, but you still have to make me cry! Humph, I don't want to pay attention to you!"

Akiyama Kaori shook her chin proudly. Dongchuan Che, who was very panicked just now, smiled widely, "Come on, you are already 28 or 29 years old, why are you still acting like a child?"

“!!! You’re looking for a fight!”

Women over 23 or 24 are actually more reluctant to talk about their age. The same goes for Akiyama Kaori, but it's obvious that she knows that Fuyukawa Tetsu won't look down on her age, and this is just a flirtation between the two of them. She was just about to grab Fuyukawa Tetsu's face, but a moment later, she was hugged by Fuyukawa Tetsu.

The two of them played around for a while, until more and more people were looking at them, and Akiyama Kaori finally came to her senses. She straightened her clothes and sat back on the sofa, then glared at him with a little embarrassment, "Really, don't mess around outside!"

"You women are unreasonable. It was obviously you who started it first."

Dongchuan Che was thick-skinned and didn't care about the looks of passers-by at all. He just smiled and shrugged. Seeing that Akiyama Kaori was about to get angry again, Dongchuan Che smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll accompany you to make trouble in the car later. There are so many people here now, let's talk about business first. When will the people we met today arrive?"

"You still remember to talk about business, you big pervert."

Akiyama Kaori adjusted the hem of her hip skirt that had just been secretly wrinkled by Fuyukawa Che, smiled and rolled her eyes, then said, "Some of the department's managers and senior workers have no big problems, I can handle them all. But as for the suppliers, I contacted Samsung and Sharp for the screen, Samsung and KIOXIA for the memory, and the head of Nvidia's Japan region for the graphics chip."

Akiyama Kaori kept talking, while Fuyukawa Che was smoking, squinting his eyes, and listening quietly.

Shengguangshe wants to build its own handheld game console factory, and is mainly responsible for the assembly process. Parts such as display screens and batteries are purchased directly from other manufacturers. Currently, there are only a few or no electronic terminal manufacturers in the world that can fully produce all the parts of their own products.

Just like the iPhone, Apple is good at systems and chips, but it still buys OLED screens from Samsung, and the memory is also provided by Samsung, Hynix and other big manufacturers, and the semiconductors are purchased from TSMC in Taiwan. There are also many domestic manufacturers in China, including BOE, which is responsible for panels, which are parts suppliers for Apple phones.

Even components such as panels, screens, memory sticks, and batteries are processed by lower-level factories and then sent to upstream factories with stronger technical capabilities for assembly and production.

Although public opinion is now talking about the disintegration of globalization, leaving aside political issues, from the perspective of electronic products alone, the form of global division of labor is still the mainstream, because no electronic terminal manufacturer can be completely self-sufficient in producing all the components needed for its own products.

Similarly, although Shengguangshe can develop the system, it cannot make the screen, the battery, or the graphics card chip. These things can only be negotiated with suppliers of various brands.

These supplier brands are distributed all over the world, but Kyoto has a very complete electronic industry production chain, and various international big-name suppliers also have branches in Kyoto. However, these big names are real big names.

Not to mention Samsung.

A multinational group, one of the four largest chaebols in South Korea, with a market value of over 300 billion US dollars, the group's market value is even larger than the entire gaming industry. When Sharp was acquired by Wanshicon in Taiwan a few years ago, the acquisition price was 6 billion US dollars. As for Japan's KIOXIA, the predecessor of this manufacturer was Toshiba Memory Group, which belonged to Mitsui Group, one of the six largest chaebols in Japan, with a market value of 30 billion US dollars.

As for Nvidia.

Anyone who knows about this thing will understand that its market value is higher than the total value of DGP in South Korea last year.

These are all truly giant companies, but Dongchuan Che is no less powerful.

On the one hand, he was not going to meet the CEOs of these companies, and even if he did, he would not be afraid, after all, these groups are huge. But just like SATE and Juyin, the market value of each sector is not too exaggerated, and there is still a big gap between the working emperor and the capitalist. His net worth of several billion dollars can be regarded as a real upper-class society.

Secondly, he is a buyer, and there are alternatives to these merchants on the market.

This is why any person with normal intelligence will oppose dictatorship and monopoly. Because in an environment without monopoly, the weaker party will not be easily eaten up. However, even so, the negotiation is still not going to be easy.

There is no other reason. This kind of business negotiation in the supply chain has always been a matter of repeated tugs and tests. After all, a higher or lower unit price would seem very exaggerated given the huge throughput.

It's a very troublesome matter, and this matter will be handled entirely by Kaori Akiyama.

Dongchuan Che was a little worried, mainly because he thought that Akiyama Kaori had just experienced the blow of the Akiyama family, and suddenly received such a stressful job, and she might not be able to bear it mentally. However, under his gradually smiling gaze, Akiyama Kaori became more and more excited and motivated as she spoke.

“Does the greater the pressure, the more motivated you become?”

"As expected, I was able to get along with Mei Ting and the others so quickly. They are essentially the same type of women."

Dongchuan Che had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but after seeing Akiyama Kaori's fighting spirit, he was completely relieved. The two chatted about some work matters, and soon, the sales lady and the manager came over attentively.

Normally, since the car was picked up with full payment and the contract was already completed, the manager of the 4S store didn't need to be too enthusiastic. However, when signing the contract, the manager recognized Dongchuan Che. Then, the service enthusiasm was immediately raised to the maximum.

This was not because the manager was a fan of Dongchuan Che's game, but because when "Old Man Ring" was sold out and the company was determined to expand, Dongchuan Che went to Rolls-Royce and ordered ten top-of-the-line Cullinans at once! They were specially used for the company's reception and for the management to run business.

To be honest, it is normal for a company to send cars to management, but how many companies would order so many luxury cars at one time! You know, a Cullinan is worth more than 100 million, nearly 200 million yen!

With ten cars, you can make a ton of money from commissions!

Not to mention that Dongchuan Che also equipped many other slightly cheaper models for ordinary employees to use when doing business. After all, Shengguang Club is not only engaged in games now. The reason why Dongchuan Che bought Cullinan instead of other brands of luxury cars is mainly because of Sayoko's good sister, Keiko, whose brother is a salesperson in a Rolls-Royce 4S store.

At that time, this incident caused a sensation in all the 4S stores in Tokyo. Some managers were envious, some were jealous, but all the car sellers reached a consensus, that is, Toru Fuyukawa was a super super big money sponsor!


Sometimes salespeople are too enthusiastic and difficult to deal with.

In the end, under the jealous gaze of Akiyama Kaori, Dongchuan Che, who was surrounded by a group of beautiful female saleswomen and asked about their well-being, quickly took her away and drove towards Kyoto.

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