Akiyama Unpachi is dead.

This piece of news was like a depth bomb, which stunned all the colleagues in Kyoto!

Although in the upper circles, the Akiyama family cannot be considered as the top giant enterprise, and cannot have the kind of dominant influence that "an important decision is made within my company, and the whole industry and even the world will be shaken the next day", but the Akiyama Group is definitely not a small factory.

The total market value of Akiyama Group is close to 2 billion US dollars. Its main business is electronic parts processing. There are more than 20,000 employees in its factories. It is one of Kyoto's iconic enterprises. Many young people from other places come to Kyoto. If they want to work on the production line, they will consider Akiyama Group first.

As the person who has been in power of the Akiyama Group for more than sixty years, he started working for the group at the age of sixteen, became the deputy manager of the Akiyama Group at the age of twenty-two, and became the president of the group at the age of twenty-eight. He saw the development trend of the game industry and led the Akiyama Group to transform during the Japanese economic bubble era. As a result, the Akiyama family not only did not completely decline due to the economic bubble that year, but instead moved to a higher level. It was Akiyama Yunpachi!

In fact, in the 1980s, when SATE just separated from NICO, Akiyama Yunpachi wanted to invest in SATE. If he hadn't been stopped by a few old antiques in the Akiyama family at that time, saying "Don't offend NICO", "Eat your meal one bite at a time", and "Unfilial son!", the Akiyama family would actually be even more powerful now!

Although all the forces in Kyoto were caught off guard by the sudden death of such a legendary figure, they all came to mourn quickly.


"You said that the old lion really died of natural causes?"

"It's hard to say. Although Old Qiushan has been in poor health over the years, he suddenly passed away at this critical juncture."

The main hall of the Akiyama family.

The main hall, which used to be a place for community gatherings, was now converted into a mourning hall. Several old ladies in black veils were kneeling beside the hall crying. People came and went to burn incense one after another. The atmosphere of the whole mourning hall was depressing and sad.

After offering incense, two of the chubby middle-aged men glanced at Akiyama Makoto, who had a bandage on his head and a very sad face. They all walked towards the courtyard while discussing in a low voice.

Akiyama Yunpachi was over 80 years old this year, and his sudden death was actually not too surprising.

But the problem is that this is a very delicate time!

A few days ago, the Akiyama family had just leaked news that Akiyama Kumohachi would announce Akiyama Kaori as the new generation leader of the Akiyama Group at the group meeting next week. And most people also knew that Akiyama Kaori was not in Kyoto these two days, but went to Tokyo to meet Fuyukawa Tetsu.

Let me put it bluntly.

As long as Akiyama Kaori takes the position of president of Akiyama Group and cooperates with Fuyukawa Tetsu, who is currently in the limelight, then in the eyes of outsiders, Akiyama Kaori's position will be unshakable for at least two or three years, at least before Fuyukawa Tetsu's handheld game console is made and the sales results are released. This also means that Akiyama Makoto has very few opportunities.

But at this time, Akiyama Yunpachi passed away!

Although the official examination results from all sides have come out, Akiyama Yunye did die of natural causes, not homicide, but

What a coincidence!

There were many people who shared the same idea as the two fat presidents. After burning incense, most people would glance at Akiyama Makoto. But including the two fat presidents, most people did not focus on the cause of Akiyama Yunpachi's death.

Although it is cruel, the fact is that not many people care about how Akiyama Kumoya died now.

It's not that everyone present is a cold-blooded monster. Although the family ties in such a complex family are indeed very thin; although the relationship between businessmen is more based on the exchange of interests, normal people will feel a little depressed when seeing a familiar face die. It's just that now they care more about their own interests.

Akiyama Yunpachi has passed away, which also means that Akiyama Makoto will inherit part of the shares!

Shares, or equity, have three lifelines.

They are 34%, 51%, and 67% respectively.

A 34% controlling stake will give you a veto power at the shareholders' meeting!

At the same time, according to the principle that [ordinary matters require more than 51% of shareholders to vote in favor, while major decisions such as amending the company's articles of association require more than 66.67% of shareholders to vote in favor], a 51% stake also means full control! Because the veto power of a 34% stake is generally not effective for ordinary resolutions.

As for the 67% controlling stake, it is also called absolute controlling stake. Once the controlling stake reaches 67%, the board of directors will become a one-man show because there will be no 34% veto power. The one-man show will have the final say on both ordinary and major matters!

Previously, the shareholding structure of the Akiyama Group was that Akiyama Yunpachi held 67% of the shares, and he had the final say. However, as he grew older, Akiyama Yunpachi began to distribute his shares to his children.

The current shareholding structure of the Akiyama Group is that Akiyama Kunpachi holds 41% of the shares, Akiyama Makoto holds 15% of the shares, Akiyama Ryunosuke holds 8% of the shares, and Akiyama Kaori holds 3% of the shares.

Akiyama Yunpachi has a veto power, and the four of them together hold more than 67% of the shares! Previously, the Akiyama family was dominated by Akiyama Yunpachi, but now there is a problem.

Akiyama Makoto originally held 15% of the shares. If he inherits most of Akiyama Yunba's shares and his shareholding ratio reaches 34%, he will have the veto power over Akiyama Kaori's succession to the position of president!

The possibility of this happening is very high because Akiyama Yunpachi has only two sons, Akiyama Makoto and Akiyama Ryunosuke.

Although Akiyama Ryunosuke has strong business capabilities, on the one hand, his health is very poor. Secondly, he is not only the product of Akiyama Kumoya's marriage, but also has never been loved by Akiyama Kumoya. More importantly, Akiyama Ryunosuke's mother is the eldest daughter of the Takeuchi family, another major force in Kyoto.

Will Akiyama Yunpachi support Akiyama Ryunosuke, who has a lot of DEBUFFs, to take the top position?

Most people don't think so.

If the majority of shares cannot be given to Akiyama Ryunosuke, then they can only be given to Akiyama Makoto. After all, the blood relationship between Akiyama Kaori and Akiyama Kumohachi is very weak. Once Akiyama Makoto takes over, Akiyama Kaori will definitely have no future in the Akiyama family.

"The Akiyama family is going to be in chaos."

"It would be better if more shares were given to Ryunosuke. With him supporting the Akiyama family, it would definitely be much better than if Cheng took over."

"In fact, it would be better if Kaori took the position. Unfortunately, she is not a direct descendant of the Akiyama family, so she will definitely not get any shares. Oh, I was thinking that if the Akiyama family cooperated with that Tokyo-based Fuyukawa Che, we would be able to get more orders in the next two years, but I didn't expect that."

"Yeah. SATE and NICO's game consoles only came out last year, and it will probably take another six or seven years to wait for the next generation. If that Dongchuan Che had entered the market and disrupted things at this time, our lives might have been better. What a pity."

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. The suicide note hasn't even been read yet. What if there's a twist?"

At the small stone table in the courtyard, several presidents were sighing.

Although Akiyama is doing orders for NICO, the raw material processing of many of Akiyama's products also requires cooperation with other manufacturers. Those companies that take orders from Akiyama naturally hope that Akiyama can become bigger and stronger and get more orders.

However, not everyone just sits there and sighs.

At present, the most critical will has not been released, so some people are still looking forward to seeing if there will be a new twist! Moreover, Akiyama Kaori is currently on her way back!

Mars hits the Earth!

Some people are just watching the show, some are looking forward to the contents of the will, and some want to see whether Kaori Akiyama will have a fight with Makoto Akiyama after she comes back!

Everyone had their own plans, and for a moment, the atmosphere in the Akiyama compound, which was covered with white silk and where Akiyama Yunpachi's body was parked, became strangely lively. Not long after, with the sound of a sudden brake coming from outside the compound, the whole compound was boiling!

"Is Akiyama Kaori back?!"

“The fun is about to begin!”

"The car was driving so fast, she must be so angry that she is about to explode. The duck in her mouth flew away!"

"It's hard to say. I don't think she cares that much about the position of president of Akiyama Group. There have been many companies trying to poach her over the years. When Juyin and Sugimu were working on handheld game consoles, there was a rumor that Juyin wanted to poach her to be the director of the equipment department. Although the position of a director doesn't seem as high as that of a president, she is still a director of Juyin."

"Yeah, I feel like she's more panicked than angry right now. Hey! Someone's coming. Wait! What's going on?"

In the courtyard, several presidents were gossiping and looking forward to what would happen when Akiyama Kaori came in. However, under their confused gaze, Akiyama Kaori was stopped by a group of men in black as soon as she walked to the door! At the same time, Akiyama Makoto in the mourning hall also rushed out as if he had gone crazy!


"Sorry miss, you can't go in."

"What are you doing?! Get out of here right now! Do you know who you are talking to?"

At the door of the Akiyama family, with many passers-by looking on curiously, Akiyama Kaori had just got out of the car and was about to walk quickly into the yard, but at this moment, a row of men in black at the door suddenly walked up to her and stopped her.

Seeing this, Akiyama Kaori, with a gloomy face and strong sadness in her eyes, raised her hand and prepared to slap him. Fortunately, the short nanny next to her took the lead and protected her behind her, pointing at the black-clothed man's nose and scolding him!

The short wet nurse had no status in the Akiyama family, but Akiyama Kaori had a very high status.

Although these men in black were ordered to block her at the door, they dared not say a word. They all had an expression of "We are just following orders, please don't bear a grudge against us, young lady". Some of them even took a step back unconsciously when they saw the cold aura coming from Akiyama Kaori getting heavier. But at this moment, a sharp and extremely angry voice came from inside the door!

"You evil bastard! You killed my father, and now you dare to come back!!!"

With a roar, many of the onlookers who were being driven away by the men in black were startled. Under the wide-eyed gaze of everyone, including Akiyama Kaori, Akiyama Makoto rushed out with a face full of grief and anger!

The roar was extremely sad and angry, and so was his expression.

His face was filled with anger, his snot and tears were all mixed together, his eyes were full of bloodshot with resentment, and it was obvious that he was on the verge of emotional collapse.

She was stunned for a moment. Seeing Akiyama Makoto's expression, Akiyama Kaori was stunned for a moment.

It's not only because of Akiyama Makoto's appearance, but also because of Akiyama Makoto's words.

Did I kill my grandfather?

There was a hint of confusion in Kaori Akiyama's eyes, but her heart tightened in an instant!

Did he do something to frame me? !

But there is no reason. The police have determined that it was not homicide, but a sudden cerebral hemorrhage!

Besides, I have not been in Kyoto these days, so it is impossible for him to frame me at this time!

What's the meaning!



But just when Akiyama Makoto was about to say something, Akiyama Ryunosuke with long hair ran out.

"Boss, there are too many people here, let's go back and talk about it."

"No, I will never let this evil person set foot in our Akiyama family again!!!"

"You guys, bring Ah Cheng in."

Seeing Akiyama Makoto crying and still making trouble, and seeing more and more people watching the excitement, Akiyama Ryunosuke winked at the black-clad men next to him. The latter hurriedly dragged Akiyama Makoto, who had completely collapsed, back to the courtyard. This time, these black-clad men were no longer half-hearted like they were before with Akiyama Kaori, but were very tough!

Akiyama Kaori, who was in a state of confusion at the moment, did not notice this small detail. She just followed Akiyama Ryunosuke and walked quickly into the house. However, the short nanny next to her saw everything!

"Aren't these supposed to be the patriarch's people? Why are they so obedient to him?!"

The short nanny’s heart was filled with alarm bells ringing!

Although she was just a wet nurse, she had been in a large family with a complex internal structure like the Akiyama family for decades. Her business ability might not be good, but she was much more sensitive than ordinary people in terms of interpersonal relationships!

Although she didn't think it through clearly, she was still prepared to go to Kaori Akiyama to report the situation.

But at this time, Akiyama Kaori had already followed Akiyama Ryunosuke into the mourning hall and squeezed into the crowd of Akiyama family's aunts and uncles.

"What should I do? Should I tell Kaori-chan?!"

At this time, the mourning hall was full of relatives of the Akiyama family, and outsiders could not enter at all. Moreover, the old head of the family had not yet cooled down his body, and she was not sure what had happened. If she went in rashly and said something nonsense, it might cause trouble for Akiyama Kaori.

For a moment, the young nanny who was separated outside the mourning hall was so anxious that she jumped up and down. At this moment, a name that Akiyama Kaori had been mentioning every day during this period suddenly came to her mind.

"Ask that man, there must be no problem!"

Thinking of this, the nanny did not continue to confront him at the door of the mourning hall, but instead leaned over to take another look. Seeing that although Akiyama Kaori was being yelled at by Akiyama Makoto, the situation did not seem to have deteriorated. She then quickly walked to an empty tree, looked around furtively a few times, and immediately took out her cell phone.

She didn't have Toru Fuyukawa's personal phone number, but as Akiyama Kaori's nanny and personal secretary, she still had the phone number of the front desk of the Holy Light Society.

"Hello, I'm Shinomiya from the Akiyama family, Shinomiya Kirino. Yes, I'm Vice President Akiyama's personal secretary. Is your president here? I have something urgent to talk to him about! Oh, okay, please hurry up!"

The front desk lady at Shengguang Club said "wait a minute" from the other end of the line. The young nanny Shinomiya Kirino stood on tiptoe anxiously under the tree, holding the phone. After a while, a low voice came from the other end of the line: "Good afternoon, Director Kawaguchi, good afternoon, Senior Yohei. Oh, nothing, I'm just getting off work. The person on the phone said she is Miss Akiyama's secretary, I'm checking Ha Yi! Ha Yi! I'll get through to the president right away!"

A series of hurried voices flashed by, and a moment later, another call came in.

It was an unfamiliar phone call, but looking at the long string of numbers, the nanny obviously knew who it was from!

Thinking about really having to face someone like Dongchuan Che, the young nanny became a little nervous. She swallowed and answered the phone.

"Private Masai! Excuse me, is this Mr. Fuyukawa?"

The tone was a little trembling, but soon, amid the nervousness of the young nanny, a somewhat low and mature male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, tell me what's going on."

"Is such that."

Unexpectedly, Dongchuan Che spoke so directly. The little nanny trembled all over and quickly reported everything she had just seen.

As she was nervous, there was silence for two seconds on the other end of the phone, and then a low male voice with a hint of anger and worry came out again.

"Try to tell Kaori that I'll be there in half an hour. No matter what happens, wait until I get here."

"Ha ha ha! I'll report right away!"

After the call ended, the nanny felt relieved and quickly followed Dongchuan Che's instructions to the mourning hall, ready to sneak in and tell Akiyama Kaori the information. However, just as she walked to the mourning hall, she seemed to have thought of something and clenched her fists slightly.

"Half an hour? The journey from Tokyo to Kyoto definitely takes more than half an hour."

"Did you leave early? Miss really found a man you can trust."

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