Tokyo: Being coveted by my wife, I just want to play games

Chapter 300: There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames

"Is this true? Over 2 billion to make an online game?!"

Although she knew that Dong Chuanche was a big shot, Pan Jiahui couldn't help but swallow her saliva when she saw the figure of "4 million US dollars" on the A project plan. Her eyes were full of shock, but besides shock, she was more puzzled.

There is no other reason, it's just that MMO online games are out of date.

This is not about the game's aesthetics or anything, it's simply that it's difficult to make money in this market.

The scale of the global gaming industry has been growing in recent years. This year, the market value of the global gaming market has increased by 13.8%, which is a gratifying growth. However, this increase mainly comes from mobile games. Currently, more than 55% of the market value of the gaming industry is provided by mobile games.

As the gaming industry moves forward as a whole, the market size of PC online games has not increased much, growing by only 3.2%.

Of course, this does not mean that PC online games cannot be made. The current market size of PC online games is still large, and the top ones can reach a revenue of more than one billion US dollars a year. But doing business in a fast-expanding market is definitely easier to make money than doing business in a slow-expanding market.

On the other hand, online games are different from stand-alone games in that they are a one-time deal. Online games are more similar to mobile games in that they are both continuously operated and need to grab users from other online games, because few people will play more than two online games at the same time. This means that competition in online games is far more intense than in stand-alone games.

In such a market, Dongchuan Che actually invested 300 million US dollars and more than 2 billion RMB.

"Is he getting cocky? Not really. From his debut till now, it seems like every step he takes is huge, but looking back, he's actually been very steady. Does that mean he's really confident in this World of Warcraft?"

Pan Jiahui was thinking frantically.

Dongchuan Che naturally didn't care about her thoughts. He just smoked, drank tea, and casually chatted with several team leaders about the contents of the project plan.

Are you kidding? This is World of Warcraft!

The greatest MMO online game in the entire history of games, no doubt about it!

It is true that World of Warcraft was already on the decline before he traveled through time, but in his opinion, this was normal. After all, World of Warcraft had been in operation for nearly 20 years at that time.

Games all have a lifespan, and in his opinion, this lifespan has nothing to do with the quality of the game.

There is not much difference between playing games and shooting airplanes. Both are for the purpose of obtaining positive feedback. However, reproduction is the most basic core desire of human beings and is also related to physiological factors. Therefore, shooting airplanes is much more enjoyable than playing games. But whether it is shooting airplanes or playing games, veteran players should know one thing, that is

If you play too much, it won’t be as fun as before.

In Dongchuan Che's opinion, the decline of "World of Warcraft" is indeed due to the decrease in PC users and the fact that the players at that time are no longer young and are forced to leave the game because they need to work hard to make a living, but it is more because the game is too old.

"World of Warcraft" releases a major version every year, but no matter how the version is updated, the core fun of World of Warcraft will never change, that is, killing monsters → exploding equipment → getting higher values ​​​​→ showing off values ​​​​through plug-ins, going around the street to envious of newbies or picking up girls, etc.

[I am better than others, which brings me a sense of superiority]

This is the positive feedback mechanism of the PVE section of World of Warcraft.

Superiority is not a derogatory term, it is part of human nature, and there is nothing wrong with the positive feedback mechanism of World of Warcraft. But the key is that World of Warcraft has been operating for too long, and every time a version is updated, the graduation equipment of the previous version is not as good as the green equipment of the new version.

This kind of routine that goes back to the days before liberation is fine if it happens once or twice, but it happens every year for more than a decade.

This will cause many players to no longer feel how awesome the awesome equipment is, and even lose the motivation to play dungeons.

Of course, in addition to equipment, there are also [mounts], [transmogrifications], [achievements], and even [a newbie gets lost in the map, I lead him out] and other cool points, but the essence of all of these is [the sense of superiority brought by having what others don’t].

After more than ten years of operation, there are very few new people. What you have, basically others also have. So how can you feel superior?

This is one of the reasons why World of Warcraft Classic is so popular. It’s not just because of the sentiment, but also because the Classic has reset everything.

No one would give a second glance if you rode a Phoenix in the official server. After all, after so many years of grinding, who doesn't have a Phoenix, except for the super-unlucky ones? But if you take out a Phoenix at the entrance of Orgrimmar in the classic server, you will immediately be the most handsome guy in the audience.

The feeling of superiority is the core pleasure of any online game with social attributes. Without this core pleasure, it is normal for the game to go downhill. And now Dongchuan Che wants to make a brand new "World of Warcraft", and it is a super-enhanced "World of Warcraft"!

"President! Please let our four teams take the core responsibility for the development of this game!!!"

Looking at the terms in the business plan, the leaders of Group 4 jumped three feet high, shouted excitedly, and waved the business plan wildly in their hands!

Unlike Pan Jiahui, although he was also excited about the $300 million production, he had been with Dong Chuan Che for so long, and he was more or less aware of his generosity. In addition, online games require many version upgrades. If the production period is three to five years, plus the follow-up of several expansion packs, the production cost of $300 million would be very high.

Of course, even if it includes several years of version changes, the production cost of 300 million US dollars is still very exaggerated, enough to make Pan Jiahui swallow her saliva, but this matter was proposed by Dongchuan Che after all, and the leader of Group 4 felt that it was acceptable.


He thought that the development cost of 300 million US dollars included the cost of version updates in the following years, so he was still able to focus on the project plan just now, but after reading a few pages, he was completely shocked!

There is no other reason, because of the development cost of 300 million US dollars.

That’s just the development cost of the first expansion pack!

With such a high development cost, how good will the graphics of this game be in the future? How rich will the game details be? !

If this game can be made, it will definitely shock the world!

Not only were the leaders of Group 4 frightened, but the leaders of the other groups present were equally frightened!

There were even a few particularly excited guys who came up to Dongchuan Che with the project plan in their hands, their faces flushed and their necks thick, looking so excited that they wanted to eat someone.

The whole office was in an uproar, but it was also normal.

The development cost of the first expansion pack of an online game is 300 million US dollars!

And that’s just the development cost, not including the promotion and marketing cost!

This is too exaggerated!

You have to know that although many games are said to have cost three or four hundred million or four or five hundred million yuan, there is a word game involved.

Most of the costs announced to the public include development costs and promotion costs, and the promotion costs of many games are even higher than the development costs.

For example, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the development cost of this game is million US dollars, and the publicity and marketing cost is million US dollars.

For example, the development cost of "The Elder Scrolls Online" was 1.2 million US dollars, and the publicity and marketing cost was million US dollars.

Of course, the development costs of these two games are relatively low mainly because they have previous games as a foundation and can reuse various materials. But basically speaking, for a large production with a development cost of over 1 million US dollars, the publicity and promotion costs are at least 1: with the development costs.

In other words, according to this lowest level of promotion and marketing standards, the total cost of the first expansion pack of World of Warcraft is almost more than 600 million US dollars!

For such an exaggerated large-scale production, not to mention how scary the future dividends will be, just being able to get a core development position in this project is enough to [go down in history]!

The team leaders were all so excited that some of them even exposed each other's secrets in order to win the job. They said things like "You almost didn't finish your project last month, and it was only with the help of our four teams that you were able to complete it. How can you be capable of doing such a big project!" and "Dad! As long as you give me this project, you will always be my dad!" Then they fell down from their seats.

It must be said that the working atmosphere in the Holy Light Society is indeed very active, and because the company is constantly expanding, everyone can make money, so the relationship between groups is not that stiff.

However, seeing several team leaders quarreling like children, even exposing each other's shortcomings and kneeling down to make requests, Pan Jiahui and others were also frowning, and felt that their "big brother" filter was broken. But.

They could also understand the reactions of these team leaders. After all, the development cost of the first expansion pack was more than 2 billion!

This number is really too exaggerated!

Who wouldn’t want to join this top project!

"Holy crap! Will they really let us in for this kind of project?!"

“God bless me, I hope I can be included in the core group!”

"If I can get into this project and get a resume, even if I don't get dividends, I will have to work hard for at least ten years in the future!"

For a moment, all the members of the Huaxia study group, including Pan Jiahui, looked at Dong Chuan Che eagerly.

The power is in hand.

One word is worth ten years of hard work!

Although he could feel the expectant looks of these girls, Dongchuan Che did not pay special attention to them. After all, he had been a leader for a long time and was used to these things.

He just flicked the ash on the ashtray with a smile, then clapped his hands at the team leaders and said with a smile: "Alright, alright, stop arguing now. I will still lead this project, and Futaba will be my deputy. However."

There was no suspense. When these words came out, the team leaders present were a little dispirited, but after hearing the last "however," they became excited again.

It feels like feeding a puppy with meat in hand.

Feeling the eager anticipation of these team leaders, Dong Chuan Che said with a smile: "This project is very important, and you don't have much experience in making online games, so I will definitely do the first expansion pack myself. However, I will launch a large expansion pack for this game every year, and the investment scale is also close to the first expansion pack, so who can get the baton from me later depends on your performance during this period."

As soon as these words came out, the whole office was in an uproar again.

There were even a few team leaders who were very close to him and had more eccentric personalities who were showing off by kissing Dongchuan Che's leather shoes. Naturally, they were kicked away by Dongchuan Che, who was in tears and laughed at the result.

However, looking at the people in the office who were full of fighting spirit, Dongchuan Che's eyes were filled with more smiles.

He expects the game World of Warcraft to be in operation for at least ten years, and it is certainly impossible for him to devote all his energy to one game during these ten years. He also has to make "Pokemon", "Asian version of that game 5" and even a fairy tale or martial arts game based on the specifications of Red Dead Redemption 2.

"take it easy."

Dongchuan Che wants to do a lot, but he also understands that he cannot become fat in one bite.

After letting the team leaders vent their emotions for a while, he began to arrange the Chinese study group, but there was nothing to be responsible for.

He didn't know the characteristics of these study group members, and he had no interest in taking the opportunity to get in touch with these beautiful girls with high education. It happened that the group leaders were here this time, so he could just let the two sides talk face to face.

Many girls were a little disappointed that they couldn't show their affection directly in front of Dongchuan Che, but after all, they were students and senior executives from various prestigious universities, and were personally selected by President Bao, so they were not so crazy as to be dazzled by rich and handsome guys.


There is indeed no shortage of talented people in China, it’s just that oranges grown in the south of the Huai River are not as good as oranges, while oranges grown in the north of the Huai River are not as good as tangerines.

They are all very capable, or at least have solid theoretical knowledge, which gives some comfort to those team leaders who were originally reluctant to bring in outsiders.

Everyone was chatting happily, and at this moment, the door of the president's office was knocked again.

Many people looked over and saw a cute little girl named F, leading a giant one-eyed white bear dog that was even bigger than her, at the door of the president's office. Behind the girl and the dog, there was a pure little girl in a white sweater and a lively little girl with a prosthetic left leg below the knee.

Three little girls and a dog.

The members of the Huaxia Study Group were all stunned until the group leaders next to them stood up, bowed slightly, and said things like "Good afternoon, Group Leader Xiaoshan" and "Nanako and Sayuri are here." Only then did they understand and quickly stood up to greet them.

"How about this, Amei, take them to the conference room to continue the discussion. If you have any questions, you can go directly to Meiting."


Ah Mei took the order and led everyone away. However, when they reached the door, many girls in the Huaxia study group, including the leader Pan Jiahui, looked with envy at Oohara Nanako and Sato Sayuri who were jumping and running towards Dongchuan Che.

“It turns out that some people are born in Rome.”

"I wish I had such a great brother-in-law."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Dongchuan doesn't seem to be as lustful as the rumors say."

"It seems so. He didn't pay attention to us just now. But speaking of it, did you see the muscle lines on Mr. Dongchuan's arms just now? You can see them through his shirt. Hey! Good afternoon, Ms. Hanoi!"

Several female students who graduated from Peking University and Tsinghua University were walking and chatting with some envy. Just as they were questioning Dongchuan Che's lustful heart, a beautiful woman with a plump body wrapped in an OL uniform and a gentle face walked out from the corner.

They didn't recognize her at first glance, but after hearing Ah Mei and several team leaders greeting each other, they quickly realized that this beautiful woman was Sayoko, so they quickly followed suit and bowed and greeted her.

When they saw Sayoko's plump big peach wrapped in black stockings and hip skirt, her fleshy yet slender and straight thighs, and the thick 36F snow-capped mountains that could be seen from the back, they also moved to Bengbu.

"Ahem, I take back what I just said."

"Hahaha, it turns out that there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. Everyone says that Mr. Dongchuan is a lecher, and there is a reason for that."

"Keep your voices down. I heard that this Hanoi lady is very popular. If you offend her, you're doomed!"

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