Kyoto Base City, a military broadcast center.

Jia Yi, dressed in formal attire, asked the person in charge of the broadcast center in front of him.

"How are the preparations for the declaration of war against the monsters, and what is the public's response?"

The person in charge replied respectfully.

"All preparations have been completed, and the public's reaction was as expected. There is great anger against the monster and a strong voice to expel the monster."

"Okay! Then prepare to announce the war to the whole country, and make sure that all major TV stations across the country broadcast it uniformly."


After the person in charge left, it didn't take long before all major TV stations, news broadcasts and other programs in the six major base cities and major satellite cities across the country began to broadcast uniformly.

"Next, there will be a broadcast to the whole country! Our Speaker Jia Yi of China will make an important speech to the whole country!"

All major military regions, enterprises, universities, and even all private companies across the country have received advance notice. Today the government will announce major decisions, and everyone must listen on time.

In the military camp, all the soldiers, except for necessary duty positions, were gathered together.

The military factory where Uncle Qing worked also stopped intense work, and all employees came to the square.

In the square, a huge open-air screen opens.

In a large enterprise, all employees went to the room with the playback equipment one by one under the arrangement of their superiors.

In the school, all the teachers and students are waiting in the classroom.

On the street, all the broadcasts, and almost all the equipment were under unified arrangements, and Jia Yi's voice came out at the same time.

"My Chinese compatriots:

I am here today to announce a major decision, a decision that affects everyone.

Since the emergence of the RR virus in January 2015, all life on earth has been infected, whether it is humans or birds and animals.

This is an extremely scary virus. Once infected, the mortality rate is extremely high, reaching 30%!

It was an extremely dark and sad day, and many of our loved ones left us at that time.

Just when we were immersed in the disaster, a bigger disaster happened.

In September 2015, countless monsters mutated in the virus launched an attack on us. They were everywhere on land, in the sky, and in the ocean.

First the coastal cities, then the inland cities, all our places of residence were attacked wildly by monsters.

These mutated monsters have hard scales and sharp claws, making it difficult for even thermal weapons to harm them!

Humanity's most powerful nuclear bomb has no effect. After killing a small number of monsters, it promotes the evolution of monsters.

In that battle, we suffered heavy losses and a large number of cities were destroyed.

In order to protect our people, we had no choice but to carry out the Great Migration. We built high walls and built six major base cities and major satellite cities.

In this process, countless people have sacrificed their lives, and countless heroic heroes have appeared.

There was Dong Nanbiao, who single-handedly killed a tiger-headed monster on the bank of the Yangtze River, rescued hundreds of thousands of people, and successfully transferred hundreds of thousands of people to a base city in the south of the Yangtze River, and died heroically.

There are also ordinary soldiers who sacrifice their entire unit to prevent monster attacks!

This is an extremely bloody and cruel battle.

This is not only true for China, but also for the whole world. In the battle with monsters, the only countries that can protect themselves are China, India, the United States, the European Union, and the Soviet Union.

Of more than 200 countries in the world, only five are left!

All island nations are destroyed!

To this day, the ocean is still the territory of monsters.

In the past eight years from 2013 to 2021, the war between humans and monsters has never stopped. We paid an extremely painful price and barely blocked the monster attacks.

Until the successful development of the ultra-high frequency laser cannon in March 2021, after successively killing multiple S-class monsters and two SS-class monsters, the all-out war between humans and monsters finally ended.

This is the Great Nirvana period that we have written into history, the biggest change in human history!

Although the total war ended, small-scale wars never stopped.

Last year alone, the Chinese Communist Party had one Level 7 beast tide, 18 Level beast tides, and Level beast tides.

Our war with monsters never ends!

Monsters have destroyed our cities and destroyed our homes, but they cannot destroy courage and will!

We have never stopped exploring the city and look forward to one day regaining the lost land!

Take back our home!

until today!

A turning point has appeared!

It's like the successful development of the ultra-high frequency laser cannon in March 2021, ending the all-out war with monsters!

Under the leadership of General Qin Mu, we successfully developed a new technology!

Monster breeding technology!

Under the leadership of General Qin Mu, we successfully mastered the technology of monster cultivation! "

At this point, Jia Yi's voice became extremely passionate, and an astonishing scene appeared on all screens across the country.

In an empty land, the earth trembled, huge holes were opened, and countless monsters like mantises crawled out of the caves.

They flapped their wings and took off together, covering the sky and the sun, and making terrifying chirping sounds.

In a cave, countless giant beetles with a body length of more than 5 meters crawled out. This giant beetle only has a pair of jaw teeth that are one meter long!


Among the giant beetles, a row of high-lord-level mammoths with a shoulder height of 37 meters and a body length of 72 meters, covered with thick scales, launched a charge. The terrifying pressure like giant mountains made people tremble all over.


The mammoth roared loudly!

When everyone across the country saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaim in fear. This scene had such a huge impact on them!

The next moment, the scene changed.

In the sky, countless giant poisonous bees with a wingspan of nearly two meters flew in. Amidst the buzzing sound, the light of the sun was covered up, and there was only a huge shadow on the earth.

Among the giant poisonous bees, a thunder dragonfly with a wingspan of more than ten meters was entrenched. Higher in the sky, dozens of black-crested golden eagles shuttled through the clouds.

Before people could react, the screen continued to zoom in, and the entire screen was occupied by countless monsters.

While everyone was still frightened by this scene, the next moment, everyone was shocked.

On the ground, a military team shuttled freely among countless monsters. Some soldiers even climbed on the backs of giant beetles and even mammoths to guide the direction of the monsters!

In the sky, military fighter planes appeared among the flying monsters, accompanied by thunder dragonflies and black-crowned golden eagles.

In the screen, Jia Yi's voice sounded again.

"Today, we have our own monsters! They are more ferocious, more united, and more powerful than other monsters!"

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