Over City 023, a golden flame condor flew across the sky.

Qin Mu jumped vertically from the back of the Golden Flame Condor and was suspended in mid-air when he was still a few meters away from the ground.

Currently, there are five level three mother nests in City 023, with more than 35 million Zerg. Under full incubation, Zerg units can be hatched in one day, making it the city with the most units in the entire Zerg swarm.

These days, they are killing monsters crazily, and the number of dead monsters exceeds tens of millions, which puts the entire 023 city in extreme turmoil.

Under such turmoil, most human warriors have left City 023 due to pressure, and only some self-sustaining and powerful ones are still wandering in the city.

This city can no longer accommodate so many Zerg units, and it is time to divert them.

Under normal circumstances, monster hunting is more about filling one's stomach and not meaningless killing.

But the insect swarm is different. All monsters encountered will be killed!

It can be called an extermination massacre.

This unusual situation has attracted the attention of the military and even many forces around the world.

But the time is still short, and most forces are still waiting and watching.

In the past, similar situations have occurred in a few cities.

In some cities, king-level monsters are born, or king-level monsters compete for territory, etc., and there will also be fierce fights between monsters.

After logging into the military network through the attached optical brain, Qin Mu used his authority to investigate the surrounding military teams.

Among the teams currently remaining in City 023, two are from the military, and both are led by the God of War.

These days, they discovered that some monsters were behaving strangely. After constantly hunting the monsters, they dragged them into the subway.

In the subway, monsters are constantly crawling out and hunting monsters everywhere.

This situation is obviously abnormal.

One of the teams tried to sneak into the subway, but was discovered by the swarm of insects. Amid the surging swarm of insects, they had no choice but to retreat.

Qin Mu did not let the insects chase them because he did not really want to kill them, but just drove them away.

The insect swarm is developing very fast these days, and he needs to take stock of the existing strength of the insect swarm before planning the next arrangements.

His mind linked the entire insect swarm, and the details of the insect swarm were summarized in his mind.

The insect swarm currently has a total of 30 broods, half of which have been promoted to third-level broods, and half are second-level broods.

The reason is that half, not all, advance to the third level of the nest.

The main reason is that the insect swarm itself does not have that much energy storage, which is not enough to support all the transformation and evolution of the mother nest.

Another reason is that some of these nests are located in relatively remote towns or in the wilderness, and the secondary nests are enough to deal with threats.

The current total number of insect swarms is around 1600 million, and is increasing at a rate of close to one million every day.

Most of these 1600 million Zerg are at the level of beast soldiers, and there are about 100 million at the level of beast generals. There are only 892 lord-level monsters, of which the majority are high-level lords.

The main reason for this is the lack of resources, otherwise all members would have to incubate the lord level.

Each lord-level monster, even an elementary lord-level monster, requires 10,000 points of energy.

Medium lord and high lord level monsters require more energy!

In the case of limited resources, reasonable allocation can only be carried out to strive for the optimal configuration.

A high-level beast soldier tiger Ao dog only requires 30 energy points, and a junior beast general tiger mastiff dog requires 500 energy points.

In the wilderness, hunting a junior beast soldier-level monster and sending a high-level beast soldier-level Zerg have almost the same effect as sending a beast-general-level Zerg.

Therefore, how to allocate resources reasonably and hatch Zerg with different strengths is very important when resources are insufficient.

The resources of the insect swarm are not only used to hatch insect units, but a considerable part is used to analyze the genes of various monsters and even various plants.

In addition to these, a part of energy needs to be stored for backup to prevent emergencies, which require a large amount of energy in a short period of time.

"The resources required to upgrade the third-level brood to the fourth-level brood are actually not 500,000 points, but 5 million!

The genetic data requirements for promotion are also much higher! "

Qin Mu frowned a little. Energy was easy to handle, but genetic data was troublesome.

Obviously, the promotion of a martial artist from the apprentice level to the planet level is a qualitative change and an evolution of the essence of life.

The evolution of the third-level mother nest into the fourth-level mother nest is also a qualitative change!

According to the performance of the brood, once it is promoted to the fourth-level brood, it means that king-level monsters, that is, planet-level monsters, can be hatched on a large scale.

If there is a level four mother nest on the earth, there is no need to fight the war with the monsters, just push it over.

If you want to advance to the fourth-level Brood, the genes of monsters at the level of general beast soldiers and even beast generals will no longer be of much use and can only be stored in the gene bank as genetic materials.

If the current insect swarm wants to advance, they need the genes of lord-level or even king-level monsters.

If you want to obtain the genes of lord-level or even king-level monsters on a large scale, there is only one way, and that is war!

A total war with the entire earth as the battlefield!

"1600 million is still too few. Once a full-scale war breaks out, even if it is only compared with the land monsters, it will not be enough."

Compared to the monsters on the entire planet, 1600 million is too few.

Just land monsters, their number is at least hundreds of billions, or even more!

This data is not an exaggeration. Of course, most of the monsters are very weak, only at the level of elementary beast soldiers.

For example, if a level 3 rat tide breaks out at random, there will be hundreds of millions of rat monsters, and there will be similar ant tides, bee tides, etc.

Not only that, there are also a large number of king-level monsters on the land.

Although there are not as many king-level monsters on land as there are in the ocean, there are at least hundreds of them!

As for the various monsters in the ocean, their number can only be counted in the trillions!

There are at least a thousand king-level monsters!

To face off against so many monsters, the number of insect swarms would have to be at least in the hundreds of millions.

Fortunately, the monsters are not all at peace with each other either.

“The size of the insect swarm needs to expand rapidly, so more mother nests are needed!

Now there are enough lord-level monsters in the insect swarm to open up a large number of nest bases in relative safety.

In this process, I also want to enslave as much as possible and transform Zerg into more king-level monsters. "

Qin Mu took inventory carefully.

"It's almost time to have a good communication with the military, once the war between the insects and monsters breaks out.

If the military is completely unaware, it will inevitably lead to misjudgment and unnecessary consequences. "

Qin Mu had a good impression of the military and a certain sense of belonging. He did not want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and casualties.

An important development direction for the swarm next is City 003. As the largest monster gathering center in the Eurasian continent, there are a large number of monsters there.

Not only that, City 003 is also a coastal city, where the insect swarms will enter the ocean.

The military built a war base on the Huangpu River to prevent monsters from entering the mainland along the Yangtze River.

These war bases not only block ocean monsters, but also block Qin Mu's Zerg from entering the ocean.

Now the underwater mother nest has hatched hundreds of thousands of underwater insect units in the waters of Taihu Lake.

If you don't say hello to the military in advance, when they enter the sea and pass the military's war base, a war will definitely break out.

Communication is one thing, how to say it is another.

It was impossible for him to tell the military directly that he had a clone of the insect swarm.

It’s okay that the earth hasn’t come into contact with the universe yet. After it comes into contact, it will be troublesome if it reaches the ears of some people.

After thinking for a while, Qin Mu suddenly smiled.

In fact, you don’t need to think too much about this issue. Some things are unclear and there is no need to explain them.

His previous status as an animal trainer was enough.

What you have to do is to show your strength!

When you are strong enough, you don't need to find reasons yourself, others will find reasons on their own.

All he had to do was reveal part of his strength to the top military officials and let them know that he had enslaved a king-level monster, the Flame Giant Lizard.

Not just a flame giant lizard, he can enslave many more and transform them into several king-level monsters.

There is no monster king among the monsters on land, and the strongest ones will not be Qin Mu's opponent.

"Set a small goal first, spread the nests all over China, and clean up the monsters in China!"

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