The Zerg Overlord Who Devours the Starry Sky

Chapter 550: Humanity! Build the strongest axe

"Hahaha, it works! After this battle, no other tribe will dare to go against us humans!"

The founder of the giant axe laughed wildly towards the sky.

how many years?

When the original ancestor was still alive, which ethnic group dared to fight with humans?

Not to mention that humans have only gotten a little chance to obtain the most powerful treasure, even if humans really obtained the ancient heritage, who would dare to steal it?

The original ancestor is the only tenth-order true god in the entire universe!

Even the two holy places and even the Divine Eye Clan had to retreat when facing the Original Ancestor!

But ever since the original ancestor was suppressed, although humans still have him as a true god, he dares not reveal his strength for fear of being suppressed by other ethnic groups.

Among the entire human race, the founder of the Great Axe is under the greatest pressure.

Because of Qin Mu's rise, humanity became stronger and stronger, and his pressure gradually decreased.

At this point, he had killed 20 of the strongest men in the universe, 369 masters of the universe, and even suppressed 3 of the strongest men in the universe in one battle.

The number of most powerful treasures harvested is at least thirty!

The power of mankind will once again reach its peak and stand at the top of the cosmic ocean!

As for the threat from the True God Awakening?


So what if the legendary Purple Moon Ancestor is so powerful?

In countless reincarnation eras, he has never been seen, and the only ones who can really move in the Purple Moon Holy Land are two true gods without microcosms, and about four hundred masters of the universe.

What does this power mean to human beings today?

Threatening humans!

He was so angry that he ordered Qin Mu to lead countless swarms of insects to surround the Purple Moon Holy Land, making it so that even the Purple Moon Ancestor’s microcosm didn’t dare to come out!

"We have won this battle! With these powerful treasures, we humans will never be short of treasures again!"

Qin Mu was also in a good mood. He flew out of the Queen's Palace and controlled the endless thunder in the Thunder Prison Soul Locking Pool, arranging the most powerful treasures neatly in front of him.

For example, after the annihilation of Haohao Leixing Lord, the Haoleixing Armor, a supreme and precious armor with a hint of green light, was dropped; or after the death of Jiuyi True Lord, the blood-colored wings were dropped, or the palace of the Whale Feather Demon God, a supreme and precious armor, and so on.

When all were laid out in front of them, there were 19 pieces in total!

Most of these most powerful treasures came from fallen true gods, and there were also two from powerful sixth-order lords of the universe.

"This is truly an incredible amount of wealth. This is the first time I've seen so many powerful treasures placed together."

“The other six most powerful treasures of the Divine Eye Clan are all with the suppressed Third and Fourth Lords.

The ones from the Purple Moon Holy Land are in the possession of the True God Juehua, and he alone has displayed five of them!

There are also two masters of the universe, and they also have the most powerful treasures, which means at least 7 most powerful treasures!

Take these with you, that’s a total of 32 most powerful treasures!

Unfortunately, all the top treasures were shattered in the self-explosion, otherwise we could have harvested at least a thousand top treasures!"

The Queen chuckled and took out the Ice Cliff Castle that had been stored in the Queen's Palace and placed it together with many other powerful treasures.

“Hahaha, even though those top treasures were broken into pieces, I have already found and collected most of the debris. I can use them as materials to refine another batch of treasures.

At worst, it can be used to strengthen the Zerg Hive Tyrant and create a group of elite units!

Moreover, when the action was taken, the strong men in our tribe had already gone to the small universes of the strongest men in the fallen universes, which was also an astonishing fortune. "

Qin Mu laughed loudly.

With these most powerful treasures, both the human race and his own strength will undergo a qualitative change!

"Unfortunately, many of these supreme treasures were severely damaged in the self-explosion, and it would take a lot of resources to repair them! However, with these fragments of the pinnacle treasures, the repair should be quick."

The Lord of Chaos also flew up from the Queen's Palace, caressing a powerful wing treasure that was extremely damaged.

Generally, powerful treasures have the ability to self-repair.

However, this kind of repair requires a huge amount of precious resources.

But the human race is obviously not short of these.

“The two suppressed strongest men in the universe of the Divine Eye Clan and the Awakened True God of the Purple Moon Holy Land are also good things.

As long as they are in our hands, we can still squeeze a little more out of the Divine Eye Clan and the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Unfortunately, among these most powerful treasures, there is not a single axe!"

The founder of the giant axe also came over, feeling excited but also a little regretful.

Once suppressed, life and death will be in the hands of humans.

The easiest way to kill an enemy that has been possessed by the palace's most powerful treasure is to throw them into some Jedi.

But this is risky: the enemy might escape, their most powerful treasures might be damaged, and so on.

However, for humans, there is actually a better way, which is to bring the Queen's Palace into the original universe, and with the help of the power of the original universe's will, they can be easily killed.

The strongest person in the universe who is not from the third reincarnation era, once entering the original universe, will be directly wiped out by the will of the original universe!

"Hahaha, no problem! Once these things are dealt with, we will go to Beihua Xuelan Territory to find Zuo Shanke and have him tailor-make a most powerful and precious battle axe for you.

For now, just make do with it.

With your strength, coupled with a piece of armor, weapons, domain, soul, wings, and palace, you can be invincible in the entire universe!"

Qin Mu laughed loudly.

The strength of the giant axe is originally at the top level of the eighth level, and with the most powerful and precious battle axe, it can reach the ninth level!

But it's just a battle axe, after all, it's not perfect. The attack is enough, but other aspects are too weak.

If one could acquire all the most powerful treasures including armor, weapons, soul, wings, domain and palace, even if the most powerful First Lord of the Divine Eye Clan came, he would be chased and chopped by the giant axe!

The strongest treasure of the domain provides suppression, the strongest treasure of the wings makes the great axe faster and more flexible, and the armor and weapons allow the attack and defense of the founder of the great axe to be improved to a higher level.

The most powerful treasure of soul can make the founder of the giant axe not afraid of soul attacks.

The strongest soul treasure is very important. When the world beast is born, if you want to fight against it, the strongest soul treasure and the strongest armor are necessary.

If not, the strongest person in the universe can be easily killed.

Qin Mu suspected that the founder of the giant axe in time and space was killed instantly after falling into the dark land because he did not have the strongest soul treasure.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Giant Axe Founder, a top-level true god of the ninth order, he would not have died before he could even finish a sentence.

The palace's most powerful treasure can allow the founder of the giant axe to escape even if he is in a desperate situation.

The creator of such a giant axe can be said to be invincible!

If you encounter a powerful ninth-order top-level true god, just close the door and release the giant axe!

“How can I take so much by myself?”

Giant Axe looked at Qin Mu in surprise. There was no doubt that Qin Mu contributed the most in this battle. 15500 Hive Tyrants exploded one after another, some died and some were injured, and they were just cleaning up the mess.

According to Qin Mu, those were six extremely powerful treasures.

This is too luxurious.

"What is this? You also know my plan to let the insect swarm devour the Qingfeng Realm and even the three Jedi.

If the plan succeeds, let alone thirty most powerful treasures, even three hundred would be just a piece of cake.

It’s just that the three Jedi are too mysterious, and if things go wrong, there might be some trouble.

Furthermore, the First True Lord of the Divine Eye Clan and the Purple Moon Holy Land might also make some small moves.

Therefore, an absolutely invincible strong man must be in charge. My insect swarm is large enough, but it is still a little short of top combat power.

Not only you, the Queen must also be armed!

Soul attack treasure, mental power attack treasure, wings, armor, and the most powerful treasure in the field are all armed!

You guys choose first. If you like the ones from the Divine Eye Clan or the Purple Moon Holy Land, you can choose after you get them.

If you don’t find anything you like, you can ask the hermit to refine it. With these strongest and top treasures as raw materials, I’m sure you can refine it.”

Qin Mu said with a smile to the founder of the giant axe, the queen.


The giant axe was tempted, with six most powerful treasures at his disposal!

Who doesn't desire to be powerful?

The Great Axe is no exception!

"Then I'm not welcome!"

After a slight hesitation, the Great Axe Founder began to choose from the 19 most powerful treasures in front of him.

Among these 2 most powerful treasures, there are 3 palace-type supreme treasures, 2 soul-type supreme treasures, 3 domain-type supreme treasures, 4 wings-type supreme treasures, 2 armors, 3 telekinesis-type supreme treasures, and weapons-type supreme treasures!

Although it is said to be a selection, in fact the founder of the giant axe did not choose the most powerful ones. He chose the one from the Whale Feather Demon as the most powerful treasure in the palace, and the rest were just picked at random.

As for the attacking treasure, under Qin Mu's persuasion, he took a sword first and used it, and then returned it after going to the hermit to refine a battle axe, or simply used the sword as the raw material to refine a battle axe.

The Great Axe Founder took six of the most powerful treasures, and the Queen took five!

The most powerful treasure of the palace type, since she already has the Queen's Palace, she naturally no longer needs it. Instead, she took a soul attack type, armor type, wings type, as well as a domain type, and a telekinesis attack type!

Also armed to the teeth!

In the past, because she was relatively weak, the Queen never left the Queen's Palace in the sea of ​​the universe. But with the most powerful and precious armor and wings, her strength will be qualitatively improved!

"Teacher, you should take a few too!"

Qin Mu said with a smile to the Chaos City Lord teacher beside him.

After his physical improvement, the Lord of Chaos City has reached the sixth level of strength, but without the blessing of the most powerful treasure, it is still a little lacking.


The Lord of Chaos City was also tempted.

The most powerful treasure!

Finally, at Qin Mu's urging, the Chaos City Lord took out a piece of the most powerful and precious armor and a stick-like weapon. Finally, at Qin Mu's strong request, he took away the last of the three soul treasures.

The Lord of Chaos City actually didn't want to take this soul treasure. He felt that Qin Mu needed it more. There were many places in the universe sea, especially in the three Jedi, where powerful soul attacks existed.

As the absolute core of the human race, in the eyes of the Chaos City Lord, Qin Mu's safety is obviously much more important than his own.

But to be honest, considering the huge size of the Zerg, ordinary soul-type treasures are completely useless if it comes to defense!

That is, it can provide some bonus during soul attacks.

“I will accept the remaining five most powerful treasures first.

After I get other most powerful treasures from the suppressed Lord of the Divine Eye Clan and the True God of Awakening, I will take out some of them and distribute them to the other members of the clan. Uncle Dark and the others also need the most powerful treasures.

I can also leave two pieces in the community to inspire others.”

Qin Mu smiled and accepted the five most powerful treasures that were left by the others.

These five items are actually the five strongest ones.

One of them is the palace-type strongest Ice Cliff Castle, the armor-type is the Haolei Star Armor of the Haolei Star Lord, and the other is the Feather Wings Treasure of the Jiuyi True Lord, and the remaining one is a pointed cone-shaped strongest telekinesis treasure, and a claw-type strongest attack treasure.

"Let's go out first. The energy shock in this mountain is so strong that it is no longer suitable to stay here.

Dark Master and his men are probably getting impatient. Meanwhile, Dragon Lord and his men have already reached the microcosms of the strongest beings in the Fallen Universe, including Haolei Star Lord, and are harvesting them. "

After dividing the treasures, Qin Mu smiled as he watched several people put away the most powerful treasures.

"Okay! Let's get out of here first!"

The three of them responded one after another, transforming into streams of light and flying into the Queen's Palace, heading out of the Qingfeng Realm.

Looking at the rapidly passing scenery outside the Queen's Palace, a smile appeared on Qin Mu's lips.

After this battle, there was actually another change for human beings.

That is, the real person in charge of the human race has changed from Ju Axe to Qin Mu!

If in the past, the founder of the Giant Axe and the Lord of Chaos City still regarded Qin Mu as a junior and disciple, his mentality has completely changed after seeing the terrifying power of the Zerg this time.

Otherwise, he would not have allowed Qin Mu to distribute the most powerful treasures!

Although Qin Mu only had 5 of the most powerful treasures in his hands, there were still 11 suppressed in the Queen's Palace!

All of these will be controlled by Qin Mu!

And because of this battle, the Queen truly began to integrate into the human community.

Without enough trust, the giant axe would not be able to enter the Queen's Palace.

That means he is entrusting his life and death to the Queen!

Although this trust came from Qin Mu, it was obviously an excellent start.

Looking at the people who were already refining the most powerful treasures, Qin Mu also devoted part of his attention to refining the most powerful treasures in his hands.


While Qin Mu and his companions were distributing the most powerful treasures, a group of powerful humans in the Universe Sea were leading the Hive Tyrants to plunder crazily in the broken small universes, and the battle in the Qingfeng Realm also spread throughout the entire Universe Sea.

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