"If this is the case in the 1008 advanced universe countries, then what will happen in the secret realm of the universe? Do you know?"

Qin Mu looked at Luo Feng and sneered.

It seems that the technology is highly developed, with interstellar battleships, a world with a virtual universe network covering the entire universe, and a huge human race that rules over 1008 advanced cosmic countries, countless secret realms, and billions of star fields.

The most backward feudal slavery system is used to govern the universe!

How ridiculous you say that.

Theoretically, if the 1008 advanced cosmic countries reach the planetary level, they can become cosmic citizens and obtain legal protection.

Those below the planetary level are not citizens but natural slaves who can be captured and hunted at will.

Isn’t it cruel?

But they are not the worst.

As long as they can leave the planet and get in touch with the universe, even if they are slaves, they can still log into the virtual universe network, obtain the method of cultivation, and strive for that slight chance.

After all, in the virtual universe network, there are infinite possibilities.

But what about in the secret realm of the universe?


There is no virtual universe network!

Only by becoming cosmic level can you have contact with the outside world!

Ordinary people from lower bloodlines may still have a glimmer of hope to reach planetary level through hard practice.

But cosmic level?

It’s just a dream!

It is almost impossible for humans from low-level bloodlines in the secret realm of the universe to reach the cosmic level unless they have extraordinary luck.

In the advanced universe country, big forces like the Virtual Universe Company will at least determine a range based on the strength of the killer. Too much killing cannot be done within the range, otherwise it will lead to punishment.

For example, the Blood Demon King can conduct a low-level Blood Demon Trial and select 100 people from the billion planet level. He can do this.

However, it cannot be done continuously in one galaxy.

That is to say, we need to preserve some human seeds so that they can reproduce...

For the immortal strong, time is worthless.

A retreat can last for hundreds or thousands of years, and the dead humans can reproduce again.

But if there is a large-scale killing, such as the massacre of a galaxy, the Virtual Universe Company will send strong men to intervene!

Things like laws are meaningless to powerful warriors.

Even when Luo Feng was handling the matter, he was only doing it based on the education he received in China and his inner sense of justice.

The Virtual Universe Company issued the mission not because they really intended for Luo Feng to save a certain number of people, but because they wanted to use it to observe his character.

That's it.

As for how many people died in the Blood Demon Trial, no one actually cared.

And this is still good.

Except for those areas that have been purchased and occupied by the powerful.

Most of the countries in the universe still have laws in name. In the original timeline, Luo Feng was able to save the Earth from the Nuo Lanshan family by relying on the laws of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

The threat of becoming a star pirate forced the Nuolanshan family to retreat and no longer dare to occupy the earth in a big way.

Although for some powerful people, the constraints of this law are almost zero, it still allows most people in the universe to live a normal life.

And what about in the secret realm?

It's complete chaos!

It is ruled by various sects and families, and there are almost no laws. It is even more naked and lawless there, with the strong preying on the weak.

"Look, this is the indigenous human group that a Chinese exploration team encountered when they entered the Blue Amber Continent.

In this area, there is a sect called the Blood Knife Sect.

The swordsmanship they practice requires the concentration of murderous energy.

And what is the best way to condense evil spirit?

Of course it’s murder!

A sect whose strongest force was founded by only stellar-level warriors, killed billions in just a hundred years!

The purpose is just to practice sword skills and condense the evil spirit.

Let’s look at the Soul Devouring Sect. The strongest one is the Realm Master, so the danger is even more severe.

They are just like your golden-horned beasts, taking the path of devouring.

The difference is that the golden-horned beast devours metal, while they devour flesh, blood and souls!

The number of lives killed in the practice of cultivation every year is no less than tens of billions!

To this end, they enslaved hundreds of nations, devouring a city every once in a while.

It's like cutting leeks.

There are countless similar sects and forces on the Blue Amber Continent."

Qin Mu said this and sent some information that Hua Xia had collected on the Blue Amber Continent to Luo Feng.

After briefly looking through some information, Luo Feng's expression became visibly ugly.

"Whether it is the advanced universe or these forces, in terms of history and strength, they are much stronger than China!

But in terms of civilization development, it is not as good as the Chinese civilization, which has only been around for a few thousand years.

Since they can't do it well, let China do it!

Under the leadership of Huaxia, even if the situation is bad, it will be much better than the current chaos."

Qin Mu said in a deep voice.

The information he collected through the Zerg was much more than this.

What was shown to Luo Feng was the relatively less evil part.

Qin Mu sometimes couldn't help but wonder, why could people be so vicious?

Qin Mu was even very curious at one point, how could such a human group become one of the six top groups?

In addition to the appearance of the original ancestor, he suppressed hundreds of millions of tribes with absolute strength, cultivated many powerful masters of the universe, and created the super plug-in of the virtual universe.

After Qin Mu looked through it carefully, he found that the human race was actually doing relatively well in this regard.

As one of the six top races, the mechanical race is known to be the most united and technologically advanced, but it is a complete pyramid-shaped slave society.

In essence, they are all slaves of the Mechanical Father.

Therefore, no matter how this ethnic group develops, it will remain like that, because their most basic logic is to recognize their master!

Even the Lord of the Universe is no exception.

The demon clan is even more chaotic. Although they are called a clan, they are actually an alliance formed to fight against other clans. Within the clan, the most primitive bloodline is still respected.

In essence, it is still a slave society.

The Prison Clan is even more extreme, with great internal chaos. They adopt a laissez-faire strategy, and in order to cultivate strong individuals, they often secretly add fuel to the flames, causing bloody killings within the clan.

Even entire races within some ethnic groups were directly exterminated.

In comparison, the human race, apart from the powerful Yuanzu who led the rise, is actually doing pretty well...

I can only say that this is a worse world.

The human race is not the worst.

“I haven’t paid much attention to China’s development over the years.

But my brother and Xu Xin also told me that they did a really good job.

Not only did they abolish slavery, vigorously develop science and technology, and attach importance to education, but they also cleared out internal pirates, corrupt elements, and so on.

Although there are some imperfections, compared with other kingdoms in the universe, it is simply a paradise on earth.

If Huaxia could be allowed to manage it, it would definitely be much stronger than the indigenous forces in these secret realms."

Luo Feng also agreed.

"Huaxia has indeed done a good job. In fact, it's funny to say that after Huaxia took over the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, it originally planned to take drastic measures and even made measures to comprehensively revise the laws.

But when the Chinese top leaders studied it carefully, they found that the laws of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire were very strict.

There are detailed handling regulations for each aspect.

Unfortunately, most of these legal provisions are just provisions!

Especially when facing powerful beings above the universe level, such as domain masters and world masters, it almost becomes a joke.

Therefore, in the early stages of their development, I allocated a group of Zerg Realm Lords to them.

Let them carry out a major purge within the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

After that, the original laws were strictly enforced, and development naturally took place.”

Thinking of that, Qin Mu was speechless.

For the human race, with the virtual universe as a bug-level killer, it is too easy to do something if we really want to.

It just depends on whether you are willing to do it!

The reason is that strength is respected in the universe.

Including the Virtual Universe Company, almost all the powerful people don’t care about those ordinary humans who are weak.

Whether it is the battle of geniuses in the universe or the battle in the giant axe fighting arena, they are all for the purpose of selecting geniuses.

In this situation, it is impossible for Qin Mu to change the situation by his own strength.

This is a physical problem of the entire human race.

He cultivated and supported China, allowing it to grow and develop, hoping that the grown-up China would solve the problem.

Compared to one person patrolling and killing everywhere, it is better to use the power of one person to deter.

It is far better to establish a society where rules are legal, establish the rules, and strictly enforce them.

Of course, Qin Mu knew this very well too.

Even if China can grow up in the future and rule the Qianwu Universe, or even the entire human race, it will be impossible to prevent some dark things from happening.

But as long as there is the supervision of the Zerg network, genetic seeds, and low-level colonial equipment, at least the lower-level humans can have a channel to rise.

At the same time, try to avoid meaningless large-scale killings like the Blood Demon Trial.

The fact that Qin Mu wanted to change the human ethnic structure was known to the human leaders such as the Lord of Chaos City and the Founder of the Giant Axe.

Qin Mu did not hide this fact. Ever since he proposed the human genetic ascension plan and the low-level colonization plan, the human leaders were aware of Qin Mu's ideas.

They didn't particularly support Qin Mu's idea, but they didn't oppose it either.

They led the human race to fight for supremacy in the early days of the primitive universe, an era when billions of races were fighting for supremacy. They do not have much feeling about the structure and system of human races in the universe.

Because in the past, before the rise of the human race, life was countless times more miserable than this.

It is their consistent style to cultivate geniuses in adversity.

The people in the Universe Kingdom are okay, and they still have great potential.

They don’t care about the secret realms of the universe and the extremely difficult things that humans in the kingdom of God have to do to become immortal or venerable.

Even if there are changes in the genes, habits formed over billions of years are difficult to correct.

Although Qin Mu has a high status in the human community, his strength is too weak, and it is unrealistic to forcibly change their thinking.

But this may not be a bad thing for Qin Mu.

After gaining control of the Dongyue Secret Realm from the Chaos City Lord, Qin Mu could do whatever he wanted regardless of the indifference of the human high-level officials.

The development of China includes colonialism, etc.

On the other hand, Qin Mu plans to use the Zerg network to build a second world comparable to the virtual universe network!

Through the inheritance space, he has initially built a small network, but the number of both special life forms and human immortals who have received the inheritance is still too small.

But with the countless humans in this secret realm, based on them, through colonization, a huge spiritual network belonging to the Zerg has been completely created, comparable to the virtual universe.

When this network is truly established and up and running, the entire human race, and even the entire primitive universe in the future, the wisdom of the life in the cosmic ocean, the understanding of the laws, the practice of secret methods, etc., can all become the foundation of the insect swarm!

Compared to this, the inheritance space is nothing.


“These things cannot be changed overnight, so take your time.

Once we become stronger and have real say, it will be easy to make changes.

If we can reach the level of the founder of the Great Axe, we can abolish slavery among the entire human race with just one sentence..."

Qin Mu saw Luo Feng was lost in thought and interrupted him.

"Well! We are still just realm masters now, it is indeed too far to think about these things."

Luo Feng's heavy expression relaxed a little and he said.

“Right now, I have only completed the training of my human self, and the next step is the golden-horned beast.

Compared to the human form, the body of the golden-horned beast is much more complicated.

It takes decades of practice to complete the genetic transformation."

The practice of "Nine Tribulations Secret Book" is not the same. The higher the genetic level, the more complex it is, the more difficult it is to practice, and it will take longer.

“No rush! Once the golden-horned beast completes its transformation, I can also help you increase it to about a thousand times.

By that time, your Jiuyou clone should be almost complete.

Compared to your other clones, Jiuyou clone is the one that truly defies the heavens!

Unfortunately, you obtained the clone too early. Now Jia Yi, Hong, Lei Shen and others are already nurturing the Nine Netherworld clone and the Tree of Life clone.

If you didn't have this nameless secret book, you would have suffered a great loss."

Qin Mu smiled.

“Hahaha, at first they were the ones who envied me for having a clone, but now I’m a little envious of them.

The Tree of Life and the Nine Netherworld Sea, these are all top-level clones.

In comparison, my golden-horned beasts and the demon-killing tribe are far inferior."

Luo Feng also laughed when he heard it.

Originally, several people had agreed to enter the extraterritorial battlefield together for training, but because Qin Mu successfully researched the talent of clones, everyone was busy nurturing clones, so how could they come out at this time?

“If it weren’t for the clone, I wouldn’t have been able to get a better ranking in the genius competition. I might have been eliminated at that time and couldn’t have entered the core of the virtual universe company.

Needless to say, there is nothing to say about what happened later. "

Luo Feng also sighed.

The two talked about China's affairs, and soon they began to practice again, allowing the golden-horned beast's clone to begin to transform.

Qin Mu also focused all his energy on studying the "Nine Tribulations Secret Book" and no longer cared about the changes in the outside world.

His time is very tight.

When Luo Feng transformed the Nine Nether Sea through the "Nine Tribulations Secret Book", it was time to close the many plans.

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