Because of the help of his original memory, Qin Mu learned quickly and his boxing power level also improved significantly.

After a day of repeated exploration. The best result in the boxing strength test was 786kg and the speed was 25.26m/s.

Compared with the previous best performance of the original body, this result has increased by about 30kg in strength, and the speed has reached the minimum requirements of a quasi-warrior.

The original person is good at speed, and is only a hair away from the requirements of a would-be warrior.

“The punching power has indeed improved a bit, and the speed has reached the requirements.

It's a pity that the injury has not healed yet, otherwise the results could have been better. "

Qin Mu was very satisfied. Although his strength only increased by 30kg, it meant that his strength had indeed improved.

I sensed the larvae that were still eating in my home.

"After the insect larvae metamorphoses into worker insects, the strength feedback shows that the strength can increase to 900kg. It is not hopeless."

Qin Mu felt hot in his heart.

However, this test also discovered a very serious problem.

That is, after time traveling, although he inherited all the memories of his original body, after all, he was just an ordinary person in his previous life and had no training.

Coupled with the influence of hidden injuries on the body, the movements made are always deformed.

To put it simply, the brain can do it, but the body can’t.

This is just a simple way of punching.

Movement skills, marksmanship, these are more complicated, and I'm afraid it will be even worse.

As for the way to solve this problem, there is only one way, and that is to practice, practice repeatedly, and turn it into the body's instinct.

"During this period, you must become familiar with force generation, body skills, marksmanship, etc. as soon as possible."

Qin Mu will never allow himself to be eliminated because his physical fitness has reached the requirements by then because his foundation is too poor and he cannot perform well.

No more testing of strength, speed.

As for the nerve reaction speed, he knew that the situation must be very bad without testing it, so Qin Mu planned to practice his marksmanship and body skills first, and then test them after he became familiar with them.

Walk to the weapon room door next to the martial arts hall.

Open the door and enter the weapons room. There are a large number of weapons inside, including knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hammers and other eighteen kinds of weapons.

Each weapon is subdivided into various types, such as guns, which are further divided into flower guns, large guns, double guns, double-headed guns, hook-and-scythe guns, etc.

Originally, I trained with guns.

According to his memory, Qin Mu picked up a gun that he often used in the past.

This is a Pojun 2-series long gun. The entire body of the long gun is made of a special alloy. The barrel is very hard and has a certain degree of toughness.

Qin Mu is 182cm tall, and this spear is slightly taller than Qin Mu.

Of course, this is not a real Pojun 2 series long gun, just a replica. The weight is similar in appearance. Although it cannot be used in actual combat, it is excellent for practicing.

The spear is the king of weapons. As a long weapon, it has great advantages when dealing with monsters. It is the first choice weapon of many warriors.

Even Hong, the strongest man in the world, uses a gun.

Picking up the army-breaking gun, Qin Mu waved it a few times, and his heart suddenly became excited.

As a man, who can refuse such a cold weapon?

Qin Mu started practicing according to the past method in his memory.

There are many types of marksmanship, the basic ones include piercing, stabbing, attacking, attacking, entangling, circling, blocking, taking, pounce, point, poking, dancing, etc.

Among them, blocking, holding, and stabbing are the main ones, which are the basic movements of spearmanship.

Qin Mu practiced blocking, holding, and stabbing.

In my memory, the words of the martial arts instructor rang in my ears.

The spear should be stabbed smoothly and quickly, straight out and in, with force reaching the tip of the spear, so that the spear sticks to a straight line, the spear is drawn out like a hidden dragon emerging from the water, and the spear is withdrawn like a tiger entering a hole.

After practicing for a while, Qin Mu still felt very unfamiliar.

Although the memory of the original body was fused and he knew what to do in his mind, his hands and feet couldn't keep up, and his movements were always deformed, giving him a very awkward feeling.

"A gun can last a lifetime, but it's not that easy to become good at it."

With continuous practice, Qin Mu slowly found a feeling.

"Hey, Brother Mu, it's been a while since I saw you here for training. Is your injury healed?"

As time passed, familiar students also came to practice and saw Qin Mu training hard.

Qin Mu looked up, withdrew his spear skills, looked up, and replied with a smile.

"It's better. I haven't exercised for too long and I'm all rusty."

Half a year ago, when Qin Mu was training at the extreme martial arts gym, almost everyone knew that he was taken away by an ambulance because of excessive exercise.

After that injury, because he couldn't exercise, he rarely came to the Extreme Martial Arts Gym again.

He didn't care about the people who came, and after chatting for a few words, they went to practice separately.

At the end of the day, except for a few acquaintances who met Qin Mu and expressed concern, Qin Mu devoted all his energy to training and did not encounter any pretense or slap in the face.

During training, although I still feel uncomfortable physically, it is still acceptable as long as I don’t explode with all my strength.

It wasn't until night, when he was completely exhausted, that Qin Mu returned home.

After briefly washing up and eating something, Qin Mu collapsed on the bed.

"It's so cool."

Although he was very tired physically, Qin Mu was very excited in his heart.

The feeling of mastering power is so fascinating, especially the feeling of getting stronger little by little, which is even more exciting.

The devouring progress of the Zerg larvae was also gratifying, with most of the three hundred kilograms of one-horned wild boar eaten. The worker insect's energy accumulation has also reached 3 points.

According to this progress, tomorrow morning, there will be enough energy to accumulate transformation.

With excitement, Qin Mu fell into sleep.

The next day, Qin Mu woke up at just after five o'clock, without even waiting for the alarm clock to ring.

"Huh, sure enough, enough energy has been accumulated to transform into a worker insect."

The 300 kilograms of one-horned wild boar meat is almost finished, and the abdomen of the arm-sized larvae is slightly bulging.

This flesh and blood is devoured and converted into a highly energy-dense liquid that is stored in its body.

Now, as long as you give a command, the larvae that have accumulated 6 points of energy can transform into workers.

Taking the larvae into the living room, Qin Mu cleared a large enough space and couldn't wait to start hatching.

"Hatch into workers."

As soon as the thought occurred, the body of the larva began to expand rapidly.

Like blowing air, it turns into a chrysalis and beats like a heart.

Every time the chrysalis beats, it grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just fifteen minutes, the arm-sized larva turned into a giant pupa that was one meter and a half tall and nearly one meter wide.

There was a cracking sound.

A strange insect curled up in the chrysalis crawled out of the chrysalis.

This strange insect looks like a gigantic ant, with a hideous and terrifying appearance, a body length of nearly two meters, six legs, a pair of large claws in its mouth, and a thick carapace on its back.

This is the Worker, the most basic unit of the Zerg, an auxiliary unit that collects resources and hatches into various Zerg buildings.

Although it is not a combat unit, the workers still have considerable strength.

The worker insect weighs more than 300 kilograms. Its carapace can withstand light weapons fire, and its strength can easily lift objects dozens of times its own weight. It's only slightly lacking in speed, but its overall strength is at least an H-level monster.

The moment the worker insect emerged from the egg, Qin Mu clearly felt a strong warm current flowing through his body and limbs.

"The hatching was successful, my strength has indeed become stronger, and my physical injuries have also improved a lot."

Qin Mu clenched his fist, feeling the strength in his body increasing, and felt excited in his heart.

"I'll go to the martial arts studio later to test whether I've reached the level of a quasi-martial artist."

A smile appeared on Qin Mu's face.

"But now, we have to buy some meat first. The worker insects need enough energy to hatch into a mother nest."

"After the energy is accumulated, the workers can pupate through their own talents and disguise themselves as monster eggs. After I become a quasi-warrior, I can take them outside the city."

"According to the memory of the worker insects, it takes 500 points of energy to transform from a worker insect into a nest, which means that the worker insects need to eat at least 5 kilograms of ordinary pork, or 2.5 kilograms of one-horned wild boar meat to hatch into a mother nest."

Qin Mu made some calculations and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Even if you buy cheap ordinary pork, 5 kilograms of pork, which is a full 25 tons, will cost to yuan even if you go wholesale.

If you buy one-horned wild boar, it will cost at least more than two million yuan.

Based on this calculation, the little money I have is simply not enough.

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