The Zerg Overlord Who Devours the Starry Sky

Chapter 285 Boiling and Luo Feng become apprentices

"Another soul shock?"

Qin Mu felt the strong soul impact, but remained unmoved.

The realm's most important treasure, the Styx River, spreads and envelopes the Spin Shield King.

The strength of the Spin Shield King is indeed the strongest among the three king-limited soul slaves. The huge shield has blocked countless attacks.

Even under double suppression, it was difficult for Qin Mu to break through his defense.

But unfortunately, he is only good at defense, and his offensive methods are too weak.

After spending some time, Qin Mu successfully killed it.

"How is it possible?! You are not affected by the soul attack at all? Do you have a soul treasure?"

At the moment when the Spin Shield King died, a world ring he carried with him suddenly shattered, and a nest about ten kilometers in diameter appeared in the dark water of the Styx.

"The important treasure of the river domain, the important treasure of soul defense!

Your spear can easily pierce the armor of the Spin Shield King, at least it is a valuable treasure!

A mere realm master possesses at least three important treasures, no wonder he is so arrogant! "

The desperate voice of the Black Soul of the Mother Emperor came from the mother nest. Although it was only millions of kilometers away from escaping from the control of time and space, it would only take a few breaths to leave.

But at this time, it has become an insurmountable chasm.

When the soul attack of a Zerg queen loses its effect, all the soul slaves are killed, and the Zerg army is suppressed within the domain, what will happen?

There is no doubt but death!


In desperation, the divine body of the Black Soul of the Queen Mother exploded with a bang, completely tearing apart the space with a radius of millions of kilometers.

"How decisive! He actually blew himself up directly!

He wanted to trick me before he died, how cruel.

I was also thinking about whether I could capture an immortal mother queen alive.

Forget it, I caught a King of Annihilation at the limit of Kingship and three Peak Kingships, the harvest was pretty good. "

After teleporting away to avoid the self-destruction of the Black Soul of the Mother Emperor, Qin Mu couldn't help but admire her decisiveness.

The death of the Black Soul of the Mother Emperor was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

On the battlefield, the immortal kings who were frantically fleeing after being chased by the tyrant and the swarm of insects were like falling into hell, losing their last hope.

"It's time to clean up the battlefield. The wealth of thousands of kings is not a small amount."


War Base No. 028.

In the palace, a group of strong human beings who came over temporarily to support were stunned.

"Is this still a Realm Lord? A special life with at least thousands of times more genes with such terrifying combat power, right?"

A strong man at the peak of his title had an incredible look in his eyes.

"He actually captured King Nirvana alive, killed three extremely powerful kings, and forced the Black Soul of the Mother Queen to self-destruct!"

"No wonder you dare to say you don't need support!"

"Even if the genes are thousands of times higher, this is an outrageous exaggeration. The Realm Lord kills the most powerful person who has been crowned king!"

The strong man wearing heavy armor sighed.

"There are two layers of suppression, and the Netherworld Poison Python secretly attacks, and uses the Netherworld Poison Python's venom!"

"You should have heard what the Black Soul of the Mother Emperor said before she died. In addition to the river domain's important treasure, he also has at least two other important treasures!"

Another strong man shook his head, obviously disapproving of the former statement.

"Even if he uses countless treasures, he is just a realm master after all. How can he be so strong? What's more, the King of Annihilation doesn't have any heavy treasures?"

A group of powerful people who were granted the title of King were all shocked by this terrible scene.

"You are all looking at the tyrant, but I am more concerned about Behemoth and those huge monsters!"

"The super powerful field with a radius of 60 million kilometers emanates from Behemoth.

As soon as the domain was expanded, the high-level kings and below could only wait for death, and the Immortal Legion of the Zerg of the Mother Emperor Black Soul was also directly destroyed.

The high-level King of Feng is disabled, which means that the King of Feng is at his peak. The Feng Wang's ultimate burning divine body can still maintain combat effectiveness.

Not only is it a restriction, that area obviously also has the effect of strengthening one's own strength.

The Zege clan relied on this field to kill most of the high-ranking kings in an instant, and chased other peak-level kings to flee in embarrassment!

The tyrant can kill the king to the limit, and the focus is also on Behemoth!

Needless to say, its defense is at least comparable to that of the Invincible King.

And the attack is also extremely powerful. That combined attack is comparable to the most powerful person in the title of King!

And if you look at its appearance, what is the difference between the honeycomb structure and the Zerg mother nest?

It’s a super-large mother nest that’s almost enlarged hundreds of millions of times!

I suspect that those large monsters were all hatched by it, otherwise how could it know how to combine attacks? "

A strong man with wings on his back said.

King Tian Cang's eyes lit up as he listened silently, and he quickly opened his mouth to tell what he knew.

"I also suspect that Behemoth has an ability similar to that of the Brood. When the Tyrant entered the battlefield, he told me that he was coming to take over the battlefield. What's the use of relying on him alone, no matter how powerful he is?

But it would be different if Behemoth had the ability to cultivate warriors similar to the Zerg. "

"There are also those behemoths that are three thousand kilometers long and resemble starry behemoths. Like tyrants, they can also lead a group of monsters to launch a joint attack!

It can also release monsters, which is like a smaller version of Behemoth! "

A strong man spoke up.

"Stop guessing, just wait until the tyrant comes back from cleaning the battlefield and just ask him directly.

Now that he's on the battlefield and has shown this ability, he must have some ideas. "


In the chaotic city of the initial universe.

In the palace of King Zhenyan, King Zhenyan looked at the war images coming from the battlefield outside the territory.

"The advantages of special beings are too great, but how could such a powerful high-level special being be sent to the battlefield when they were world masters?

Has the situation really gotten so bad? "

When the battle was over, King Zhenyan was not very happy, but sighed.

In this battle, the Zerg, Mechanical, and Demon Clan alliance did lose thousands of powerful kings, but the Zerg group also suffered losses.

Eight of the Hive Tyrants died under the counterattack of King Peak.

"This special life master of the Zege clan is at least as good as King Feng in terms of law understanding!

It’s such a shame to die like that! If they grow up, any one of them will be the ultimate king, or even the invincible king!

It is extremely possible to become a cosmic lord. "

As one of the few invincible kings among the human race, King Zhenyan has very high vision.

But at this time, he couldn't figure out why high-level human beings would do such stupid things!

This was just the first battle, and eight top geniuses died!

While he was thinking, a sound came from outside his mansion.


Luo Feng walked into a courtyard and saluted respectfully.

"Sit down." King Zhenyan sat there, drinking some strange fruit wine, and at the same time poured a glass for Luo Feng.

"Yes." Luo Feng sat aside.

"Haha, you surprised me this time. You actually broke through the fifteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge in one go, and your understanding of the law is comparable to that of the Immortal Lord."

King Zhenyan glanced at Luo Feng and then laughed.

"I'm afraid many cosmic lords have sent you emails."

Luo Feng nodded: "Yes, teacher."

"Well, your progress is astonishing. According to this level of progress, even if your enlightenment speed slows down in the future, it will not be difficult to become an immortal god at the peak of the title of King."

King Zhenyan smiled.

"After all, among the peerless geniuses who emerged from tens of millions of epochs in history, except for those who died midway, the weakest among them are at the peak of being crowned kings, and nearly a third of them have entered the ranks of cosmic lords.

When they find out that you have made such amazing progress, they will definitely rush to recruit disciples. After all, the master-disciple relationship is the strongest. "

Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

"Hahaha, many people think your talent is comparable to that of Qin Mu.

But don’t be proud. There are too many geniuses in the universe. This time, hundreds of top geniuses appeared in our human race!

Although they may all be special beings, they cannot be considered normal.

But on the road to becoming a strong person, it doesn’t matter whether you are an ordinary life or a special life! "

King Zhenyan looked at Luo Feng.

"Compared to Brother Mu? If others don't know Brother Mu's strength, how can I know it?"

Luo Feng shook his head secretly in his heart, but did not say it out loud. Since Qin Mu didn't take the initiative to show off his strength, he certainly wouldn't publicize it.

"Hundreds of top geniuses? Or special beings?"

Following King Zhenyan's words, Luo Feng changed the subject and asked.

“Well, this is what just happened on the battlefield outside the domain. You will also have to go through the life and death training in the future, so it’s not wrong to learn about it in advance.

This is a battle video, I'll send it to you.

Hunting and killing the king as a realm lord is really a terrifying talent!

If they were to break through the overpass, each one would be at the level of the 20th floor!

Especially the leader, the tyrant, even used his body as a world lord to fight to the limit of becoming a king! Although it relied on many external forces, it was still terrifying. "

King Zhenyan did something and sent a video to Luo Feng through the virtual universe.

Luo Feng accepted the video and clicked it to view it. He was also very curious about the battlefield outside the territory.

"This is?!!"

After clicking on the video, Luo Feng saw the figure of the Insect Nest Tyrant in the first scene that caught his eye.

The scene of the subsequent battle shocked him even more.

An insect nest tyrant easily slaughtered the powerful King-Sealed King, and the leader even continuously killed the King-Sealed Extreme Powerhouse, forcing the Black Soul of the King-Sealed Mother Queen to self-destruct.

"Holy shit! Isn't this Brother Mu? Are those Hive Tyrants?"

Luo Feng was stunned.

During those years on Earth, he spent a long time in Qin Mu's underground base and knew some of the units in the insect swarm.

"Then Behemoth was also concocted by Brother Mu? This is too outrageous! Directly creating a special group of life?"

"Who said I'm comparable to Brother Mu? If you pull out any of these insect nest tyrants, I'm no match for you!"

While feeling shocked, Luo Feng was also silently complaining.

"I'm showing you this to tell you to guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Don't be arrogant just because you passed the 15th floor of Tongtian Bridge!

And what I want to tell you is, when you step into the battlefield in the future, don’t be reckless!

Look at these top geniuses being sent to the battlefield as consumables. You should take this as a warning! "

King Zhenyan pointed at the several insect nest tyrants who died in the video and sighed.

"I see!"

Luo Feng nodded respectfully, but secretly thought in his heart that in Brother Mu's eyes, these insect nest tyrants are just experimental products and consumables!

The eight-headed insect hive tyrant is worth a thousand kings.

With these resources, Brother Mu doesn’t know how much he can produce.

During the time he was practicing in the underground brood hive, he often saw Qin Mu experimenting with the Hive Tyrant.

It is said that these Hive Tyrants are only the first-generation products, and the more powerful second-generation super-enhanced version has also achieved initial results!

Even he himself was able to break through the fifteenth floor of Tongtian Bridge, a large part of which was due to Qin Mu.

If Qin Mu hadn't helped improve his genes, how could he have realized so quickly?

"Don't talk about these anymore, these are still far away from you.

Have you thought about it? "

King Zhenyan looked at Luo Feng.

"Choose who to be the teacher."

"I..." Luo Feng hesitated.

"Don't hesitate, any strong person doesn't have a group of teachers."

King Zhenyan laughed.

"Back then, I climbed up step by step from a weakling, and I also worshiped a group of teachers.

After all, teachers have limited abilities, so for the sake of human development, naturally we cannot limit each person to having only one teacher, as that will only delay your talents. "

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded.

"There are many Universe Venerables, but I don't know which one to choose." Luo Feng said.

Deep down in his heart, Luo Feng wanted to be the disciple of the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace.


The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace did not send an email.

"I'll recommend one to you." King Zhenyan smiled.

"Huh?" Luo Feng was startled.

"Chaos City Lord!" King Zhenyan said solemnly.

"Ah." Luo Feng was surprised.

Chaos City Lord? Brother Mu’s teacher?

That is the super being who sits in Chaos City, the holy land of mankind!

"But teacher, the Lord of Chaos City didn't send me an email."

Luo Feng continued.

"Is it possible that I come to the door in person and recommend myself?"

"No." King Zhenyan shook his head, "Although the Lord of Chaos City did not send an email, he sent someone to me to tell me that I intend to accept you as a 'named disciple'."

"Named disciple?" Luo Feng was startled.

"Haha... What a status the Lord of Chaos City has. Although you are doing well now, you are not qualified to be accepted as his direct disciple."

King Zhenyan laughed.

"The direct disciples of the Lord of Chaos City are usually the Universe Venerables. Of course, Qin Mu is also his direct disciple, but you are still worse than Qin Mu."

Luo Feng also nodded and admitted.

"I made a decision."

Luo Feng nodded.

"I'm going to worship the Lord of Chaos City as my teacher."


In the Chaos Ruins, endless alien corpses were scattered all over the place, and the Lord of Chaos City sat cross-legged in the silent ruins.

Looking at the towering nest among the alien corpses, the Lord of Chaos City showed a pleased expression.

"Although it relies on double suppression, the venom of the Nether Poison Python, etc., after all, he is the body of the Realm Lord and can kill the most powerful king. This little guy's understanding of the law is also very high!"

The Lord of Chaos City has always been paying attention to Qin Mu, and he was the first to know about Qin Mu's achievements.

If the shameless Lord of the Universe were to attack instantly, he would be able to resist it in time.

Although Qin Mu's gene multiplier is indeed extremely high, many people think that he is a special being.

But how could he not know that these were transformed by Qin Mu himself through genetic technology!

what does this mean?

This means that as long as Qin Mu is willing, geniuses of this level can be mass-produced!

And the universe is fair. Even if a Realm Lord gets a lot of treasures, how much combat power can he exert?

How difficult is it to kill the king in one instant and fall into a deep sleep?

"My human race is so lucky to have a genius like Qin Mu!"

The Lord of Chaos City said softly.

"The Zege clan he created is destined to shine in the battlefields outside the territory.

The fourth generation genetic seeds are also ready to be sold on a large scale, and those alien races may not be able to sit still. "

Although he said so, the Lord of Chaos City didn't show any concern at all.

This is expected, and humans are prepared to deal with it.

Large-scale ethnic war?

There's a giant ax sitting around, so you can't fight.

What's more, the old beast god is now on the side of humans.

Contact the human race openly or secretly, and there are many races who want the genetic seed.

Even among the demon clan, there are people who are secretly contacting him!

At a critical moment, as long as humans are willing to share genetic seeds with some ethnic groups, then it will not be the human race that will be besieged, but the demon race, the insect race, and the mechanical race!

No, even those monsters can turn against you!

In the battlefield situation outside the territory, it seems that humans have the upper hand, but the initiative lies in the hands of the human race.

Of course, the Chaos City Lord would definitely not give it to other ethnic groups easily.

Fishing has been taking over the human race for hundreds of millions of years. To a certain extent, the human race is under his management. How could he not understand this?

"The war on the battlefield outside the territory may be escalating again, but with the Zege warriors created by Qin Mu in the human race, it is not certain who will consume whom!"

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