The Zerg Overlord Who Devours the Starry Sky

Chapter 237 The shock of the Lord of Chaos City (page 12)

The Spider Demon Valley is about one billion kilometers away from the swarm's mother nest.

The valley is nearly a thousand kilometers high and contains countless caves.

In the cave, densely packed night spider demons were walking through and fighting.

The Night Spider Demon is a kind of beast-shaped demon. The adult Night Spider Demon is about ten meters tall, with sharp barbs all over its body. It is stronger than the lower demons.

The name of the Spider Demon Valley comes from the fact that there are hundreds of millions of night spider demons!

In the sky, a giant golden-horned beast with a diameter of about a hundred kilometers flew from a distance and hovered over the Spider Demon Valley.

The flesh and blood passage in the abdomen of this huge beast that resembled a golden-horned beast opened, and seemingly endless Zerg warriors rushed out.

With a roar, these Zerg warriors of various shapes landed on the ground, awakening countless night spider demons.

War broke out in an instant.

The roars of the insect swarms in the Nerubian Valley blended with the screams of the night Nerubians.

In the valley, flesh spores were projected out one by one. After being half embedded in the ground, a tide-like purple carpet surged out, covering the surrounding earth.

In fact, these flesh and blood spores began to metamorphose and transformed into small hatching chambers.

Around the incubation chamber, there are strips of flesh and blood vines wandering on the germ carpet.

In just a moment, the first batch of Zerg warriors were hatched.

These Zerg warriors are like fiery red beetles, only more than ten meters long, and their strength is only at stellar level.

This beetle is called a fire beetle, and it is a very low-end unit among the insect swarm.

As soon as they appeared, they went straight into the cave and started fighting with the night spider demons.

The strength of both sides was about the same, but these fire beetles relied on their thick defenses to rush through the caves, beating back the Night Spider Demons.

After a continuous fierce battle, a fire beetle killed dozens of opponents in succession and devoured the corpse of the Night Spider Demon.

While eating, the bones of its body crackled and its size continued to expand.

The originally red carapace sprouted sharp thorns, and even a little flame appeared.

This change becomes more and more intense as it eats. When the metamorphosis is completed, it has completed its transformation and become another species!

Flame Zerg!

This is a mutant species developed after Qin Mu obtained the flaming giant beast when he was on the Horned Dragon Star.

After hundreds of battles, this Flame Zerg was used as a cannon fodder unit by the Zerg Swarm.

This is not the only scene like this. A large number of fire beetles began to metamorphose and turned into flame bugs.

After continuous battles, these flame bugs began to transform again.

This time, their mutations were even more astonishing. They actually grew tails, their limbs became thicker, and the carapace on their backs was discarded, transforming into pangolin-like creatures.

This is clearly a smaller flaming beast!

This kind of evolutionary mutation is not over yet. As they continue to fight and devour more corpses, while their body size expands, the genetic structure in their bodies is also rapidly changing.


In the mother's nest, after summarizing the massive data, Qin Mu nodded slightly.

"The chain evolution of the insect swarm has achieved preliminary results. It has been able to evolve and mutate from the weakest insect unit to the level of a flaming behemoth."

In the three-month war, many units in the insect swarm evolved very quickly.

The chain evolution of insect swarm units and the insect hive mothership are the fastest evolving.

Suspended above the Spider Demon Valley is the worm hive mothership that has been debugged in the swarm.

This insect nest mothership modified based on the Golden Horned Behemoth is larger than the ordinary Golden Horned Behemoth, but in fact, its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the normal Golden Horned Behemoth.

This is because its huge body is filled with various flesh and blood chambers used for the incubation of Zerg units, which makes its body structure no longer suitable for exerting force.

Even in order to better nurture the Zerg race, its three talents were reduced to one by Qin Mu, which was the talent enhancement.

Although its combat effectiveness has declined, in terms of battlefield support, it is much more powerful than the Golden-Horned Behemoth.

Of course, this is only the first generation of Hive Mothership, its various functions are not perfect, and there are still some problems.

However, compared to the first-generation prototype, it not only hatches more Zerg units, but also projects flesh spores that can not only reproduce the carpet and collect energy, but also have the function of hatching warriors.

Because of their small size and resource transportation issues, the hatching chambers converted from these flesh spores can only hatch some low-level Zerg species, but it is already a good improvement.

Although these low-level Zerg are weak, they can still serve as cannon fodder.

And with the addition of chain promotion, it only takes a few battles for them to grow quickly after devouring corpses.

Theoretically, as long as they devoured enough flesh and blood, there was hope for them to grow into beings of the level of starry sky beasts.

"There are no problems on this battlefield anymore. We can let the Hive Mothership go to the next battlefield to support us."

With a thought in Qin Mu's mind, the Hive Mothership suspended above the Spider Demon Valley stopped incubating and delivering the Zerg warriors and flew to the next battlefield.

In the Spider Demon Valley, hundreds of hatching chambers continuously hatch out low-level Zerg species.

After the Hive Mothership killed some of the most powerful Night Nerubians in the Nerubian Valley, the support of these low-level Zerg was enough.

"It's a pity that there is no [Abyss Crystal], otherwise the research on the Hive Mothership would be as fast as the Hive Tyrant."

Qin Mu felt a little regretful.

Although in the past three months, wars between the swarms and demons have continued, and wars with levels exceeding tens of millions have broken out many times. There was even a war with levels exceeding hundreds of millions when attacking a demon tribe.

But it is a pity that none of them have encountered the gift of the abyss.

Obviously, [Abyss Crystal] cannot be obtained in this level of war.

[Abyss Crystal] is a kind of evolutionary accelerator for Qin Mu. When the evolution is completed, it is much faster to carry out reverse calculation than to study it by himself.

This is a shortcut, a shortcut to quickly realize your own ideas.

“The exterminating expansion of the insect swarm has caused panic among some demons.

In some places, the demons had already escaped before the insect swarms arrived.

It has attracted the attention of the demon commander, and a small-scale war has begun. It won't be long before a full-scale war with it breaks out. "

Qin Mu thought.

He was not afraid of the war with the demon leader, and was even looking forward to it.

This is the first time that the insect swarm has fought against an immortal-level being.

For this reason, Irina has rushed to the forefront of the battlefield, and the most powerful star beast in the swarm, as well as the insect nest tyrant, have also gone together.

Just as he was thinking in his mind, the intelligent optical brain on Qin Mu's arm suddenly vibrated slightly.

Qin Mu took a look and saw that it was an email from the teacher of Chaos City Lord.

After opening it quickly, I found that it said that if it is safe, log in to the virtual universe.

Qin Mu sighed in his heart that the virtual universe network was so powerful that even the abyss of purgatory could be logged in at any time.

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