Interstellar: Food chain operation

Chapter 4 Flax Mooncake (2)

"Jiaojiao, why didn't you call home in advance when you came back?" Ms. Zhang, who was watching the video, heard her daughter's cry and stood up.

"Mom, I resigned." After returning home, Nan Jiao told her about being fired.

Jiaojiao's mother and grandma looked at each other.

It was grandma who spoke first, "I'm just saying, why is this little girl coming back at this time? Just quit. Isn't there a supermarket here?"

"You're right, it's not a big deal. I don't like your job for a long time. I'm going to give you a call. I'll work overtime or overtime. If you don't want to do it, I won't do it. It just so happens that you can guard our supermarket from now on! "Jiaojiao's mother has long since seen that the job is no longer possible and her daughter is so haggard. Every time she posts a video to see how she looks, she feels distressed and asks her to come back. She is just like a stubborn donkey who refuses to come back. She is eager to resign. .

"Mom, you are so kind! So are the breasts!" Nan Jiao threw herself into her mother's arms and made a coquettish gesture.

After the sun set in the afternoon, grandpa and dad went home to talk about work matters, and the matter of Nan Jiao being fired came to an end.

The molds, packaging and other materials Nanjiao bought online yesterday still have to wait a few days to arrive. Now she is learning through the guidance of the system.

Sesame seeds...milk...kneading dough...If there is no mold, Nanjiao pours it into a large iron plate and cuts it into squares. The black and gray cakes are cooked. After they are cooked, a sesame flavor hits your face. It's so fragrant!

Nan Jiao took a bite, and it had a thick, soft texture like osmanthus cake, but because it was made from space-grown sesame seeds, it had a strong sesame flavor, which became more and more fragrant the more she ate it, and she didn't choke.

"Jiaojiao, what are you doing?" Jiaojiao's mother was scrolling through the video when she suddenly smelled the smell of sesame paste, which became stronger and stronger.

"Mom, come here and try it!"

"Are you making sesame cake?" Jiaojiao's mother came to the kitchen.

"Come on, Mom, you taste it first, and then my dad and the others will taste it when they come back."

"You made this delicious? How many sesame seeds did you use?" Jiaojiao's mother scolded as she ate another piece.

"Mom, let me tell you, this is good stuff and can be used for hair care. You can take it for two days and see."

"Really or not, who did you deceive?" Jiaojiao's mother didn't believe it at all. She said it was just an ordinary pastry, but she didn't believe it at all.

Her hair is almost bald in the front, no matter how much hair care she uses, it doesn't work.


Three days flew by.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Jiaojiao's mother got up and combed her hair. Why is her hair a little smooth today? Thinking about what Jiaojiao said a few days ago, she combed it again. The hair fell out less today, only a few. root.

Is sesame cake still real?

Jiaojiao's mother said to herself. She glanced at the man who was still sleeping soundly. She went over and pulled her hair vigorously and rubbed it again. It was indeed smoother.

Jiaojiao's mother is happy, Jiaojiao's pastry is really useful, let Jiaojiao make some more.

Nan Xinguo was woken up by his wife's tug, "Mom Jiaojiao, why are you pulling my hair so early in the morning!"

"Xinguo, please touch your hair quickly. Please touch mine again. Is it smooth? Isn't the sesame cake Jiaojiao made two days ago said to be for hair care? Look, I have lost less hair today. .”

"It's indeed a bit smooth. Where did Jiaojiao get the formula? Is it really useful?" Nan Xinguo touched his hair, and it was indeed soft.

"Let Jiaojiao make some later. Where does it come from?"

Nan Jiao, who slept until she woke up naturally every day after the showdown, was picked up by her mother at seven o'clock today.

The express delivery happened to arrive yesterday afternoon, but I didn't go to pick it up. Today is just the day, let's buy some materials together.

"Host, it's time to work. You've been as lazy as a pig these days." Qiuqiu watched his host eat and sleep every day, drooling with envy.

As soon as he lay down on the recliner, there was a basket of snacks next to him, and he was making tea and watching the handsome guy dance, which made him envious to death.

"Qiuqiu, your master finally got some rest. Of course he has to lie down for a few days. You don't understand. If he lies down for a few more days, he will be beaten by my mother."

"Mother Zhang won't hit you!"

Nan Jiao shook her head, a machine is a machine.

Courier Station: "Brother! Get a courier!"

Ji Shitang: "Uncle, do you have any herbal seeds? Give me some."

Grain store: "Boss, fifty pounds of sesame seeds!"

Riding a three-wheeled electric bicycle, I pulled a cart full of goods and went home after shopping for Dongxi Nanjiao.

There are molds, presses, pastry trays, packaging boxes, and packaging bags, and there is also a sticker with the word "Jiaojiao" on it.

She told everyone that she would make sesame mooncakes and sell them online. Today, she and her mother helped her make the mooncakes.

Grandma pressed the sesame powder, and Mom waited for Nan Jiao to mix the ingredients, then she pressed them into shapes and steamed them.

It’s not a big grinding process, but using a juicer is still a bit slow. Next time, I’ll press the sesame seeds in a grinding mill.

The three of them worked together for more than three hours, and finally all the sesame mooncakes were finished.

Wait for the heat to dissipate, then wrap it in oil paper and put it into a packaging box. There are four pieces in a box. All are packed, 59 boxes. Five boxes are left at home, one for each person.

I took a few photos and found someone online to edit them.

A picture costs ten yuan, which is really not cheap.

When the production volume increases, it seems that we will need to find a professional.

I also posted one in my circle of friends.

Flax mooncakes, 268 yuan per box for a course of treatment, treat hair loss and hair care, you will pay yuan for fake ones, it definitely works, I have tried it myself, yuan/box, there are beautiful pictures below.

After Nan Jiao sent the message, she ignored it and sent it to the website. She also sent pictures of the BB video and added it to the window. She also placed four boxes on the supermarket counter. She felt that it was not easy to sell at the price in the village, so she sold four boxes. Let’s talk about it later.

"Mom, milk, I'm going to buy some sesame seeds and take them to the mill so they can crush them. It will save us trouble then."

"Jiaojiao, why don't you wait and see? This box hasn't been sold yet. Why are you anxious?" Jiaojiao's mother felt that her daughter was too impatient. She bought dozens of kilograms of sesame seeds and couldn't sell them. It was really As soon as you think about it, it comes out.

"Mom, grind sesame into powder and it won't go bad. If you can't sell it, you can make glutinous rice balls and boil sesame paste and drink it. Our family drinks it often in winter anyway." Nan Jiao had a different idea. This is a treatment for hair loss, and she was worried about selling it. If she didn't go out, morning or night, she would be afraid that the sesame seeds grown in two hours would not be enough to sell. In addition, it would take a lot of time to grind the sesame seeds, so she had to prepare early. If she were not afraid that her family would accuse her of spending money recklessly, now everyone would Hired.

"Mom, I'm leaving. If anyone comes to the supermarket to buy something, you can introduce this mooncake to them. If you sell an order, I will give you a commission of thirty yuan."

"You kid, you still talk to your mother about money. Is this really thirty yuan per bill?"

"Jiaojiao, grandma can also help you sell the milk, it's free of charge!"

"Nai, Jiaojiao will also give you money. Dad and I will also give you money. Each order is thirty, so listen to me."

"Why are you so embarrassed? I'm going to talk to my old sisters right now." Grandma walked away happily without taking any mooncakes.

My mother was also full of joy.

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