Interstellar: Food chain operation

Chapter 12 Showdown with family

Others nodded.

"Actually, this chicken is not produced on our planet. It is a product of the primitive world, so it is delicious."

Nan Jiao's words stunned everyone.

Jiaojiao's mother touched Nanjiao's head, "This child doesn't have a fever, why is he still talking nonsense?"

"Mom, this is our flax mooncake. The ingredients are simple but the effect is so good. Have you ever thought about any problems?"

“Although I resigned because I was too tired from work, the important thing is that I have this golden finger, a medicine field space, and the ability to communicate with other planets. This goose is the high-tech product that gave me the golden finger. "

Nan Jiao finished speaking in one breath, waiting for the suddenly silent group of people to come to their senses.

Grandma came to her senses first and touched Nan Jiao up and down, "Jiao Jiao, is it harmful to you to have such a golden finger?"

"It's just Jiaojiao, is it harmful to the body?" Dad also looked over quickly.

"Goose goose~ I won't harm the host!"

The originally concerned family members all turned to look at the big goose when they heard the goose's call. It was Jiaojiao's mother who said excitedly, "This goose is still a baby!"

Nan Jiao also smiled, "Mom, this is Qiuqiu, it is indeed a treasure."

"You kid, don't mention this to anyone in the future." Grandpa advised, and also told the family not to tell anyone.

"Grandpa, when I exposed this matter today, I wanted you two to help me with the mill. Later, we will buy a stone mill ourselves. From now on, we will have to rely on dad and grandpa to keep an eye on it."

The two of them nodded, and the father said: "It's easy to say, because the family will be busy in the future, and our land will have to be rented out. I will go out in the evening and ask if there is anyone who has rented the land."

"It just so happened that I recently bought a new recipe from Qiuqiu. When there are more recipes later, we will open a small workshop and we won't have to go through so much trouble in Grandma's yard."

Nan Jiao mentioned the matter of the workshop again, and this time Nan Jiao finally explained everything. When Feifei comes, all the order tasks in the family have been completed, and she will be responsible for delivering goods to the warehouse and plane matters every day. .

The three days passed very quickly, and everything was on track.

The test report for Yehezhou came out the next day, and her cousin was very happy when she called her.

In fact, Nan Dong had brittle hair the day after he drank Yehe porridge again. He was so happy on the spot. In order not to attract attention, he worked with a hat on during those days and ate for three more days. The little bits of hair are getting longer and longer. Although they are short, they are dense. I called my cousin yesterday to share this joy.

A course of treatment has not been used up, and the effect is visible to the naked eye. However, because it has just been launched in the online store, a course of treatment lasts for ten days. It is not yet popular online. Unless there is not even a small hair, otherwise it will last for two days. Can't see any broken hair.

Although Yehe porridge is not very popular yet, the orders are no less than those of flax mooncakes. One was sold out on the same day, and the other was completely sold out the next morning.

Miss Murong's Nan Jiao also sent it in person.

The entire small village has hired people from other villages to work in Nanjiao. There are only a lot more people. Now the small yard is divided into three waves of people, including express delivery, sesame mooncakes and Yehe porridge.

There are a few young wives who happen to be managing the orders.

Now there are two kinds of products on the online store, but the purchase is limited. Each product is 50,000 orders a week, and each person is limited to one purchase. Recently, because Feifei hasn't come yet, Nan Jiao has to do customer service, so she is really busy.

It just so happened that today my best friend mentioned that I could finally be liberated.

Nan Jiao was riding her beloved little three-wheeled electric donkey, humming a little tune, and was about to pick up her best friend with her big goose.

"I have a little donkey, but I never ride it~" Nan Jiao was extremely excited today.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao, this way!" Nan Jiao heard her best friend's voice as soon as she arrived at the bus stop in the village.

"Feifei, you're finally here. Let's go. I'll pick you up and wash away the dust. From now on, I'll take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food!" Nan Jiao helped carry the luggage into the car and took her best friend to eat spicy hotpot first.

"Jiaojiao, you can do it! It has only been a few days since you became the boss. I can see that your online store is booming. You are really right to quit your job!" Liu Feifei really admires her best friend. Within a month, I became the boss directly.

"It turns out that I also have "someone else's best friend" hahaha~!" Liu Feifei danced excitedly and sang a song about her best friend getting rich.

"My best friend has a net worth of over 100 million and drives a Ferrari with one hand..." The little tricycle was filled with laughter.

"Dad, has your hair grown longer?" Murong Xiaoxiao looked at her father's head today and felt that it had become shorter.

Murong Bo touched his head with doubt on his face, "Actually, I feel it too much. It feels denser than before. Is the Yehe porridge you bought really that effective?"

"I don't know if it works or not. My friend said that it takes one course of treatment to be effective. You've only been using it for two days. It can't be effective so quickly." Murong Xiaoxiao really felt that her father's hair had become thicker. Is it because of the recent increase in hair? She was so focused on the porridge that she was stunned.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you think about my hair?" Murong Bo asked the daughter-in-law next to him.

Mrs. Ye looked at her man's hair and nodded, "Old Bo, I also think you have a little too much hair. Is that Yehe porridge so effective?"

"Don't tell me that this porridge is quite delicious. Let's wait and see in two days. If it works, Xiaoxiao will buy some more. I'll give some to my relatives at home."

"You don't have to wait two days. Xiaoxiao, please contact your friend now and buy more. Our family happens to be cooperating with the Liu family the day after tomorrow. This night porridge as a gift will definitely be delivered to his heart." The daughter-in-law said Murong Bo's words made Murong Bo think further. Some of the bosses among them were not bald. They would give some to each company, which would make the cooperation more pleasant.

"Then I'll contact you shortly." Murong Xiaoxiao also thought of this. Now that we have such a convenient relationship, of course, we can buy more before it becomes popular.


"Auntie!" Liu Feifei called as she walked in. Nan Jiao also finished her meal and returned home. Now her mother was the only one looking after the store.

"Oh, Feifei is here, come in and sit down and have a rest. Jiaojiao is talking about you every day at home, but this is finally here."

This is not the first time for her friend Jiaojiao to come here, so she is quite familiar with her.

Nan Jiao: "Mom, I'm taking Feifei back to the room first. I'll cook dinner in the evening, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Auntie! I'll go up with Jiaojiao first, and I'll have a nice chat with auntie later!" Liu Feifei also dragged her luggage and said hello to Jiaojiao's mother.

"Go, go! Feifei is tired from riding in the car. You should have a good rest. Treat it as your own home. Don't be restrained."

The room had been tidied up a long time ago. Knowing that Feifei was here to work and the conditions were limited, she prepared a computer desk in the room. From now on, her best friend would work in the room or on her mobile phone.

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