What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 96 Wearing the black robe again

I am Chen Tao.

A time traveler.

I have considered countless times whether my behavior is actually normal.

Am I affected by those Batman memories?

Was it because of their influence that I changed my ways and became more and more crazy?

Look what I'm going to do now.

I was going to intercept a nuclear bomb, completely voluntarily, premeditated, and intentionally careless.

——It's broken, and it has completely transformed into the shape of Batman. That mask with pointed ears is really damn magical.

——Hell, what kind of lunatic would envision himself receiving a nuclear bomb physically?

Just like a person standing on the edge of a cliff, vaguely expecting that he will slip and fall?

This is definitely a pathological self-destructive tendency.


So now, you're starting to question your motives again? My body honestly made all kinds of preparations, and then I started to doubt my mind?

Give me a break.

You say to yourself:

Open the bow without turning back the arrow.

No matter what, this is my decision...Chen Tao's decision.

I decided to intercept the nuclear bomb myself in the worst possible situation, when all my cards were exhausted, when I had no choice, and at the risk of being blown up.

Now is the time to follow through on my decision.

So that predictable fear shocks your whole body like a pacemaker.

"I have modified the design of the nuclear bomb. It is no longer a weapon for ground strikes...it is a weapon made for you--"

Bain said.

The world is distorted before your eyes, and Bane's voice is stretched and distorted in your ears.

You heard Bane say:

"Its radar is set up to track Batman."

And you know you're Batman.

"It's really terrible." Lucius's voice rang in the earphones: "I understand what Bain means, that is to say, this nuclear bomb is now being launched according to the established trajectory.

If we leave it alone, it will level the metropolis, and if you want to push it out of orbit, throwing it out of the earth is impossible, because this nuclear bomb is set up to track you, and once you get close to it, it will It will explode! "

His words were a little garbled, and his language processing was careless, but at least he managed to explain the current situation clearly.

Then the butler Alfred’s voice sounded on the channel:

"Master, I heard the general situation. You don't need to rely on yourself."

His face with a candle-head hood appeared on the two-dimensional projection screen, and behind him were two sharp claws standing stupidly.

Young Robin stood safely behind him, with all crises and dangers far away from him.

Alfred's tone was very calm and he looked very reasonable, and he even had a relaxed smile on his face:

"We must have other ways. We can also think of other ways. For example, drones -"

"Bain named me." Chen Tao told him in a low voice: "Would he not have thought of this? It is impossible for a drone to adapt to an environment outside the atmosphere. There is no doubt that this is specially prepared for me. Big gift.”

Alfred was silent for a moment, and then said quickly:

"Then there are other ways, the human bat, the human-faced bat, he can also fly!"

So you don't care about the life or death of the man-bat? If you don't have a nano body to face a nuclear bomb explosion, you will definitely die.

Although Chen Tao doesn't mind finding a scapegoat, the most important thing is...

"With the flying speed of a human-faced bat, how can it possibly catch up with the missile?"

"Then we can still look for it..."

Chen Tao took a deep breath.

"Alfred, I expected this, okay?"

He told Alfred: "It's nothing more than facing the explosion of a nuclear bomb."

He organizes language:

"I have some special powers, Nano-Batman or something."

Alfred responded in a low voice: "I know, sir. Although you didn't take the initiative to explain them to me, and I wouldn't ask intentionally, there is no doubt that I know."

Chen Tao continued:

"I have envisioned the scene of a nuclear bomb exploding. As long as I can transform into a hybrid of a car and a nanobody at the same time, plus the amber gold of the owl bat to protect my life, even in the face of a nuclear bomb - our chief scientist once helped me calculate If I exceed the relevant values, I won’t die, at most I will be weakened.”

He stretched out his hand, and one hand turned into the black sand of the broken bat, while the other hand condensed into green dinosaur claws, and then smoothly turned into the tires of the car under his control.

His temples throbbed with pain, but this time...

These two overlapping transformations did not collapse.

Lucius's voice confirmed from the side: "Alfred, Bruce didn't ask me to tell you before, mainly because he was afraid that you would worry, and this is just a plan for the worst case scenario, although now... well... "

He said in a dull tone: "This worst-case scenario has become a reality."

Alfred was silent for a while.

"You've never told me before that you thought about taking a nuclear bomb."

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Robin standing next to him: "Tim, you know this, right? Dudu didn't tell me? Dudu didn't dare to tell me?"

He didn't even call him Master Tim like he usually did.

Tim responded with silence.

Alfred turned his head and said dejectedly:

"Have you tried?"

Chen Tao was speechless.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't even try, did you? You weren't sure you could survive a nuclear bomb."

"It's not that exaggerated." Chen Tao told him: "According to numerical calculations, as long as I am not at the center, the shock wave and heat energy are not enough to destroy me. Of course, radiation is also ineffective against me..."

Chen Tao wasted his words for a while, and then suddenly realized that these could not dispel Alfred's worries, so he stopped explaining and finally said:

"I'm sorry, Alfred. I'm afraid I have to go. It's Batman's responsibility after all."

Chen Tao could clearly hear every word he said.

"And I am—"

"No! No! You can't!!! You are not him! He is already dead! He is finally dead! He finally got his wish and died together with the monsters in exhaustion!"

Alfred finally broke out.

His whole body was shaking and he could no longer maintain the forced smile.

"The city gave you back to me! Gotham gave me back the little boy named Bruce Wayne who died with his parents in Crime Alley!"

"You finally let it go, you can finally sleep, you are finally at peace - my child!"

He carefully reached out his hand, as if he was touching Bruce's face through the screen, as if he were touching some fragile porcelain.

"My fate is so rough, my child is covered with wounds! You have suffered so much! You don't have to, you don't have to--"

He clenched his fists, as if he could desperately grab his Bruce, as if Chen Tao would turn into a bat and fly away in the next second.

"Please, damn it! You don't have to be a bat monster in black anymore!"


The old man seemed to have exhausted his last bit of strength. His legs weakened and he collapsed to the ground.



"There are other people...other people can go. You don't owe this city anything, you don't owe anyone. You should live a normal life. This city, or other cities, what they are has nothing to do with you. .”

He let out two indistinct sobs.

Under the light, half of Chen Tao's face was hidden in shadow.

"The nuclear bomb exploded and the world was destroyed. This... these are not your responsibility."

他 说:

"You promised to retire with me."

It's always been like this, it's happened so many times - the Son of Gotham puts on the suit again, the dead Bat-monster comes back to life, and he...

To see Bruce Wayne on the verge of death once again. For Alfred, this was undoubtedly the most cruel torture in his life.

Regarding this…

I'm deeply sorry.


"I am Batman."

Chen Tao always felt that these words sounded like destiny.

They looked at each other speechlessly.

Lucius's voice also sounded from Chen Tao's ears at this time: "We detected it, that nuclear bomb!"

He said sadly: "But we no longer have interceptor missiles. So..."

"I see."

The Dark Knight took a deep breath, paused heavily and sighed. When he raised his head, Alfred saw the burning fire roaring in his eyes.

He knew that look, he was too familiar with that look.

That kind of look that belongs exclusively to Batman. He has seen this look countless times in the past years——

Aloof and awe-inspiring, contemptuous and sharp!

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