What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 94 Ending? (First order required)

With a bang, the clown fell to the ground.

Half of his pale face was deformed and distorted by the venom, like a cream cake that expanded after being inflated - and now, this cream cake has been cut open, revealing dark red and bright yellow grease.

"Poison Ivy! It's the last moment, hurry up and get positioned!"

"Wait, soon..." Poison Ivy's voice came: "I'm done!"

Lucius stared at the many bright spots flashing on the screen.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay..."

He encouraged himself in a low voice, then opened his eyes, punched the launch button, and said to the communication:

"Batman, have you finished taking care of the Joker? If something slips through the net, you may be needed..."

"I'm ready."

Chen Tao told him: "In every sense."

He turned his head and looked at the clown lying on the ground in a large shape, his face full of the afterglow of being beaten:

"I lost."

said the clown.

"But you refused to kill me, wuwuwu."

He sobbed, "Why can't it be me?"

"you disgust me."

Chen Tao said.

"Don't look like a total failure, clown. You think I don't know what you're planning?"

The clown lying on the ground turned away.

"You don't care about Bain. You don't care about the fight between me and him. All this is just a game to you. You can play the game at any time. You don't care about winning or losing at all."

Chen Tao said:

"The only thing you care about is the game itself.

What you cannot accept is the risk that [the game] will never be played again. "

"For the first time in so many years, you have a clear purpose, clown. That's why I can predict you this time."

The clown huddled on the ground.




At the same time, we switch the perspective back to the Batcave.

"If you want me to get involved with you, Joker."

The Riddler said, "No way."

He was wearing a dark yellow prison uniform full of question marks. It's strange that even though he was imprisoned by Batman, he still received this highly personal piece of clothing as a preferential treatment.

"I'm not going to get involved in your game with the Bat. If I wanted to play, I'd go find him myself, and to be honest - I don't play games anymore."

The Riddler said, "I want to wash my hands in a golden basin."

"Pfft! Stop lying, old Eddie, please, I'm here to do business today, don't make me laugh anymore."

A mocking smile appeared on the clown's face. He was laughing as he spoke, and he was indeed smiling, but he didn't look like he was smiling at all.

Just full of malice.

The Riddler stared intently at his face.

He said slowly: "What do you want to do?"

A gas bomb with a smiley face appeared in the clown's hand:

"No, I'll make things more interesting."

"You crazy person."

The Riddler quickly retreated to the side of the cell, his expression ugly: "You damn-"

"This formula may be older and its effect has weakened, but if you wait a few more minutes, it will still be very powerful."

As the Joker said this, he threw the gas bomb directly into the Riddler's room through the vent above the transparent cell.

"Stop it, clown, you lunatic—ahem!"

Green poisonous gas quickly exploded in the room.

"Hahahaha! That's right, you come out in person, that's the point."

The clown pressed his face tightly against the transparent glass wall: "After all, if you are not in good condition, I don't want to take you to the party, right?"

Green mist rose in the room, making the clown's face hazy:

"You've always had potential, and that's what I love most about you. No one has ever been able to push the bat as hard as you can—"

"And except for you, no one has ever had the wisdom to rival the great Bat King!"

Amidst the Riddler's violent coughing, the Joker shouted:

"If you don't give him a hint, he'll never find you! Right? You always focus on the most important games, just like me!"

"Oh, Eddie! Eddie. Your mind is your most dangerous weapon, and you're better than all of us at that. You're the master of riddles in this evil city, smarter than Batman." , better, and more dangerous.”


"Why are you still wasting your life here, Eddie? I really can't bear to see you like this. I would rather you die."

The Joker said, "And now it's almost time for you too!"


The transparent glass door was opened, and the Riddler stood in the center of the separated clown gas.

"There are 46 ways to get out of this cell, Joker."

The Riddler said: "And only 4 of them can be completed within the time limit you set."

"The easiest thing is to hit the fragile part of the glass with the least effort. But I chose method three."

The clown pulled a smile on his face: "Hahaha, I know it, I know you haven't changed! You can always be one step ahead."

"Four hours ago, I dug a hole in the wall."

The Riddler said, looking at the door control of the cell: "I changed the circuit of the door through this hole."

The clown's expression changed slightly.

"And the tool I used to dig into the wall was an iron spoon."

This is not reasonable.

Batman wouldn't be stupid enough to give the Riddler an iron spoon.

The clown didn't want to hear what he said next, so he decisively turned around and ran away.

He spread his long and thin legs, jumped with agility, climbed directly over the fence, and jumped up the upward ladder in three or two steps. It was the doorway out of the Batcave and the entrance through which he entered.

The Riddler lowered his head.

"Why are all the Arkham maniacs being mobilized to deal with Bane and I'm the only one left in the Batcave?"

"Why isn't Robin here, and neither is his butler?"

The Riddler's voice sounded from behind:

"So you got it, Joker?"

"For so many years, I never admitted that Batman was smarter than me, and I still don't admit it even now. But I still have to say..."

"Batman's wisdom really surpasses me in some places, such as his understanding of you. He said you must come and confirm whether the previous clown was killed.

He said you will definitely come and confirm with your own eyes...

He told me a lot about you... or you guys. "

drop! Squeaky...

There was a noisy mechanical sound, as if some huge machine was running.

The clown's fingertips touched the doorknob.

drop! Click!

Then the next second, the world turned upside down in front of the clown.

The stairs rolled back, throwing the clown back to the ground like a spoon amid the sound of machinery. The ground opened and sank, swallowing the clown like an insect sealed in amber.

With a sound of mechanical springs, the floor closed again, as if nothing had happened just now.

"You always think about the game, clown."

The Riddler stood there quietly: "But there is no more game. Whether it's me, Batman, Bane, all of us."

"You have been abandoned. From beginning to end, you are the only one who wants to play the game."

"You think it's impossible for me as another player in the game to cooperate with the boss at the end of the level."

"But that's a fallacy."

The Riddler lowered his eyebrows.

The BatComputer emits a synthesized sound:

"The air freshening system has been activated...removing the remaining clown gas..."


It said cheerfully:

“Have a nice clown-free afternoon!”

“The upright one who was once meek.”

The Riddler groaned.

"Follow the dangerous trail, down the valley of death."

"...the shambling snake, humble, moving slowly..."

“…and the righteous are furious in the wilderness…

“There are lions roaming there!”

(The verses sung by the Riddler are excerpted from "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" by William Blake)

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