What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 91 The Death Seeker

"Never again—"

"No more games."

"What do you mean?"

"Like literally, a bat."

The clown is in a daze...

He looked like he was in a dream.

"No kidnapping, no 2-for-1, let me guess... you thought I would kidnap Robin?"

"Do you think the place Robin stepped into now is a trap?"

He smiled mockingly.

"I imagined all the worst-case scenarios and made all necessary preparations."

Chen Tao said.

The voices of Deadshot, Cheshire Cat and Killer Croc sounded from his headset:

"Batman? There is nothing here, no clown's men, and no traps suddenly rising. This is different from what you expected."

"I know, it's an old trick." The clown sat on the ground a little glumly, leaning next to Bane, who was kneeling on the ground, laughing silently.

"I guess that Robin who walked in must be Clayface in disguise. After that incident, you won't let those children get hurt again..."

He looked at himself and said pityingly: "It's like you don't like me anymore."

The Joker raised his head, and his formerly crazy face turned calm, looking strangely sincere: "So we won't play games anymore, Batman."

"No more giant laughing gas balloons, no more bouncing dinosaurs, freaks and circuses, no more roses, beautiful fireworks and birthday parties."

He said:

"The thing now is very simple. The metropolis will be destroyed, tens of millions of people will die, and you will kill me...you must not hesitate."

Chen Tao suddenly pressed his headset: "Everyone has——"

And Lucius's voice sounded faster than his: "Dozens of missiles detected taking off from Gotham City!!!"

Cold sweat broke out on his face: "They are located in different locations in Gotham!"

He jumped up from his seat, threw himself in front of the computer, and yelled at the communication.

"Poison Ivy, tell me their trajectory!"

On the other side of Gotham, Poison Ivy, with flying red hair, was sitting under a huge hemispherical machine.

This is a technology derived from Mad Hatter Teach, a psychic projection device that can read the most terminal and tiny signals in the neurons of the human brain, and then convert them into visible information.

"I'm checking! Don't rush me, I need time!"

Lucius on the other side looked up at the small bright spots rising from all corners of the city on the computer screen.

"I'm afraid you have to hurry up!"

He said: "Our detector can only judge the approximate trajectory. We need more detailed data - the deviation should not exceed one centimeter. The more accurate the better, and we must not miss any one."

He flipped open the transparent cover on a red button on the table next to him and put his hand on it: "Hurry up, Poison Ivy! I need the most accurate numbers before launching all interceptor missiles!"

"Shut up, I'm checking!"

Poison Ivy roared back, "Quiet!"

Lucius saw some of the dozens of missiles on the screen falling. The jamming devices they deployed in the city played a certain role...

But no one dares to bet that the real nuclear warhead mixed among these dozens of missiles happens to be one of the few that fell.

He suppressed the anxiety in his heart.

Although Batman had already told him that if there was a worst-case scenario, it would inevitably happen. Although he had done relevant psychological preparation for himself before the incident began, he still felt that his hands were shaking. .

He suddenly grabbed his wrist with his other hand and forcibly stopped the trembling.

This hand will need to be used to press buttons later. It cannot shake, it cannot shake...

He said into the communication: "Batman! Bring the jammer I prepared for you. If the missiles are not completely blocked-"


The clown rushed forward and hugged Chen Tao's legs: "Don't do this, A-Ba!"

He shouted loudly and laughed sadly: "Don't go! I have paid so much for you! Kill me quickly. If I can die in your hands, it will be an extremely happy thing. This pair To me, this is the best ending!”

For a moment, Chen Tao really wanted to chop off the clown's head with a knife.

This should be quick, just condense the blade and then gently scrape——

But he stubbornly resisted such an impulse.

It's not because of the rule of not killing, but because he is afraid that if he kills the clown directly and nakedly, he will be in trouble if he inhales some clown gas and turns into the laughing bat - who knows what the clown hides in his body ?

If you want to kill him, you have to put him into the crusher invented by Lucius.

As for any hesitation...not at all. Neither the Riddler's dark bondage theory, nor the Joker's bad day, nor Batman's original slippery slope theory can restrain him.

Chen Tao knows very well that he is not a madman, and he will never become a scumbag or a tyrant just because he killed the clown. The clown is not special, he has never been special...

He had already murdered the other person once.


He kicked the clown in the face: "You stinking trash, you pervert, you are so disgusting, don't come near me, let go!"

"No - please, let this end like this!"

The clown pleaded loudly: "I am the most special one. They all said you killed-"

His voice stopped suddenly, and he swallowed back the half-sentence he had not yet spoken. Chen Tao's heart moved slightly.

The clown continued to shout like nothing happened:

"It's not fair. We have been together for so long, and I should be the first person you wanted to murder! I should have been the one who started your fall! No one else, I am so jealous!"

"The first batch of missiles have been located!" Lucius in the headset looked at the bright spots marked by red dots on the computer screen and punched the red button.


"Batman!" he said, "You have to be ready to fly out and intercept anything you might miss—"

"I know!"

Chen Tao kicked the clown in the face again: "Get out of here, you disgusting..."

"No, I'm not disgusting, I'm your favorite——"

Chen Tao lost his patience.

Silver-white particles flashed, followed by the thick fist of Bane Bat.

He squeezed his palm, and the next moment green appeared on his arm. The strange power and sharp claws from the bat dragon were superimposed with the Bain bat. In just one blow, the clown was knocked backwards and flew away, leaving him stuck on the ground like a cockroach. .

Chen Tao tried his best to control his strength so as not to beat him to death.

The Joker's attitude confirmed some of his guesses, but now was not the time to think about that.

Often the simpler and cruder the plan, the more effective it is. If the clown plans to pull some tricks like kidnapping Robin, Chen Tao will be able to handle it with ease, because he can predict it——

But direct launch...

This is completely a test of Chen Tao's advance preparation. If he is not fully prepared, he will fail immediately!

"I'll be here right away." He turned his head and said to Lucius in the communication: "I'll be able to--"


Chen Tao turned his head, and the clown stood up from the ground trembling. The strong muscles burst his clothes, exposing his pale body with red skin holes to the air.

Chen Tao lowered his face: "Titan Venom."

"I'm your favorite court jester——"

"Sorry, Lucius, I might need another three minutes."

Chen Tao said: "Just three minutes."




Meanwhile, the Batcave.

The Riddler Edward Nygma was locked up alone in a transparent cell. He was sitting in the corner with a stack of files in his hand, as if he had been forgotten by the whole world.

But he quickly stood up and walked to the tempered glass of the cell.

"Jesus," he said.

"It's you, clown."

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