What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 85: The Dragnet of Absolute Caution (please read it later)


Chen Tao thought silently.

His mood became increasingly indifferent, as peaceful as water dripping from a gargoyle.

It was not that he was unaware of the changes in his emotions, but what was surprising was...

He does not reject these.

He mentally reviewed for the last time that he had kidnapped... ah, no, it was protective kidnapping... Bah, bah, bah, it was the list of people who he forcibly took away for protection.

Gotham City Councilman...City Council Spokesperson...Planning Commission Chairman...

And, of course, Jim Gordon. The second-in-command of the police department, Captain Harvey Bullock, did not let go either. Several other important backbones of the police station who could be used as threats were also packed away.

All the people were replaced by puppets transformed by the Clay-faced Man, and the Clay-faced Man was almost drained.

In order to achieve this feat, in addition to key targets like Jim Gordon, who were entirely made of Clayface's body, Chen Tao also chose to use the skeleton robot invented by Lucius for some less important characters.

In this way, the clay-faced man only needs to cover part of his body on the surface of this kind of robot to create a lifelike dummy that can jump and run, while greatly reducing his own body wear and tear.

This invention greatly increased the efficiency of kidnapping.

Anyone who has the slightest chance of being kidnapped by Bane will be arrested. Anyone who has a personal relationship with Bruce Wayne, even an 80-year-old grandmother, will be broken into the house and cuffed away.

Not only that, even if Bain was kidnapped by a random passerby on the street, he wouldn't be afraid.

Not to mention that Batman already had surveillance cameras all over Gotham, and Chen Tao also dispatched Lincoln March and his Talon troops to be on standby at any time;

Hundreds of claws controlled by chips are distributed in the city, ready to rescue any hostage at any corner;

The three major gang alliances, composed of Two-Face, Penguin and Ventriloquist, which can completely command the entire Gotham gang, have issued orders to most gang members in the entire city to find suspicious persons a few days ago. Order.

This order spread throughout Gotham's grassroots gang members in just three hours, and within eight hours, any ordinary person living in a neighborhood controlled by gangs knew about it.

Driven by such a huge bonus, are you still worried that you can't find anyone?

If you kidnap people, there must be a place to store the hostages, right?

A deserted building with no one around?

As it happened, all the homeless people knew the place.

Bridge hole? Overpass?

Just those few places where people can stand, who doesn’t know?

Are you renting a house?

The old landlady was the first to report it.

The U.S. government cannot be that efficient, but the gangs can be.

Because this is a city of gangsters, gangs penetrate into all aspects of people's lives. Most residents of Gotham have gang backgrounds, and the sons and fathers of many families are old gangsters passed down from their ancestors.

Lockard's law of material exchange tells us that no crime can be traceless, let alone Bain's men, a group of outsiders who lack understanding of the city.

Even with the help of the inmates of Black Gate Prison, their existence, in the eyes of Zheng Heiqi of Old Gotham, will be as dazzling as fireflies in the dark night.

As long as they place these kidnapped hostages outside Blackgate Prison, they will be recognized in minutes.

Do you know what the king of the city is?

Do you understand what it means to be targeted by the entire city?

What does it mean to be surrounded by enemies, and what does it mean to be surrounded by a vast ocean?

If you want to hide something under this level of surveillance, unless the thing was hidden a few years ago, such as the nuclear bomb that was bought a few years ago and may be in the hands of Bain...

But it is impossible to hide it on the spot.

What? You said placing the hostages in Blackgate Prison, which is completely controlled by Bane?

So many sharp claws for food?

As long as Bain is not personally in the prison, who else can stop them?

Under such crazy and outrageous batches of compulsory protection and comprehensive surveillance, Chen Tao did not believe that he could be like the Madonna protagonists in third-rate trash novels, facing someone close to him or an innocent person being kidnapped and forced to be helpless. The passive situation of fighting back.

And the development of the facts is indeed as Chen Tao expected.

"I kidnapped Jim Gordon and he is now being held by my men in Blackgate Prison..."

"The clay-faced man is pretending. You can try calling."

"If I call you, you will trace the call..."

"Hurry up and tear up the ticket, hurry up, don't talk nonsense."

Bain called and hung up after a few minutes.

His face under the broken half of the hood was expressionless.

He was silent for a while, then spoke again:

"I kidnapped Harvey Bullock..."

Chen Tao interrupted him directly: "The clay-faced man is pretending."

The same old process, call, confirm, hang up.

"I kidnapped Mayor Carlo..."

"The clay-faced man is fake..."

"Public Councilor..."

"Clay-faced man..."

"I kidnapped..."

Bane reported more than ten names in a row, only to receive the same reply from Batman:

"Clayface pretends to be."

In the end, Bain didn't even bother to call to confirm. He just kept saying his name and got the answer he had expected.

He stopped naming the names in vain.

Chen Tao saw that his fists were tightening again and again, and the veins spread from his neck to his forehead.

"Impossible. Clayface Man cannot separate himself into so many people at the same time. I have studied his nature, and I kidnapped dozens of people at the same time. They can't all be... How did you do it?"

Because we have Doraemon.

Of course, Chen Tao would not tell Bain this.

"You can guess for yourself."

Bain was silent.

But even though his plan seemed to have completely failed, Chen Tao did not relax his vigilance at all.

He was waiting, waiting for Bain to pull out another trump card...

Could the bought nuclear bomb really be in his hands?

"I still have two final kidnapping targets."


Chen Tao was startled.

Not a nuclear bomb?

"Two final kidnapping targets."

"Stop talking, the clay-faced man is fake..."

"I'm afraid you'll have to take another look at this."

Chen Tao's face turned slightly serious.

In the few seconds that Bain spoke, he had already reviewed all the points of his actions several times in his mind, but there was no new discovery for the time being.

Bain seemed confident, and things were a little out of his control...

This is normal. No matter how much preparation he has made, he is not an omniscient and omnipotent God after all.


No matter what kind of trump card Bain has, he is fully prepared to ensure that he can deal with it.

and so.

What is it? Bane?

What other trump cards do you have that I didn't expect?

How can you still struggle under such a tight encirclement and blockade like a dragnet?

The trump card has been revealed...

Chen Tao's eyes widened.

There is another chapter at 12 o'clock, and I got stuck at the last moment. I will continue reading all day tomorrow. The success or failure of Sanjiang depends on this!

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