What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 610: Bats Pretend to Sleep, Lure the Enemy

The Bat Who Laughs was thinking over and over again. He kept deducing in his mind the possible responses that Batman might make, and his head was almost smoking from thinking so much.

After repeatedly using Bruce's thinking to deal with his opponent but failing miserably, the Batman Who Laughs finally realized that he was not dealing with a traditional Bruce. When formulating plans against Batman the Dragon, the opponent might very likely do something that he could not predict.

He had to discard his previous thinking and re-examine his plan from all angles.

From the current perspective, the situation is completely under control.

Batman the Dragon must have thought of summoning Bat-Mite.

The other party must have tried to use the fifth-dimensional life to deal with all the difficulties he is currently facing... the Black Death Emperor, the Laughing Bat himself, and the Emperor Joker. If the other party did not have such an idea, he would not have brought those wizards to the world of Reverse Flash after discovering that he could not forcibly invade the universe with the spirit of existence.

Because this universe has been repeatedly restarted by Reverse Flash, reality has been turned into a mess by the Speed ​​Force and the disordered timeline.

The hundreds and thousands of timelines that were erased by Reverse Flash by restarting the universe were not completely destroyed, but existed briefly as remnants of time.

Countless creatures are between the boundaries of being erased and not being completely erased. Their imagination makes the reality of this universe as brittle as tofu, which can greatly increase the probability of summoning five-dimensional creatures. In the eyes of Batman Dragon, the Reverse Flash of this universe may also be the best teammate to recruit. With the superposition of these two factors, Batman Dragon came here.

And all of this is under the control of the Laughing Bat.

The Laughing Bat could feel the existence of the invisible thread... He quietly hid in the dark corner, guiding the other party's actions like manipulating a puppet.

The most brilliant tactician commands the enemy, and all the actions of Batman Dragon are as clear to the Bat Who Laughs as the lines on the palm of his hand.

Yes, do you think the Laughing Bat doesn't know?

Having intercepted so many ordinary Bruces from other dark multiverses from his cave, the Batman Who Laughs bet that Batman Dragon would try to use the emotional energy of these Bruces to summon Bat-Mite, but this was also part of the Batman Who Laughs' plan.

Although he is unpredictable, all his actions and operations must be based on strength, or resources.

Simply put, a good cook cannot cook without rice. Facing such an unpredictable enemy, steady and cautious may be the best option.

Batman Dragon does not know that he controls the "Thunderbolt Spirit" of the fifth dimension. The Batman Who Laughs can fully declare that within the current timeline of the entire existing multiverse, no one can compete with the Batman Who Laughs for the right to summon Bat-Mite except Barbatos, a sub-sixth-dimensional god whose power is infinitely close to that of the sixth-dimensional god, who is busy gnawing on his master's corpse.

Did Batman's Dragon really think that with those ordinary Bruces he could compete with another fifth-dimensional creature for the ability to summon Bat-Mite?

No, if he were foolish enough to try to harness the emotional energy of these regular Bruces, he would instead aid the Laughing Bat in his plan to capture Batman.

Batman's dragon collected the emotional energy for him and turned it into a delicious-looking bait.

The Laughing Bat prepared a trap next to the bait, and then 1, 2, 3!

Batman's Dragon thought he was competing with him for the right to summon, but in fact he was just helping him to rub the sugar coating in the sugar-coated bullets.

The Batman Who Laughs also checked the drugs Batman left for the mages...some ingredients for mental resistance, followed by those old stuff like Metal Spirit and Red of All Creatures.

This posed no threat to him at all.

The Laughing Bat has studied every detail, so immediately...

The Laughing Bat whispered.

Hehehe, feel the horror that everything is part of the Laughing Bat’s plan!




"Look, Batman."

The world of Reverse Flash can no longer completely view time and space according to the normal dark multiverse thinking.

At this time, Chen Tao and Reverse-Flash appeared on a neat road. Even though they had synchronized with the Red Death, Chen Tao still couldn't figure out what messed up timeline they were in.

“I built my own paradise.”

Chen Tao flew high into the sky, then he looked down.

There is nothing much to say, this is simply the most perfect utopia that humans can imagine.

After he synchronized the Speed ​​Bullet and the Devastator, the extraordinary vision of the Kryptonian creature swept across the entire city in an instant.

There were no gunfights, no killings, no deaths, not even illegal crimes like stealing bicycles and running red lights.

This was not due to any kind of oppression, but because the moral standards of every resident had reached an extremely high level. The perfect utopia that only appeared in books and described by thinkers appeared before Chen Tao's eyes.

“I redesigned the entire world, using various life forms to bring them to life, and then embedded them into time and space in a reasonable way.”

Reverse Flash turned around and said to Chen Tao.

Beside him, several passers-by looked at them curiously, but no one stared at them for long because it was impolite.

"It's amazing." Chen Tao said, "The moral level of each of them is almost catching up with the moral perfection of supermen."


Reverse Flash Swan said.

"You may not know how much I have studied the Speed ​​Force and Stasis Force. I use their folded timelines and control them perfectly. They are no longer dangerous. We can do things that have never been done before."

"For example, visit your father, Thomas Wayne, Martha Wayne, your grandfather, and all your ancestors, and then introduce to them what great achievements you have made."

Reverse Flash whispered in Chen Tao's ear, his face almost rubbing lightly against Batman's pointy hood.

"You can even travel into the future and see what your descendants will be like when they grow up...their lives, that wonderful world."

Reverse Flash told Chen Tao.

"Through this Craft World, we can not only create possibilities, we can also create...miracles."

Are you also a world forger who wants to create a perfect world?

Chen Tao glanced at him sideways.

Under the guidance of Reverse Flash, they appeared again in Gotham, the new Gotham.

"Do you want to go down and see your father?" Reverse Flash asked Chen Tao.

Chen Tao lowered his head and saw that Thomas Wayne, a professional doctor and president of Wayne Group, was giving a speech in the square below the building where they were standing.

He thanked all those who have contributed to the city over the past year and looked forward to a better tomorrow for everyone.

Martha Wayne stood beside the podium, looking at her husband with a gentle smile.

Chen Tao... uh, Chen Tao always thought of the zombies who had just crawled out of the grave for no reason.

He turned his head, showing an indescribable fake smile, and said to Reverse Flash righteously:

"That's not necessary, no."

Reverse Flash didn't show any expression on the surface, but his heart sank slightly. He thought that such a scene would be the best to arouse Batman Bruce Wayne's emotions and manipulate him to make a choice that was beneficial to him, but it seemed that he was completely unmoved, and even his originally shaken expression became firm again.

What on earth is going on???

But even though it didn't go according to plan, Reverse Flash couldn't be stopped.

He gritted his teeth and finally brought Batman to the center of another city.

"The entire Ark timeline is powered by this central energy source. As long as you are willing to provide enough energy to this central energy source, I can take this timeline I forged, escape from this universe that is about to be destroyed, and attach it to a complete dark multiverse."

He pointed to the bustling crowd below and said: "As long as you are willing to provide energy, this perfect utopia will truly become a reality."

Of course, it is like a vine that parasitizes other worlds and sucks blood.

Chen Tao kept this in mind and asked, "How can I provide energy for this timeline?"

"Just enter this building." Reverse Flash said, "This building is specially built by me to absorb energy. As long as you burst out the powerful energy of your Dark Multiverse Dragon after entering, you can provide power for this timeline."

"Just need to go in?"

"Yes, indeed."

There was no sound of impatience or any other emotion in Reverse Flash's voice.

He saw Batman land on the ground and stand in the doorway of the building.

But he didn't go in.

"I'm actually very curious, Dr. Swan."

Then Reverse Flash heard the other party's voice: "You are too powerful. You stole time from the timeline and created such a perfect utopia for yourself. This seems to be far beyond the limit of what a speed force user can do. I mean..."

Chen Tao turned around and said to Reverse-Flash: "If you can do this on your own, then you are more powerful than the Reverse-Flash in the main universe. Living in this dark multiverse is a pure waste of you. You should go to the main universe and kick that useless Reverse-Flash and teach him how to be a villain."

Reverse Flash heard the mockery in Batman's words. He tried to rush up and force Batman into the building, but he felt that he had hit a steel wall. Maybe Chen Tao was a little slower than the other party in terms of speed?

But power is another matter.

But the next moment, the ground around them began to move, as if something could no longer be disguised.

The building's blurry deformation immediately turned into a huge mouth that came towards Chen Tao to bite him. Chen Tao was caught off guard and was bitten. Then Reverse Flash was disappointed to see that the other party turned into a disgusting mud face and fell to the ground after a twitch.

"Where are you? Batman, come out."

He turned around and shouted to the surrounding streets: "At least I can confirm that you were still your original self before. When did you change yourself into Clayface? It's useless. This is my territory. From the moment you stepped into this world, you can't leave here. Do you think you can escape here?"

"Is there a possibility that I haven't thought about escaping?"

But then Reverse-Flash heard a voice in his ear, and then he felt Batman's hand on his shoulder.

"There's no point in talking to you about this. Call out the master behind you. I need to talk to him."

Before Reverse Flash could figure out what to do, he heard Batman say.

"Hurry up, and the boss behind you better be the one I want, otherwise my whole plan will have to be overturned and started over again, which is very troublesome."

Reverse Flash used his extreme speed to escape from the other party's hand on his shoulder. His face was uncertain, and finally he gritted his teeth under the mask.

"I'm sorry. Now that you've come this far, I can't give up. This is the only chance for the perfect world to be reborn, and no one can take it away from me."

Chen Tao shrugged and warned, "Don't ever think that the people who are helping you behind the scenes have any good intentions. Don't you have any..."

But he didn't have time to finish his words.

Yellow lightning began to gather gradually on Reverse Flash's body, and those jumping and surging electric lights moved around his body like living things.

And just when the battle between the two was about to break out.

"Okay. Stop it."

Chen Tao finally heard the voice he had been waiting for for so long.

He turned around and saw the so-called building.

A huge human face appeared on the wall of the building, which looked exactly like Parallax Mohar.




clap clap.

Chen Tao clapped his hands slowly and walked towards the face on the building until he was face to face with him, even showing his back to the Reverse Flash Swan without any worries.

"I knew that only you could create something of this level. If Reverse Flash could create it, he wouldn't be hiding in this dark multiverse."

"Enough of the nonsense. I need you to take me to reality so that I can create a perfect reality. What conditions does this require of you?"

Chen Tao stopped talking.

He smiled and shook his head, "No, no, no, you're wrong. Although I am the Dragon of the Dark Multiverse, I only hold that position, do you understand? I don't have that much power, I can't pull you from the past to the present."

Just like pulling a person out of a well, Chen Tao had the qualifications to stand next to the well, but his skinny body made it impossible for him to pull someone out.

"This is impossible."

Chen Tao allowed the rocks controlled by Parallax Mohal to cover his entire body.

If you don't have energy, you don't have energy. If you can't do it, you can't do it. The information obtained by Parallax Mohal was flawed. After he found out that Batman had become the Dragon of the Dark Multiverse, he arbitrarily believed that the other party would have the same power as Barbatos once had.

But Chen Tao knew that it was impossible for him.

He whispered, "But there is one person who might, you know? Parallax Mohal."

He said sincerely: "Our goals are naturally the same. We are teammates."

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