What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 600: Should the Laughing Bat's head be made into a wine jug or a decorative lamp?

Chen Tao did not answer Dr. Fate's words, but sent her away.

Although Queen Hekate had been extracted from the body of Wonder Woman in this universe by Chen Tao and injected into the body of Horror Lantern, the chaos she had caused in this world was far from over.

Because Queen Hecate ordered her subordinate, the God of Fear, to disguise himself as a senior US government official and attack the Amazon Paradise Island with missiles, and she herself, under Diana's face, summoned all the Amazons in the world to capture the White House, so under the current circumstances, the Amazons and the US government are almost incompatible.

And due to Chen Tao's interference, the two remaining giants of the Justice League, Chaos and Batman, did not die at the hands of Queen Hecate, so the current situation is not out of control yet. Chen Tao feels that it is far from the time for him, an outsider, to rush in and take charge.

So at this time, Chen Tao was squatting in a bat base of super male bats, and he had some problems of his own that he needed to solve.

"let me see……"

Chen Tao first released the laughing head that he had chopped off at that moment from his own metal spiritual space.

In fact, the tiny gap in the metal coffin that he lifted at the beginning was far from enough to take the head out, but when those troublemakers who called themselves the Third Legion summoned Barbatos, he used part of his hand to fluidize the power of the Metal Spirit into a sharp blade, chopped off the head, and then forcibly pulled the head out of the gap.

Therefore, this head is not very intact at the moment. Although the goggles made of dark metal are still intact, there are large areas of bruises on the chin and neck, and a small piece of the spine and flesh on the neck has also fallen off.

Chen Tao immediately used the Speed ​​Bullet's X-ray Eyes to scan the condition of the head in front of him with great anticipation. If he had not had to deal with the problem of the Horror Lantern first, he would have wanted to see what was inside the laughing head.

Although those who called themselves the Third Legion arrived too quickly, leaving him no time to confirm whether the Laughing Bat was really killed, Chen Tao never thought that he could kill the Laughing Bat so easily.

If this head could bring him...

Chen Tao used Batleniak's ability to observe the brain again.

To his regret, this head was not filled with the knowledge that the Laughing Bat knew as he had expected.

If he really cut off the head of the Laughing Bat, then even though the remaining brain cells have lost their activity, there should still be a lot of information left, but there is nothing here.

Chen Tao opened the skull of the Laughing Bat without giving up, and then took out his brain from it.

In the comics, the Batman Who Laughs once relied on a brain transplant to take over the body of the most powerful Batman, Dr. Manhattan. Strictly speaking, this thing should record the consciousness of the Batman Who Laughs, but there is still nothing, nothing.

This is just a shell made of pure flesh and blood. Chen Tao doesn't quite understand how the Laughing Bat did it. Does it look like some kind of escaping from its shell?

"This is normal. If the Laughing Bat could be easily dealt with by me like this, I would suspect that this is a trap."

Yes, before the Batman Who Laughs stuffed his brain into Batman Manhattan during the big event of Death Metal, he deliberately allowed himself to be killed by Wonder Woman. For someone like the Batman Who Laughs, sometimes death is also part of his plan and trap.

But despite this, Chen Tao was still a little disappointed. He put his hand under the laughing bat's neck, pushed his chin, and then dubbed: "Hehe, I am the laughing bat."

Apart from this, this head with little information and ability is probably only of collection value.

Oh no.

Chen Tao noticed the goggles of the Laughing Bat. This dark metal creation allowed him to see through the darkness in people's hearts. It was an auxiliary prop used by the Laughing Bat to bewitch people.

This thing is the only important thing on this useless shell of flesh.

Chen Tao took it off, checked it, and put it on his head.

Then he used the power of the Metal Spirit to create a smooth upright metal plate in front of him, on which his own image was reflected.

Then he smiled at the mirror.

"Exactly the same".


Chen Tao put the dark metal goggles back on the Laughing Bat's head, and then he opened the Laughing Bat's skull again.

There was nothing clean inside, and the brain had been taken out by him.

Chen Tao decided to hang the head up for display.

Apart from this useless harvest, the rest were various metals and sundry items collected by the Laughing Bat.

Throw aside the data and computers for now; what’s important are these metals.

Chen Tao tried to melt these metals together... He had always wanted to forge a qualified weapon for himself, but in fact, there was almost nothing in the multiverse that could withstand its power.

Batman and Wonder Woman are both masters of all weapons, so does Superman not use weapons because he doesn't like them?

But Chen Tao knew nothing about forging weapons, and the God of Forging among the Olympian gods in his universe had already escaped along with the other Olympian gods before the Anti-Monitor invaded his universe.

All the Olympian gods in this universe were killed by Queen Hecate, and there was no one who could help him forge weapons.

We have to put this matter aside for now.

The containers used by the Laughing Bat to store these metals were very good, and Chen Tao did not plan to change them, especially the bat gold. After careful observation, Chen Tao discovered that the jar containing this thing was actually a small particle accelerator. Chen Tao had to replenish its energy to maintain the operation of the instrument.

In addition, something else that Chen Tao cares about is some cosmic coordinates.

The most important of these is King Robin's universe.

This madman is a rare and powerful person in the Laughing Bat's army who can fight against the Justice League...

Chen Tao was halfway through his thoughts when he heard a loud noise outside the bat cave.

Never mind, King Robin's affairs are not important.

When Chen Tao flew out of the bat cave, he saw a large number of soldiers armed with live ammunition surrounding an Amazon woman on the street.

The Amazons' extraordinary physical fitness allows each of them to confront an organized professional army head-on, but they are all mortals, not demigods. They will get tired. They are not Diana Prince, and lactic acid will never be produced in their bodies.

Faced with encirclement and suppression, the fate of these Amazon women will not be much better than that of ordinary people.

Chen Tao: “???”

"Wait, I don't quite understand."

Not far away, an army soldier discovered Chen Tao's presence, but he just thought he was an ordinary Batman cosplay.

Chen Tao was obediently led by this ordinary soldier to another road to take refuge, while opening the communication: "No, everyone, I have been away for about three hours. Why is the government still fighting with the Amazon people?"

"Because the top government officials could not reach a consensus, they still believed that the Amazons were enemies of the government and the country. But now, after our efforts, the President is willing to guarantee that the surrendered Amazons will receive..."

Chen Tao patiently listened to the nonsense for a while, and finally he interrupted the other party.

"That means the people in the government are not willing to listen to you now."

"Yes, but..."

But the next second, Feihuachao saw the Batman from another universe disappear in the video call on the communication channel.


Then, the chatterbox who was still participating in the government meeting turned around and saw that the PPT originally playing on the TV next to him suddenly turned into a skull face made up of various human faces after a burst of snow-like white noise.



"What's going on? We're under attack!"

"Guard! Guard!"

Nonsense Superman looked at the screen in a daze, and then he quickly pressed the communication button: "Wait, you can't..."

on the street.

An Amazon woman holding a sword was confronting soldiers armed with guns. He saw a tank coming from the end of the street with the muzzle of the tank pointed at her face.

That thing is not an ordinary weapon, but a high-tech energy cannon. The tank is also modified from alloy to specifically deal with superhumans.

The Amazon woman knew that she was facing an organized and planned encirclement and suppression, and she couldn't help showing despair on her face, but even so, the Amazon would fight to the last second.

"It was not our will to storm the White House, and we were deceived." She tried to make one last effort, but all she was greeted with were the soldiers' cold eyes and cannon muzzles.

"None of this is meaningful, Amazon. Now, surrender."

She heard the officer say, "You guys, you super freaks, are going to pay for what you've done."

"I'm not a super freak."

"Whatever you are."

The Amazon woman's hand holding the sword was a little weak. She was about to fight to the death, and then suddenly she saw that all the soldiers who had pointed guns at her put on gas masks in unison.

Then she smelled a faint fragrance, followed by a severe dizziness: "How did you ..."

The masked men didn't answer her, but the Amazon woman realized how the soldiers had obtained this toxin specifically targeting the Amazons: "You experimented on Amazons, otherwise you couldn't have developed these!"

But no one would respond to her, and the Amazon woman knew she was about to fall, but before that...

She is going to fight to the death.

But then, a breeze blew by.

In a speeding world beyond the reach of human senses, the Amazon woman turned her head and saw the black and red lightning moving from the sky. In an instant, the toxins in the air were blown high into the sky by the violent wind, like a howling gale, dispersing all despair and cutting off all malice.

The Amazon woman regained the strength to lift the sword. She was filled with rage and leaped up furiously, about to chop the sword into the officer's neck. But as soon as she raised the sword, it was smashed to pieces by the supersonic hand knife in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the gun in the soldier's hand exploded, and then the tank and gun barrel made of super alloy were torn into pieces. The officer wanted to do something, but the next second all his clothes were stripped off by the flashing red shadow, leaving only naked white in the air.

No one had time to see clearly who or what did it. There was only the bat-shaped lightning lingering and jumping in the air.

The Amazon woman raised her fist, she wanted to kill the officer in front of her.

She raised her fist high in the air, and now all the soldiers were without weapons.

No one could stop him.

With a crack, the Amazon woman's arm was broken by the returning red shadow.

White House.

Everyone who was still attending the meeting stood up. Chao Shua turned his head and saw Wally, the Flash of their universe, appear at the door of the conference room. He gasped.

“It’s…it’s incredible.”

He said: "That man, Batman, created hundreds of time remnants... This is a very advanced skill in using the Speed ​​Force..."

He said: "All the weapons in the world were destroyed by him."


a senior government official asked.

"All weapons, from nuclear weapons to knives, if we were to go to war now, then... then we would probably go back to the era of cold weapons."


Everyone turned their heads and heard the skull on the screen say word by word:

"No... no war."

“Because I don’t want to,” he said.




"So, guys. I've spent the last hour sorting out all the problems."

On the conference table, Chen Tao placed the Laughing Bat's head aside, then picked up the tea and poured some water into the head.

Of course, he didn't have any heavy tastes and simply used the laughing bat's head as a teacup. Instead, he placed a cup inside the empty skull, and the laughing bat's head only served as an external decoration.

As he poured the water, the Laughing Bat's tightly closed mouth suddenly opened, and then colorful lights began to emerge from its tongue and mouth.

Wine glasses, decorative lights, this is really a difficult decision, so why not just get them all.

Chen Tao comforted the official in front of him: "Don't be afraid, this Batman who I use as a wine glass is a bad guy. No one is worse than this Batman."

But despite this, the horrifying scene still frightened the officials in front of him.

He forced a smile at Chen Tao, too scared to wipe the sweat off his face: "Yes, yes, everything you said is right."

Chen Tao: "..."

"Okay, now that we've come to an agreement about the Amazons, you may exit now."

After sending away the officials who were in a panic, Chen Tao turned around and looked at the members of the Justice League present.

"Everyone, I need your help to open the seal of the Dark Death Emperor on a dark multiverse. There is the spirit of existence I need in it. Do you need me to explain to you who the Dark Death Emperor is?"

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