It is no longer those simple, incomprehensible negative emotions... It is no longer the instinct of dinosaurs to drink blood while sitting in a cave, listening to the sound of prehistoric hail falling on the branches...

Not even the memory of Joker's righteous but frenzied joy, jumping around like a circus, or the fitness memory of Bane Bat exercising his body day after day.

But pain.

When the hand was cut off, the blank scream of the elbow nerve... turned into a wail as the blood spurted out.

The strong legs, the feeling of being torn apart by the venom-injected angel of death with brute force...

The plump muscles and fibers were broken one by one, and the joint heads were forcibly pulled out of the joint sockets, making a soft popping sound with the connected tendons.

The spine was broken and stretched, and the life-support tube was inserted. Every midnight dream was awakened by the phantom pain in the limbs. It was the remaining nerves from the fracture that falsely reported that they could not connect to the limbs, and could only report to them that they could not connect to the limbs. The brain asks confused questions.

Batman has endured this kind of pain for 30 years. Thirty years of pain were all poured into Chen Tao's mind when he synchronized the Broken Bat.

Chen Tao's temples were throbbing, and this time, he couldn't stop this physical spasm by transforming his head into the silicon-based body of a car.

Chen Tao felt like he was like a little mermaid whose fish tail turned into legs, and he would suffer huge pain every step he took. Although this metaphor is a bit weird, it is undoubtedly very appropriate.

His brain, lungs and heart are still human, but the rest...are all dark gray and black nanobots.


Chen Tao released his transformation, and the severe pain faded away like a tide. The silver-white particles entangled around him, dispersing the gray and black on his body, revealing his toned body covered with scars and knotted muscles.

Chen Tao's figure flashed in the practice field again, silver particles gathered, and the Joker's face dyed the green scales of the Bat Dinosaur pale white. The next moment, the metal structure of the Bat Monster exploded on his face again, Constantly remodeling into the body of a dinosaur...

The can of Bane Bat's venom emerged from behind, and then was swallowed by the metal body, protected behind layers of exhaust pipes and rubber tires... The next moment, Chen Tao synchronized the Broken Bat, and all the assembled combinations suddenly collapsed. , turned into black nanorobots...

Tens of minutes later.

Chen Tao put on his casual clothes, left the practice room along the steps, walked to the second floor of the Batcave, and slowly returned to the chair in front of the Bat Computer to sit down.

"Alfred, Clark Kent in Metropolis, are you still following?"

Chen Tao took the drink and sandwich from Alfred: "Have we found him?"

Alfred paused.

"I'm afraid not, Grandpa."

He said: "Lois Lane was promoted, and a photographer named Jimmy Olson appeared under her, a young guy who was assigned to her a day ago."

Alfred continued: "We tracked Lex Luthor's movements, but Clark Kent still didn't show up."

"Then Diana Prince in Boston...forget it."

Chen Tao knew that such weak thoughts should not appear. If these people he had previously told about appeared, Alfred would definitely notify him as soon as possible. He didn't say anything, which meant that he hadn't been found. It was just a sign of weakness for him to take the initiative to ask now.

And Batman is not supposed to be weak.

Chen Tao patted his face and his expression became grim again.

Even if you want to retire, you should retire with success and enjoy your old age with the blessings of many colleagues, instead of running away like a dog, right?

"I am Batman."

Chen Tao thought: "Before taking off this clothes, I at least have to finish what I should do - what Batman should do."

The atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while.

"Master Bruce, regarding nuclear don't have to worry too much."

Alfred said: "Whoever gets the nuclear bomb, unless he plans to detonate it quietly when no one finds him and create a beautiful mushroom cloud directly in Gotham, otherwise he will definitely use it. Of, you know, like a million pounds.”

(Note: "One Million Pounds", a novel by Mark Twain, is the story of a poor American boy who used a million pound note to go around for free. What Alfred means here is that no matter who gets the nuclear bomb, he must Will take out nuclear bombs for nuclear blackmail.)

"As soon as he shows up," Alfred said, "we can find him and deal with him."

Chen Tao nodded.

Scarecrow, the Court of Owls, Bane, Lincoln March, the detonator of the nuclear bomb must be in the hands of one of his enemies.

And he wants to penetrate them all one by one!

"Give Lucius the Mad Hatter's hat." He said to Alfred: "Let him quickly figure out Teich's hat trick. He doesn't need to fully understand it, just make sure that Teich There’s no way to tamper with it.”




"You got the reward you wanted...Penguin, our agreement continues to be implemented."

Oswald Copopat looked at the corpse in front of him with a smile. The man in front of him had strange blue skin and golden hair that grew from his forehead to the back of his head, like a crown—— A false crown.

He's Emperor Penguin, the Penguin's former protégé and almost the heir to his vast criminal empire...if he wasn't stupid enough to betray his mentor.

After being defeated by Batman, he was identified as a sane criminal and was thrown into Blackgate Prison instead of Arkham Asylum.

Penguin made a deal with Bane to get him, so Bane broke his neck when he swore allegiance to him.

"Of course continue...Bane. You may be a born killer, but you keep your promises."

"I want to pay him back for what Ogilvy did to me a few years ago." Penguin said: "And you and I are the same, my blue-veined friend."

"The goods you requested are ready."

The Penguin patted the iron monster next to him, and his fleshy palm slapped on the fine iron, making a banging sound.

“20多辆M1A2主战坦克,我可是费了好大的劲才弄到手,还有2000多只M4卡宾枪、以及M249机枪、M240机枪、M136反坦克火箭筒、M203榴弹发射器等,还有M2A3 Bradley步兵战车……”

The quick mouth under his hooked nose burst out a long list of weapon names, bragging about how difficult it was for him to obtain these:

"I dare say that there are no more than five arms dealers in the United States who can wholesale as many weapons to you as quickly as I do in a short period of time, and I am the only one who can get you tanks."

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