What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 589: Batman and the Bat Who Laughs

How...why did things turn out like this?

When Chen Tao finally used his fist to knock out the Kryptonite-burned Chao Gan, whose eyes rolled back and sweat dripped down, a large number of superheroes were already lying in the Hall of Justice.

Not far away, Bane stretched out a finger, and a small wooden bud lit up on it.

A small flame suddenly burned on the small branch, and the Martian Hunter of this universe screamed.

More branches grew out of Bane's body, followed by countless flames burning at the ends. The Martian Hunter changed in many ways, but he could not escape the Five Finger Mountain made of flames.

Chen Tao's eyelids were twitching as he watched from the side. You are a telepath, and you are afraid of Bane?

Huh? Control his brain, what are you doing? This is too weak, isn't it?

Chen Tao shook his head, barely ignoring the blood pressure-raising "If I catch up with you, I'll do you a favor" rhetoric, and then picked up Feihuachao, whose eyes were white, from the ground.

A blush appeared on Feihuachao's face.


Chen Tao slapped him twice: "I am a good person."

"Yes, I can feel it. I can feel the justice in your heart, even though the means used were a bit rough."

Chen Tao was a little confused.

To be honest, after he lost control of himself, he was already thinking about how to end this mess.

He originally thought that he would soon be caught up in a series of clichéd "We are all good people, but there is a misunderstanding between us" nesting doll events that would raise blood pressure, but Superman seemed unexpectedly easy to talk to.

Feihuachao stretched out a hand and placed it on Chen Tao's shoulder: "I can... I can feel the kindness in your heart. This is an intuition, and this intuition has never been wrong."

Feihuachao looked determined as if he wanted to join the party. Chen Tao only then realized: "You can sense whether a person is good or evil? A special ability?"

"I told you it was a hunch."

“This is a special ability.”

Chen Tao suddenly realized that he had taken things for granted before. He stood on the sidelines and arbitrarily defined everyone present, which made him ignore many details.

If the Superman of this universe has the intuition to judge good and evil, it is not difficult to explain why the other party has such an outrageous habit of talking nonsense, because for Superman, he knows who the target of his nonsense is, so naturally his method of talking nonsense is always successful.

It's a pity that he later met Queen Hecate, a woman with two souls in one body, which made him overestimate the power of Wonder Woman's counterattack, and eventually caused the situation to completely collapse.

At this time, Chen Tao no longer had to be afraid to use telepathy to connect the brain. He quickly transmitted to the other party all the information that Hecate had completely occupied the heroine's body and how powerful he was.

"From now on, the entire Justice League will obey my orders."

Chen Tao said: "Any questions?"

"You are a good person, but you can't hurt Diana." Nonsense said: "She..."

Then his words were interrupted by Chen Tao.

"She is our companion, and our goal is to rescue, not murder."

"That's true." Nonsense said, "So what should we do next?"

"Why did I faint on the ground?"

The idiot Guy Gardner got up from the ground. He saw Batman standing with Crap Chao at a glance: "Okay, you dare--"

Then there was a bang, and he was knocked out by Feihuachao's punch again.

"It's simple. We'll go find the Dark Justice League. This time we're coming to your universe. I have a complete plan."

Chen Tao breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, the goal of uniting the Universal Justice League has been achieved, and the next step is a more critical one:

Capture the legendary Pokémon [Queen Hecate].

Chen Tao was sure he had a plan, a damn good plan.




On the burning planet, countless souls are wailing in pain.

The Justice League of this dark multiverse is being burned into charred corpses under the scorching flames. Flames are burning in the eyes of the Horror Lantern. He holds a burning flaming giant sword in his left hand and a ring containing endless green lantern energy in his right hand.

The predecessor of the Fright Lantern was Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern.

His ring is different from Hal Jordan's rings, which are directly derived from the Green Lantern Central Energy Battery. The energy of this ring comes from the heart of the planet, an aggregation of all the magical energy collected by the guardians of the universe after the magic war, and it has endless energy.

The Planetary Heart of the Nite Owl Universe helped Nite Owl develop a system of cosmic propulsion towers, allowing him to propel the entire universe through the dark multiverse. In normal history, it would have become the ring of the first Green Lantern.

But all this is meaningless to Alan Scott now, because he is no longer the respected Green Lantern of the Justice Society, but the horrifying Lantern who destroys the infinite dark multiverse and slaughters billions of lives.

When the fire giant Surtur was no longer bound by the eternal war in the Asgard realm, the Executioner of All Things, soaked in the blood of the Justice League, and his army caused the Earth to fall in an instant.

At the last moment, Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern of this universe, chose to offer his body as a vessel for the fire giant Surtur, leading him to invade and destroy other universes in exchange for the safety of his own universe.

The fire giant agreed to the deal, so now.

The Horror Lantern opened his mouth full of sharp teeth. There were no eyeballs in his eyes, but flames spewing out of them. Amid the screams of the cosmic superman in front of him, the Horror Lantern opened his mouth wide and bit off the crust of the cake in one bite.

When you bite into the cake crust, the bright red inside of the cake will be revealed first, and then the sweet crimson juice will splash out. The warm juice instantly evaporates on the burning body of the Horror Lantern, but still makes the fire giant living in the old Lantern's body happy.

"Please..." The Superman of this universe moaned, but what he got in return was an open fanged mouth.

"Please..." Before Superman died, he heard the Green Lantern's sobbing, but neither Superman nor the Terror Lantern could change anything.


When the fire giant Surtur finally took control of the body of the Terror Lantern and threw the half-dead body in his hand to the ground, the Terror Lantern finally had the opportunity to temporarily control his own body.

He fell to the ground crying, and while desperately vomiting out the cake that he had eaten under Surtur's control, he held the dead bodies of the three giants of the Justice League in front of him and trembled all over.

The traces of gnawing on the three people's bodies are still vivid.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry... No! Please!"

His body raised his arm uncontrollably, and then a flame ray as thick as a bucket shot out from his palm and flew into the air, destroying a building in the middle and causing it to collapse. It was unknown how many people in the building died.

But there was nothing the Dread Lantern could do to stop him.

"It's been so long, haven't you gotten used to it yet, old Lantern?"

Then Alan Scott, the Horror Lantern, heard the voice of the Fire Giant Surtur: "You will always belong to me, and we will have a long time to be together. There is nothing more pleasing than a suffering soul."

Surtur controlled the body of the Horror Lantern and took two steps forward before encountering the body of this universe's Wonder Woman.

The Flame Giant controlled the Horror Lantern to pick up the other's sword: "This is the nth one, too many to count. To be honest, there are too many of them, so I have lost interest in collecting them."

Surtur circled the surrounding ruins with disgust.

"And this world is ridiculously weak. The Justice League only has three giants. Where is Green Lantern? Where is the Flash? Where is your counterpart?"

The Fire Giant said, "What's my favorite story? Your counterpart, after fighting for a long time, finally discovered that it was his parallel universe self who brought destruction to them. I never get tired of seeing the expression on his face at that moment."

"It's a pity... I haven't been able to enjoy the universe enough in several consecutive universes."

The Horror Lantern wanted to say something, but he couldn't utter a word. He could only watch his body being controlled by the fire giant and flying out of the earth, and then a small fireball condensed at his fingertips.


The Flame Giant who was controlling the Terrifying Lantern chuckled. He was just about to control the Lantern to completely destroy the universe, but then he heard a voice in his ear: "Hello."

This surprised both the Horror Lantern and the Flame Giant.

The fire giant moved his fingers slightly, and then the little sun that was about to be thrown onto the earth by him went out in an instant.

There is a reason why he is so good-tempered... The fire giant Surtur felt some complete and pure dark matter energy from the owner of this voice, and this power can only be possessed by the master of the World Furnace or his servant, the Dark Multiverse Dragon.

The fire giant Surtur looked at Bruce Wayne in front of him who was wearing a Batman uniform. How could a Batman possess such pure dark matter energy?

"Ahem. My name is Batman Dragon, Surtur, Alan Scott, and I'm here to recruit you."

When the Laughing Bat no longer showed those crazy smiles, he looked exactly like an ordinary Batman. Coupled with the powers given to him by Barbatos, he could completely pretend to be his enemy in front of the Flame Giant, and the devil who was controlling the Horror Lantern in front of him could not tell the relationship between them at all.

Of course, the Laughing Bat was definitely not stupid enough to appear in front of the other party. The clone in front of him was just the simplest use of the dark matter energy given by Barbatos. Some stones and soil helped him to create such an image. The key point was to let Surtur feel the dark matter energy. Whether it was flesh and blood? It didn't matter.

"Hurry..." The controlled terrified Lantern Alan Scott wanted to open his mouth and loudly remind the Batman in front of him to run. No matter who this Batman was, appearing in front of Surtur was purely seeking death.

But he was interrupted by Surtur after saying just one word, and if Surtur had not deliberately let him go, he would not have been able to utter even this word. Surtur liked to reveal a little sign in front of his prey that was about to be destroyed by him, and then enjoy the other party's panic, but self-deceiving stupidity.

However, the behavior of the character he met today was a little beyond his expectations.

"Great Fire Giant, I sincerely invite you to join the Dark Multiverse Resistance and contribute to the fight against the evil Barbatos." said the Laughing Bat.

He lied without blinking while thinking in his mind.

No one knows the Terror Lantern better than the Batman Who Laughs. The flame giant Surtur is the master of this body, and his only goal is to drag the world into a raging sea of ​​fire.

He is a pure destroyer and slayer. All his actions have only one original motive, which is Ragnarok. His flame will never go out.

He is always eager to destroy the new world. The more powerful, beautiful and complete the world is, the more it will attract Surtur's attention and desire to destroy it.

All the Laughing Bat has to do is amplify these and then direct them towards Batman, who has usurped 1/4 of the power of the Dragon of the Dark Multiverse.

He needed to weaken the other party before he could try to continue his plan. The other party did not listen to him before, because in his opinion, everything was under his control.

The Batman Who Laughs needs to derail him a little this time. He will leave the energy of Batman in front of Surtur so that the other party can find him quickly.

"Yes, we formed an alliance to fight against Barbatos."

The Laughing Bat said: "The dark multiverse will always end up in a worse situation, and the reason why we keep fighting is to change all this."

The fire giant Surtur remained silent, as what the other party said had already interested him. Alan Scott, who was trapped in the body of the Horror Lantern, showed a look of despair.

"I have a perfect world..." The Laughing Bat pretended to be a brainless idiot and said in an excited tone: "My world once had a crisis, but it was eventually resolved and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment."

"My world is a perfect fortress in the dark multiverse, and the reason why my world is so perfect is all due to my existence! Unless I die, my world will always be beautiful and will not be threatened by crises."

As the Laughing Bat spoke, he secretly curled the corners of his mouth in his heart.

The fire giant Surtur has begun to be tempted.




The world of Queen Hecate.

"You said... your name is the Laughing Bat?"

Queen Hecate lowered her head and looked at Batman, who was brought into the room by the Amazon Warrior. He had a grin from ear to ear and a pair of spiked goggles on his eyes.

"So what can you do for me, Laughing Bat?"

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