What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 578 Why can’t we join forces with the Joker?

"If the Black Death Emperor wants to descend into a universe, three conditions are required."

The Laughing Bat said.

He manipulated the image of himself that he had condensed with stone. The stone bust directly chose to lift the upper body from the chest and abdomen into the air, while the lower body turned into rubble and fell to the ground again: "Sorry, this may save me some energy."

Pure lies and bullshit.

They are just using the excuse of lack of strength to change their image. Human beings are visual animals. No one will be afraid of a disabled beggar begging on the street, but everyone will have the most basic psychological defense against a tall and strong man.

Therefore, a halfling floating in the air looks more harmless than a 1-meter-tall stone man standing in front of him.

Laughter lowers others' vigilance all the time, even in the smallest details.

He slowly floated past Chen Tao, and then hovered above the head of the unconscious magician Faust on the ground.

Zatanna next to him whispered to Chen Tao: "Don't tell me you don't have any suspicion at all."

The Laughing Bat obviously heard what Zatanna said, but he didn't seem to care.

He controlled the stone bust to float in front of Zatanna, and said, "Hey hey hey. Don't think I can't hear what you're saying."

He circled Zatanna twice, like a fairy floating in the air.

"In fact, I can fully understand that you have doubts about me, a stranger you just met. But my purpose is only to tell you the facts and help you analyze them. In the end, it is still you who make the final decision."

Chen Tao laughed wildly and pretended to be frank. He saw that Zatanna had visibly relaxed a little. Her vigilance had collapsed slightly, and even Zatanna herself did not notice it.

Chen Tao watched the laughter show and Zatanna's slackness with cold eyes.

Zatanna is bewitched by Grin, which is good, as it makes Grin arrogant and makes him mistakenly believe that he is also manipulating him, the Bat.

The Laughing Bat floated back over Faust's head.

"First, the first condition. A spokesperson, the original Black Lantern Corpse, to open the prelude to the Blackest Night."

The Laughing Bat gave an example: "Like William Hand of the main universe, and Faust who is lying here now. But now Faust is finished, and the Emperor Joker will provide another for the Black Death Emperor: the Joker of your world."

"Ho ho ho..."

The Laughing Bat was halfway through his words when Faust, who was standing below him, began to breathe as if he was about to die. The Laughing Bat inhaled as if he was frightened, and then quickly floated away.

"Faust is bound tightly!"

Zatanna took the initiative and the half-dead Faust almost spit out his tongue because of the reinforced translucent white tentacles on his body that accidentally strangled him.

Chen Tao stopped Zatanna from further actions that were about to kill Faust because he was kind.

Well, not really. Mainly because if Faust is killed here, it will only allow Faust to borrow the Black Death Emperor's magic and then fight them again.

Looking at Faust, Chen Tao even had some ideas. If he imprisoned the other party at the highest level, and then killed him, making him a black lamp corpse, then Faust would become the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor in the current universe and trigger the Blackest Night, but he was trapped.

So can he just use this bug to delay the Darkest Night indefinitely?

Chen Tao laughed dumbly. The Black Death Emperor was not an idiot. He knew that Faust was caught by him, but he still chose him as his spokesperson. The other party was caught? Of course he would change to another one!

Moreover, this spokesperson is not William Hand, the wise minister destined to fulfill his dream. Once the Black Death Emperor finds that the other party is trapped, he can simply draw away the power and then find a new one.

Anyway, they are not William Hand, it doesn't matter who they are. It's just a matter of strength. But no matter how weak, it's better than being trapped, right?

"Although Emperor Joker is still trapped in the super time stream at this time, he is special and can interfere with reality more than those powerful people in the trapped timeline."

(Note: The specific reasons have been mentioned in the previous chapters, and the troublemaker still exists in the current timeline)

"Therefore, never doubt his ability to control your universe clown." The Laughing Bat said, "If he gives the clown as a gift to the Black Death Emperor, then the other party will get a black lamp corpse that can modify reality. The ability to manipulate reality that the Emperor Clown gave to the clowns in your world is his gift to the Black Death Emperor."

"Well, I think I need to use my talents to provide you with some information that you didn't know before."

The Laughing Bat said: "The Emperor Joker manipulated the three clowns to return to your world and start causing trouble. This is not just the most common happy game between Bruce and the Joker. It also contains a plan to accelerate the arrival of the Black Death Emperor."

He paused for a moment after laughing wildly, then looked at Chen Tao.

Zatanna was confused.

Chen Tao glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

Would it be easier for subsequent manipulation if he deliberately swallowed the answer that was about to come out, and then let Chen Bat standing next to him say the answer he was about to say, giving the other party the illusion that "this is the result I came to after thinking about it"?

Oh, yes, there’s also a natural supporting actor who can’t think of anything, which makes the effect even better.

"The coming of the Black Death Emperor requires the Blackest Night, and the occurrence of the Blackest Night requires a civil war among the seven lantern groups, which shakes the emotional spectrum of the universe through the attacks between different colors of light."

Chen Tao said: "Among the lights created by the seven-color emotional spectrum, the purple lights are mine. The green and yellow lights are suppressing the order of the entire universe on Planet OA. The red lights led by Atrocitus are hiding in their planets and sectors. The compassionate Zamaren people are accompanied by green lights. All colors have been lit, but there is only one thing that is the same."

"Blue light. The blue of hope has not yet been forged. There has never been a blue light ring in the entire universe. Rings forged with this color of light do not exist in our universe at the moment."

The Laughing Bat said: "That's why he sent the Joker to die again and again, and he was constantly captured by your Justice League. In the final analysis, your universe is a defective product. Before your universe destroyed itself, it should have concentrated the essence of the entire dark multiverse to nourish a powerful individual, but you, you ended this fate, but this does not mean that your Justice League is that strong."

"I would boldly guess that most of the time, your Justice League is only able to assist you. They are neither able to join forces with you to defeat the enemy nor are they strong enough to fight alongside you.

And the enemies you have to fight have also changed in a short period of time, from the devil flesh man who overturned the tank to the dragon Barbatos who absorbed most of the power of the world forger. You are participating in multiverse-level things, and your Justice League can no longer keep up with you. Oh, right, they are not those idealistic warriors in the main universe. They are inferior, mortals. "

"You'd better not be so rude." Zatanna said nearby: "They are all my friends!"

"That's why your Justice League wants to prove themselves. They are trying to catch up with you."

He laughed wildly and said, "They have never seen the hope of success, but today, the Black Death Emperor will bring them a little bit of blue hope."

He said: "I know what you are thinking now. You are thinking, if you had not let your Justice League go out to solve the problem alone, but worked with them, would you be able to solve the current problem? But unfortunately."

"Whether you are with them or not, your Justice League's desire to prove itself in front of you is real and burning, and the existence of this desire will definitely lead to the forging of the Blue Lantern Ring. The Black Death Emperor simply accelerated this process, not fabricated it out of thin air."

“And this brings us to the second condition I mentioned: enough black lights.”

"Once your living teammates have attracted the Blue Lanterns, their existence will be meaningless. The forged Blue Lanterns will find a suitable host in the universe on their own, just like every Green Lantern ring."

Chen Tao immediately realized what kind of dilemma he was in:

Now the Justice League is fighting the Joker who has the ability to modify reality. The other side has even turned Wonder Woman into Wonder Pig, who jumped up and fought with the other side with a sword in her mouth.

Once Chen Tao goes there and solves their difficulties, the Blue Lantern Corps will immediately be forged out of thin air because of this victory.

And if Chen Tao was cruel enough to let his teammates fall to their deaths...

"Then all your teammates will become black-lantern zombies. Each of them is worth countless ordinary ones."

Yes, that's right. Chen Tao listened silently to what the other party said.

In the current situation, no matter what he does, it will speed up the arrival of the Black Death Emperor.

"And the last of the three conditions is a strong enough corpse that can serve as the central energy battery of the Black Lantern. Before that, I would have told you that the Black Death Emperor's target is the Anti-Monitor who roams the dark multiverse. The Black Death Emperor wants to recruit him, but now the Anti-Monitor has become the Anti-Monitor Dragon. The Black Death Emperor will not make enemies with Barbatos for such a battery."

"So what's your solution for the battery?"

Chen Tao asked.

"Not yet." said Kuang Xiao.

"But I have figured out the solutions to the previous two problems." He said, "As for stopping the battery... I haven't gotten any information about what the Black Death Emperor will use as a battery. I will continue to pay attention to this and then inform you. Believe me, I will always stand on your side."

Chen Tao was silent.

On the surface, he smiled at the Laughing Bat, and kept calling him "senior" as affectionately as a beautiful girl with shiny dandruff in an 2D anime, but in his heart he cursed the Laughing Bat to pieces.

Damn crazy laughter, an orphan without a family, a complete liar, not a single word of truth in every sentence he opens his mouth.

Since the Darkest Night cannot be stopped, changing the candidates more and more will only make it more difficult.

Every word of the Laughing Bat was guiding Chen Tao to do what he imagined.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Tao to turn all his friends into black light zombies. Then the blue light will exist, and one of the prerequisites for the Blackest Night will be completed.

And if he gets rid of the clown, it seems that the problem has been solved, but the Black Death Emperor and the Emperor Clown behind him will not be hurt at all, and they still want to invade Chen Tao's universe. Then the Black Death Emperor will completely collude with the Emperor Clown and create incidents that Chen Tao cannot control even more.

The plan proposed by the Laughing Bat was neither beneficial to Chen Tao nor to the Black Death Emperor and the Emperor Clown. He played a little trick in it. On most of the gambling tables, the dealer would let the gamblers win a few times to completely trap them and make them addicted. In the end, most of them would spit out all the winnings they had previously won.

The Batman Who Laughs is deliberately misleading Chen Tao into thinking, "No matter whether what the Batman said is correct or not, he wanted to gain my trust at the beginning, so he must be telling the truth." This kind of inducement is an insurance policy. No matter how much trust his previous actions have gained from Batman, once the other party is deceived by his inducement, he will have extremely high trust in the information he just gave out - even if you want to lie to me in the future, at least what you throw at me at the beginning is a sugar-coated bullet, right?

But on the contrary, he was deceiving people from the very beginning. The first time he fired at the other party, it was not a sugar-coated bullet, but a poisonous arsenic bullet.

If someone picks up the cannonball and licks it with the intention of eating candy, he would probably be poisoned without knowing it, hehe.

This is a case of the darkest spot being hidden beneath the lamp, it is very clever and can easily be overlooked by inertial thinking.

And Chen Tao has already made a plan.

In order to grasp the truth amidst the rich half-truths and falsehoods given by the laughter, he must take an action that even the laughter could not predict.

He wanted to give Crazy Laugh a little clown shock. While Crazy Laugh was constantly guiding others, he himself had also made some mistakes.

For example, he made a classic mistake: he firmly believed that Chen Tao was Batman.

The Laughing Bat is also Bruce. He uses Bruce's ideas to infer Chen Tao's behavior, and then draws a specious conclusion, and then makes plans based on these conclusions.

Luthor made this mistake, Bane made it, Night Owl let it go, and every villain who thought he understood Batman made this mistake. To some extent, this can even be said to be a first sight kill.

So, what Chen Tao is thinking now is:

Why not team up with the Joker?

(Note: Even in the original story, Batman himself has worked with the Joker many times when facing a threat beyond imagination. The old Bat himself is very aware of priorities. If working with the Joker can save the world, then Batman will do it no matter how disgusted he is. The dramatic thing is that the Joker likes this the most, and working with Batman almost makes him climax.)

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