What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 571 Death hits Chen Tao hard on the head

I am Batman, my name is Chen Tao.

I was forced to interrupt my vacation because of what the clown did.

But now I am not beside my teammates, fighting with them, I am doing something else, I am...

Trying to provoke death.


This is where the dead are placed. Someone sent these three bodies here a few hours ago. They were murdered by the clown.

Two men and one woman were found in the ace factory, and the female corpse was still wearing the uniform of Batgirl Barbara Gordon.

After catching Barbara, the clown put her clothes on the unfortunate guy.

"I'm very sorry."

Chen Tao stood in front of the corpse and lowered his head slightly.

He reached out his hand toward the body.

"I am the Dragon of the Dark Multiverse... at least part of it."

He wanted to give it a try.

"The Joker avoided my surveillance by modifying reality, which caused your deaths. You shouldn't have died. If the Joker hadn't interfered, you should all be alive and well now."

"Rewriting reality is a field I have never touched before... I can't do this without the help of more than 3000 heroes in the positive matter universe... But if..."

Chen Tao has been able to resurrect the dead before. For example, he recently resurrected all his companions in the Justice League who died in battle.

But the prerequisite for this resurrection is that they possess the power of the Red of All Living Things in their bodies, and their souls after death return to the underworld Bones Garden of the Red of All Living Things.

The three corpses in front of him naturally had not experienced the power of the Red of All Living Things beforehand, and now that they were dead, their souls had long gone to who knows where. Once a soul dies, it enters the realm of death of the Endless Family, where the space and distance of the material universe have no meaning.

Therefore, even though they died not long ago, their souls were not attracted to the White Bone Garden and had already gone to some unknown dimension. Even if Chen Tao wanted to revive them, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Of course, Chen Tao could not implant the power of the Red of All Living Things into everyone in the world on a mass scale, not to mention whether the White Bone Garden, the underworld originally prepared for users of the Red of All Living Things, could accommodate so many people. Originally, users of the Red of All Living Things would enter the White Bone Garden after death, and then be reincarnated as some kind of animal-headed creature there, and then become the guardian warriors of the Red of All Living Things, driven by the Totem Council.

Therefore, the White Bone Garden was originally a "VIP channel for the red spokesperson of all living beings after death", and its size was very small.

Even if Chen Tao can expand it, the influx of a large number of dead souls will also make the red of all living beings too powerful, which will directly destroy the balance of the three major natural energies of red, green and black.

This would instead cause even greater chaos. Chen Tao did not want to create another Anton Arcane who belonged to the Red of All Living Things out of thin air. Moreover, the imbalance of natural forces would directly affect all living things.

But even so, Chen Tao is still trying.

He attempted to use his power to modify reality to recall the soul through the corpse.

He wanted to modify the reality that the body was dead, and thereby recall the soul that had left the body through the rules of death.

As long as Chen Tao can prove that they are not dead but in shock, the rules of death will send their souls back, no matter how far or how many latitudes.

So Chen Tao did it, and with his efforts, a dead man sat up in shock: "Oh my god!"

With a clang, the male corpse, who had just lived for less than half a second, fell back on the cold corpse table, dead completely.

Chen Tao was not giving up.

He turned his head to look at the other side, where another unlucky guy was poisoned by the clown with clown gas, his mouth grinning from ear to ear, it was so creepy. But Chen Tao didn't dislike it at all.

He reached out his hand again and touched the unlucky man's face.

After a while, the other male corpse also sat up: "Fuck! I'm fucking alive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he lay down again like a golden mountain being pushed down or a jade pillar being overturned.

Chen Tao: “???”

Why? It was obvious that he succeeded in modifying reality. Even though he was as tired as a dog, like a gorilla threading an embroidery needle with his congenitally insufficient eyesight, and it had no practical value, but after a long time of reading the skill charging bar, he was sure that he had done it.

He didn't quite believe it, so he tried it again on the third body.

This time it was a female corpse, but it did not sit up like the previous predecessors.

Chen Tao only felt a black screen before his eyes, and then a loud bang like a huge bell exploded in his ears.

In a trance, he saw the girl with hooks under her eyes angrily waving an umbrella at him, and then stretched out her green fingers as white as jade and flicked him on the forehead.

With a loud bang, Chen Tao flew backwards in a spin and fell directly out of the morgue through the window. He fell headfirst like a comet and landed headfirst on the ground. Half of his body was stuck in the hospital's relatively good quality reinforced concrete floor, leaving only a pair of feet kicking around outside.

Chen Tao pulled himself out of the ground in silence.

He originally planned to try to destroy the fun of the clown from the root by saying, "Haha, no matter how many people you kill, it's useless. I will resurrect them all for you." However, such behavior does seem to be a provocation to death.

Forget it, cancel this plan.

Next, he plans to go directly to Zatanna and use his abilities as the Dragon of the Dark Metaverse to help her develop a way to counter the Joker's ability to modify reality.

The Justice League was responsible for attracting the Joker's attention. They did a good job and enjoyed fighting the Joker. Chen Tao was also paying attention at all times and could quickly save the situation if there was any danger. With these two approaches, Chen Tao believed that once he really appeared in front of the Joker, he would be a fully prepared Batman.

And as we all know... never challenge Batman to a fight.

"Who is it? Put your hands up!"

The hospital security also heard the noise and rushed over. Chen Tao slipped into the darkness.




In an instant, Clark rushed towards the clown, but then, as the clown took out a small stick from his clothes and pointed it at Clark, the powerful Superman was immediately tied up by countless ropes with dentures tied to them that appeared in the air.

Although Superman Clark was extremely angry, he still maintained a bit of rationality and did not immediately use his superhuman strength to break free from the bonds.

They also need to get the location of Batgirl Barbara Gordon from the other party. If it was in the past, Clark could fly directly to the center of Gotham, then use his perspective eyes, and then use his super brain to scan directly and find the person he needs directly, but now when he flew over Arkham Asylum, he only saw darkness inside.

Someone simply coated Arkham Asylum with a layer of lead, so you can't see what's going on inside.

The Joker has made that place his lair.

So he had to act as convincing as possible...

So he staggered, pretending to be tied up by the ropes, and then fell to the ground with a bang, about half a meter away from the clown in the play.

"Look," Now we can talk, old friend. "The clown in front of him said excitedly, "Have you noticed that all your special abilities are useless now? I modified this rope specifically to deal with your annoying little transformation abilities.

As long as you are entangled by these things, you will not be able to use any of the special abilities you have shown in the outside world before. This is a trap I made specifically for you. Who would have thought that just an ordinary rope could make the famous Batman kneel in front of me? "

Clark knew he should speak up at this point, but he wasn't sure what the real Bruce would say in such a situation, so he ultimately chose an option that was more of a compromise than the others.

"In my eyes, you are just a..."

He just started swearing at the other person, which further intensified the Joker's excitement.

"Hush, don't do that, don't pretend, not here, not in front of me, not in front of your loyal court jester, because the jester's duty is to entertain the King, but he usually has another duty, a deeper duty. It is to tell the King bad news, the worst news in the country, such as the fleet is in tatters, the army has become pacifists, and the children's hands are rotten and can't clap for the fairies!"

The Joker said, "This is what I've always wanted to do for you, Batgirl. Bring you the worst news in your heart, so that maybe you can bear it, maybe even face it with a smile, and come out stronger.

He said, "And by golly, I got some news for you tonight, old friend. Hey, hey, so let's put on some music and turn on the lights, and then, ahem, I'm going to clear my throat and speak as loudly as I can, and I'm going to make sure your little Justice League clan can hear, too, over the police line, so are you listening? Are you listening, idiots?"

He said, "You are pretenders, imposters or liars, just like Barbara Gordon, your friend. She looks strong, but in fact... no, no, no. She is a bleeder, you know? She bleeds for everyone, for the city, for his men, for his father, a fragile, bleeder. A liar."

"I was just playing with you before, but you guys, the Justice League, I will come after you, one after another, hehe, because you are the real bad guys, the real villains."

The Joker pointed at Batman crazily and said, "You destroyed my dear king. I mean, look at him. Without your help, he even said he was going to retire!"

He held his head: "You...

Do you know how devastated I was when I learned this information?"

"Where on earth can I find Barbara Gordon?" he heard his Batman say.

"Oh, dear little bat, must you be so persistent?"

"Tell me the answer."

"No." The clown chuckled.

He was waiting. He knew that he had angered Batman. He knew that even the chains that allowed him to modify reality would not be able to trap Batman for long. He knew that if he chose to stand here instead of taking any other action, he would definitely be beaten by Batman.

He also knew that if he got beaten up by Batman now, it might affect his master plan, but he just couldn't help it.

On the night that Batman just defeated Bane, all three of them were taken to another universe by an unknown force.

There is no Batman in that place, only an invincible and powerful alter ego.

How boring.

The leader criminal, one of the three clowns, accepted the other party's mission, but to the joker, these missions were meaningless. Even though the invincible self was kind to them, the clown's heart was still full of malice.

The Joker knows it all, he knows everything, but at this moment the Joker's reason and emotions are separated.

When leaving his original universe and heading for a more powerful universe, the Joker lets muscular men beat him up every night just to relive the feeling of Batman's fist hitting him.

And it has indeed been a long time since he had been beaten by Batman. The Joker was waiting, waiting for a special carnival.

He was waiting to relive his old dream.

Sure enough, in front of the Joker, the furious "Batman" broke free from the ropes, jumped up and punched the Joker with pure brute force. The power of this punch was so great that it was almost comparable to that of Superman, and it even rubbed off a large piece of the Joker's face.

But he didn't seem to care at all, and covered his face with satisfaction:

"You beat me up...but Bat, everything I've done all this time was for you!"

He relived the time when he was beaten by Batman, and the feeling of déjà vu brought tears to the Joker's eyes.

Clark suddenly lifted the Joker up by the neck, then put his other hand together to form a knife, as if he was going to rip out the Joker's heart.

"Where on earth is Barbara Gordon? Tell me!"

"He's not here, he's far away... part of our special feast!" the Joker said, "a celebration for you, me, and your allied families. You'll thank me for my bat when you see it. You will. You might even kiss my hand. Just like I just kissed your hand, my king. Hehe, hehehehe...

"Toxic..." Clark maintained his original posture and stopped for the time being.

"Yes, old friend, my kiss is so charming, it can make you stop in your tracks, it's so loving, see?"

"Besides, I won't let you ruin the celebration I planned for you, especially since I've already put so much effort into making it a success. He shed so much blood and tears at the expense of others. Of course, that's not the point, hahaha! It's going to be grand. Come, let me give you the invitation."

The Joker used more chains and huge tentacles that suddenly stretched out from the ground to tie up Clark's version of Batman again.

His old dream of reliving himself getting beaten up by Batman was done, and now it was time to get down to business.

But when the Joker just approached Clark...

But he saw a smiling face raised up.

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