What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 564: To prevent us from being solved by the clown, we solved ourselves first

Gurgling, gurgling, gurgling...

The clown is brewing the laughter virus. How can a wonderful show be without such a drug to add to the fun?




This is the Justice League lobby.

On the screen, Batman is wearing his classic flamingo cape and Hawaiian jacket, lying on the newly built Fiji island.

The former holiday resort is now deserted. Indeed, ever since Fiji was destroyed, the entire country has begun its own refugee resettlement life, and its former tourist destination is gone.

It is still unknown whether they will come back to rebuild or not. However, for Chen Tao, if he just wants to relax, this kind of scenery without people is more pleasant.

Next to him was a parasol stuck in the sand on the beach, and on the small coffee table next to him was a cup of black tea, peach flavored snow top, grapefruit juice, and sparkling water.

Alfred stood beside him, also dressed in Hawaiian attire, and brought Batman a bowl of cut watermelon and cantaloupe.

Batman's mouth pouted under the bat mask, and then under the dual power of the Red of All Life and the Green of All Things, this part of the flesh twisted and stretched, and took a sip directly from the drink like a pouting octopus.

The red of all beings plus the green of all things do have the effect of distorting the body. For example, the superhero Hei Xuanlan (partially translated as Xuanlan) is also a spokesperson for both red and green powers. Her main fighting method is to twist and deform her hands and feet.

"Ha, that's a weird way to drink a drink!"

Shazam said: "But it's also really fucking cool, it's really fucking--"

Before he could finish his words, Luther snapped his fingers, and the Amozo robot standing on his right hit Shazam on the head with his fist.


Bizarro, who was standing on Luther's left, was still confused and didn't know what was going on. He looked at the Amojo robot in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief as to "How could you steal my job?"

"Be quiet," Luther said.

"Ah, children shouldn't swear." Superman Clark said, then he turned to Luthor and said: "Lex! No matter what, you shouldn't hit a child on the head..."

"Hitting the head will make you stupid... It's an unfounded rumor, Clark. Also, he was a child before he transformed, and he is already a strong man over 1 meters tall after the transformation." Luther said, "Discussing these makes me feel like I'm infected with stupidity. Maybe we should change the subject."

Indeed, arguing about the child seemed a little silly to both of them.

Clark stopped talking, which was considered as tacit agreement with Luthor's words. Although Luthor had now officially joined the core decision-making circle of the Justice League due to his contribution in saving the world, due to the things Luthor had done before...

Clark has mixed feelings about Luthor, but he generally doesn't express them in front of Batman, and he acknowledges everything Luthor does.

So even though Clark doesn't like Lex that much, generally speaking, he doesn't confront him.

On the screen, Chen Tao crossed his legs.

"Okay." Green Lantern Hal raised his Green Lantern ring, materialized a green outstretched hand, picked up the remote control and dripped it on the screen, and soon the camera facing Batman disappeared from the screen.

Hal spread his hands and said, "So we have confirmed that Batman is indeed on vacation in Fiji. Next, he will go to Hawaii or the Maldives as planned. He is now completely relaxed and will no longer worry about the current situation. So are we ok now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Lex Luthor say slowly:

"You forgot that Batman controls the Metal Spirit. Maybe he is secretly observing us now."

Hal frowned. "No need for conspiracy theories. Now can we talk about how we should deal with the Joker? We don't even know where this guy is right now."

He knocked on the table impatiently: "Ron, aren't you going to help explain the situation to everyone?"

The Martian Manhunter, who was called by Hal, stood up from his seat and was about to walk to the big screen, and then he saw Lex Luthor standing up from his seat:

"Then I will not participate in this matter."

Up to this point, things were still normal.

“I never thought that a crazy idiot like the Joker was a Justice League-level opponent.” He waved his hand and said, “Work harder, gentlemen and ladies, but unfortunately, I’m afraid I have more important things to do, so it’s difficult for me to accompany you in this cat-and-mouse game. You’d better be able to handle it, otherwise it will be embarrassing to come to me for help.”

He stood up and bowed like a gentleman. "Well... since we have already discussed the follow-up matters of the Justice League in the previous meeting, of course I have to take care of those. Oh, by the way, Hal."

Green Lantern Hal raised his eyelids.

"I am currently researching your fellow Green Lantern Corps members. Have you compiled a list of those who do not wish to see their appearance changed and would like to be restored?"

"It's on your desk, Lex," Hal said.

More than 2000 of his Green Lantern Corps companions were transformed by Nite Owl, Lex Luthor and someone else into enhanced versions of themselves possessing both Parasyte DNA and Doomsday DNA, which not only enhanced their strength, but also changed their appearance.

But not every member of the Legion can accept the change in their appearance, especially some races that pay more attention to appearance. Therefore, Luther is now studying how to remove the abnormalities in their appearance.

He just left the meeting room talking to himself.

"Hey, he's really out of it, isn't he?" Shazam said.

Martian Manhunter continued his interrupted introduction:

"A few hours ago, the Joker attacked a funeral and kidnapped an 8-year-old girl. Witnesses claimed that the Joker came out of a blue portal, and that he was accompanied by two other hooded men. I think everyone has read Batman's file on the Joker, right?"

"That madman asked Batman to come, and named him. He also gave him the address of his current location." Martian Manhunter said, "Miller Harbor in Gotham City."

"But it's worth noting that, despite the Joker openly announcing his location, he actually gave Batman four missions."

“It won’t be collecting more than 200 trophies.” Shazam said.

"It's to dismantle four bombs in the city." Martian Manhunter said, "Even the location was given, the Joker is surprisingly considerate. Of course, you can guess with your toes that when you really get to the scene, in addition to bombs, you will also encounter a lot of deadly traps.

——Well, this is based on Batman's experience. Although I have never seen the Joker, I can roughly piece together the outline of this madman. "

"Why should we care about the Joker's stupid game?" Green Lantern said, "I say we evacuate everyone first and then surround the place. Even if the Joker builds more bombs there, it will be useless. I will rush over with a group of super-powered people and send him directly to a mental hospital for electrocution.

Whether he is one person or a group of people, we will catch them one by one. In my opinion, if we all have a target to attack, then what is there to hesitate about? "

"So you're just going to knock on the door like this?"

Wonder Woman, who had been listening quietly to the conversations of various people but had never spoken, now spoke, tapping lightly on the table with her green fingers.

"Our actions must be conducted under the premise that no innocent people will die," she said. "And we should never underestimate the Joker."

She gave an example: "If I were the Joker, would I not know that I would not confront Batman immediately? Or would I not be prepared if I encountered an attempt that had no strategy at all and just wanted to capture me by force?"

"If the Joker had the ability to play a game with Batman, then he would have made arrangements to prevent the players from overturning the table..."

"But we can't just be led into the Joker's rhythm," said Green Lantern Hal Jordan. "I still don't understand what the Joker wants. He took a hostage and threatened to blow up the city, yes, and then what?"

Hal said, "Then he revealed his hiding place, and we, the superpowers of the Justice League, came and captured him directly - even if it's a game, what's the point of this game that is bound to be lost?"

"So what you mean is..." Superman has realized what Wonder Woman said.

"Barry has just been freed from the Speed ​​Force and is still resting in bed, and Mela is busy with the embassy, ​​so now we only have—"

"I have to attend a press conference later." Martian Hunter said, "I am the liaison between the Justice League and the outside world. It is difficult for me to turn down this meeting, but if you need it, I can still provide support."

"Then there are five of us, Clark, Arthur, Hal, and Shazam." Wonder Woman said, "Didn't the Joker threaten to detonate the bomb if he couldn't see Batman?"

Suddenly, everyone realized what Wonder Woman Diana meant, and they looked at each other.

"That's a good suggestion." said Green Lantern Hal.

"Yeah, I like it the most. I've always wanted to do that. You know, I..." Shazam began to chatter, while Superman Clark's reaction was a little colder:

"What you are about to do, I have done it before."

The other few people who had never done it before ignored him.

Soon, the members of the Justice League finished their talk and reached a consensus on something. Soon after, they stood up and filed out of the room.

Then when they came back, everyone was wearing the same Batman uniform.

In Fiji Island, Chen Tao just took two sips of his drink and then spit it all out.

"Didn't the Joker ask Batman to play with him? Then we'll give him some more Batman." Wonder Woman said, "All of our league members will dress up as Batman. As long as we don't use our super powers, who can tell which of us is real and which is fake?"

"And this." Wonder Woman then lined up three strange bottles of liquid on the table.

"what is this?"

Hal asked.

"The Joker Virus."


Everyone looked at Diana.

"Batman gave you a backup plan?" Clark asked.

"What? No, of course not. Since our plan this time is to let Batman rest, we shouldn't bother him for anything."

Wonder Woman Diana said: "So this is not Batman's plan, this is my plan."

She said: "Listen, guys, it suddenly occurred to me that if we want to understand what the Joker is planning, we should ask ourselves from the bottom of our hearts, what would Batman do if he were here."

"I'm thinking in the way that Batman thinks, and that's the way that's best suited to dealing with a lunatic like the Joker."

Diana said: "If Batman were here, he would definitely try to deconstruct the Joker and make the most unexpected counterattack in advance."

She spoke more and more smoothly, and then began to say: "Look. If I were the Joker, and I wanted to play with Batman, but Batman didn't really come over, but sent other members of the Justice League besides him to surround himself, then what would the Joker do?"

She asked this question, and all the members of the Justice League looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"It's very simple. The answer is that the Joker will try every possible means to turn us into his teammates and attack Batman in return!"

Wonder Woman smiled unconsciously. "If you are interested in Batman, you would definitely hope that your relationship would be limited to the two of you, without other people getting involved. Even if someone gets involved, that person would be an object to you two, not a living person. The Joker has an unusual obsession with Batman... so they would definitely do that."

"My God, I think Wonder Woman is extremely perceptive when it comes to speculating on the relationship between Batman and the Joker." Shazam said in a very soft voice to the Green Lantern Hal sitting next to him:

“It’s exactly the same.”

"So I think whether it's the little girl hostage or the bomb, these are just traps. The Joker wants to drag us into a certain situation, so that we are all infected with the laughing virus, so that we are driven by him to attack Batman and complete the connection between him and Batman."

Diana said: "And this is our opportunity, a perfect opportunity to defeat the Joker."

"In order to prevent ourselves from being controlled by the clown, we must first control ourselves!!!"

Then Wonder Woman Diana took out a large pack of disposable syringes from the back of the bottle: "The onset time of this thing is 4 to 6 hours. It is a modified version of the Joker virus."

"Who wants to try it first? Forget it, I'll do it."

Then she picked up the syringe and injected herself directly with it.

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