What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 558: Dr. Manhattan's Horrible Experiment, the Advent of Superman! The Gatekeeper of the

I am Dr. Manhattan.

I just witnessed an act of multiverse self-rescue.

Through various means such as reversing cause and effect, restarting the timeline, and smearing the timeline, I witnessed how the Batman of a dark multiverse grasped the vital point of the multiverse and forced the entire multiverse to act as a wish-making machine.

And how this wishing machine collapsed because it could not meet the "mandatory wishing requirements".

And of course, in the end, how Batman realized this and then achieved balance with the multiverse by reducing his "compulsory wish-granting needs."

All of this is extremely mysterious. When I stood outside the timeline, looked down and witnessed the entire super-time flow, this wonderful emergency self-first aid, all of this benefited me a lot.

Now, the past and the future are completely stable, the new hyper-time loop has been completed, and the Dark Multiverse Batman has made his final choice to complete the loop. Things have settled...but.

I have a bold idea.

What if I interrupted this timeline loop? What if I gave Batman another choice when he made the final choice to complete the time loop?

In this way, the entire closed loop that the super-time flow had just built completely collapsed. In the previous experiment, I found that even if I took away ten years, I could not shake this universe. But if I now block this space-time closed loop, will it cause the super-time flow to collapse? Or will it reorganize again and give birth to endless new possibilities?

This great curiosity made me make a decision, although I am not sure whether this decision will lead to any results, but it is just an experiment... I plan to do it.

So I saw the future.

In an instant, the entire multiverse responded to my decision. A large number of timelines stretched out like crazy in front of me. The entire multiverse was wailing and screaming because of my decision!

It was like a prisoner tied to the guillotine, watching the blade fall and struggling desperately!

But all this cannot change my will or shake my decision.

I really did that, and so...

Dust falls.

Countless galaxies dissipated like gunpowder smoke. Nothing was obscured by mist anymore. Everything was clear and bright.

The sky and the earth collided, and the piercing roar sounded like the alarm of the universe, the final cry for help.

From somewhere, there came a sound that seemed to be a gasp, like a dying old man exhaling his last breath.

The entire super time stream was pushed by Dr. Manhattan and was on the verge of collapse.

In an instant, the outlines of the space in which Dr. Manhattan resided could no longer be seen or explained, and yet it was still within reach.

Distance, space, time, everything is out of order, everything is deeper and more meaningful, the crisis of the multiverse is inevitable and extremely serious.

And as Dr. Manhattan takes a step forward, fate is written under his feet.

That heavy impact foreshadowed the doom he was going to bring.

So, what is standing in front of Dr. Manhattan at this time...

"You're a thinking robot."

Dr. Manhattan looked at the broken robot that appeared in front of him. He had infinite power, a superhuman appearance and a superhuman mind, but he was not a superman.

He comes from the "Final Crisis: Superman - Beyond Infinity" storyline. He is the most powerful and strongest version of Superman and one of Superman's most powerful forms.

It is the energy that drives the mind armor generated by the annihilation of matter and antimatter caused by the collision between Superman and his isotope Ultraman in the antimatter universe, and activated by the quantum Superman Captain Adam projecting energy into high-dimensional space. It is the ultimate weapon that transcends everything. He created his own body and created his own existence in a closed loop.

In the storyline of "Infinity", the Thinking Robot fought a fierce battle with Mandrak, known as the "Dark Watcher", under the never-setting sunset. In the end, both sides were defeated and the multiverse that was about to be destroyed was saved.

None of the three brothers born to Papetoua, the mother of the multiverse, are worry-free. The World Forger raised Barbatos, the dragon of the dark multiverse. The Anti-Monitor himself is simply a demon who destroys the world. The Monitor turned himself into a race, and then created Mandrak, a monster whose power is close to that of a six-dimensional god. He tried to devour the multiverse and almost caused the death of the multiverse.

But in the end, these crises were eliminated and embedded in the super-time flow like solidified concrete roads.

After defeating Mandrak, the broken thinking robot carved its own tombstone and then collapsed and dissipated. He had completed his mission of killing Mandrak and protecting the DC universe.

Until the super time flow was forced to forcibly pull out the thinking robot that had completed its mission to save itself.

And what appeared before Dr. Manhattan...

It was the thinking robot that had just defeated Mandrak.

This is almost the only powerful fighting force found in the super-time stream that can approach Dr. Manhattan in strength and will actively protect the safety of the multiverse.

(Note: Baidu Encyclopedia actually says that Mindman killed Mandrak in seconds, and then some people use this description to prove that Mindman is stronger than the six-dimensional god, but this is a fallacy!

In the comics, Mindman and Mandrake are both injured, with Mandrake dying and Mindman dying. His power is at most close to that of a six-dimensional god, such as the World Forger, or the Anti-Monitor who has not devoured the positive matter universe.)

If this doesn't stop Dr. Manhattan...

"Thinking robot, you can't defeat me."

Dr. Manhattan said to the thinking robot.

"I am not a thinking robot, I am a thinking Superman. Superman." said Thinking Superman.

"What does this mean?"

Dr. Manhattan looked at the broken mind Superman in front of him with pity.

He must come from the point in time that ensures his victory over Mandrak the Dark Watcher.

Because once the Super Time Stream summons the Thinking Superman who has not yet defeated Mandrake, no matter what the outcome of his battle with Dr. Manhattan is, it will definitely affect the history that is solidified in the Super Time Stream like a dry concrete road:

["Dark Watcher" Mandrak is dead]

Once this result is affected, for example, if Superman was injured in the battle with Dr. Manhattan, he would be at a disadvantage in the battle with Mandrake and ultimately fail to win...

Once this history is changed, Mandrak the Dark Watcher will be instantly freed from the super-time stream and become a large iron rod pulled out of a solidified road like the Parallax Mohal.

By then, when the Dark Watcher Mandrak jumps to the present timeline and starts a rampage, the entire multiverse will be completely destroyed.

After all—

The super time stream and the entire multiverse can no longer withstand the torment of our ancestors, and all this is thanks to Batman.

Therefore, the person who appears in front of Dr. Manhattan now can only be the thinking Superman who has just carved his own tombstone after killing the "Dark Watcher" Mandrake and has not yet completely passed away.

Dr. Manhattan waved his hand, and in an instant, Thinking Superman turned into ashes, but then he was reshaped again in front of Manhattan.

Thinking Superman swung his fist and hit Dr. Manhattan. In an instant, the big blue bald head was destroyed in endless white light, and then reshaped.

"You can't beat me. If you were still in your prime, you might be able to stand up to me for a while."

Dr. Manhattan shook his head.

He said, "But now you have been dealt a near-fatal blow by Mandrake. I will call you that, if you wish, Superman of Mind. I sincerely advise you to get out of the way."

Thinking Superman didn't do that.

So Dr. Manhattan removed one of his feet, but this time Mindman failed to rebuild his body.

Dr. Manhattan is much stronger than the now severely injured Mindman.

But nevertheless...

"Don't even think about it." Dr. Manhattan heard the Mind Superman say: "I am Superman, I represent hope, therefore."

Dr. Manhattan felt Mindman rushing towards him and trying to grab him, so he eliminated one of his arms, but Mindman still rushed forward.

"As long as you become a little stronger, I will use a little more strength to overwhelm you."

Dr. Manhattan removed his other leg.

"Don't even think about defeating me. I have sworn to protect all living beings no matter how difficult it is."

Dr. Manhattan was about to leave, but Mindman rushed over and hugged him.

So Dr. Manhattan was forced to stop.

Thinking Superman once took a gamble.

He once risked his life, walked through the ruins of utopia, and smashed his fists and feet into the wreckage of dreams.

Beams of light cut through the rubble of countless galleries and museums, burning up unparalleled architectural and artistic classics.

But all this is meaningless.

Dr. Manhattan stepped on the mind Superman who was reduced to ashes, and there was no one in the entire multiverse who could stop him.

"That's all."

Dr. Manhattan broke through space and time, and soon he appeared in the dark multiverse. Not far from him, Chen Tao, who had partially transformed into a dragon, was floating quietly in the dark multiverse.

He found a beautiful moment.

Under normal circumstances, Barbatos is not a decoration. He himself is the backlash superior, even if there is an Anti-Monitor to help split him, it is impossible to transform his [Barbatos Dragon] back to [Dark Multiverse Dragon].

But now Parallax Demon Hal and Superboy-Prime are causing trouble in his World Crucible, and Barbatos has no time to interfere with Chen Tao's actions regarding the division.

Another important factor is that he has the Anti-Monitor, a strong enough "other half" to help him take on the remaining 3/4 of the Dragon of Barbatos. It just so happens that Barbatos lacks combat power, and needs to recall the Dragon of Barbatos to the Crucible of Worlds to facilitate his battle with the two gods, Parallax Hal and Superboy-Prime. With the superposition of multiple factors, Chen Tao was able to forcibly cut off 1/4 of the position.

Of course, Chen Tao did not gain nothing else.

"Mobius? Mobius! Wake up, you are free now."

Chen Tao whispered to his shoulder, and after a while, his shoulder stirred like a wax solution, and soon, the face of the mortal Mobius, which had been eroded by the anti-life equation and looked like a dog crawling over after taking a shit, appeared on Chen Tao's shoulder.

"Don't thank me yet. I have something to ask you now. How can I take advantage of the fact that Barbatos has no time to care about the dark multiverse and build a castle in the dark multiverse that can resist his future invasion by relying on the passage to the light multiverse?"

Chen Tao said: "I feel like I can weave destiny. I can use the power of destiny to stop Barbatos from interfering in my two universes. But I know I can weave, but I don't know how to weave it."

Yes, the problem Chen Tao is facing now is very simple:

Damn it, I don’t know how to use it.

He was like a gorilla who had grabbed a handheld Switch game console. He knew that the console could play games, but he didn't know exactly how to play them. He tried forcing himself to do so and accidentally licked the cartridge, causing him to jump around in agony.

(Note: The Switch game console's cartridges are coated with a very bitter coating to prevent accidental swallowing.)

Without waiting for Mortal Mobius to say anything, Chen Tao spoke up again: "I need your help. To be honest, although you don't have much strength left now, did I save you from the clutches of the Anti-Monitor?"

"Between us is..."

"I just want you to answer yes or no now. We have to confirm a basic condition that we both agree on."

"Well, yes." Before the mortal Mobius could say anything else, he was forced to answer this yes or no question under the forceful request of Chen Tao.

"You owe me a favor, and you must work for me to repay it." Chen Tao said.

"Do you want me to be under your control forever? Don't even think about it..." Mortal Mobius said: "You..."

"Once I retire, you'll be free."

Chen Tao promised at the speed of light: "After I retire, you will have repaid my favor and can leave my universe and me at will. Then you can do whatever you want. You can do anything you have never seen or done since you were born. Isn't that enough freedom? You know what I want in this life is to retire."


"Now is not the time to bargain. There is only a short time left before Barbatos has a chance to interfere with us. I now need you to help me build a fortress against Barbatos. With the knowledge and memories you inherited from the Anti-Monitor, can you do it?"

"Yes, but..."

"Very good." Chen Tao said: "Time is running out. Since we can't bring my dark multiverse to the bright world, we need to rely on the two universes to build fortifications to block Barbatos' interference..."

He spoke of his plan one by one, just as Dr. Manhattan saw the future in which Batman became the gatekeeper of the dark multiverse in the closed timeline.

Once Batman becomes the gatekeeper of the dark multiverse, the multiverse space-time will be closed. The super time flow can continue to operate, but he, Dr. Manhattan...

I just want to get involved in it.

"This plan is perfect... Because we can't move our dark multiverse into the positive matter universe, nor can we transfer all the life in our universe, so we must build a strong enough..."

"What if I say yes?"

"No." Chen Tao said: "Do you think you are a blue-haired guy who can transfer all the life in the universe? This is a delicate job. The main job of this damn [Dark Multiverse Dragon] is to destroy those unqualified dark multiverses. The content of his job is completely [destruction]. He can't do such a delicate job. I advise you to..."

Then Chen Tao, who had been chattering non-stop, stopped talking. He turned his head and saw a blue, hairless light man appear in front of him.

"I'm Dr. Manhattan."

He heard the big blue bald man introduce himself: "I can transfer all the life in your entire universe, and help you find a universe in the positive matter universe that can accommodate all the life in your universe."

"You can retire forever in that universe and enjoy peace and tranquility."

"What do you think of this proposal?"

Once Batman gives up being the gatekeeper of the dark multiverse, the time loop of the multiverse will begin to collapse. Then...what will happen?

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