What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 529 Superboy Prime Opens His Eyes

"The exchange of the two universes has begun."

Chen Tao thought silently.

At this time, he had transformed into the appearance of a speeding bullet, hiding among a small group of corpses suspended in space.

Strictly speaking, it might not be appropriate to call these things corpses. After all, they were the predecessors of the Amojo robots made by Dr. Ivo. Even if they could not be compared with the strongest one, they were still powerful enough to fight.

But now, these Yamozhu robots were easily destroyed and fell down like wheat, unable to even block the terrifying figure for half a second.

Chen Tao knew that he had to hold off the Anti-Monitor for a while. To be honest, he might have broken his promises and destroyed his bridges after cooperating with villains many times before, but this time, he really wanted to cooperate with the Anti-Monitor for a win-win situation.

Maybe this sentence sounds a little funny, but in essence, according to his plan, helping Mobius and allowing him to escape successfully will not affect the integrity of his plan. It can also distract the attention of the Anti-Monitor and Superboy-Prime, which can barely be said to be a good help.

All in all, the current situation is that, gradually over time, Mobius has begun to be more and more inhabited by the Anti-Monitor.

No matter how good Chen Tao's plan was, it was all based on a hard premise:

He had to stop the Anti-Monitor from interfering with the universe displacement that Luthor was manipulating through the Propulsion Towers, a massive transmission operation that would bring the entire Propulsion Tower system, Chen Tao's people, including more than 2000 Green Lanterns, back to Chen Tao's universe.

But what about the ordinary people in the Night Owl Universe...

Chen Tao lowered his eyebrows slightly.

There was nothing he could do about it. Night Owl had promised him that he could transfer all the people on his universe's Earth to the Earth of Night Owl's Universe, but this promise was finally proven to be a lie by Luther.

The propulsion tower system simply cannot do this. Otherwise, Chen Tao might really consider implementing Night Owl's plan.

Therefore, in the current plan, all civilians in the Night Owl Universe, as well as other aliens in his universe, are in a...

A state of being completely abandoned by Chen Tao.


Chen Tao knew that his behavior was no different from that of Night Owl, but even he himself had not decided whether he would really come back...

Now is not the time to think about this.

Chen Tao's mind moved, and he swept these negative thoughts into the trash.

He felt that he was being watched, so he walked out from among the scrapped robots where he was hiding, and faced the Anti-Monitor Mobius, whose eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

"I'm having a hard time controlling myself right now, Batman."

Three pink dots of light appeared on his forehead. Chen Tao used the ability of Bat-Lenyaq, and on the telepathic communication channel, he could also hear Mobius's voice gasping weakly.

"I was unaware of his presence before... so he was always lurking inside me. But now I've discovered him, so he's not pretending anymore."

Mobius told Chen Tao: "I am trying my best to resist and try my best to separate my own power from his influence. But I have to tell you..."

"He has almost taken away most of your power, and is projecting more power from other places into this body." Chen Tao answered on behalf of Mobius, and then he let out a long breath:

"And this also means..."

The purple light of the purple predatory beast burst out from his body. In an instant, a huge amount of purple was centered on him, as if a purple sun was released in the universe.

The enormous power possessed by the lamp beast filled Chen Tao's body. At this moment, he was far away from his own universe and could no longer connect with the two royal batteries, Gorilla Grodd and Turtle Man, or the Justice League and the people who were transformed into two-headed monsters.

You see, the situation is slightly different from what he planned, but with the power of the ravager, he is still able to barely fight against the powerful enemy.

The red armor of the Red Death was dyed with a layer of purple light, shining brightly under the illumination of the cosmic aurora.

All he had to do now was run and delay as much time as possible.

Once the replacement is completed, Superboy Prime will be left in the Night Owl Universe, and William Hand, who is training around the sun, will be taken back to his own world by him, so that little William will not have to take such a big risk to summon the Black Death Emperor. He is still young, and this is not something he should face.

This is by no means an escape.





"Alas, even though I have seen this countless times, this kind of depravity is still heartbreaking."

In a dark multiverse, Killing Machine turned his head to look for the source of the sound, and as expected, he saw the Laughing Bat leaning against a door frame not far away.

This is the Dark Spire, and the members of the Dark Knights are entrenched here, watching together on the screen in this room the war that is happening countless universes away.

The Bat Who Laughs had always been isolated from the other members of the Dark Knights. He seemed indifferent to what happened to Batman, and spent his whole day tinkering with things that even the killing machine didn't know about.

Killing Machine didn't expect that the Laughing Bat would come out and watch this with them. This was a little...strange.

No one present paid any attention to the Laughing Bat at first, and the other party just stood there by himself, performing like a crazy actor in a stage play.

"Oh, I'm a hero who saves the world. I have to do this. I can only do that. I..."

It was just another bland madness, something the killing machine had grown accustomed to.

Then somewhat abruptly, he heard the other party's voice suddenly stop.

The Killing Machine subconsciously looked at the other party, and was suddenly surprised to find that the Laughing Bat's face was calm at this moment, and even his mouth, which was always upturned, was out of character.

Very good, Batman abandoned his bottom line and principles and gave up the universe of Night Owl. Therefore, Lord Barbatos can finally infuse his dark power into his body and transform him.

The Batman Who Laughs thinks. Thinks like he used to think when he was Batman.

Mortal Mobius was abandoned by Batman in the universe of Night Owl, facing Superboy Prime alone. Then the Anti-Monitor took away Mortal Mobius's power. From then on, he finally had a body that he could control in the lower reaches of the super time flow, which was of great significance to the entire multiverse.

Both Barbatos and the Anti-Monitor got what they wanted from this deal, but Superboy-Prime? He was never a problem.

It seems that Barbatos will soon have his own Barbatos Dragon, which is definitely not good news for the Laughing Bat.

He had originally tried his best to recommend Hawkman from the main universe to Barbatos to take over the position, hoping that this fierce dog of Barbatos would not also be a certain Batman.

He now still needs Barbatos' power to help him complete a series of plans of his own. Once he loses Barbatos' support and the position of the Dark Knights, it will undoubtedly be too disadvantageous for him.

But now it seems that he may be forced to let a colleague who is also Bruce Wayne climb over his head.

The Laughing Bat pondered over the other little tricks he had done behind Barbatos' back several times in his mind, then smiled and shook his head, and left the crowd who were still watching the movie.

There is nothing to see anymore.

Batman has chosen to fall...they chose it themselves.





Open your eyes! Open your damn eyes!

That’s right, great, now start to estimate, re-evaluate, what do you see?

The enemy. The Anti-Monitor.

You hear Mobius' voice: "Hold on a little longer, Batman. Hold on a little longer."

What about you now?

Severely damaged, floating in the free space.

How did you end up in this situation? How can you continue to fight against it, like Sisyphus who can never move the boulder?


What are you screaming about? Wait, it's not you screaming, it's someone else screaming.

The dying dead are screaming.

How did you abandon them?

Blood rushed into your nose, your mouth, and blocked your throat.

Stop yelling, damn it!

Chen Tao reluctantly adjusted his movements.

The palm of the controlled Anti-Monitor once again emitted purple light waves towards him.

The decomposition of the anti-life equation was completely different from what Mobius had performed before. This was undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction attack, even though the opponent couldn't even completely erode Mobius's will, but just projecting a part of the power, it was able to achieve this.

He originally wanted to use his speed advantage to delay time, but was soon pulled into the octagon again.

In the ring, experienced old boxers often stretch out their arms for the opponent to hit, in order to test the strength of the opponent, but unfortunately...

The opponent's punching power...seems a little too strong.

Swallowing blood, inhaling blood.

Fishy and warm.

Forget the blood.

The silver-white particles once again rotated Chen Tao's body, allowing him to avoid the fatal attack through the Red Death Devil's acceleration.

Think of a solution, Batman, you have to think of a solution.

The Anti-Monitor's power grows stronger and stronger, and the purple beams kill the surrounding planets like mosquitoes.

"Left, move 500 meters quickly, move, Batman, the attack is coming!"

Mobius explained to me the direction from which this body would attack. This is why I was able to hold on until now.

I was hurt when I tried, but I still had the strength to fight back, and that was enough.

Take a deep breath and mobilize your transformation.

Think about the energy of using the emotional spectrum that Lantern No. 1 taught you, and squeeze as much power out of the plunderer's body as possible.

A pair of huge bat wings grew out from behind Chen Tao, and his face turned into the dragon's mouth of a bat dragon.

The purple cuticle of a predatory beast covered its face, making it look more like a dragon...

But not the Dragon of Barbatos.

Yes, Dark Father. You can use it to create a portal. Combined with the Red Death's speed, you can ram the Anti-Monitor as your rehearsal.

You are attacking!

You leapt forward!

You break through the enemy's energy beam interception, and you finally get into close combat. You see the Anti-Monitor attack, and the roar is deafening.

You slammed into him, knocking him back a step, but the horns that grew on your head, which belonged to the ravager, failed to pierce his body.

Chen Tao felt that he could not hear clearly what the Anti-Surveillance Agent was saying.

In the previous confrontation, half of his body was pierced by the Anti-Monitor, and the power of Red of All Living Things was desperately repairing him.

So he couldn't hear clearly and he was a little afraid.

This was somewhat different from what he had thought. He had originally thought that he could at least be on equal terms with the Anti-Monitor for the time being - especially when the other party had not yet completely taken over Mobius' body.

But that doesn't matter right now.

He knew that the Anti-Monitor, like all the other villains, was trying to do the same thing, year after year, they had been trying to do this:

Defeat Batman.

But you know you can't let them have their way.

No, you fool! You thought he would hesitate at your sudden attack, and while he hesitated...

But the Anti-Monitor doesn't. He swings his fist and hits you in the face, and the world shakes, as if you are not the monster with many super powers, but just a mortal fighter in a cape.

It's okay, it's not a big deal. Stay calm and control yourself. You have encountered such strong enemies before, and you survived and won. You can survive again.

But what about your enemies?

Why is it so strong?

He fired a beam of white light at you, and you knew that if you were hit, your entire body would be disintegrated.

You barely managed to dodge it, but part of your body was still wiped off, like scribbling on a piece of scratch paper.

The excruciating pain moves with every move you make, slowly piercing your kidneys, and your mouth fills with bile.

Don't move anymore.

You barely escaped the Anti-Monitor's attack, and you have to deal with this injury in a short period of time, just like you dealt with your previous injuries.

But you were injured too much, so you synchronized with the Killing Bat, and the DNA of the Violent Wolf allowed you to recover faster.

Repair those injuries quickly, but not too quickly, so that the decomposition force that is still burning the cells around the wound can survive within the repaired wound.

Feel every inch of this anti-life force that has not yet burned out, the feeling of it rubbing against your flesh, the chill tearing at your nerves.

Feel Him, if you feel Him, then you are alive.


Despite taking multiple hits, you've managed to stall long enough for the Anti-Monitor to become evenly matched.

The time has come, the outcome has been achieved, and all you have to lose is blood. Let him roar, let him rage, now you have victory.

Stand up straight so the Anti-Monitor can attack you. He has no idea how weak you are after taking so many hits from him.

Stand up straight and don't let him know.

You move forward as if to feint to continue the attack.

Then he stepped back suddenly.

Ignore the guilt, ignore the timidity, ignore the faint smell of blood.

Then he turned over, leaped, and jumped back suddenly!

In a wave, the two universes overlapped and the replacement reaction started in an instant.

You know your plan worked. You really did it all.

You lean back high and fall to the ground with a thud.

You are safe.

You chose to sacrifice the universe of Night Owl.

Barbatos grins and the Anti-Monitor waits.

And after being replaced, Superboy-Prime appeared in the universe of Night Owl along with the entire sun.

He slowly opened his eyes.

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