What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 523 I Will Not Die in Failure and Loneliness




Night Owl heard his heart beating wildly. Strictly speaking, he had already lost, but he refused to admit it.

He was going to make one last fight.

Fortunately, although he was completely controlled by the Joker virus and had almost destroyed all the cosmic overlords he recruited, the good news is that none of their energy was wasted.

Even if he was controlled by the Joker virus, it would be impossible for him to suddenly become so powerful that he could defeat these powerful super-powered people in a short time.

Night Owl had always planned to kill this group of super-powered people. He was just executing this "destroying the bridge after crossing the river" plan in advance when he was under control.

Of course, he hadn't crossed the river yet and the bridge was gone, but that didn't mean he couldn't use the remains of the bridge to build himself a small raft and paddle across the river.

Even though he lost these cosmic overlords to help him organize his energy, Night Owl's propulsion tower system was still intact. As long as he could keep this system that used the heart of the planet as a power source to drive the entire universe to escape, his universe would still be able to move, but it would run very slowly and accelerate very slowly—

This means that even if Batman holds the Anti-Monitor back, he may not be able to escape before the Anti-Monitor escapes from the Speed ​​Force storm, but it is still a glimmer of hope.

What’s even more fortunate is that there is a sole survivor among this group of cosmic overlords, Grey’er, the daughter of Darkseid.

She replaced Darkseid and sat at the center of the entire propulsion tower system. Night Owl set up a protection program that would ensure that she would not leave her position no matter what.

This protection program has a very high priority and will actively prevent Grey's from leaving the propulsion tower center. Even though he was controlled by the Joker virus, he was unable to mobilize him out in a short period of time.


Night Owl stood among the allies who were in great sorrow. He planned to manipulate the Owl Computer to cut off the communications of those disabled cosmic overlords. Most of them had been tricked by Night Owl and could not even speak. Only the Despair Demon's ability was related to the mind, so he could still speak in this almost dying situation.

"Fuck you, Night Owl," he said.

The reason why he could still curse was not because he was full of energy, but because he was not dead yet and telepathically connected.

The Despair Demon knew that he would soon go into death shock. Anger and resentment almost drove him crazy: "Why? Why? You lunatic, you loser, you have been prepared for this. Don't you feel guilty for doing such a thing..."

Night Owl hung up his phone directly.

Guilt? We are all villains with bad intentions. Are you kidding me when you talk about this?

Soon he connected to Gray's communication.

"Night Owl? What's going on? I can't contact you." Gray's ugly face quickly appeared on the screen, her eyes flashing with anger:

"I called you for a long time but you didn't respond. Even the room was sealed when I wanted to leave, and I couldn't break it by force—"

She asked a series of questions in rapid succession: "And what about the huge amount of energy that was suddenly injected into the entire planetary heart energy cycle just now?"

"Besides this, how did you do things? With such a huge wave of energy coming in, why didn't the allies you summon sort it out, but instead put all the pressure on me? Why haven't they sorted out the energy at all from just now until now?"

Grayer was working there normally. She was used to how much energy she should direct, but she was almost killed by that sudden surge of energy. Now she was livid.

She cursed, “Are those allies you placed in various corners of the universe to sort out the energy dead?”

"Ahaha, you guessed it all right?"

Night Owl suddenly laughed, then jumped directly onto the operating table in front of him, stood upside down like a monkey in front of Grayer, and then jumped up and down:

"How are you so smart? You could even guess that! Hahahaha, they're all stupid!"

Then his wild laughter suddenly stopped, and his voice suddenly became sinister and hateful: "And you will die too, you will all die here!!!"

Night Owl held his head and uttered a scream that sounded like wild laughter and sorrow. Then he pulled out a dagger from his arms and made a sad expression like an actor in a stage play: "And the next one to die will be me! Please look forward to the grand finale of the Fool Owl!"

He laughed wildly, and then directly slashed his neck with the blade...

Night Owl blinked.

He tried hard to dispel the fantasies that had just been gushing out of his mind.

These fantasies put him in a bad mood, which meant that the Joker virus was still affecting him and was getting worse, trying to eat away at his brain again like before.

What's worse is that he even begins to yearn for the behaviors he just imagined from the bottom of his heart, just like a serial killer's first murder usually starts with a killing delusion and then carries it out.

Which means… that transformation has already begun.

The same high level of rational thinking will be retained as in the past, but the moral core will be replaced by something even more insane.

His time is running out.

"Night Owl??? Why are you in a daze? Are you listening to me?"

Greer's voice was still ringing. She couldn't see the turbulent waves surging in Night Owl's mind. From her perspective, Night Owl had been standing there like a statue from just now until now. If Greer hadn't been in charge of controlling the entire propulsion tower center, she would have almost thought that her communication was stuck.

"Something happened, Grey." Night Owl tried his best to make his voice sound less strange: "We were attacked, attacked by Batman. All our allies are dead, and now you have to take on the responsibility of sorting out the energy of the entire universe alone-"

Before Grayer could curse, Night Owl hastily comforted her, "It's okay if we can't sort it out. The worst that can happen is that the universe moves slower. As long as we keep the universe moving forward, that's fine."

"What happened to you? Are you sure it was Batman who attacked you? Batman attacked you across the universe? If Batman is really that powerful--"

"Now is not the time to discuss this!" Night Owl interrupted her: Oh, unless you want me to smash your - with a super-large lollipop

Night Owl did not say the second half of the sentence. He just imagined the scene of himself saying this sentence in his mind, and then he felt his brain secreting a large amount of dopamine.

It’s almost climax.

This drug has permanently damaged his physiological structure. Night Owl knew that this was a sign that he was now like those long-term addicts, and his body had lost the ability to create dopamine.

But that doesn't matter.

He could still drag this broken body forward... He hadn't fallen down yet.

"But before you sort out these energies, I ask you to infuse some of the magical energy into the body of Starro, the Conqueror of the Universe."

Night Owl said, his voice steady, as wise as before, with a full grasp of the wisdom and confidence.

This attitude and aura made the furious Grayer restrain her temper: "I will do this, you'd better think about whether your damn method can succeed!"

"I will." Night Owl said, "Conqueror Starro is a cosmic starfish, and a starfish that uses telepathy as a carrier and has no real body. Its physiological structure is completely different from our other allies, so it is very likely that it is our only ally who can survive Batman's attack."

Night Owl used the Parent Box to open the portal.

He must find a small piece of Starro's fragment, and then with the energy provided by Gray's, he will have a chance to stabilize Starro's injuries and make him the only consumable that can be used, hehe!

——It’s a teammate.

It is definitely not a consumable.

He had asked Starro, the Conqueror of the Universe, to create tens of billions of clones beforehand, and after reaching a cooperation with Batman, he gave some of those clones to Batman to complete his "Cosmic Madness" plan, but Night Owl still secretly let Starro hide some of them.

These hidden stocks can help Night Owl use them as nodes to change the oscillation frequency of his own universe, so that when his universe overlaps with Batman's universe, Batman cannot transmit anything.

Of course, during this period, Starro's clones will be subjected to a large amount of energy from the heart of the planet, and these clones will also be consumed and die one after another.

If all of Starro's clones died, then Starro himself would be completely dead - but what does this have to do with him, Night Owl? Sometimes, for the survival of more people, he must make sacrifices.

Hee hee hee!

Night Owl began to want to laugh again. This laughter was simply uncontrollable, reverberating in his mind.

Night Owl's face was expressionless.

That's right, he no longer planned to waste time treating himself.

His willpower was very strong, as hard to bend as steel. Anyway, he had estimated the time, at least before the current incident was over, he would not be completely devoured by the Joker virus.

As for what will happen in the future if there is no treatment?

It's very simple. Sacrificing the minority to save the majority is always the truth that Night Owl believes in.

And among this "few" who sacrificed...

Of course, there was also the victim, Thomas Wayne Jr.

Night Owl is ready.

He would never die in failure and loneliness. If he had to die... he would die in success.




“We need reconciliation.”

"What did you say?"

Chen Tao could hardly believe his ears.

He had imagined all kinds of situations: the Anti-Monitor slaughtering the Justice League, the Anti-Monitor being beaten to a pulp by Superboy-Prime, the Anti-Monitor defeating Superboy-Prime...

He even imagined that in the worst case scenario, he might face an unbeatable Anti-Monitor. Then he would have one last resort, or simply abandon Night Owl's universe and escape into the depths of the dark multiverse with his own universe...

Knowing that he has a low IQ, Chen Tao always likes to make many contingency plans before fighting. Although he knows that he can't take everything into account, he never expected that he would encounter such an incredible situation.

The powerful enemy he had been thinking about suddenly wanted to reconcile with him, whereas a few minutes ago he was still mentally preparing himself to fight to the death if things didn't work out.

All these psychological assumptions are no longer valid.

"I'm serious," he heard the Anti-Monitor say. "I'm going to let you go. Let you and your universe go. Because my problems are more important than the need to consume a universe right now."

"Anti-Monitor, what are you doing, you..."

"Don't call me by that name." The Anti-Monitor suddenly snorted, and then he shouted: "Call me Mobius, just call me Mobius!"

With just three punches and two kicks, he knocked away Wonder Woman, who was a little bloodthirsty and wanted to pounce on him. Chen Tao quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her back; then the Anti-Monitor suddenly grabbed his helmet and tried his best to pull it off his head.

"Wait, I don't quite understand the situation." Thunder Shazam said beside him: "What do you mean?"

"The situation has changed." Chen Tao told him: "Don't do anything yet."

He stretched out his hand to block Shazam, and then looked at the Anti-Monitor. I don't know if it was Chen Tao's illusion... Chen Tao always felt that the helmet seemed to have a little deformation, as if it was trying to stick to the other person's body by force.

"We can't just stand there and watch. This could be a trick of the Anti-Monitor." Hal flew to Chen Tao's side and whispered in his ear in a low and hurried voice: "We have weakened him to a certain extent. He is using lies to buy himself time to recover."

Chen Tao did not comment on this and looked at the Anti-Monitor.

With a teeth-grinding sound of metal being torn apart and the Anti-Monitor's angry snort, he violently ripped off the helmet that looked like a blue bullet from his forehead, revealing a face that had been poisoned by the Anti-Life Equation and looked like magma flowing through it.

Then he tried to take off his shell armor, but finally found that the armor was almost stuck to his body and could no longer be distinguished from each other.

So finally he gave up, after a roar of rage.

"I'm being watched by the real Anti-Monitor, who's watching me from upstream in the time stream."

The Anti-Monitor speaks very quickly and candidly: "For so many years, I have been wandering the Dark Multiverse, trying to escape the fate that Barbatos had woven for me... I thought I was breaking free, I was breaking free from Barbatos..."

He was so absorbed in talking to himself that Chen Tao didn't even know if he was talking to himself or not, but he could still clearly see the despair in his eyes.

"But in fact, I was just betrayed to Barbatos by him."

The Anti-Monitor, no, Mobius said: "I need to save myself...we need to save ourselves too."

His eyes were filled with malice and fear. "I don't want to die alone in failure. I don't think you want to die either."

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