What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 521 Failsafe: Every Batman in the Dark Multiverse is a Hero

In a dark multiverse.

The civil war of the Dark Knights finally came to an end after the surrounding city ruins turned into a complete wasteland. The drowned souls who tried to fight against the Ravager and the Red Death on their own were beaten like dead dogs. The killing machine who had just returned from the Laughing Bat stood between the three people who wanted to continue fighting.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on here?"

The Destroyer and the Red Death turned their eyes to the Drowned Soul almost at the same time.

The drowned soul pursed her lips and said nothing. She had already realized that her mental state was not right when she started the battle - of course.

Some kind of laughing thought connected her mind, causing her to make a choice that was completely different from what she would normally do.

At least she is Batman, and unlike the Red Death or the Ravager, her brain is one of the best in the entire Dark Knights, at least she is more like a normal person than her colleagues.

But can she say at this time, I was mind-controlled by some unconfirmed method, so I fought with you like crazy?

Of course not, this would be courting death. The consequence of her saying such things would not be that her teammates would try to help her figure out how this all happened, but would directly lead to the Laughing Bat regarding her as a defective product and then killing her outright.

The Drowned Soul knew very well how the Dark Knights dealt with those Batmen they deemed unqualified. Take the previous world for example, the War Bat of that world was a combination of Batman and Mongul, but he was too weak. Apart from his ability to control the interstellar war fortress of War World, in terms of brute force, he couldn't even fight against the Destroyer without losing the upper hand in a short period of time.

After proving the opponent's weakness, the members of the Dark Knights rushed forward and quickly tore him into pieces. Barbatos also treated his universe as a snack before exerting his power, and ate it in one bite until only an empty shell was left.

This is what happens when something is judged to be defective.

Therefore, the more it is at this time, the tougher we must appear.

The Drowned Ghost said: "The Laughing Bat promised us that every member of the Dark Knights is equal, and no one can be above others."

She pointed the finger at the devastater: "Perhaps you should ask the person who actually caused the dispute. I don't want this situation to happen a second time that I am forced to fight to prove that there are some things that cannot be offended."

This accusation is risky, but it is the best way at the moment. The mysterious control over her mind caught the drowned ghost off guard.

The drowned soul had already thought about what to say next, but he had no idea what to say.

Everyone present was Bruce, and they were all familiar with the tricks Bruce often used. The Drowned Souls had to try their best to think of a solution that was not Bruce's usual method in order to get away with it, or at least put part of the responsibility for starting the battle on the Red Death and the Ravager.

But to her surprise, the Ravager and the Red Death suddenly seemed to appear for some reason...

"It's over. Let him go. I just want to set up my TV now." The Red Death said in a hoarse voice.

As for the Ravager, his eyes flashed with viciousness towards the drowned souls, but soon the light was extinguished along with the words of the Red Death.

"We're okay now," he told Killing Machine.

The Killing Machine looked around at the three of them.

"Don't let internal fighting interfere with our business." He warned: "The observation screen can be built, but more importantly, we need to help Barbatos destroy this universe again so that he can absorb power. So we also need a dark spire. You have built it several times, so you should be very skilled at it."

The Killing Machine said, "Well, get started, guys... I don't think it will take you too long to make him."

"Then I need to finish building my TV first, and then start making the Dark Spire."

"It's up to you. It won't take long." Killing Machine said, "The important thing is that there should be no more disputes at this time."

The Red Death began to build it quickly. In this dark multiverse filled with dark energy, materials were the easiest things to find.

He used his extreme speed to grab a bewildered dark multiverse creature, then broke its neck, and a large amount of flesh and blood mixed with the dark multiverse power contained in the creature. Then, the Red Death found a bunch of parts, mixed these powers with the parts, and then repeated the cycle over and over again.

During this somewhat cruel casting process, with the death of countless dark multiverse lives, a new small dark multiverse observer was soon cast by him and then connected to the dark spire.

"Let me see..." Red Death rubbed his hands expectantly: "When will that Batman fall? When will he join us? How will the fate of the dark multiverse fool him?"

"And when will that universe..."

"Meet his destined end?"




My name is Thomas Wayne Jr., also known as Night Owl, and I am making a big mistake.

Not only was I controlled, but the other party also used me to severely damage the important allies I had gathered in the early stages.

Violent Wolf and his allies were crippled and no longer useful. Lex Luthor was still on the run with Dick Grayson. He knew very well that this kind of mind control could not control me for a long time, so he wisely did not stay with me, a sober choice.

Things are irreversible, and now our two universes are like mountains about to collide. I am sure that once the two universes come into contact, all the troublesome things will be thrown into my universe, and then they will take away all my propulsion towers, create speed force storms in my universe... and then throw my universe down to die.

Although I have temporarily broken free from the Joker, I have every reason to believe that this is not the end. He is just accumulating strength in order to completely control me and be reborn in my body.

Even if I injected him with the easiest antidote to suppress him after he broke free, it could only delay the process, not change it.

If I put aside everything I'm doing right now and throw myself into the lab, analyzing my own body cells to come up with an antidote for the Joker virus that Batman has synthesized, then with my level of drug development, I might be able to block this seemingly irreversible transformation.

But the fact is, I don't have time to sit in the lab and figure out a way to come up with an antidote.

Therefore, I must seize the time and do what I really should do.

"Warning, sir, there are 17 minutes and 23 seconds left before the two universes begin the first phase of overlap. Once the overlap occurs, Scenario E is likely to occur, and you will no longer be able to prevent it from happening."

Night Owl heard it, and the owl computer built into his armor warned him. He passed through the bottom level of his owl cave, quickly used the acceleration of the Night Owl armor, and moved through the secret passages. He found where he wanted to go by memory, and then stopped at the door of a secret room, performed a lot of checks, and finally walked in.

Many people think that Night Owl is cold-blooded and heartless, treating others as puppets and toys, and is a cold and utilitarian machine who can sacrifice a small number of people for the majority without hesitation. But what they don't know is that this small number of people also includes Night Owl himself.

In order to prevent himself from being subjected to telepathy or mental control like he is now, Thomas Wayne, the Night Owl, prepared a backdoor for himself before executing all his plans.

He called this plan:


Night Owl had no idea what was behind the iron door. After completing the entire failsafe plan, Night Owl deleted his memory, only knowing that there was such a plan, but he had no idea about the specific content of the plan. He only knew two things:

First, the failsafe plan is strictly utilitarian, doing whatever it takes to save their universe.

Second, the failsafe plan has its own specific content, which will ensure that it always protects the world and does not do anything that harms the universe under the control of an external enemy.

If he had activated the failsafe before being infected by the Joker virus, his Joker personality would never have had the chance to manipulate his body into doing so many things that would have destroyed his original plan.

So let me see what is that failsafe I prepared earlier?

A plan? A machine? Or...

"A robot?"

When he walked into the secret room he had prepared, he saw a huge robot placed on a special shelf.

As he entered, the robot's two glowing eyes also glowed blue.

Ye Xiao carefully observed the robot he made. There were some traces of the Yamozhu robot on it. He shamelessly plagiarized Dr. Ivo's invention, or simply asked Dr. Ivo to participate in its manufacturing. After resolving the situation, he knocked the opponent down with a stick, and then deleted the opponent's memory with a telepathic device.

Night Owl knew that he could definitely do such a thing, but now he had forgotten the specific process of building this robot, so these were just guesses.

And some Despair's DNA, fused with Martian Manhunter?

Night Owl was thoughtful. Despair possessed similar abilities to Martian Manhunter. With the joint transformation, the failsafe robot would only become stronger.

So what comes next?

As Night Owl thought this, he carefully examined the robot. Every cosmic overlord who had ever joined him left a trace on this robot.

The dark matter of Lady Styx, the cosmic energy of the Galaxy Puppet, the magic of the Soul Eater, the telepathic ability given by the Despair Magic Cell, and some of Starro's body tissues.

These strange things turned this robot, which was originally designed to have a very beautiful and completely streamlined appearance, into a bloated guy equipped with many weapons.

He carried an external loading system on his back that looked like a huge backpack. Those steel-like passages extended to his arms. In order to keep the passages running, he had to add a huge armored position to his original arms, and then expand other parts of his body.

It can be seen that this robot originally did not have so many complex functions. It was upgraded and modified by itself, but due to lack of time, the old frame remained the original one, and then it was forcibly upgraded into a giant monster with a height of nearly three meters.

"So can this thing really solve my current dilemma?"

As Ye Xiao thought so, he never doubted himself, but now it was different, at least this time.

He had doubts about his abilities.

Deep in his heart, he whispered to himself:

Why is this happening? Why is this happening?

He had tried hard enough, and he had thought of everything that might happen, but why did he still fail to make a move and was forced into his current situation by Batman and Luthor?

Can he really save his world on his own?

Night Owl took a deep breath. He was very sure that such timid and cowardly thoughts did not come from himself, but were more the result of the influence of the Joker virus on his brain.

So he gave an order to the failsafe: "I need to stop the fusion of the two universes. What should I do?"

The giant fail-safe robot's two eyes lit up, and then an electronic synthesized voice sounded from his mouth.

"Looking for a plan...looking for a backup plan...looking for a way to stop the two universes from overlapping."

Night Owl looked at the machine nervously.

hurry up.

I need a plan that's prepared in advance.

He believed in himself, he believed that he must have planned for such a situation in advance, and then was forced to seal these memories out of defense against the Anti-Monitor, but he could use it now, and then use this method to completely reverse the situation.

"I'm sorry, but you didn't prepare any such plans."

Night Owl felt as if something had suddenly grabbed his heart, making it impossible for him to breathe.

His memory told him that he had left a recipe in the failsafe that could save the entire universe, and he trusted his former wisdom, and he thought he would be able to take into account every aspect of the entire plan.

but now.

Things cruelly told Ye Xiao that he was not a god, and everything was just an illusion. The memories he erased in the past gave him false hope, and then everything disappeared completely.

Nothing could be more cruel than this.

But he soon heard the details of the failsafe.

"But there's another plan that might match."

"Repel the Anti-Monitor."

Night Owl took a deep breath.

He watched the failsafe robot's flickering face and lit eyes.

This is hope.

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