What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 518 Night Owl’s Ultimate Nightmare: The Joker Reappears!

Night Owl checked Luther first.

The other person was barely breathing and looked like he was about to die, but he was not completely dead yet.

Night Owl's armor detected that Luther's armor was still running, and a large number of nanorobots flew out of the armor, desperately repairing Luther's heart that was torn out by Violent Wolf's knife. Those nanorobots were replacing the function of the heart, desperately helping Luther pump blood throughout the body, so he would not die for a while.

This kind of injury is not irreparable. Night Owl has many ways to save the other person's life, but now?

You should lie here for a while.

Followed by.

Night Owl looked at the Claw not far away, Dick Grayson, with a complicated expression.

No, his Dick is dead, this is just a parallel universe version of that.

Night Owl told himself this a thousand times, and then he walked in front of Nightwing, expecting the other party to beg him to save his life.

but no.

Due to the powerful recovery ability of the wolf gene, even after suffering a fatal injury like being cut in half, Nightwing was able to maintain a clear consciousness, unlike Luther.

But in contrast, his recovery ability is much worse than that of Violent Wolf. At most, it is equal to that of Deathstroke, and is far from being able to regenerate a broken limb.

It's not that he didn't listen to the opinions of outsiders, so even though he didn't tell them, he actually came here...

Come on, beg me. Come on, beg me. Beg me to live. Please, Dick.

Give me... give me a reason to save you.


Nightwing Dick didn't even look at him.

"Baolang, you...you said you owed Batman a favor..."

Baolang seemed a little annoyed: "Come on, Dick, you're a good guy, you know our mission is over. I work for Batman? Of course. I'm a mercenary, and I told Batman that I would work for him for free once. But the free work ended when we were caught."

"The mission has failed, loyal boy. I should go find the next employer and the next mission. This is the survival rule of mercenaries. Never get involved in grudges.

So Night Owl hired me to capture Luther. In addition to the compensation I deserve, I will also have the qualifications to continue doing business in the New World. What reason do I have to refuse? "

Night Owl waved at Baolang, and the mercenary stopped talking. He left the room cursing, leaving the venue to Night Owl.

Night Owl walked up to Dick and looked down at him. Dick finally looked him in the eye, and Night Owl seemed to see his past self.

"...Alfred, how can I believe this? How can I believe this? The biggest gang leader in Gotham City is actually my parents? How could they do this to me?"

"...Dirty black blood runs in my bloodline...This is all the fault of the Wayne family...They died because of me, and they never said it was me until they died..."

"…No, I didn't cry, Alfred. I never cry."

"...I can no longer sit by and watch my parents let this city continue to degenerate. They have killed countless people..."

"…I have nothing to say to my parents. My blood and tears have all dried up, the blood and tears of Gotham. Today is the day they die."

"...No, there is no need to ask anyone else to do it. Since the decision has been made...I will do it myself."

"My brother...my beloved brother Bruce...I will keep him safe..."

"...No! Don't die! Bruce! No! Dad, Mom!!! Why do you force me to do this!!!"

"…This child is called Dick Grayson, and he has lost his parents. Master Thomas, he will become your claw."

"...Dick, you remind me of my brother...You know? His name is Bruce..."

"…We are a family forever, Dick. I never thought that I was qualified to say the word family. No, it's not me who reshaped you, but you who reshaped me…"

"No, I beg you, don't let me lose my family a second time."

All those memories echoed violently in his mind, and then finally returned to a self who was holding a corpse and roaring to the sky in the rainy night.

"You are not him." Night Owl said slowly. No one knew how much pain he felt in his heart, but he still said firmly: "Alfred thought I came here to save you this time. But it wasn't."

As long as he gently put Nightwing's lower body together with his upper body, Nightwing could survive immediately with the help of Violent Wolf's cells.

But he didn't do that, he finally chose not to do that, just as he finally cruelly chose to kill his parents with his own hands.

He took off his helmet and sat in front of Nightwing.

Nightwing was so weak that he couldn't even lift his hands. He felt cold all over and the world was turning dark.

But he still widened his eyes in surprise, almost thinking it was an illusion he saw before he died.

Because he saw...

"Why are you so cruel to me?"

A tear from Night Owl slightly flowed out from his eye socket, and then his action of putting on the helmet completely interrupted its flow.

Night Owl stood up and snapped his fingers. The Night Owl robot next to him that looked exactly like him ran over and picked up Luther, who was seriously injured and whose chest wound was still being repaired by nanorobots.

Bizarro and Amajra were still fighting outside, so Violent Wolf went to help.

He had to loot the only valuable Luther in the room, and then...

Leaving Dick there to die.

"Goodbye..." With every step he took, Night Owl's heart grew colder. The emotions that belonged to little Thomas Wayne were gradually stripped away from him. He once again turned from little Thomas into Night Owl, cold and ruthless, not knowing what tears were - Night Owl!

“Hahaha, oh my god – that’s really cruel.”

The voice of Night Owl suddenly stopped.

He could hardly believe what he heard.

Then he turned his head sharply.

There was nothing behind him.

He looked around and didn't see anyone. Only Nightwing, who was gradually losing consciousness not far away, groaned in pain.

"Night Owl 333, replay the ambient recording from 10 seconds ago."

The Night Owl robot beside him did so.

Nothing at all.

Night Owl frowned. He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or what.

He lowered his head to think briefly, and finally decided to ignore it for the time being, so he raised his head, and then suddenly saw the Joker holding a gun to his forehead, and then...



For the first time, Night Owl's face, which had always been full of wisdom and had planned everything out, showed a look of shock and horror. He was almost terrified: "It's you! It's you! How could it be you???"

He retreated desperately, raising his arms, extending a large number of energy weapons, and fired directly at the position where the Joker was standing. A large amount of explosions and smoke completely submerged that area in an instant, but the Joker did not use his agility and various strange little props to escape his attack as he remembered.

The other party was just standing there, unharmed.

"real or fake?"

He heard the Joker say, "You're planning to use a weapon against me?"

In the trembling and angry eyes of Night Owl, Joker said: "Oh, what did we talk about last time we met?"

"I will never die. I am an idea, a thought, and I will live forever in the indomitable Gotham City."

Nightwing looked at Nightowl blankly. He was about to die, but Nightowl, who had walked to the door, suddenly said something incomprehensible, then turned around and connected his lower body to his upper body.

This action directly caused Nightwing's wolf cells to start repairing the broken wound. Before Nightwing could finish his words, he saw Night Owl run back and stuff Luther's heart, which was taken out by Wolf's claws, back into his chest cavity.

As the nanorobots repaired themselves, the weak Luther opened his eyes.

"How can you be alive? How can you still be alive? I clearly sent you to the incinerator with my own hands..."

Night Owl, who was about to lose control of his emotions, suddenly calmed down: "I was poisoned... an illusion. He let me see you and made me think I saw you again, but it was just an illusion."

"Oh, this is so sad, Thomas, I would have thought you would welcome my return after all the years we've been at each other's throats."

"Well, honestly, have you ever cried to your bedside at night, regretting that your favorite jester never had the chance to present you with a generous gift again?"

The Joker's voice was lighthearted and cheerful. He skipped to Night Owl's side and put his hand on Night Owl's shoulder:

"No? Oh, that's not interesting, is it? How boring. To you, people are just cold chips or chess pieces without their own love or hate. You have been the same for so many years, without changing at all. Sometimes I even doubt whether you are human."

"Tell me, did you shed tears the day I killed Dick the Claw?"

This question caused Ye Xiao to roar in rage. He was not a person who would lose control of his emotions, but Ye Xiao just couldn't control himself now.

He cursed at the Joker, using all the dirty words he could think of in his life. His emotions were completely out of control and he cursed at the other party hysterically.

But even in the midst of such intense cursing, he could still clearly hear the other person's voice, as if the voice was not coming from someone else's mouth, but ringing in his heart.

And it is very likely that this is indeed the case.

"Listen to me, Thomas. We are one, we have always been one, we are like two sides of a mirror, or two sides of a pair of scissors. We are like twin brothers!"

"You and I are not brothers!"

"God, you're so gay."

"What I mean is, Nite Owl, you are a good person at heart, just like me. You are different from the rest of the Crime Syndicate, and I won't deny that even if you kill me."

"You and I both want to make this city and this world a better place, but we chose two different ways. This is why we have always had room to fight each other for so many years... Without each other, this world would be too boring!"

"Bullshit, I never thought of letting you go, I'm going to kill you again!"

"Yeah, yeah, but that still doesn't change the fact that I know exactly what you've done."

He heard the Joker still say in that annoying voice: "Let me see what you were doing while I was away?"

"Hmm, it's the same little game I used to know, sacrificing a few to save the majority, using human lives as bargaining chips, it really hasn't changed at all... you know."

The Joker's voice was lighthearted and cheerful, but the next moment, it turned into a sinister and malicious voice like the cold wind from Siberia:

"Sacrificing others to save yourself, it's all so predictable, you know..."

“It takes all the humor out of it.”




"Night Owl's universe has finally started to work."

Chen Tao thought silently.

He had waited for this moment for too long. In a universe without Nightwing, their current battle was just a useless delay. And now, as the opponent approached, he finally saw the dawn of victory.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The entire universe began to tremble.

All five limbs of the Anti-Monitor are hanging. The Justice League members, who have become gods, are able to temporarily delay the Anti-Monitor, which is the final piece of the puzzle.

"You're going to throw me out of this universe. Why? Just with the new god power you just acquired?"

The Anti-Monitor kicked the newly deified Shazam away, but was immediately hugged by the other party again.

“Such expulsions are meaningless.”

The Anti-Monitor said: "I can come back again, almost instantly. Do you think you can keep me out of this universe for as long as you did last time?"

But it is very likely that the universe we return to will not be this one.

Chen Tao answered him in his heart, and he felt unprecedented relaxation and joy.

Finally. He had already thought that Luther had failed and was ready to fight to the death.

He never reveals his plans to anyone, so most people think that the methods he can use are like a pool of water, deep and unfathomable.

But Chen Tao knew very well that the means he could use were extremely limited and could be counted on one's fingers. If Luther's plan also failed completely, then asking Night Owl's universe to help would be completely impossible.

In this situation, what else can he do except let William shoot him in the head, summon the Dark Lord on the spot, and then swallow the Anti-Monitor's heart in one gulp and fly out of the universe holding the sun, and die together with Superboy-Prime and the Anti-Monitor?

He had even captured the Anti-Monitor's heart hidden in his body.

But he succeeded in the end, Luthor succeeded in the end, and they had done what Night Owl had once wanted to do.

They were finally able to sacrifice others...

Save yourself.

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