What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 508: Partner of Justice, Darkseid!

"Night Owl has already started activating their universe and is approaching our universe along the calculated trajectory."

When you look up on the planet Quad, you see the vast blue Earth, shining brightly among the stars. You see your comrades holding swords, surrounded by green light, and controlling lightning, like the gods of ancient Greece fighting against the Titans, or like the triumphant songs of heroes in the Golden Age.

You reviewed the information Luther passed on to you in your mind.

"Night Owl must act after the Anti-Monitor takes action. Otherwise, once he starts ahead of time, the Anti-Monitor who has not yet entered our universe may notice his betrayal and take corresponding countermeasures, which will undoubtedly destroy the entire plan."

And this means... Chen Tao must confront the Anti-Surveillance Agent head-on.

There is no Superboy-Prime, no William, and no other foreign aid.

Just Batman and the Justice League themselves.

"You have to hold on for at least two hours... no, one and a half hours. This is the prerequisite for Night Owl to drive his world to your universe. This time can only be longer, not shorter."


Almost instantly, a strong wind began to blow on Quad, mixed with blizzards and hail. That was the weather wizard opening a small door in the red of all living things, and joined forces with Captain Cold to cast a spell towards the location where they were standing.

This blizzard is not just an ordinary natural phenomenon, but also mixed with Captain Cold's superpower that can freeze the Flash.




It was as if five or six hundred hands suddenly raised their hands at the same time from the portal that opened in the space. Under the cover of the Mirror Master, the magician threw a special bomb, which, ignited by the heat wave, changed the surrounding terrain on a large scale.

The rocks became so brittle that even a simple step would sink your feet in like mud. Only the Rogues knew exactly where the rocks were brittle on this battlefield, and they shared this information with the Justice League through Martian Manhunter's telepathic link.

“Interesting,” said the Anti-Monitor.

He opened his palms, and a large number of shadow demons emerged from the ground behind him. Those blurry shadows stood up. The Anti-Monitor didn't seem to care about the Justice League's moves.

"For the Justice League!"

Wonder Woman's battle cry was earth-shattering. She charged at the Anti-Monitor, with the Martian Manhunter transforming into some kind of dragon-like creature to clear her way.

The Anti-Monitor stood there, watching the Justice League being drowned in a sea of ​​countless shadow demons.

Hal flew past Chen Tao, and his shoulder used the green light to materialize some kind of shoulder-mounted cannon. Countless green light missiles flew out, blowing the demons to pieces, but soon the shadows were reconstructed again.

"You're standing here like an idiot. You'd better prepare something, Bat." He said, "Although I have prepared something, at least I won't stand here like a statue and confront the other party."


Beside him, the portal of the Red of All Creatures opened, and the head of the ventriloquist emerged from it.

It might be a little strange to see a bald old man wearing a maid outfit on the battlefield, but Arnold faithfully did what he was supposed to do: "I, I have done what you told me to do."

"Very good." Hal raised the ring: "Let's kill them together!"

“Woohoo!” Shazam flew around in the group of shadow demons, bursting out a large amount of lightning: “Oh my god, this is so exciting.”

No one paid any attention to him. Everyone knew that Shazam had deviated from the planned route, but no one had the energy to blame him as a minor. As long as he didn't get too emotional and put himself in danger, everything... would be acceptable.

"Hal Jordan." The Anti-Monitor stood in place. He looked at Hal who was following behind Wonder Woman. He was surrounded by ventriloquist, Aquaman waving his trident, and Mera who was controlling the water followed beside him to clear the way for him.

As the Anti-Monitor watched, a large number of Shadow Demons raised their hands, and purple Anti-Life Equation rays shot from their hands at Hal together.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Thunder Shazam was besieged by several Shadow Demons and was accidentally hit in the back by a purple light.

The anti-life rays emitted by these shadow demons were not enough to kill a magic guard with divine power like Shazam, but they still caused him great pain.

"There are too many of these shadow demons. I have to use the powers of these gods. Damn it, why has no one ever given me an instruction manual? What the hell is that Martian thing? Oh, right, Ron's weakness."

After thinking about the Martian Hunter's fear of fire, Shazam suddenly remembered the magic he had seen in the magic book. Although he was unable to perform it at that time, now...

"Roar!" A large amount of flames spewed out from his mouth, instantly extinguishing a large number of shadow demons.

This accidental burst of power just happened to clear a route for the Justice League team that was forming a formation.

"The Shadow Demon is not afraid of your light, Hal." The Anti-Monitor said: "Your color light is not even comparable to that of the magician who uses the power of the Old God."

Hal was about to rush in front of him, which made the Anti-Monitor look unhappy. He knew that Hal and the Justice League team were responsible for attracting his attention, but he should not have to take action.

"Idiot, you maggot!"

But the anti-monitor's kind words were met with Hal's merciless scolding: "Do you want to use your grandmother's foot binding cloth to wipe your asshole that was fucked by a hunk?"

Hal did that on purpose, and the rude insult briefly distracted the other person.

And the next moment, as he raised the lantern ring, a large number of lantern group members poured out of the wormhole he opened like a tide, and the leader was Arlene Su.

"Reinforcements have arrived!"

If these legion members were thrown into the battlefield at the beginning, they would only be drowned in the endless army of Shadow Demons and would not be able to touch the Anti-Monitor's body. But now, they suddenly rushed out at such a close distance and drowned the Anti-Monitor in an instant.

The Yellow Lanterns and Green Lanterns work together, and although they are not without hatred between them, at least they put it aside for the time being.

Atrocitus jumped onto the Anti-Monitor's head and sprayed a mouthful of flames that looked like blood onto his face. Atrocitus had thought about bringing his own Red Lantern Corps members to participate in the battle, but that group of lunatics who attacked indiscriminately were too uncontrollable, so the leader of the Red Lantern Corps had to fight alone.

What a magnificent sight! A large number of densely packed members of the Lantern Corps emerged from the wormhole like a tide. Endless yellow-green light gushed out from their rings, illuminating the position occupied by the Anti-Monitor into a sea of ​​green light.

The Anti-Monitor had no choice but to take a step forward, and immediately he stepped into the trap set by the Rogue Gang's Heat Wave and his body sank violently.

"The Anti-Life Equation wants cosmic destruction."

The Anti-Monitor looked at the cave that caused his body to sink, and then slowly spoke under the attack of intense green and yellow light:

“He was efficient, but there was no difference in attack.”

He raised his hand for the first time, and then...

"Lantern Ring Status Report: Green Lantern in sector 271 has died, scan of alternate sectors in the universe has begun."

"Lantern Ring Status Report: Yellow Lantern in sector 3099 has died. Scan of alternate sectors in the universe has begun."

"Maintain the energy shield!" Arlinsu roared, and was immediately knocked down by Hal. The anti-life ray passed through her nose and turned a Yellow Lantern behind him into dust.

And this long-awaited moment has finally arrived.

The red gate of all living things suddenly opened, and Superman Clark Kent hugged the Anti-Monitor's legs, and then Superman, who was covered in muscles and was about to turn into a muscle balloon, rushed out like a comet.

"I caught him, Super, you have to..."

But before Clark could finish his words, he was knocked away by Superman's punch: "I don't need your help Superman, this guy is mine!"

He raised his fist and punched the Anti-Monitor in the face: "You destroyed everything I had, my city..."

"...My subjects who prostrate themselves at my feet..."

"I will burn your eyes out, pull out your tongue, and gut you!"

"You can't do it, Speedmaster."

Chen Tao appeared beside the knocked-away Superman like lightning and caught him.

"Are you okay, Clarke."

"I'm fine. We have to go support Super."

"Yes, of course I will." Chen Tao said coldly.

The Anti-Monitor knew that someone was waiting to attack him, and he also knew that he should not be distracted by the attacks of others. This was a sign of respect.

According to the intelligence gathered by Nightwing, when the Anti-Monitor faced the Crime Syndicate, he never deliberately guarded against anyone. He defeated them all in a short time. He didn't even release Shadow Fiend, because no one in the Crime Syndicate could pose a real threat to him.

But now he wants to use the Shadow Demon Legion to face the Justice League. Chen Tao originally expected that there would be at least casualties when the Justice League besieged the Anti-Monitor, but he has not actually taken action until now.

"I am truly flattered."

Therefore, Chen Tao mobilized a fighter who could force the anti-monitor to take action, a fighter who could be sacrificed.

"I'm going to kill you!" After taking too much kryptonite, Speedmaster was already on the verge of insanity. Even though he was pinned to the ground by the Anti-Monitor, he still mobilized all his muscles to resist. But this resistance was doomed to be in vain.

"Oh, no, you can't kill me, see? This is what I miss, being a god, looking down on all living things, everything is too far away, too isolated, killing billions of lives in the blink of an eye, and achieving nothing. But down here, being with all living things... it's much more interesting. Wait, I said these words."

The Anti-Monitor suddenly realized something, and even through the mask one could notice his expression turn cold. He said no more nonsense, and the white light of the Anti-Life Equation in his hand instantly began to decompose Speedmaster's body.

"No, Superman!" Clark Superman would never allow anyone to be killed in front of him. He left Batman behind and flew towards the Anti-Monitor angrily, but the one who flew faster than him was Batman himself.

"Leave the rest to me."

Clark paused immediately, and strands of speed force connected him and Batman. In an instant, an invisible burden was placed on his shoulders, and in contrast, hideous bone spurs grew on Chen Tao's body.

Black and red lightning flashed as he raised his foot, and countless red Batmans flapped their wings, quietly kissing every shadow demon that flew past him.

Then, the shadow demon seemed to have experienced endless years in an instant, and turned into a shadow again and fell to the ground.

"You were able to steal Shadow Fiend's time." The Anti-Monitor said, "Impressive."

At a speed where time almost stopped, the Anti-Monitor said this while waving the white light of the Anti-Life Equation with one hand, and with the other hand he picked up Speedmaster's corpse, which had turned into a skeleton, and threw it towards Batman.

The next moment, he crossed his arms and was pushed backwards by the huge impact force. Just before his body sank and was about to step into the next cave created by the heat wave, he flew up and looked down at Batman from above.

The blizzard started blowing again. The previous blizzard helped the Justice League block their vision and advance to the Anti-Monitor, and the blizzard blowing now can also achieve the same effect. But this time, the Anti-Monitor is not going to let it go.

While looking at Chaoba's body on the ground, he stretched out his hand to grab in the air, and then said, "Who's next?"

Almost simultaneously, Chen Tao's earphones could hear the screams of the Rogue Gang members in the Red of All Beings. The magician's screams from being grabbed were particularly intense: "My hand, my hand is broken!"

The Anti-Monitor opened the portal of the Red of All Beings, and then he raised his palm towards it, intending to...

In an instant, two Omega effect rays hit his back.

This burning pain was definitely not something that could be caused by an attack like Shazamhal. The Anti-Monitor was forced to give up his attack on the Red of All Creation. Then he heard Batman's voice:

"Welcome to the ally of justice, Darkseid!"

The Anti-Monitor turned his head and saw the figure of the Dark Lord of Apokolips rushing out of the sonic boom tunnel, followed by an endless army of demon-like creatures.

Those demon-like creatures and shadow demons were fighting each other. In an instant, purple light and rays from the demon-like hand cannons were flying everywhere. Darkseid himself, in a standard Superman posture, hugged the Anti-Monitor's waist. The two of them fell to the ground like meteorites. The earth was shaken by the huge waves, and waves of mud and rocks were raised like sea waves.

In an instant, everyone became weightless and flew high into the sky.

Batman followed closely behind, swinging his fist, full of bone spurs, and hitting the Anti-Monitor in the face!

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