
Zombie Bane rolled his gray eyes: "When did you..."

Chen Tao ignored him.

He dug his teeth deeply into the other person's body, trying to bite him longer.

His fangs became slender and sharp, and Zombie Bane felt them piercing like syringes one by one, piercing deeply, and then injecting some unknown liquid.

Is it a toxin?

Ridiculous, what kind of toxin can act on the Blackness of Decay?

No matter how powerful the poison is, it cannot kill a corpse. In essence, the word death does not appear in the dictionary of the Black of Decay.

Loneliness, indifference.

Chen Tao's heart felt cold.

The unique indecision and hesitation from a time traveler living in a peaceful era faded from his body. Bane's unique brutality was combined with Batman's calmness and calmness, combined with the huge body of the dinosaur. In Venom, Under the intensification, chemical reactions that are unimaginable by ordinary people burst out.

"Stupid guy, how dare you get so close to me... just let the blackness of decay corrupt him, after all..."

Zombie Bane rolled his eyes: "This guy named Batman, even if he has any special powers, is still just a mortal. And mortals can never resist the power of decay..."

"Wait, why didn't it work?"

Zombie Bane paused in his movements. He could not parasitize Killer Crocodile because the other party was the agent of the red of all living beings. He also cannot control Poison Ivy, because Poison Ivy and Plant Master belong to the Green of All Things.

Solomon Grundy is a zombie who is neither alive nor dead, but the man in front of him - even if he has super powers, there is no way he can resist him!

and many more……

Zombie Bain's eyes moved down and he saw Chen Tao's dark green dinosaur muscles turning into pure silvery metal bit by bit, starting from the tips of his teeth.

The power of the blackness of decay only encountered lifeless dead things, as helpless as a toad trapped in a glass jar.

The insect limbs protruding from Zombie Bane's back made a clanging sound on Chen Tao's face.

Chen Tao slowly opened his mouth and backed away slowly.


Zombie Bane looked a little helpless. Poison Ivy didn't know that dead monsters like them could still feel "helpless".

"So, dear Ivy."

Poison Ivy originally wanted to say "We don't know each other that well" but she decided not to anger the other party now because Batman stood there quietly and did not go up to attack.

She had already vaguely guessed what Batman had done.

"Aren't you planning to join us, the Black of Decay? I value you very much, Ivy. Do you think why I didn't kill you, but let you play with me for so long? But there's always time for fun. stopped."

Zombie Bane looked up and down at the big bat dinosaur standing there: "Is it him you rely on? You have to let me defeat him before you give up your luck? Just like the zombie lying there? Oh, Little girl.”

He said: "You really don't make people worry."

But he felt that the way Poison Ivy looked at him was a little strange, as if she was looking at a dead person, even though he was.

He heard the other party say with pity: "You have never lived in Gotham, have you?"

"Does this have anything to do with what we're discussing?"

"Yes, of course."

Green plants gathered behind Poison Ivy and woven into a wicker chair. She sat down slowly, like an audience waiting for the opening of a movie.

"Let me teach you some rules and common sense for living in Gotham. As a super villain living in Gotham, how can you not know this knowledge?"

Poison Ivy stretched out a green finger and said.



Zombie Bane's body suddenly froze, and a strong green color spread from his back. Half of his body was uncontrollably activated into green plants, which was in sharp contrast with the other half of his rotting and stinking body!

"How is it possible - it's you! When you just bit it -"

Poison Ivy's cold voice followed.

“First, Batman will not fail and cannot fail, because once he fails, countless people will die because of him.

So Batman never fails. He will win, he will win in the past, he will win now, he will win in the future, and he will keep winning like this. "

With a plop, zombie Bane fell to his knees. He violently tore at the half of his body that had grown plants. Countless carrion and fresh meat were pierced by the growing plants. Every time he pulled off a piece of plant, it would bring up a wave of Black blood.

"No matter what kind of opponent he faces, no matter what kind of seemingly invincible enemy he faces, Batman will win. Even if it is a tragic victory, even if he pays any price. And Batman's win... means that the criminals will lose, so Gotham's Criminals will fear Batman because they can never defeat him."

Poison Ivy's voice was slightly low, those youthful years...those golden times when even Poison Ivy was still in her infancy.

"Time and time again, you will exhaust your life's wisdom and think of all the ways you can think of in your life, just like Sisyphus pushing the boulder - but you will never win! This is Batman, he will always be one step ahead of you, It’s always been like this, always like this.”

Gurgling, gurgling, gurgling...

The venom jar behind Zombie Bane suddenly started operating automatically without any warning, continuously feeding venom into the body.

Zombie Bane wailed loudly: "No! You are already under our control. Damn it - get out of our minds!"

"Second, Batman is not going to die, that's a fact."

"Hit Batman with a gun and he won't die;"

"If you see him disappear in the explosion, he will not die;"

“You can’t kill Batman with a knife, and you can’t kill Batman with a tank;”

"Poison can't kill him; no matter how fatal the attack is, no matter how many people claim they killed Batman and what convincing evidence they produce, as long as the crime is still being committed, Batman will appear and will stand by In front of them, end their criminal careers with both fists."

"Even if he is scarred, even if he is shot several times, he will still appear in front of the criminals."

"No! What did you do to me!"

Zombie Bane howled and rolled on the ground. His two voices resonated at the same frequency, making a harsh scream: "Let me go!"

Poison Ivy's voice was still ringing.

"Third, Batman has the strongest belief. No matter what you say or what you try to buy him with, it will be useless. No one can shake his belief and make him give up his career and his identity.

He's taciturn and doesn't take any crap from anyone, he just needs to know if you want to surrender. "

Poison Ivy said sincerely:

"This is Batman. Difficult or even impossible to communicate, completely unpredictable in appearance, sometimes like a shadow, sometimes infinitely close to human, difficult or even impossible to kill.

Her tone was somewhat pitiful:

"Batman is such a monster, he can't defeat, he can't convince, he can't trade, he can only win...

Will not lose! "

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