Right ...


Bane's mask fell to the ground.

The black and white hood, even though it was broken, was still firmly on Bain's head——

At this moment, fall off.

And Bain's self... also fell into darkness with it.

【warn! warn! Anchored item detected:]

【Bane's Mask】

[Introduction: This is the mask that fell off Bane's cheek after he experienced the siege of 2 troops, the infection of clown venom, and the erosion of the blackness of decay. Along with this mask, which fell into the mud and was stained, was Bane's pure and proud self. You might be able to use it to summon Batman from some alternate universe. 】

Chen Tao had almost forgotten the existence of the Alfred Agreement.

[However, does the existence that was summoned because of the tainted thing have a pure and flawless identity? 】

["No! Damn it, this is... the laughing gas controlled by that clown called the clown? Hahahahaha, I'm laughing so hard, how is it possible?"

I, Bain, will never be poisoned by such a low-level poison...ahhahahahahaha! I am the super warrior, Bane! Ouch, ouch, ouch—"]

【warn! warn! Batman No. 52 is too far away from the anchored item, please find a way to hold it immediately! 】

Chen Tao's eyes focused on the mask at Bain's feet. He let out a breath, then turned to Robin and whispered something.

The power of the blackness of decay spreads in the forest. The trees wrinkled and rotted, and a tree next to Harley Quinn turned into a pile of foul-smelling rotten wood right in front of her.

The squirrel on the tree and several other unknown small animals fled down in panic. Their little minds could not understand why they suddenly suffered such a bad fate.

Just when Harley Quinn wanted to reach out to save these little animals, Deadshot shot and killed one of them without hesitation.

"Hey—are you—"

"Take a good look -"

Harley turned her head and saw the cute and cute squirrel let out a screaming scream. The animal raised its head, and maggots were crawling on its face full of holes. It pulled out the mucus from its body and then stretched it out. This made it look like a large spider, and then the little monster suddenly jumped up and rushed toward Harley Quinn——


Deadshot fired another shot, then took a few steps forward, took out the flame pistol from behind and lit it on fire.

Seeing the squirrel screaming and roaring in the fire and rolling on the ground, he took two steps back and said, "I have never seen such a weird thing in my life."

Poison Ivy said nothing. She raised her hand, and vines stretched out from the ground and climbed up Harley Quinn's body, condensing a pair of vine armor on her body.

"Harley, be careful." Poison Ivy gritted her teeth.

"Don't be touched by this kind of thing. The vines on your body have the power of the green of all things, and they can protect you temporarily."

Deadshot said next to him: "Why don't you give me one too?"

Poison Ivy ignored him.

"Ooooooo, Xiaohong, thank you!"

Harley Quinn gave Poison Ivy a hug: "You're the best!"

"So why can't you give me one too? I'm also afraid of death."


The two women said to him together.

The vibrant green withered quickly under the power of the decaying black. The big zombie Solomon Grandi looked at the black that spread to his feet. His big gray and ugly face wrinkled, showing a disgusting look:

"Grundy hates this!"

Chen Tao whispered to Poison Ivy: "How much more power of the green of all things can you condense?"

Poison Ivy glanced at the Plant Master.

The plant master who fell to the ground just now was at best considered to be because his body was corroded by the herbicide solution, so he temporarily lost his ability to resist. She, another representative of the green of all things, needed to be tied up with vines.

But now, his face looked like a dying tree, like an old man who was over 100 years old and was about to die. His originally burly body and the thick green leaves on his cheeks had turned into withered gray-black.

This was exactly what Batman had done. Chen Tao was a little embarrassed, but he immediately put such emotions behind him.

Poison Ivy released the vine that blocked the mouth of plant master Jason Wood: "Jason, we need your help!"

Chen Tao asked: "Where are the tubers on the swamp monster?"

"I...feel the power..."

Zombie Bane grinned. Even though he was corroded by the blackness of decay, the clown gas was still working: "Ha! Ha! Ha... ho ho..."

"what happened?"

Another voice sounded on Zombie Bane: "We are three hunters. Toxins made by mere mortals, how could..."

"That's enough, don't be embarrassed. The decaying natural force has not completely mastered this body. There is still a part of him alive and protected by the red of all living things - there is no time to talk about this. Prepare to deal with the enemy!"


The gray-white zombie's fist hit Zombie Bane hard in the face, hitting his head high in the air, but Zombie Bane didn't show any pain at all. He laughed happily, and then gave Solomon G Randy a hug.

"Idiot, prepare to face the power of the corrupt country..."


"Solomon Grundy is a big zombie who is neither alive nor dead, and the power of the Kingdom of Decay is useless to him." Chen Tao whispered to Poison Ivy: "But we can't expect this sane guy to help us win. enemy."

"I know, I know, I'm already looking for it, don't rush it!"

At this time, the Plant Master was lying flat on the ground. Poison Ivy used the power of the green of all things to cut open his plant body. Killer Croc helped, rummaging through the Plant Master's stomach.

Of course, nothing was gained from this.

Poison Ivy was a little anxious. She stood up and walked to the plant master and grabbed his face.

"Damn it, Jason! Do you know how serious the situation has become now? The Blackness of Decay is already in front of you, and you are still fighting with me?"

"Is this it?" Killer Crocodile suddenly shouted. He stretched out his hand and held a lump of hard green substance in his hand, with a layer of sticky green attached to the surface.

Poison Ivy turned around and said, "That's the residue left after Jason has absorbed all the nutrients from the food he's eaten."

She turned back to the plant master: "Think about it, no matter how we fight among ourselves, we are all members of the Green of All Things!"

"You are committing moral kidnapping." The Plant Master let out a deep roar: "Traitor!"

"Ouch!" Killer Crocodile was stunned for a moment, and then almost vomited.

He suppressed his nausea, and instead of throwing Master Plant's one aside, he stuffed it back into Master Plant's body.

I can't bear to be so angry!

"Jason! We are friends, we..."

"That's enough, take a look!" Chen Tao interrupted Poison Ivy.

With fierce force, he turned the Plant Master's head to the battlefield where Solomon Grundy and Zombie Bane were fist-fighting each other. Deadshot and the Cheshire Cat were struggling to fire at Zombie Bane: "Once the Black Decay wins, we will All must die!"

"And before I die, I will definitely throw you to that monster first!"

The plant master was silent for a while...

Then he vomited two tubers.

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