What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 376 Tim has retired, but Batman is still working overtime (Author (page 12)

When Batman left, Alfred turned his head towards the dark corner of the Batcave and whispered: "Tim, Tim? Why didn't you come out in the end? Didn't you say before that you wanted Batman's permission in person? Have you returned to the front line of the battle?"

The old butler said in a low voice: "Didn't you say that you would take over Gotham temporarily in place of Dick (Nightwing) who was on an errand?"

Following the call of the old butler, the third generation Robin Tim Drake slowly turned out from behind the stairs with a complicated expression. As Robin, he perfectly inherited the fine tradition of the sudden appearance of the Bat family. If it weren't for Alfred De took the initiative to speak, but no one could have imagined that there was a big living person squatting in the shadow, especially when he was wearing the brightly colored Robin uniform that alternated between red and green.

But Tim knew that Batman must have seen through his position... When the other party left the Batcave, they were waiting for him to come out, but he did not move and allowed the other party to leave.

Facing the old butler's question, Tim walked to the side of the Batcomputer with some sadness, and then sat on Batman's chair.

"It's nothing Alfred, I just suddenly felt that there seems to be no problem with Batman's arrangement."

"Killer Crocodile is also an old man who has been around Gotham for many years. Although he did a lot of messy things in the past when he was not clear-headed, these have all gone away with the government's amnesty. Now Batman sends him back Gotham has to deal with ordinary criminals and gangs, and with Mr. Freeze and Penguin taking the initiative to maintain the balance of Gotham, I think unless the Joker or the Riddler comes back, Killer Croc is fully capable."

"How's Harvey (Two-Face) doing?" the old housekeeper asked casually.

"He was admitted to a mental hospital again. He is the most divided of all people. After Gotham has not been as chaotic as before for a long time, Harvey's kind personality seems to be recovering. Although he still always slaps himself for nothing. Options, but not as crazy as they used to be.”

Even when he is unemployed, Tim's understanding of Gotham is far deeper than that of Alfred, who has been staying in the Batcave. Robin, who has the strongest detective skills, has extraordinary meticulous thinking on many things.

"So for Killer Croc..."

"Batman was right to assign me to Killer Croc as a consultant." Tim said somewhat gloomily: "Although I admit that Killer Croc has begun to have a little brain, I still think that brain is a level three mental retardation and a level one. The difference between being mentally retarded.”

Alfred originally wanted to say that Killer Croc was a beast that could not communicate before, but now he was at least an adult with a normal IQ, but he quickly thought that in Tim's mind, Killer Croc was no different in front of him than in the past, so he kept silent Don't talk.

But he still had a question in his mind. For a long time, Tim had been making noises about wanting to restart his Robin career, while Batman had been busy with other matters. Even after several meetings, he categorically rejected it and asked him to go back to study hard. .

But Tim still. He petitioned Batman tirelessly, and was even caught by Dick on several occasions secretly walking on the streets. Even Alfred stopped him from going to the streets to fight criminals against Batman's orders several times.

This time, Batman was right in front of him, so why did Tim just calm down and not rush forward to try to fight Killer Croc for his life?

Tim could guess what the old butler was thinking without even looking at Alfred's expression. He was very grateful that the old butler didn't ask so bluntly, but instead left a certain amount of space for each other. Alfred has his own sense of distance. He is not the kind of controlling elder who will break the casserole and ask the truth no matter what his juniors do.

Tim didn't bring it up, so Alfred kept silent. But Tim thought about it and took the initiative to say:

"Alfred, you should know how I became Robin."

"In order to get Bruce out of the Jason incident." Alfred said: "You are really good, Tim, for deducing the identities of Batman and Nightwing just by relying on Dick's action."

"Batman needs a Robin. Because Batman has been exposed to those dirty and dark things. Although he pretends to be a god, he is still a mortal after all. He will be tired, he will be desperate, no matter what he looks like How undefeatable it is, but we all know that it is just an illusion left to outsiders."

Tim said: "This is the reason why I became Robin. I am determined to be the rope that ties Batman and prevents him from falling into the abyss. I will never deny that I am Jason's replacement, and Batman also needs such a person." Instead, Batman always had a self-destructive streak in him, so he needed Robin, he needed me."

Tim's eyes were long:

"I still remember what Batman once said to me..."

"'You are different from Dick who firmly believes that he has chosen the right path in life...Dick regards being Robin as the meaning of his life, so when he finds another meaning, he will not hesitate to give up his identity as Robin ;

But for Jason, he saw Robin as a game, which was probably the cause of his death. Being Robin was never Jason's first choice, but rather a direction he took after others.

And you too, you see being Robin as a job that requires you to wear a mask. It seems like you and Jason are similar to a certain extent in that way. Of course you will never admit this.

When the moment came when Jason died, I had never thought that death would actually come. This is the problem with teaming up with adults and believing for the rest of their lives that they have companions to watch over them and have nothing to fear.

Until you feel careless, you feel safe, and the truth is once you make the smallest mistake, you will never be safe. '"

"I accepted Batman's warning. I have always approached this job with caution. I had... I had thought that Batman would always need me to keep him on a leash to prevent him from self-destruction."

"but now……"

Tim smiled reluctantly:

"Batman seems to have no intention of self-destruction anymore. Then the meaning of my existence... seems to be gone as well."

“Maybe it’s really time for me to retire,” he said.




"Batman has no intention of saving Planet OA, Lord Sinestro."

Below, countless Yellow Lanterns are attacking Planet OA. This is already the tenth charge organized by the Yellow Lantern Corps in the past few days. Oa's defense is slowly being eroded by them, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely broken through.

At this time, Sinestro was listening to the report of one of his men, but there was no one around, and the voice came from his ring.

"Well done, Disproris," Sinestro said.

He called the other person's name.

Despotellis is one of the many Yellow Lanterns he recruits across the universe, and is probably the deadliest one because he is a virus, a living virus.

Disporis was born on the planet Khondra in sector 119 of the universe. Scientists here wanted to develop a new type of virus as a biological weapon. They continued to iterate the virus, and finally produced a super The virus Despotellis actually has feelings of its own. It began a killing spree on the planet Khondra, killing the entire planet's inhabitants. For this reason, a yellow light selected it.

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