What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 371 Batman comes again to bring warmth to the villains (page 12)

The first Lantern, also known as Volthoom, came from the 15st century of Earth 31. He and his mother were both scientists. They discovered and studied the emotional spectrum and used it to create a lamp that could travel across the multiverse. .

So Firong claimed to be the first discoverer of the emotional spectrum, and he was not lying.

At that time, the end of the world was coming, and his hometown was about to be destroyed by a powerful energy pulse. Firong's mother gave Firong the experimental walking light. She asked Firong to use the walking light to infinitely explore parallel universes and escape from this universe as soon as possible to avoid the disaster of annihilation. In desperation, Firong abandoned his mother. , started his journey alone.

He traveled through countless parallel universes and time points, and he wanted to find a way to use the emotional spectrum to restore his world and resurrect his mother in the multiverse.

He went to one place after another, concentrating on studying the power of the emotional spectrum, but most of the time this research was not satisfactory.

For example, in the parallel universe Earth 47, he taught the people here how to use the emotional spectrum. Unexpectedly, these guys would only use the emotional spectrum to create beautiful music, playing and singing every day without doing anything else, so he left. Earth 47, ran to the parallel universe Earth 3.

There, Volthoom reached an agreement with the wizard Mordru and used part of his soul to create a ring, the "Ring of Volthoom", also known as the "Power Ring". This is the origin of the evil version of the Green Lantern Power Ring on Earth 3. Although Bane eventually fell out with the Wizard and left Earth 3, the ring stayed there.

This is also the reason why Firong can control the power ring and directly remove it from the Earth 3 version of Hal Jordan, and come over to chat with Mongo, because the ring itself contains part of his soul.

All in all, in the long-term search, he has been tortured by failure again and again like a zombie, but the desire to resurrect his universe and his mother has always supported him and allowed him to continue his journey. He became a servant of Spectrum, constantly traveling through the universe, looking for an advanced civilization, and hoping that they could save his hometown from the destruction of pulse energy.

The later story is the reason why he is now trapped in the Shadow Cabinet. He found the little blue people and taught them the emotional spectrum. Then the little blue people repaid their kindness with hatred, first repairing a great heart and destroying his brain. , and then threw him into the Shadow Cabinet as a threat, leaving a team of guardians to watch over him and not be able to be free for billions of years.

However, now, even with the power ring, the only chess piece that can be manipulated, Lantern No. 1 is still weak.

Quan Ring is an unsuccessful product. First of all, it is a ring, so in order to exert its power, it must have a host.

However, what it requires in choosing a host is not courage or any energy on the emotional spectrum, but cowardice. When he was created, he was set to choose the most cowardly person in history. Even the First Lantern could not change this. If he could change, he would not abandon the ring on Earth-3. , but will take the good things with him.

Therefore, Hal Jordan of Earth 3 is a coward. He is completely controlled by the ring, and naturally cannot provide any help to the ring.

Therefore, this ring can be used as a thug, but it is not enough to subvert the entire Green Lantern Corps, or even rush into the Shadow Pavilion and release him.

So now looking at Sinestro, a talent like this, the first Lantern directly handed him the yellow light energy and then introduced him to the anti-matter universe Kovad, and asked him to find a weapons master to help him forge a ring. .

Originally, Sinestro knew he couldn't defeat the Green Lantern Corps and was planning to run away with his planet. But when he suddenly got the power of yellow lantern energy, he immediately changed his plan.

What's the reason why you can't defeat the Green Lantern Corps? It's very simple, there are too few people, so in that case, Sinestro still maintained the operation of trapping Hal with green light energy, and on the other hand, he used the green light authority he still had to release a large amount of energy while Hal was trapped. A prisoner once captured by the Green Lantern Corps.

Therefore, in an instant, the Yellow Lantern Corps directly expanded to a number that could compete with the Green Lantern Corps, directly skipping the stage of recruiting people like the Red Lantern Corps Atrocitus.

Although these scum are not yet skilled in the use of light rings, they are already threatening enough.

At this stage, Lantern No. 1 was still very excited about helping Sinestro. He also helped Sinestro find a powerful cosmic tyrant like Mongo. As a middleman, he promoted the alliance between the two of them. Compared to Kalona, ​​who also has the blood of the Guardian of the Universe and likes to make trouble in secret like other little blue men, the first Lantern does his bad things much more openly.

Unexpectedly, after working together with Sinestro, Lantern No. 1 gradually began to realize that something was wrong. Why did Sinestro look like a replica of the Little Blue Man?

The Coward aliens helped him forge the yellow light ring, but he imprisoned the weapons master and helped him continue forging. Why does this operation of crossing a river and demolishing a bridge look so familiar?

The Yellow Lantern Corps has been established, why don't you come to the Shadow Cabinet to release me? The question is, I will definitely do it next time. Well, Lantern No. 1 realized that he had raised another free prostitute.

So Lantern No. 1 could only secretly support Mongo as his back-up man. Although he knew that Mongo was not a good person, the problem was that he had no choice now.

He must find a way to cause a fight between Mongo and Sinestro. This is really not a matter of inciting internal fighting before he has done anything, because once either Sinestro or Mongo takes over within the Yellow Lantern Corps, Absolute upper hand, letting him out will become a permanent certainty next time. Only when they fight each other can Lantern No. 1 have a chance.

For Lantern No. 1, the most trustworthy person is always the Ring of Power directly under his control, not anyone else.

He had to create opportunities for the divine power ring to truly escape from its prison. Only the things under his control were truly safe and trustworthy.

As for the divine power ring escaping from his control...

How is that possible?

Lantern One never thought about it.

Although he knew that the ring, due to its version, would always tend to control the weakest of people, it didn't matter.

Frankly speaking, the host currently controlled by Quan Ring, Hal Jordan from the parallel universe Earth 3, is simply the most cowardly person that Fu Rong has ever seen.

Although such a person cannot provide any assistance to the ring, it also means that he cannot resist any actions of Lantern One, and cannot even prevent Lantern One from controlling the ring and leaving him and coming back. You know, this is very important to Lantern One. It's almost impossible for a normal lantern.

Whether it's Hal Jordan or Sinestro, the only way to take the ring away from them is to defeat them, and the same goes for any Lantern. Lantern No. 1 is even a little lucky that when he made this ring, he allowed it to have the flaw of "only the weak can be chosen", otherwise he wouldn't be able to control it now.

He has been trapped for tens of billions of years, fighting for control of the host who lives in the ring every day, and his strength is extremely weak, and he really can't take it.

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