What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 304 Manifest Destiny, a long time coming (Part 12) (page )

"Ever since Darkseid, known as the Dark Lord by the Justice League, disappeared from a portal, the tall giant has not come back..."


On the coast, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern are joining forces to fight against Steppenwolf.

The general from Apokolips, although he was besieged by many people on his own, he still strolled around and easily dealt with the attacks.

Not far away, a news helicopter was getting closer and closer without fear of death.

"Did Darkseid just escape? And Batman, as the core figure of the Justice League, he has never appeared on the battlefield..."

"Where did he go? Is he related to Darkseid's disappearance?"

“Where will the fate of our planet, and the fate of humanity, lead?”

"This is Perry White from the Daily Planet, following all the Justice League action in real time..."

Perry White, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, put down the microphone. The cameraman next to him turned the camera to the two waves of Wonder Woman and Steppenwolf who were still fighting not far away. Editor-in-chief White wiped the sweat from his forehead and lowered his head. He asked him loudly:

"Have you contacted Lois Lane and Clark Kent?"

"Not at all, Mr. White. Not even Jimmy Olsen can be reached."

The fat cameraman replied: "No matter how many times I call, they have no response."

"When they come back, I'm going to make them look good!" Editor White was a little annoyed: "I'm just giving them a vacation, not letting them leave the earth!"

He told the photographer: “Keep in touch, I want them to start writing a press release now!”

He roared in a low voice: "As long as the two of them are still on the earth, even the end of the world can't stop me from letting them work overtime! And!"

He yelled at the helicopter pilot:

"Look at your cowardly look! Keep flying the plane a little closer, I want the whole country, no, the whole world, to see clearly the expression on Steppenwolf's face!"

"But we are already very close. If we get any closer, we are likely to be affected by the aftermath of the battle. Then..."

"As long as you don't fly to places where the aftermath of their battle may be affected, there will be no problem!"

But Editor-in-Chief White interrupted him: "People all over the world are watching this show! Do you know how much money our entire TV station can make in just one second?"

Editor White raised his hand and shook it in the void:

"No one could get this gold that fell from the sky the last time Brainiac invaded the earth, but look, this time he is right in front of me!"

He encouraged loudly:

"The Daily Planet must be the radio station closest to the battlefield. This will make us the most influential news agency in the United States and even the world in one fell swoop!"

"The names of you, me, and the three of us will be recorded in the history of mankind! This is not an opportunity that comes just by chance!"

After teaching the helicopter pilot a lesson, Editor White turned to the cameraman and said: "Zoom the camera, zoom the camera! Oh my god, Wonder Woman knocked Steppenwolf away, where is he flying to now? ? Find him quickly!"

"Yes, Mr. White, I'll..." the photographer was talking, but suddenly stopped.

Half of his body was frozen there, and his voice was trembling:

"Mr. White?"

"what happened?"

"It's...it's Batman!"


Upon hearing the word "Batman", Editor White immediately became excited. He stuck his head out of the helicopter and looked around:

"Batman? Where is Batman?"

Then he slapped the cameraman on the forehead: "Not at all, are you kidding me?"

"No, it's not, Mr. White...look at this quickly."

But he heard the cameraman's voice trembling. The other person turned his tablet over and showed it to Editor White: "It's Batman. He hacked my computer and requested us to live broadcast!"

Editor White grabbed the cameraman's computer and saw that it was Batman and Darkseid who were confronting each other on the screen.

"Oh my God." Editor-in-Chief White heard the cameraman groaning: "This is not a prank, this is really what Batman relayed to us... I never thought in my life that Batman would become us one day. front-end reporter!”


Editor White almost jumped with joy. He ecstatically plugged the tablet into the computer next to him: "Great, our Batman is so awesome!"

He was elated: "What about Lois Lane and Clark Kent? I declare that Batman is now the most powerful front-end reporter of our Daily Planet!"

He quickly typed on the computer for a while:

"No matter what Batman wants us to broadcast, for whatever purpose, but for us, there is only one thing we have to do..."

"We worked hard to broadcast what Batman sent us, and then we made huge amounts of money!"




Chen Tao knew very well that Darkseid had been waiting for this moment.

He bet that the first second he saw Superboy Prime, Darkseid must have been thinking about how to bring this powerful Kryptonian under his command.

"What do you want to do, Batman..."

Chen Tao turned his head and met Reverse Lightning's sullen eyes.

He got up from the ground in disgrace, his face gloomy.

"Your mission isn't over yet, Reverse-Flash." Then he heard Batman tell him, "At least not yet."

Then Reverse Flash saw Batman no longer paying attention to him, but walked up to Darkseid.

"I really don't understand why you can still laugh when you've reached such a point."

He heard Darkseid say.

"Can you please tell me how you did it?"

The Lord of Apokolips heard Batman ask: "Just think of it as fulfilling a dying person's little wish."

Reverse Flash heard Batman emphasize the word "dying", as if he meant something.

"I hold a small, incomplete piece of the Anti-Life Equation, which I fuse into the Omega Effect."

Darkseid said: "You don't need to understand what the anti-life equation is, you only need to know that only such a small part of the anti-life equation is not enough for me to control the thinking of this super Kryptonian, unless..."

"Unless Superboy Supreme is seriously injured." Chen Tao finished the rest of his words on his behalf.

"Yes, yes, that's right, you are so smart, Batman." Darkseid said: "So this is the opportunity I have been waiting for. It's up to you... to bring Superboy Prime from his origins with your own hands. The wall was unleashed, and the people who knew him best made plans to injure him and control him."

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