What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 3 The Alfred Agreement is in effect

"OH MY GOD!!! Rhino tiger rabbit turtle hedgehog cat gorilla lion elephant monkey beetle dinosaur watermelon banana apple blueberry gray suit robot cowboy police construction worker nurse doctor sir!"

"Stop fighting!!!"

"Stop it, you guys stop it!"

Chen Tao squatted beside him with his leisure time, watching the ventriloquist wearing a stuffed toy on each of his ten fingers and toes, fighting with each other. There were also a large number of toys placed around him, and they participated in this together. There is a lot of personality in the field.

He could even see smoke rising from the ventriloquist's middle-aged, bald head. His entire figure seemed to have turned into a human speaker, with countless mixed sounds booming loudly on his short body. , turned into a pot of porridge in his body.


The ventriloquist screamed. It was originally just a battle between dolls, but now it actually affected Arnold himself. One bird doll seemed to have successfully persuaded the other dolls on the other fingers. The five dolls twisted into fists and punched Arnold's own eye socket with one punch.

"Help! Help me!"

Chen Tao looked at it and shook his head, looking like he was looking at garbage.

As expected, he is mentally ill and cannot be saved.

It turns out that in history, when the ventriloquist invaded the evidence room of the Gotham City Police Department, the reason why he was able to calmly select the police doll as his newly born sub-personality was because he had the strong sub-personality of Mr. Socks. Suppression, but it is different now. Mr. Socks was directly slaughtered by Chen Tao. Each newly created personality has similar strength. How can it be possible to separate the leader in a short time?

They are equally matched together, and they are like dozens of viruses running on the same computer.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..."

As time went by, the personalities continued to argue loudly, but the expression management of the entire face of the ventriloquist gradually began to get out of control. His two eyes were tilted in different directions, saliva flowed from his mouth, and he let out unconscious howls of Ababa Ababa.


It's almost done, and we have to start the next stage of treatment immediately. It would be bad if the brain's CPU is really burned out.

So Chen Tao walked into the pile of hand puppets and found a... Batman plush toy.

This is a mini Batman baby in the shape of a cartoon. It has a pacifier in its mouth. It is dressed in black clothes and diapers. It also has a cloth belt sewn around its waist. It looks very cute and adorable. The type that girls like.

Chen Tao also built a radio communication module inside, which can remotely control the doll to speak, further making it easier for him to control the ventriloquist.

"You are the one!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tao walked up to the ventriloquist and removed all the dolls from his hands in a few strokes.


The ventriloquist rushed up and hugged Chen Tao's thigh, rubbing his nose and tears on his trouser legs: "Oh, my God, you want to do something to the rhinoceros, tiger, rabbit, turtle, hedgehog, cat, gorilla, lion..."


Chen Tao very roughly stripped the middle-aged, bald, white man naked from top to bottom, leaving not even a pair of underwear. Then he piled all the toys he had just pulled on his body together.

He took out a lighter.

"no no!"

The ventriloquist struggled too fiercely, so Chen Tao clamped him under his ribs and set fire to the stuffed animals piled together.


These things are all flammable, and the flames suddenly burst out.

Well, even stuffed toys that are not regarded as personifications by ventriloquists cannot be let go.

So Chen Tao also lit the remaining stuffed toys in the bag next to him.

"Do not……"

Arnold collapsed to the ground helplessly. He was now naked. Even if he wanted to take off his underwear and put it on his hands to create a new personality, he couldn't.

"Arnold? Arnold?"

There was no response, and the ventriloquist howled like an oversized bald baby, slapping himself left and right as he cried.

"Take me away, take me away!"

If Chen Tao hadn't stopped him, he would have almost rushed into the fire wailing.

Chen Tao was very satisfied with his reaction. He took out a bottle of potion and sprayed a large cloud of mist on the poor little old man's face.

“Ahem, cough, cough…Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!”

The ventriloquist stopped howling this time, and began to convulse like an epileptic.

Fear Potion. The poison created by the Scarecrow has the effect of... amplifying fear.

"See? No matter how many new friends you make, I will kill them all, Jie Jie Jie!"

Chen Tao came up to him, grabbed his neck, and forced him to stare into his eyes.

The ventriloquist started howling loudly again, and Chen Tao even suspected that he would vomit his throat out of his mouth in the next second. Although it is unclear what the ventriloquist saw specifically, from the ventriloquist's perspective, perhaps the entire world was burning.

Flame, the Batman he feared most, the panic caused by the lack of a protector personality, and fear toxins, mixed together into a pot of soup called extreme fear.

The taste is just right.

"Only this, bat... uh, mini baby Batman, will be the only friend I allow you to make."

Chen Tao put the toy Batman in his hand: "He replaces my will and will monitor whether you are listening to me at any time."

"Don't throw it away! Don't leave it! He won't let you kill like Scarface, he will make you listen to me! He won't hurt you! And I won't hurt you! This is all for your own good. !”

Chen Tao yelled at the ventriloquist's head at the loudest volume, and the sound waves carried the saliva and sprayed it on Arnold's face, causing a severe psychological impact on him who was in a daze.

He held a mini Batman baby toy and shed a crystal tear from the corner of his eye.

Then... there was no response.

It’s broken. It’s not broken, right?

Chen Tao slapped him twice worriedly: "Speak up, come on, smile."

The ventriloquist remained speechless.

"Arnold, don't be afraid. As long as you listen to Batman, you won't be harmed." A low voice that was completely different from Arnold's and vaguely similar to Batman's voice sounded.

Chen Tao had a smile on his face.


"Remember, from today on, you are Batman's dog!"


Huh? Something seems wrong. Forget it...it doesn't matter.

Chen Tao's attention was attracted by the silver-white words flashing crazily in his mind.

【warn!warn!Anchored item detected! 】

[Obtained: Ventriloquist’s Tears of Personality Destruction]

[Introduction: The tears left after the ventriloquist's sub-personality completely collapses. Only very unscrupulous people can obtain it through a series of cruel methods. You might be able to use it to summon Batman from some alternate universe. 】

[However, the existence that was called because of the product of immorality, could it be some kind of powerful person? 】

["Yes, that's right, you got him, but your morals are gone too."]

["Is all this really worth it?"]

Chen Tao suddenly looked at his hands, and the ventriloquist's tears were slowly drying up.

[Converted crisis energy units: 10]

[Batman memory can now be synchronized]

Chen Tao became excited. Has the plug-in arrived?

[The agreement has been activated and is taking effect...has taken effect. Discover the new Batman, numbering...]

【Your number is 52】

[Alfred protocol has been initialized]

[The mortal body is not inferior to the strange king. 】

[With human power, we can rival the Holy Emperor. 】

【In the dark world, I am in panic, so I keep watch with my body. 】

[The Bat Shadow Knight is still unparalleled today! 】

[Evil people who are in chaos are afraid of my divine light. 】

[The demons and monsters are all unstoppable. 】

[The shadow lamp is bright and shining forever! 】

[Dear Batman No. 52, welcome to join the Bat Army! 】

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