What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 281 My teammate is Darkseid! (page 12)

My name is Meditation Mite.

I was once a worm, and now... I'm a magical worm.

As a worm, I was born weak. On my home planet Venus, our species cannot even appear on the surface.

But unlike my fellow humans with low IQs, I have awakened to extremely high wisdom. This is both an unparalleled miracle and a blessing, and a source of endless suffering.

My fellow race members are all very happy. They are creatures completely controlled by instinct. They don’t need to think about anything or worry about anything. They get food, mate, and lay eggs. They enjoy all the happiness they get from the outside world as much as possible. Damn it——

They don't even feel pain. Our race is a creature driven by pleasure, and the body only has one function: providing them with pleasure. Even when torn apart by predators, they ascend to heaven in extreme joy.

But I'm different. I am different from my kindred. Sometimes I even envy them.

Is a life filled with fear, frustration, powerlessness, the blow of failure, helpless hesitation, pity and ridicule from others really happier than a chaotic and ignorant worm?

But I finally got through it.

Maybe it seems that my race just has the word "magic" added in front of it, but no one knows how much I paid for it.

Thousands of years ago, the powerful wizards of the Wizarding Council laughed at me. They laughed at my wishful thinking and said that I was not worthy of magic. The gods regarded me as insignificant dust, and the ignorant mortals regarded me as a devil. But at this moment, they All turned to dust, and the Meditation Mite...

is still here!

"The great Darkseid."

The Meditation Mite lowered his head in front of him: "The Meditation Mite salutes you."

Next to Meditation Mite, Reverse Flash bowed in time: "Reverse Flash is always at your disposal, great Darkseid."

Meditation Mite turned his head and glanced at Reverse Lightning. The other person's expression was natural and not flattering at all.

Meditation Mite suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He immediately turned his head and looked at Darkseid: "Great Darkseid, your reputation is known to everyone from Apokolips to the Earth. The humble worm Meditation Mite is willing to offer this to you. A tiny planet, an insignificant speck of dust in your great cause.”

He didn't mind surrendering to Darkseid. Darkseid just wants the Earth, so why not give it to him? All he needs to meditate is magic power, and all the magic power is enough to make him one of the most powerful mages in history.

"You are fine." He heard the Lord of Apokolips say, and Disad, who was standing next to Darkseid, immediately translated: "His Majesty Darkseid has given you permission to join his army."

"It is a great honor, the great Lord Darkseid, I am willing to serve you..."

But before Meditation Mite finished speaking, he was interrupted by Black Adam's voice.

"You can talk about flattery later, but you have to know that my joining is conditional." Black Adam said: "Darkseid, you must ensure that the land of Khandak is not invaded by your demonoids. I Our motherland, Khandak, will be the only refuge for humans on earth that is not attacked by demons..."

As he spoke, he met Darkseid's scarlet eyes, making him unable to speak any more.

"That's what Robot Superman originally promised me."

Black Adam said: "As long as I help you come to Earth, Khandak will get the freedom and peace he deserves, and Apokolips will protect-"


The crimson omega rays penetrated Black Adam's body in an instant, burning him into a charred corpse, and then he fell to the ground with a plop.

The speed was so fast that the omega rays had already hit him before the opponent could react.

"No one can replace Darkseid's will, let alone make promises."

Meditation Mite saw Disad, the chief scientist of Apokolips, lowering his head humbly: "No one can escape Darkseid's control."

Meditation Mite gasped.

Things were a little different than he imagined.

How could Darkseid kill Black Adam like that? Just because he claims he rejects his country, everyone in Khandak turns into demonoids?

But they had clearly agreed before - the point is, these conditions should have been a piece of cake for Darkseid, but he...

"Where are the remaining rebels on this planet?" Then he heard Darkseid's voice, which was as deep and rough as marble like his face.

Meditation Mite lowered his head and took out a big one from his arms: "The one who is still resisting you is an organization called the Justice League, and Batman is the leader of this resistance organization. I have prepared it for you. Their information, His Majesty Darkseid, you can completely attack them based on these character weaknesses that I have summarized, so as to——"

"There is no need." Darkseid said: "Take me to see that organization, or let them appear in front of me."


Meditation Mite found that many of his preparations for the Justice League were not adopted by Darkseid at all, and he was a little unwilling to give up:

"Your Majesty Darkseid, actually——"

Then he met Darkseid's crimson eyes.

Meditation Mite couldn't help but shudder.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He quickly adjusted his next words in a short time: "As long as you appear on the sea near Metropolis, soon the Justice League..."

In fact, Meditation Mite was preparing a magic while talking to Darkseid. Oh, of course, don’t get me wrong, this is not an offensive magic. Meditation Mite will not show aggression towards people who may surpass him in strength, otherwise he would not be alive now when he faced the Wizards’ Council thousands of years ago.

From just now until now, he has been secretly preparing a divination spell, which is relatively medium and large, and finally came up with a divination spell with more accurate and clear results.

For example, the classification of blood magic [Blood Prophecy] allows you to know everything in the universe without leaving home, and you can try it every time. There are only a few magics that never make mistakes. The divination methods mastered by Meditation Mite are inferior to Blood Prophecy. It has reached more than one level, but even if it is worse, it is still a means of predicting the future.

At this time, Darkseid was in front of him, and the divination that Meditation Mite had to do was also very simple.

"Reveal me the future of Darkseid..."

Did he win or lose? Can he defeat the Justice League once and for all? Is it wise to entrust yourself to Darkseid?

This is what the Meditation Mite needs to divine.

He was so close to Darkseid, the connection between them was so deep, he sacrificed so many dead monsters at the same time, and mobilized so much huge magic power that he had absorbed in his body...

Casting this magic with so many factors adding up to each other and increasing the success rate, he was confident that with his level of magic, he would be able to come up with an almost unmistakable answer.

And he did get clear results quickly.

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