
Bain withdrew his big hand, which was covered in brains and blood, as gently as crushing a puddle of horse urine.

He shook off the white mucus on his hands in disgust, and let the headless corpse squirting blood collapse on the floor: "Garbage in the gutter. You are actually stupid enough to try to spy on me."

He kicked the body into the corner and said, "What's even more stupid is that he didn't run away immediately when he was discovered by me."

"We're sorry, Bain! This guy is just an immortal zombie. We clearly pierced him in a sneak attack..."

"A-ah, no need to say more, my friends."

Bane ignored his panting men and quickly left the Talon assassins of the Court of Owls behind. He relaxed his muscles, his broad chest rising and falling with his deep breaths.

"Relax. Feel it with me."

Bain's three men looked at each other. They felt nothing but the strong bloody smell of corpses.

"How do you feel? Bane?"

"You look down the street...what do you see?"

"Empty," the caveman and zombie man replied one after the other: "Deadly."

"A city accustomed to its own horror tasted fear," Birdman said.

"Yes, that's right. This is your power, Bain. You made them feel afraid."

"They're going to mobilize the military against you, but they have no idea what they're dealing with."

They flattered carefully: "They are only worthy of trembling under your feet."

My master.

The men did not say it out loud, they thought silently in their hearts.

"Do not."

But Bain's answer was beyond their expectations.

"That's not the case!" Bain suddenly growled in a low voice: "You didn't feel it at all."

"Batman has dominated this city for too long. Gotham City was once the largest drug production and trade center in the United States! The largest human trading market! The most prosperous gambling city!"

He opened his hands as if embracing the darkness invisible to the naked eye.

"Gotham is a criminal's paradise! For so many years, the U.S. government has been packing criminals from across the country into Blackgate Prison.

They are then quickly bailed out, released on medical parole, escape from prison, and transformed into Gotham citizens.

The so-called Gotham has been a super prison from the beginning. They want all the scum to kill each other until someone comes out to stop them from continuing to treat Gotham like a trash can! "

He smiled sarcastically: "Before Batman was born, security in the United States was ten times better than it is now!"

"You said Gotham is afraid of me? It's a joke."

"Not only is Gotham not afraid, she is actually excited! How vicious, she is actually excited!"

"Finally, someone is going to defeat the bat, someone is finally going to kill the bat, and those scum, gangsters, and villains can finally return to their past unrestrained criminal lives."

"The silence on the street is not because of fear at all, but because of expectation! They are rejoicing and looking forward to it. Everyone hates Batman and they want Batman to die! Scum hates bats, and the powerful also hate bats, even if they are The old women who work in white powder factories all hate bats!”

"Batman trying to save Gotham? Stop the bullshit, Gotham doesn't want to be saved at all, this bitch just wants to fall forever!"

Bane felt it, he could feel it.

Gotham was like a cruel mother, encouraging him in his ears to murder her only son, the bruised fighter.

This vicious bitch coquettishly posed in front of him, as arrogant as a queen, and asked him to pass the dirty trials of those ignorant fools to prove his greatness and strength to her, and then...

To pick off the laurel crown that has never been touched -

Murder Batman! ! !

This is really...


He sat back on the sofa, his body tensing and leaning forward unconsciously. This movement made his body stoop slightly. But this not only did not damage his majesty, but made him look like a ferocious beast, ready to attack.

"You three, leave this building as soon as possible. Surrender directly to the army. I will come back to you later. I can't let go while you are here."

Bain's voice was low, but unexpectedly high-pitched, like magma rushing and roaring underground.

The light passed through the curtains and fell on his bulging biceps, making him look like a real iron man.

His three men left in a hurry. They had no doubts about Bain's decision, and they did not dare to question it.

Bain sat on his sofa, stared up, and waited quietly.

The long street is dead silent and deserted.




"Sizzle...the M1A2 Abrams main battle tank and the M2A3 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle are ready..."


"The M109A6 self-propelled howitzer and M777 howitzer are already in place."


Somewhere in Gotham, this is the National Guard field command center.

Mayor Carlo turned to look at Jim Gordon, who looked unhappy next to him: "Hey, Jim, don't always look so sullen. You won't really think of me as a fool. What do you say? Are you coming?"

"Contempt the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically."

"We dispatched nearly 4 National Guard troops, tanks, machine guns, heavy machine guns, armed combat vehicles, and even semi-automatic missiles."

Mayor Carlo couldn't help but complain.

"Such a military configuration is enough to conquer any small African country. Gordon, you have been working as a policeman in Gotham City. Have you really forgotten how terrifying modern weapons are?"

"It's not like we haven't seen those so-called strange people before, but in the face of real modern force, everything is rubbish."

Mayor Carlo said proudly: "This is also thanks to the accurate location you provided Gordon. According to me, as long as we relocate all the surrounding residents, we can directly clean the land with missiles, let alone Bei." Well, even a man made of iron can be melted into water, and there is no need to work like Batman."

"So that's why you're so disparaging about Batman on TV?"

"Oh, come on, Gordon!" Mayor Carlo grabbed Gordon's neck familiarly: "That's just a way to attract Bain. Didn't you adjust the TV signal yourself to ensure that Bain can Are you distracted by TV shows?"

"This is also a way to attract voters and show everyone your tough image. The strongest way to get votes." Gordon pushed away his hooked arm and mercilessly exposed Mayor Carlo's words.

"Tsk - everyone needs some spiritual sustenance. But Gordon, do you really think it is a sane choice for people to place all their hopes on a masked vigilante?"

Carlo lay back in his chair without a care in the world.

"No matter how strong Batman is, he is only one person. I do not deny his contribution to Gotham over the years, and I have no ill feelings towards him at all. But you have to know that in the face of the country's violent machine, the power of an individual is small. , human beings are essentially collective creatures.”

Mayor Carlo opened his hands and made a false grasping motion in the air.

“There is strength in numbers.”

He said: "The people should regain their confidence in the government instead of pinning their hopes on individual heroes. Don't you think the current enthusiasm for Batman by the people is a dangerous signal? They don't trust the police, they just Trust Batman.”

"No matter how much we try to smear Batman on TV, we have to admit that Batman's influence among the people has gone beyond the normal range."

"Remember Harvey Dent from before? The Dent Act, hahaha, famous, ha! Then Dent turned evil and the Act ended."

Mayor Carlo said: "Only a stable organization like the government can ensure the stability of the city for a long time. Even if I die today, this tight-fitting machine will still be able to operate normally."

"The government's prestige must be re-established, starting today by arresting all these super criminals."

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