What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 18 A little surprise for Bain

This is one of Batman's dozens of Batcaves in Gotham City. There are Batman's sub-bases in every corner of the city.

The Mad Hatter sat bored in his cage.

He has been in this oval-shaped, oversized transparent capsule cell for more than 16 hours.

After escaping from Arkham Prison, he originally planned to hold another oversized tea party to get a few more powerful henchmen, and then start causing trouble.

As a result, as soon as he gathered all his subordinates and the cannon fodder that he had mind-controlled with his hat, a wave of dead shooters hired by Chen Tao with a high salary were killed. All his subordinates were picked up by police cars, and he also lived in the luxurious Batcave. Private room.

Fortunately, unlike those men who lost arms and legs by bullets flying from nowhere, the Mad Hatter surrendered quickly enough when facing the police, so he was unscathed.

And of course, he was handed over to Batman again. As soon as he arrived at the Batcave, he received a severe beating from Robin. During the beating, he actually asked him "What's your conspiracy?"

What an injustice! He did have some conspiracy, but he was caught before he could implement it. Why do you beat me for something I didn't do?


The lights in the hall were lit, and the Mad Hatter closed his eyes. After a while, his eyes gradually adapted to the suddenly bright environment.

With a mechanical sound, the transparent door in front of him opened, and it was Batman who appeared in front of him.


Chen Tao was thinking about how to get the other person to speak.

Of course, he didn't just let Deadshot catch the Mad Hatter for fun. The reason why he caught him was because according to the comic plot, the Mad Hatter at this time has a...


Just when Chen Tao was thinking, Robin next to him jumped up and punched the Mad Hatter in the face, then kicked him to the ground. He took out a crowbar from nowhere and the madness began. Beat him.


"Say or not?"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch—"

"Say it or not, say it or not—"

boom! boom! boom!

The metal crowbar hit the Mad Hatter's head like a drum, making a dull sound.

Chen Tao was so frightened that he swallowed secretly. Robin is indeed a psychopath! How does Batman teach children? This is already an outright violent tendency!

The sound of knocking was endless, and even intertwined with the Mad Hatter's screams to create a rhythm. The reality is indeed not an all-age cartoon. Even Robin will not be a quiet handsome man when he is forced to confess.

"Help, I really have nothing to say!"

The more the Mad Hatter screams, the more excited Tim seems to be.

The 15-year-old Robin waved the crowbar like an epilepsy, with a perverted smile on his face and saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth:

"You dirty, disgusting, human, scum! I'm going to break every bone in your body, then crush them bit by bit, and use them to flush the toilet!"

But this may cause the toilet to become clogged (

God, what was I thinking?

The Mad Hatter crawled on the ground in pain, with snot and tears coming out of his nose. He fell at Chen Tao's feet and grabbed his cloak.

"Stop fighting, please!"

Tim gave his butt a hard blow from behind. Chen Tao saw that part of the crowbar seemed to have been damaged due to excessive force... um...

The Mad Hatter let out a scream that reached its climax.

Damn it, I can’t have this crowbar anymore.

"Oh my God! What do you want me to say?" The Mad Hatter was going crazy.


Chen Tao suddenly realized that he hadn't asked the other party a question yet.


The Mad Hatter was shaking like a frightened hamster. He just wanted to slap himself flat and stick it against the wall of the oval-shaped oversized transparent capsule cell behind him.

Chen Tao organized the language.

"Taiqi, don't be afraid. Because it's useless to be afraid."

As soon as Chen Tao said these words, he wanted to slap himself.

"Robin, although he looks a little fierce, he is still very kind-hearted."

Tim slammed the crowbar on the ground, making a loud bang. The Mad Hatter was so frightened that he hugged his head and collapsed to the ground.


Chen Tao gave up comforting the other party.

He got straight to the point:

"You captured the red bird that Bane's subordinate [Birdman] used to spy on you, and then you put a tracker on it. You have Bane's location, Teach."

"Originally, you gathered enough people and sent invitations to many people. You just planned to play another perverted game of Alice in Wonderland, and then you would randomly find a guy with fighting ability and give him Bain's address. , and then use the other party to test who Bain is."

Chen Tao retells the plot of the comic and carefully observes the expression on the other person's face.

Frankly speaking, he was actually not sure where the Mad Hatter had progressed, nor was he sure whether the other party had obtained Bane's location. But the Mad Hatter's current reaction can basically be regarded as self-inflicted.

It's stable, he does know where Bain will end up.

"Teach, my patience is limited."

Robin raised the crowbar again.

45 minute later.

"Gordon, you have to move faster, preferably before Bain reacts..."

"... Of course we need to use heavy firepower! We just need to hold him down first and evacuate the residents, and then use artillery shells to wash the ground... Is there still a shortage of National Guard..."

"That's right... force Bain to fight you head-on, be careful of his attack... if he attacks the officer..."


Chen Tao hung up the phone.

When he finds himself blocked by a tank, the expression on Bane's stern face will definitely be wonderful.

"May God forgive you as you forgive others. From dust we come and to dust we return... May your soul rest in heaven and quench your labor..."

The funeral of the Angel of Death was very brief. Chen Tao and Robin stood at the other end of the cemetery holding black umbrellas, watching the priests and Alfred dig out a pit big enough to place the coffin bit by bit.

In the original history, the Angel of Death replaced Batman, whose spine was broken by Bane, and successfully defeated Bane. However, as time passed, he gradually degenerated into a villain, and was finally defeated by the returning Batman.

But now, this possible future has completely disappeared as the graves are getting higher and higher.

In fact, upon closer inspection, it is still the butterfly effect caused by time travellers. Obviously, the time traveler will not be like the real Batman, who hunts criminals day and night with high intensity. This gave the Angel of Death a chance. He excellently carried forward the fine tradition of the Bat family of "ignoring Batman's orders" and secretly wore Batman's uniform——

Then he was blocked by Bain. The headless corpse was returned to Wayne Manor the next day. The future evil king who spanned the entire chapter of "Batman: Knightfall" died like this four months after Chen Tao's time travel before he could develop. hours later.

Chen Tao didn't feel it was a pity anyway. Because the Angel of Death has been brainwashed by the cult group "The Order of Saint Duma" for a long time, his brain has long been a little abnormal, otherwise he would not have darkened and degenerated so quickly later. Tim, on the other hand, was very sad because he had a good personal relationship with Jean Paul.

He laid flowers at Paul's grave and said, "Bruce, I have something to tell you."

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