What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 179 A comfortable retirement life, but superman (page 12)

"The test report is out."

"Yeah, tell me."

Superman, Clark Kent, aka Kal-El, the most powerful man on Earth (was) was on the phone right now.

This was the apartment he shared with Lois Lane—their little love nest.

"The super strength gradually fades away. Your physical strength has gone from a record of more than 3 tons to 3 kilograms in one day, but you can still beat the children in the kindergarten eating lollipops. It's awesome."

Clark could hear Batman's tone. The voice was as cold and calm as usual, reading ruthlessly, as if reading a string of data without any emotion.

But Clark could hear the emotion contained in it, and he laughed: "But after three days, I recovered to 30 kilograms, which became the limit weight of a normal human being."

"And then for a week in a row, you don't get any strength gains."

He heard Batman mutter, "What the hell."

"Your super vision disappeared directly, heat vision, cryobreathing, and the ability to fly...the body of steel...gone, nothing."

"It has ended!"

Clark suppressed a smile. He could tell that Batman was sad, but he smiled happily (front). The Man of Steel laughed like an idiot:

"Hahaha, you sound like a bitch, Bruce."

"That's not funny at all."

He heard Batman regain his calm voice.

"The situation is very bad."

Clark did not answer Batman's words, but said something else:

"You know, Bruce, in the old days, sometimes when Martha saw the old hens on the Kent farm not laying any eggs for a day again, she would be very frustrated and say to me, 'No more. There's nothing left, it's over!'"

"Clark, are you done with the phone call~"

Clark turned his head and saw his girlfriend, Lois Lane, waving to him with a game controller.

"Oh, I'll be here soon."

He covered the mouth of the phone, gave his girlfriend some perfunctory words, and then continued:

"Of course, Bruce, I swear you didn't sound anything like her when you said 'gone' just now."

"We are not discussing this now."

He heard Batman say:

"And I remember I told you to call your job when you're at work."

"It's highly possible that our call was monitored by anyone, possibly Luther, or Amanda Waller. You shouldn't call me by my first name."

"Okay, Bruce, got it, Bruce."


Clark was very happy that Batman did not delve further into this issue in the end. He continued to hear the other person's voice coming from the other side of the microphone. While listening to the other person's tirade, he found a biscuit on the nearby glove cabinet and stuffed it into his mouth:

"The environment of Krypton is very harsh...there is no doubt that. Therefore, in the long process of evolution, Kryptonians have evolved the ability to absorb the energy of the sun's rays and convert it into a biological stance to fight against the harsh environment."

"And Krypton's sun is red, so all the Kryptonians on Krypton don't have the same superpowers as you do on Earth."

"But when you come to Earth, this superpower gene is activated."

Clark concentrated on eating the cookie.


"And the biological weaponization of Doomsday has caused extremely serious consequences to your body. I mean, we did successfully peel off the Doomsday spores, just like making water and starch sugar into a coagulated form. It’s like clumping jelly and trying to extract all the sugar out of it.”

"This simple and crude peeling wears down all the cells in your body and completely destroys your biological status. If you were on Krypton, you might die on the spot because you have no biological status to protect you. The situation is similar to that of someone who has lost their immune system. AIDS patient, but this is Earth, so you are unscathed and can even chat with me here.”

Clark then heard Batman pause for a moment.

"Why are not you talking?"

Clark put the landline phone into hands-free mode, then walked to the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of milk, showing off the fireworks of life.

"I'm waiting for you to ask me whether this change is temporary or permanent."

"Okay, Blue...Batman, are these changes permanent or temporary?"

"Most likely permanent." Then he heard Batman eagerly say: "Damn it."

"By Batman's standards, I'm afraid you are indeed very sorry." Superman said, "But I think it's pretty good. You know, I can retire."

"Wait, I haven't finished yet, but you will occasionally recover super hearing or super vision intermittently, and you can even smoothly use your biological stance to change other people's perceptions so that others can't recognize you. Face...a little trick to hide your identity, huh? This shows that your biological stance has not completely disappeared, I think there is still a chance..."

But Batman said nothing.

"Well, you're going to retire." He said:

"I'm almost pissed off."

"So you're busy now?"

"It's more than just busy."

Clark heard Batman say: "@÷*@]A man-eating monster appeared again... Aquaman? Where is Aquaman? I only found an empty lighthouse, not even a hair of Aquaman. He is probably in Asia now." Atlantis as his king..."

"...all kinds of messy things. Without you, crime in Gotham has begun to rise again..."

Clark was already distracted, and he said at a very fast speed: "Then come on!"

Then very quickly, I hung up the phone with a bang.

"You finally finished your phone call!"

Louis saw him put down the phone, so he jumped up and threw himself into his arms, and then the two of them sat on the ground together.

"Oh, I forgot you didn't have super powers."

The two then kissed on the ground and spent the next 92 minutes together.

They got dressed again.

"I thought you would be shorter without super strength," Louis said.

"Obviously not."

Clark answered her.

A few dozen minutes later, they appeared on the street together.

"Ah, without Superman. There is a lot less news."

Louis Lan looked at Superman's somewhat bruised arm: "I can't believe that you saved another person just a few dozen minutes after we left home. If you still had superpowers, I could happily start writing " Superman saves boy who unfortunately fell from tree."

The capable female reporter complained: "And now your Superman uniform is lying in the bag behind your back. I really didn't expect you to still carry this suit with you."

"It's just that I'm used to it, and I'm no longer Superman." Clark said, "I'm Clark Kent."

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