What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 133 Amanda Waller: I am a good person when I ride a horse (page 12)

Manchester Black stood in the void of no one, stepping on the boundless darkness, and in front of him were countless chaotic, layered and repeated images.

"With another successful escape, the deranged super criminal Toyman has once again begun wreaking havoc on the streets, leaving residents in the area filled with outrage..."

His brows furrowed.

"Lebanon and Israel ignored United Nations sanctions and unilaterally crossed the border and occupied the territory of Tansleba, further aggravating the tension between the two countries..."

Blake looked to the other side, the world echoing in his mind:

"Toy Man actually escaped from prison again? If someone commits such a heinous crime, he should be expelled from civilized society!"

"The victims' families are questioning the cause of this tragedy. Fortunately, Superman arrived and stopped the terrorist attack..."

Blake slowly extended a palm.

"Falled soldiers in the Middle East..."

"Poll results show..."

The fist of this palm is full of calluses and scars. This is a hand that only someone who has been in street fights all year round has.

"Where is the superhero? Why can't he solve this..."

Blake slowly clasped his hands together.

"If national governments cannot take responsibility for their own actions..."


All images were suddenly interrupted, and then the world fell into darkness.


He took a breath, and then murmured to himself in a low voice: "My dear, it's time to take medicine."

"Why take medicine?"

A voice echoed in the darkness. Blake pouted.

"Manchester Black, you better not act like you don't hear me when I talk to you."

Blake sighed.

"I see."

He waved his hand, and the darkness dissipated from his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw Amanda Waller sitting in front of him dissatisfied.

This is Amanda Waller's most guarded mansion. Blake's eyes lingered on the wall, which was covered with monitor images and full of armed guards.

The other party chose to summon him in this more private environment rather than in a military base. This was an act of declaring sovereignty and a way of demonstrating power.

But Blake was not disgusted. He needed a reliable person in the government to help him achieve some goals.

Amanda Waller had just taken a shower.

She wore her wet hair and her bathrobe wrapped around her bucket-like figure.

She changed into a comfortable position on the sofa and sat down.

"I'm warning you again, Manchester, the government is granting you law enforcement powers in order to push Superman and Batman to surrender to the government. Don't do anything irrational. Along with the power, there are also obligations given to you."

The two of them stared at each other for a moment.

"Yes, I understand."

Blake smiled.

"You'd better really know." Waller glanced at him: "Your attitude makes me a little worried."

Blake just smiled.

"Superman may just be a big blue guy relying on brute strength, but Batman standing behind him is very serious trouble."

Amanda Waller ignored Black who was unconvinced and continued to explain:

"The idiots in the intelligence department finally figured out the basic intelligence after nearly four months. We now have every reason to believe that Batman has lost or given up part of his bottom line."

She pressed the remote control she carried, and Batman's avatar quickly appeared on the screen:

"In the past few months, Batman has devastated Gotham's gangs with absolutely superhuman speed.

I had always believed that with Gotham's vicious upper class, it would never be possible to curb Gotham's evil simply by fighting gangs, but now Batman has taught me a lesson. "

Amanda rubbed her eyebrows: "We finally determined that Batman, who solved thousands of crimes in one night, was most likely Superman in disguise.

Using Superman's force, coupled with the recruitment of those super villains, and the incident that happened a few weeks ago where the super villain [Bane] took away some Gotham super villains, Batman really relies on this kind of treatment to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. The method is to reduce the crime rate in Gotham to 0 by forcibly treating the symptoms, and then start to free up the hands to rectify the upper class people in Gotham. "

"He has sent more than 10 wealthy people and congressmen to jail."

Amanda said: "The entire city has completely begun to be controlled by the other party. He has almost replaced the functions of the government alone."

"This is absolutely not allowed."

Amanda said: "Gotham can change for the better, but not in this way. Like Superman, he is destroying the most basic structure of human society. This is an anarchic dictatorship. And their fanatical supporter……"

Blake said nothing. He knew Amanda's unspoken concern: What would happen if Superman did the same thing to America?

Amanda Waller shook her head:

"Let's not talk about that. I'm saying this to tell you, absolutely, never take Batman lightly. He is no longer the Batman I once knew who would be cautious about government power.

He doesn't know what he will do now. Maybe he is listening to us right now while we are talking. "

Amanda said:

"Superheroes have begun to become a threat. In order to deal with these crises, the US government must take action. Bring your team and prepare to do what is needed..."

But she didn't have time to finish her words.


A surveillance screen next to Amanda Waller suddenly went black.

"Wow~" Blake whistled.


Another surveillance screen suddenly went black.

A drop of cold sweat ran down the top of Amanda Waller's head.


All the screens started lighting up with white noise.

"Amanda... Waller."

Then Amanda saw chaotic figures appearing on the screen.

The pointed ear was facing away from her, sitting on a lounge chair.

"Amanda... Waller."

Amanda held her breath, her body trembling slightly.

"It's you."

she says.

She just said "Batman is probably spying on them." She was just exaggerating!

Didn't expect it to be true? !

The figure turned around.

"Whatever you think you're doing..."

The upside-down shadow whispered wildly on the ground, the signal flashed, and white noise continued to leak out:

"If you are a threat to the world, I...will crush you."

Amanda Waller was a little stunned at first, but when she heard this sentence, she couldn't help but became furious:

"What if we were a threat? You were setting off nuclear bombs like fireworks in Gotham, and you were establishing a dictatorial surveillance rule in modern society. That big blue boy scout could fart at any time and turn the earth into cosmic dust. You actually That I'm a threat to the world?!

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