What bad intentions could Batman have?.

Chapter 119 The innocent and harmless pink bunny (page 12)

"Those red eyes. I'm sure they could see right through me, like I was nothing more than an eyesore."

"But what about when I look at you?"

“I saw what no one could be, and I saw the end.”

“The end of our human potential.”

"The end of all we have accomplished."

"The end of all our dreams."

"You are my nightmare."

"All men are created equal."

"Everyone. And you, are not human."

——"The Biography of Luther"




This is the military base where General Lane imprisons the parasitic demons.

Two scientific researchers wearing thick chemical protective suits were pushing a large bucket of chemical waste down the corridor on a cart.

"What a crime." One of the chemical protective suits said: "This is the 53rd person to die this week. And we only created one parasitic demon, and once it is released from the petri dish, its lifespan is only 30 minute."

"Ha, if you sympathize with them so much, you can apply for transfer from this base, or do you want to be Edward Snowden?"

(Note: Edward Stern, the person who exposed the Mirrorgate incident)

"I'm just telling you, why are you so serious?" The chemical protective suit who expressed sympathy just now shook his head and said:

"It's not me who died anyway."

Then the two of them were silent for a while.

After a long while, the chemical protective suit who had just cursed apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to you."

"Ok, I know."

Then the two of them stopped talking, trying their best to erase those heinous scenes of cruel human experiments from their memories. Only the sound of wheels resounded in the empty corridor.

As they walked around the corner, they saw a fat figure squatting there furtively. The man was wearing chemical protective clothing but no helmet.

A man in chemical protective clothing immediately stepped forward and kicked him in the back.

"Rudy Jones! You're eating on the job again."

"Yes...I'm sorry!"

The fat man named Rudy was startled and turned around immediately.

He was holding a donut in his hand: "I'm just a little hungry..."

The donut in his hand was immediately knocked off by one of the hazmat suits.

"You can't eat in the experimental area, stupid pig! And where is your protective helmet?"


"That's enough, I've had enough of these outsourced sweepers." Another person in a chemical protective suit said, "Call the boss, we're going to fire this idiot—"

But before he finished speaking, he heard a loud booming sound. For a moment, Rudy felt like his head was buzzing and the ceiling collapsed!

When he came to his senses, the two chemical protective suits that had been clamoring to fire him just now were buried under the gravel, with blood gurgling from underneath, and the bucket of pink chemical waste also flowed all over the floor. .

"Oh my God."

Rudy hurriedly picked up the donut he dropped on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, then quickly put on his protective helmet, not noticing that the pink waste had already stained the donut a little.

"That was the last donut, and now it's not on me. You can't fire me."

He muttered, "Damn it, I gotta run away."

But as soon as he took two steps, he saw another man in chemical protective clothing rolling and crawling away from the other side of the corridor.

"Ah, Mr. Vasily." Rudy recognized his immediate boss: "I wear a protective helmet properly."

But his boss only responded with a scream of extreme fear.

Then he saw a pink monster climbing upside down from the ceiling like a big skinned frog, pounced on his boss, tore open the protective suit like a can, and in a blink of an eye he was It sucks people into mummies.

"You...you..." With a plop, Rudy fell to the ground in fright, swaying his fat body and retreating: "Don't come over!"

Then he saw the pink parasitic demon rushing towards him. He closed his eyes suddenly and his mind went blank. He could even smell the odor of the nutrient solution in the petri dish remaining on the other party.

But death did not come to him like that. Rudy opened his eyes and saw the parasitic demon whimpering and retreating like a wild beast, as submissive and submissive as a wolf cub encountering the alpha wolf.

"What...what's going on?"

Rudy looked at the parasitic demon in confusion, and then watched it purr like a dog, smash the wall next to it and disappear.

Rudy got up from the ground and followed the big hole until he walked to the outside of the building.

He turned around, then raised his head, and saw a big hole in the building behind him that was supposed to contain the parasitic demons. Countless pink parasitic demons were howling densely from the big hole and other places, smashing the walls and running out, and then a One by one they flew into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

The entire military base was quiet, as if there was no one alive.

Rudy Jones couldn't help but shuddered: "Damn it, I have to get out of here quickly."

He had just taken two steps when he felt a strong sense of nausea welling up in his heart. Then he took off his helmet and vomited a large amount of pink mucus.

"What the hell," he muttered, then put them back on and scurried off.


On his way away, he vomited another puddle of pink mucus.


"Come on, Lawton, I've never set off such big fireworks."

On the other side, Harley saw a large number of parasitic demons flying out of the military base on the screen. She immediately turned to Deadshot and said:

"Like Old Bat said, we know Lex Luthor is a bad guy who doesn't keep his promises."

She waved her fist excitedly:

"Prepare to launch a nuclear bomb to lure all those stupid parasitic demons to the Kryptonian spaceship!"





Big Ek received a blow to the head.

"You're the only one who's not called a Kryptonian?"

Breathing that stuff in would make a Kryptonian weak.

General Zod thought silently.

He watched Eke, who was collapsed on the ground, being sat on by Chen Tao. Before the poor adjutant could cough out the kryptonite powder in his lungs, his nose was flattened by a heavy punch.

"Stop, don't..."


The green-faced Kryptonian was unable to resist the ravages of another man of steel.

General Zod took half a step back.

He stared at the other person's pointed ears and cloak.

I should have thought of it earlier.

General Zod regretted. He was thinking so much about Jor-El that he ignored the other person he should be wary of.


But he still has a chance to make amends. Zod immediately pressed on the communicator: "Ur, bring more Kryptonian warriors, we have encountered a new powerful enemy here."

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