The strongest dragon in the era of beast control

Chapter 54: The Ruins of the True Dragon (please read it!)

As soon as Chen Weigang entered, he found that the space inside the cave was much wider than he expected.

He followed Cai Ling and cautiously walked forward. The faint footsteps as he walked were particularly clear in the silent cave.

"Why is the passage in this cave so long!" Chen Wei sighed softly.

He has been walking in the cave for a long time, but still has not reached the end of the cave.

As if he felt something, Chen Wei used the flashlight in his hand to shine on the road ahead. The deeper parts of the passage were still pitch black.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's take a rest first!"

Chen Wei stopped walking, found a seat and sat down, took out an appropriate amount of spirit fish and half a snow lotus pill from the star ring, and then reached out and handed it to Cai Ling.

"Hey!" ( ̄▽ ̄)~* (dinner is ready!)

Seeing Cai Ling eating happily, Chen Wei smiled and rubbed her head.

"When you advance in two days, we'll try to evolve, okay?"

Cai Ling's mouth was filled with spirit fish at this time. She did not choose to communicate through the contract, but nodded slightly to express her agreement.

"After you've eaten, take a good rest. We'll have to explore this cave later."

They were going to spend the night here tonight, and Chen Wei wanted to find out if there were any threats or dragon beast-controlling resources deep in the cave.

"Yeah!" o(^`)o (No strange beasts or resources!)

Cai Ling looked at Chen Wei with doubtful eyes. She had used her telekinesis and snake core to sweep this place back and forth several times.

If there were any strange beasts living here, she would be able to find them when she scouted the entrance.

"I trust your judgment, but telekinesis is not omnipotent. Some beast-controlling resources and dark-type beasts can circumvent telekinesis."

Chen Wei reminded Cai Ling, then turned to look deep into the cave.

Since arriving near this place, the dragon-controlling power contained around his source star began to fluctuate slowly, as if something deep in the cave was attracting it.

Chen Wei had a vague hunch in his heart that maybe the legend of a real dragon living in Nanbin Mountain in ancient times was not a rumor!

The fact that this secret realm can be certified as level three by the Beast Mastering Association means that there will be no extraordinary beasts above the extraordinary level here.

Could it be that this cave has not been excavated by the association and is still a hidden relic!

Generally speaking, if it were other legendary beasts, Chen Wei would not dare to disturb them. If someone is unhappy, he will disappear from the world just by sneezing.

But it would be different if it was a real dragon. With his inherent dragon affinity with the power of controlling dragons, and the fact that he would not be actively attacked, Chen Wei suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

"Hey!" (▼ヘ▼#) (Your saliva is going to flow out!)

Cai Ling's tone was slightly unhappy, a hint of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes when she looked at Chen Wei, and the next second she turned away with a cold expression.

What are you doing, Snake, I'm still here, fantasizing about other pet beasts in front of me, I don't want to lose face!

After coming back to his senses, Chen Wei couldn't help but laugh. The little guy in front of him actually learned to be jealous.

Hearing Chen Wei's laughter, Cai Ling became even more angry. She didn't say anything and just turned her back to the ground.

"Sorry." Chen Wei gently stroked Cai Ling's head, "My ace!"

She is only two months old, so she can be coaxed like this.

At this time, Cai Ling froze when she heard this. Although she was still annoyed, she couldn't help but glance at Chen Wei, and finally closed her eyes with disdain.

Seeing that Cai Ling's mood improved, Chen Wei scratched his head, took out a canned turkey from the star ring, and prepared a simple dinner.

This canned exotic beast is affordable and convenient, and contains low-racially ordinary turkey breasts.

The cured meat filled in this way not only has a strong feeling of satiety and replenishes a lot of energy, but can also be stored for a long time without taking up too much space in the star ring.

The only drawback is that the chicken breast tastes really average and tastes very dull.

After resting for a while, Chen Wei took Cai Ling and walked slowly towards the inside of the cave.


"The door is locked?"

What caught Chen Wei's eyes was a stone door that exuded a faint white light.

On the left and right sides of the stone gate, there is an extremely rough stone statue with the head of a dog and the body of an ape. It is covered with dust. You can tell at a glance that it has been covered in dust for a long time.

"Protective gates will also be set up. The IQ of these strange beasts should be quite high."

His eyes flickered slightly, and he carefully observed the two strange-looking statues in front of him.

There seems to be no record of this kind of strange beast in the animal guide. Could it be that it is an undiscovered strange beast?

"It doesn't look like a petrified earth beast."

Chen Wei concentrated on using his identification skills and found that the material of the stone statue was a kind of worthless white jade, and even the closed door was made of ordinary jade.

"Cailing, how thick is this jade gate?"

"Hey!" (About two meters!)

It is estimated that such a thickness cannot be forced open, lest it cause the cave to collapse. Chen Wei's eyes continued to scan around the door.

"Have you found any mechanisms nearby?"

After a moment of silence, Cai Ling suddenly let out a cheerful cry.

"Eaaah!" () (There is something at the bottom of the statue on the left!)

Chen Wei's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and then he squatted down and touched the bottom of the stone statue. With the forceful exploration of his hands, the statue gradually turned around with a low humming sound.

"Crack..." There was a sound of the stone door sliding.

Looking at the jade gate that was gradually rising into the sky, Chen Wei's eyes flashed with anticipation.

As the door opened, the dragon-controlling power on his Origin Star became more and more active, and he even couldn't suppress his excitement.

After entering the gate, the space inside the cave suddenly became spacious and bright.

The top of the cave is inlaid with large and small fluorescent stones, lighting up the entire cave.

There is a lofty jade platform in the center of the cave.

The skeletons of various strange beasts were piled high under the jade platform. On the platform was carved a mighty real dragon. There was a huge jade plate at the bottom of the real dragon's head, and something seemed to be glowing slightly inside the plate.

Chen Wei's eyes finally rested on the jade plate, and he could feel that the target of the dragon's power was active there.

"these are!!!"

With a glance from the corner of his eyes, Chen Wei's eyes were quickly attracted by the stone walls around him.

There are vague claw marks all over the top of the stone wall, which seem to be a kind of strange writing. Small murals are outlined above these claw marks.

"Is this a real dragon?"

Chen Wei looked at the extraordinary creature soaring in the sky in the mural, covered in scales like a long snake, with four legs and five claws and a unicorn head.

Below this domineering dragon is a large group of dog-headed beasts with knees-like legs.

Such murals are distributed on the entire stone wall of the cave, and there are about dozens of them.

Chen Wei thought for a moment and did not choose to touch the mural in front of him. Instead, he looked up and stared at the jade plate on the top of the jade platform.

Please read it! ! !

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