The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 67 Forget about the destruction of this world

A witch is actually a witch, which basically means the same thing. When she gets old, she becomes the kind of old witch who knocks on the door of Snow White's house with poisoned apples (but she doesn't know how).

Witches may appear in various races, so witches are not all beautiful human ladies. There are also some such as orc witches and even minotaur witches.

Witch Anne is the image of a human girl with fiery red hair and beautiful eyes, wearing a black and red magic robe. She is sitting in her shop. She has not moved for three days, so her head is even knotted. The spider web is out.

The country in this thorny world is basically finished. This is a world that has become chaotic to the point of no order. Several evil gods are instigating and provoking the mortals here to carry out endless troubles.

The competition between these evil gods is what caused the end of the world. However, what they started was not a war.

The first contestant, the Toad King.

He was the first to bewitch the mortals here. His token was called the "Ugly Crown", which could turn ugly people into beautiful people, and beautiful people into ugly people. So a war of beauty and ugliness exchange began to spread from one country to two countries, and then gradually throughout the world.

In the end, people can't tell who has had plastic surgery and who hasn't, but people who have plastic surgery will eventually turn into little toads. This is the price of using an ugly crown. Therefore, some kings have three thousand beauties in their harems and have a wild party until they wake up the next day. When he arrived, he found that the bed was full of toads. He was so frightened that he fainted on the spot. He could not get up again for the rest of his life, and his lower body was completely disabled.

The second contestant is the God of Overeating.

His authority is very simple and intuitive. It is to eat. He is simply the incarnation of Nurgle. He leads his followers to "eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eating, eating, eating, eating eating eating eating eating! Even the king won't let it go."

In the end, people in the entire country were like locusts, eating whatever they saw. They even squatted in the pits to grab work stations, effectively cleaning up all kinds of filth in the world, and just when it was about to cause a natural disaster of hungry ghosts. At this time, the god suddenly said that eating like this is not enough. When other places are eaten up and cannot be regenerated sustainably, what else can be eaten?

So they actually started to study artificial food, and they wanted to carry out sustainable recycling. The entire country was transformed into a super-large factory, and the king became the workshop director. The existence of this god was the most critical factor that led to the world still breathing.

The third contestant is the God of Divination.

As we all know, divination is something between accuracy and imprecision. Believers of the God of Divination are addicted to all kinds of messy divination techniques every day, and they must divination before doing anything.

Of course, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. For example, in the most famous thing, a noble divined that he would be deeply hurt by a woman who suddenly appeared, so he thought that his own spring was coming. This might be a new It was the beginning of his love affair, so he dressed up carefully and walked out of the door holding flowers.

He was knocked into the hospital by a middle-aged woman riding a bicycle from the alley.

But what's outrageous is that this aunt is exactly the type that this nobleman likes!

So after this incident, a craze for divination suddenly emerged in various countries, and the final result was that everyone pretended to be a ghost every day.

For Anne, the most annoying thing is this ratio!

His appearance made his fortune-telling business go bankrupt!

And the fourth player is even more heavyweight!

God of dead ends.

The ability is simple and crude--displayed.

The slogan of faith is also very simple - "Come to me if you are too lazy to live."

This slogan was not even posted by his followers. It was posted by the workers of the God of Excessive Food because his own followers were too lazy to post it.

So the world is filled with four attributes: "plastic surgery", "eating, eating, eating", "magic divination", and "lazy".

Even the witch was passively eroded by the God of Dead End.

Because customers are too lazy to come.

As a result, her store's business has not been open for many days.

This made her too lazy to attract customers, since no one would come anyway.

"This broken world is hopeless, let's forget about destruction."

She sells props, and the witch's job is usually to prepare various magic potions and make all kinds of strange magical props.

Magic potions are different from alchemical potions. In order not to overlap with the market of alchemists, magic potions often have some fantastic and weird secondary attributes. For example, alchemical potions often increase "resistance", "recover blood", and "increase planting and production". , "body strengthening" and other positive benefits, and occasionally a few negative benefits are also used as curse potions.

But there are many types of potions. Whether they are positive or negative potions, there are all kinds of them, and they are more diversified. However, the benefits brought by relative potions are not as strong as those of alchemy potions. However, there are some magic potions. Very popular in the market.

For example, "transformation potion" can transform into specified creatures within a specific period of time after taking it;

"Professional potions" can obtain special knowledge of some designated professions within a specific period of time;

The "Eloquence Potion" can increase your persuasion and make your words smoother.

"Probability Potion" can slightly increase the success rate of something you do next.

"Love potions" are generally prohibited from sale.

"These gods have completely ruined this world, and I should move." Annie thought for three days and three nights, wondering where she should go in the future. Although the original intention of opening the store was not to fill our stomachs, if we continue to stay in this world, there will not be more customers coming.

In this case, the meaning of opening a store itself will be lost.


Suddenly, a piece of fire appeared on the table in front of her. Annie became more energetic. She looked over curiously and found that the signature was Rhea Academy.

"Letter from the wizarding world?"

Anne opened the letter, her eyes gradually brightening from the initial indifference.

An omnipotent wish item?

A swarm of gods and churches all gathering towards the same world?

A new god brings great joy and change?

"Wherever there are fun things, I will be there!" Anne stood up immediately, and the letter also said that if Anne promised to help the magicians in Meteor World achieve excellent rankings, then several colleges would sign a large order with Anne.

"Oh! It's pie in the sky! Haha!"

Large orders refer to the wholesale of props, and the Magic Academy consumes very intensive props.

"Oh my god, this is the life I dream of!"

What the witch hopes to get is neither food to satisfy her hunger nor nice-looking clothes, but a large amount of "emotional feedback."

Since there is no such thing as the God of Holy Light in the Sixth Age, the classic villain "Holy Light Holy See" will not appear. Without Holy Light Holy See, there will be no source to persecute witches. Although such things as Holy Light still exist, But this thing itself is a natural attribute, not a product of divine magic.

What matters is not the existence of the Holy Light, but whether there is a Holy Light Church.

The witch's own emotions will continue to decrease with the length of time she has lived, so she needs to absorb the emotions of the mortals around her to keep her emotions active.

Otherwise, as your emotions disappear, you will inevitably embark on the extreme path of self-destruction. This is also in line with the nature of a witch - she is born with special magic, but she also bears a curse.

This is a classic setting.

When buying and selling props, when these props are used, they are equivalent to capturing part of the user's emotions. The witch uses this part of the emotion to empathize with the other person, thereby filling the part of her heart that has disappeared with the passage of time.

Anne spent two days sorting out her belongings. She packed her bags, closed her shop, took down her signboard, and blew a farewell kiss to the distant city-state:

"Goodbye you! Goodbye Four Gods! Today I am going on a long voyage!"

She left here happily and entered a gate to the world.

The gates of the world lead to some mysterious transit stations, where travelers from all worlds come and go. This is a miracle created by the gods, which connects the worlds, allows different races to communicate with each other, and allows the gods to travel to unknown places. Go to preach.

The interior of the World Gate has a somewhat dark style. It looks like a shadow hall. There are some shadow races as staff who are greeting passengers at various stations.

"Hello, I want to buy a world ticket to Meteor World!"

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