The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 465: Fairy Craftsman?

When I woke up, the sun's rays shone on the snow-covered trees, shining through the needles and shadows scattered on the snow. The messy beams of warm light fell on the soil, like planted sunflowers.

Shay stroked his chin and circled his cabin.

"Was this room like this two days ago?"

The antiques left by my grandfather were about to collapse, but how come they became so new after I woke up from sleep? Is there really a Robin in this world?

"Artisan fairy?"

Shay thought of the ancient legends of the Frost Elves. The current Frost Elves are busy with civil war and may have forgotten all these traditional cultures.

Of course, so does he.

If it weren't for Stardew Valley restoring his memories that were eroded by the abyss, he probably wouldn't have been able to remember these legends. Since leaving the tower, the recovery speed of those past memories has become faster.

In the newly emerged memories, my grandfather told me that in the past, long, long ago, the frost elves had had dealings with a mysterious race called "fairies". This race was composed of young girls who were smaller than normal mortals, and were divided into many subspecies based on where they lived and their abilities.

In some worlds, fairies are believed to be the followers of gods. Although after learning about the character and technology of most gods, Shay does not think that the three gods in charge of creation can create such a beautiful race.

Is this also an aspect of the world of error?

Craftsman fairies are fairies that live in wooden houses. They often use the windows of the residents as a channel to connect to the other world. Some fairies will hide under people's beds. When everyone falls asleep in the dead of night, the fairies will crawl out from under the bed and help people with carpentry work.

I thought it was very novel when I heard it at the time, but later when I grew up I felt it was a bit stupid.

Living in the space outside the window is not so bad, but living under the bed and crawling in and out every day is ridiculous, and they don’t even charge for doing the work?!

Purely racial talent with no place to display + personal interests and hobbies?

What happened? After waking up from sleep, I’m no longer in the Sixth Era?

In our Sixth Epoch, there is still such a simple and kind race? What a joke!

But there was no way to explain what happened today. It couldn't be that Ariel's group of forest rangers came back in the middle of the night to help him renovate the house. Shay was confused and took a look around the farm in front of his door. The land seemed to have been turned over several times, but there were no vegetables on it. There were many holes of unknown prototypes around, but they looked like they could be used to build a fence.

"Eh? How come you even turned over the soil for me? Is there a farmer fairy?"

“This is frozen ground!”

"If I wasn't confused in my sleep, then the fairy race that my grandfather talked about might really exist?"

"Forest fairies, flower fairies, Huzhou fairies, craftsman fairies, and even ice and snow fairies that freeze time."

“There’s a lot more to it than that.”

The words his grandfather had said kept coming out of his memory. Those short stories told about many strange races. At this moment, Shay seemed to recall that in addition to fairies, there were many more mysterious creatures in ancient legends.

I used to laugh at my grandfather, thinking that he was just telling stories to entertain children and that in fact he made up all these lives. However, my grandfather swore that those races really existed and that he had established friendships with those races.

"Perhaps my grandfather was also an ancient wizard, or a great traveler. Speaking of which, I only know that my grandfather managed this holy land, which has farmland and coastline, but I don't know about his more distant past."

"My grandfather had a very long lifespan, even among the frost elves. He seemed to have lived for more than 30,000 years."

Regardless of the type of elf, their lifespan is several times or even dozens of times that of ordinary races. The long life span has greatly reduced the sensitivity of most elves to time, so that they can only feel the passage of time again when something new appears in the universe.

This feeling is very strange and cannot be explained to those short-lived races.

Shay temporarily cleared the settings and memories of various fairies. Today was a sunny day. Although he didn't know what happened last night, the land had already been plowed and it would be a waste to not use it.

Hurry up and plant the seeds of various crops today. I saw someone selling the rare magic fertilizer "Dust of Plenty" on the Internet yesterday.

At the same time, Shay also sent messages to the Great Elder of the Light Elf, the Dark Elf Prophet, the Deer God Cuckoo, and other "familiar people and gods":

[I have returned to my hometown farm and am ready to do a great job here. Come and help me work for free when you have time, for the elves to become great again! ]

At the same time, it is accompanied by [Picture][Picture][Picture].

The Great Elder and his men also quickly sent a reply message:

[The Sage is also idle]: "Who will help you revive the Frost Elves without a salary? But the land left by your grandfather still exists. Generally speaking, 10,000 years have passed. This kind of land should be put to use."

"For example, we can protect it and charge for tourism, and make it a local tourist attraction. After all, it is an ancient site, and we can experience the daily life and customs of the frost elves ten thousand years ago. Or we can directly expropriate it and build new buildings on this land to attract investment. Then didn't you say that it will be on the coast? Aren't you going to build a port?"

[The prophet's own opinion]: "Is there some monster under the sea or underground? Otherwise, it would be too strange to leave it abandoned without building a port."

Shay looked at their replies and thought of the legend about fairies. He told them the legend again and joked:

"Maybe there is a fairy in the sea water, and if you throw something in it, it will come out with an axe to chop you down."

[The Prophet's own opinion]: "Are you talking about something like the Ocean Ghost? Did a godlike entity exist in that ocean before and then died?"

Shay: "No, no, no, fairies are not scary things. In the legends, they are magical seeds. They can be considered as quasi-gods."

[The Sage is also idle]: "That must be because the sea fairies here wanted to collect protection fees, and the forest rangers were unwilling to pay, so they abandoned this land. Later, they felt that this matter was too embarrassing, so they sealed it up and turned it into a secret! Believe me, there are many similar files among us light elves that were sealed like this!"

"It's not really a big secret. I just did something outrageous so I'm afraid of being laughed at."

Soon, the Deer God and the Cuckoo Bird joined in.

[Cans in the Deep Forest]: "I can help you with the work, but let me ask you, do the frost elves over there like to open blind boxes?"

[Gugu Mystery]: "I heard there's a civil war going on over there. If we make a blind weapon box there, it will definitely be very popular."

Are there blind boxes for weapons?

Shay: "No, you don't have any weapons there, they are all broken and rusty. But I just talked to the Abandoned Church about recycling garbage, and they will come over in a few days."

[Cans in the Deep Forest]: "No! What does this have to do with the abandoned church? You are so confused!"

"Their refurbished second-hand goods are even better than new ones. If you sell them junk, they will make money and you will lose money. We will directly sell junk blind boxes and put a label on them saying [Ancient treasures are on sale]. Those frost elves in the civil war will definitely think that there are ancient artifacts hidden inside and rush to buy them!"

"When they open thousands of blind boxes and find only rusty and broken swords inside, we will sell them the business card of the Abandoned Church. In this way, not only do we make money, but the Abandoned Church also makes money."

Shay was shocked!

You actually want to help other churches get rich together? !

[The Sage is also idle]: "Do you want to work with the Abandoned Church to steal the other party's property?"

The Great Elder is really his own online mouthpiece! He is indeed the most talkative Light Elf among the elves!

Shay gave a thumbs up!

[Deep Forest Cans]: "This is called sustainable waste recycling, what do you know! We took advantage of the characteristics of the abandoned church. The more garbage the things are, the better the effect after renovation, but the more expensive they are. We took the opportunity to mark those shabby goods at sky-high prices."

"When these guys in the civil war have emptied their property and the treasury because of one or two pieces of junk, without money, the Abandoned Church will not help them continue to refurbish their props. Without refurbished second-hand weapons, they will not be able to continue fighting, and peace will come!"

"No one will lose their lives. They just paid a small price. We can use the money to buy various high-end snacks for ourselves. At the same time, we can wholesale a batch of cheap earth food from the God of Bloating and sell it to them. This way, we can realize the future where everyone has enough food."

After this text was sent, even the prophet of the dark elves fell silent.

Shay knew what the Prophet was thinking at this moment.

How did Shayue, the once simple god of the deep forest and the deer god who represented the incarnation of nature, become this kind of super capital god!

What about the Cuckoo Bird!

God of Decay, please say something, why are you just staring at the screen! Have you become like this too?

Oh, the idea of ​​wholesale weapon blind boxes was yours, then it’s none of your business!

“No, I’m still here. It’s not nice to tell my people directly that you want to cheat them.” Shay said this and glanced at the [10 Silver Coin Ice Cream] billboard that he had put away, his expression becoming more serious.

Only you can betray your own people!

If you come to cheat, you won’t be able to grasp the “degree” of cheating!

And the price is not expensive. This is a snack craft from 10,000 years ago, with an exclusive secret recipe!

[The Prophet's personal opinion]: "Forget it, everyone. Let's not talk about the blind box. I heard that the frost elves don't have much money. They seem to import frozen salted fish from other places as weapons. Even if you sell blind boxes, you won't be able to sell many. You might as well sell it directly to the Abandoned Church. Maybe the Abandoned Church will pay a high price."

[Canned Food in the Deep Forest]: "Oh! That makes sense! I'll just pick out a few of the worst ones and use them to seduce the God of Abandonment. This is a great idea. Thank you, Prophet!"

[The Prophet's Opinion]: "Shay, you said before that you wanted to return to your grandfather's farm to restore the glory of the elves. Apart from restoring order in the world of frost elves, what else are you going to do?"

"Don't we already have a racial chat group?"

Shay rubbed his head and typed out the text: "Actually, I don't intend to stop their war. As long as they don't attack the Holy Land, it's fine."

"My original intention was to create an agricultural and forestry world, or an agricultural and forestry area, where all elves can cultivate the land in harmony. You can all come here through the portal and plant what you want. I can divide the use area for you and make small adjustments to the environment of your area."

"But when I was surfing the Internet earlier, I found that a world had already registered the name of Stardew Valley in advance. It seems that they did it earlier than me. But it doesn't matter. I only cater to elves here, that is, all of you of my kind."

[The Prophet's own opinion]: "Oh Shay, you want to turn the holy land of the frost elves into the new ideal holy land for all elves?"

"I know you have been pushing for the integration of the various subspecies and advocating that everyone put aside their differences and return to the concept of the Great Elves. But the fact is that we have been separated for a long time. The differences between some subspecies are even greater than the conflicts between different races!"

"Maybe you can build a meeting room on your farm. At least this building can allow everyone to sit down and talk properly."

Shay: "Really? But what if I say I want to study the origin of the primordial elves on my farm? For example, I'm growing a type of kale, which is very similar to ours in terms of elemental structure."

[The prophet’s personal opinion]: “?”

"What did you say?"

Apparently the Archmage's words shocked the Dark Elf Prophet!

The origin of the original elves, that is, the source of all elves, if this mystery is solved, then many problems between different races will be solved, and even some of their internal mysteries and legends will become clear from vague!

[The Prophet's own opinion]: "You mean to use cold-resistant cabbage to study the original elves?"

The message Shay sent out did not convince the two elves on the spot, but both the Great Elder and the Prophet expressed that they would support Shay's research based on their personal relationships, which was enough for Shay.

First fool the acquaintances, then fool the strangers, step by step!

The last time the elves changed from life to death, they tried to make a small progress, which was a very good thing. After all, the elves have not "actively" changed for a long time. Whether it is music, games, or online shopping, these are all products of external input.

The day passed quickly and Shay began to rest. At night, the Eternal Shadow began to move.

"So it's a fairy? It seems the one who stole the vegetables is also a fairy. There are too many species in the Sixth Epoch! How come there are strange creatures living everywhere?"

"A new ideal. To study the origin of the original elves. How do I study it? To plant saplings and graft them? My true self is the descendant of the original elves, but it is not pure."

".I hate kale."

As Eternal Shadow was talking to himself, he suddenly heard a scolding voice. He looked around and saw an illusory girl appear behind the house and was dismantling the house he had renovated!

"Who are you and what are you doing!"

Eternal Shadow was shocked. This girl was obviously different from the phantom who stole vegetables two days ago. However, the girl did not stop despite Eternal Shadow's scolding. Instead, she knocked even faster. Almost instantly, she renovated the house into a shabby style!

"There's no one here to begin with. I finally woke up, and someone comes to take my job!" The girl glared at Eternal Shadow fiercely.

"I don't care what you are! I tell you, in my territory, only I can decorate the house!"

"This is retribution!"

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