The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 452 Obtained God

The third hot topic in today's forum is.

[“The vegetables in the vegetable garden disappeared inexplicably. Is this normal?”]

With the development of the Internet, it has expanded rapidly in the worlds. Even some remote areas have begun to access the Internet and join this new wave of civilization. As a result, more people are online, and there are more and more strange topics and discussions. If it were a normal era, these topics would most likely be considered nonsense, but this is the Sixth Era.

As a result, every topic will arouse heated discussion and keen attention from netizens, especially those titles that seem outrageous, which are likely to be things that really happened!

The Messenger of Plenty thought about it for a whole day but still couldn't figure out where the vegetables had gone. He had adjusted this world into many independent areas. In fixed areas, such as the canyon farm where he lived, it was impossible for pests or crows to refresh.

Because these things are harmful to the concept of "abundance", harmful things must be eliminated immediately, and they must be dealt with severely! Even though they are part of nature at ordinary times, they can appear anywhere except on the farm!

However, Canyon Farm is God's forbidden area. Even those new lives sent here by the wrong God are not qualified, let alone capable of finding this farm, and can't even go back in a swagger after stealing vegetables.

Then the field of suspects is further narrowed down to only two options.

First, the last time there was a rumor of someone stealing vegetables was the disordered goddess from the Fifth Epoch. Considering that she is now forced to work, it is very likely that she came out to steal vegetables to earn extra money because her salary was not enough, and she is doing her old job again!

Second, the vegetables grew legs and ran away.

Considering that in this era there are things like "wild televisions" and "fish-roasting people", it doesn't seem unacceptable that vegetables grow legs and leave on their own.

In response to my question on the forum, netizens gave a variety of answers.

"Maybe it was intercepted by some third-rate teleportation array. Isn't that a common thing? You were sitting at home and suddenly someone summoned you to another world and asked you to save their country. This is a third-rate teleportation array!"

"Yes, they used to teleport people. Maybe because you were not at home this time, your vegetable garden was teleported away."

"Think carefully about whether you have made an online return recently. Did you return the vegetables as well when you returned the goods?"

"It must have been hit by a meteor."

"Does your world sometimes have natural disasters? Or abnormal phenomena? It's normal for things to disappear sometimes. The vegetable garden elves just stole them."

"Do you know the race of fairies? The ones I want to talk about are fairies. They are very small and often travel through space to appear in different worlds. Some of them will play pranks, some will take things away, and some will bring blessings to passers-by."

"Don't listen to the nonsense above. I checked his speech records and he is a demon."

"Experience +30, goodbye."

Well, it seems that netizens can’t help much.

The Messenger of Plenty pressed the straw hat on his head and felt a headache.

However, it does make sense to say that it is an abnormal phenomenon. The reason why it is an abnormality is that it cannot be adjusted using normal logic and parameters. Using the background resources of the universe in a normal way to generate these areas and transform the planet may have inadvertently triggered some logical bug.

"Then let's change the land."

The Canyon Farm is very large, and only a small vegetable patch was stolen. The Messenger of Plenty decided to seal off this piece of land to ensure that this area would not affect the surrounding land in the future.

After he did this, he looked at the time and found that the fish people should be arriving soon, so he left the farm again.

And just after he left, the wandering phantom appeared again in the Canyon Farm.

“If you want to get something, you have to overcome the corresponding difficulties. These difficulties come from ‘obstacles’, and what you get after overcoming the obstacles is ‘acquisition’. The two are closely related.”

"This guy has finally started to do the real 'acquisition'! He has stuck me out of this world for so long, and now I can finally come back!"

The god took one look at the sealed-off area, shook his head, chuckled, and then began to steal vegetables frantically in another area!

What is the use of the space in the blocked area?

We can just pass through it with one pass!

Although the main body is still in another world, the invisible big hand has reached your vegetable garden. Planting vegetables is for others to harvest. What's yours is yours, but what's yours also has mine. You can guard against it, but I will get through.

The Messenger of Plenty came to the beach farm and looked at the one-eyed square gray fish emerging from the sea. Suddenly, he felt uneasy.

For some reason, it seemed like I heard the voice of God again just now. Speaking of which, ever since I started playing "Stardew Valley" and recovered my mortal memories from long ago, I would occasionally hear the God who created me. His voice was floating like an auditory hallucination.

And the Messenger of Plenty suddenly realized something even stranger and more important.

What is the name of the God who created himself?

I should have remembered it in the past, but since I regained my mortal memories, this part of my memory about God's name and His behavior patterns seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

".Your share is mine too."

The Messenger of Plenty only vaguely remembered this voice, but no matter how he recalled it now, it felt like something was wrong!

In the past, there was no Internet, and even the gods did not communicate much with each other. The gods were separated by each world. Even with the means of letters, teleportation, and space trains, the communication between the worlds was generally limited.

However, now that the Internet is flourishing, the barriers of time and space between the worlds have been broken, so after being online for some time, the Messenger of Plenty has realized the essence of this sentence!

".Free whore?"

The Messenger of Plenty became increasingly uneasy, thinking that something must have happened on his farm. He thought that God's hallucinations must be guiding him, but when he was about to go back, the fish people arrived!

Although he was worried about the situation on his own farm, the Messenger of Fertility still had to receive these customers first. The fishmen emerged from the sea, and a steaming void gate opened from the light and shadow. It was the portal opened by the space train, and a large group of fishmen, led by the boss of Swamp Leap Fish, poured out of the portal, and were hit by a laser as soon as they came out!

The flapping one-eyed cube fish in the sea, whose scientific name is "Ancient Guardian", doesn't care what race the guy in front of it is, it shoots all of them equally!

"Damn, it's the Ancient Guardian!"

Obviously, there are loyal fans of "Minecraft" among the fishmen. Someone shouted loudly the moment the Cyclops launched the attack. Then the fishmen fled in all directions and swam to the shore. Only then did they dare to breathe a sigh of relief!

"Didn't they say there are rare fish fry here?"

"This is an excellent aquaculture base? This is how they treat their guests?!"

"Ancient Guardian! Isn't this rare? It's something you can't even see in the real world. Isn't this a hostile creature in the game?"

The fishmen panted on the shore, and the Blessing Herald came up to them and explained:

"I'm sorry that you encountered such a bad thing just after arriving here, but this also shows that the environment of our farm is excellent. Even such rare creatures can live so well here and are full of vitality."

"Anyway, I have prepared fishing rods and bait, as well as the fish fry you need, and there are also various rare and even extinct ancient fish."

The introduction of the Messenger of Plenty was interrupted by the boss of Swamp Leap Fish before it was finished!

The owner of Swamp Leap Fish waved his hand and said, "No! These fishing rods are too inefficient!"

Then he said seriously: "Is there any power grid? Look at that ancient guardian. We can't raise fish fry with that guy here!"

A murloc nearby whispered a reminder: "Ancient guardians will not attack neutral creatures, they don't fish."

Swamp Leap Boss: "Nonsense, but it will attack me! What's the difference between attacking fish fry and attacking fishermen! And its laser will add a negative buff of mining fatigue to me. This kind of thing should be allowed to taste the power of the electric grid!"

A group of fish-lovers are clamoring to fish with electricity, which seems outrageous no matter how you look at it. Of course, if you add in the people grilling fish nearby who are also cheering, then everything instantly makes more sense. The fish-lovers are not afraid of electricity.

Although they encountered a serious attack when they first came here, the fish people also recognized the farm environment here. Apart from the ancient guardian who was eyeing the sea covetously, the fish people really saw all kinds of incredible rare fish fry here.

"There are so few rare fish because they have very strict requirements for the environment. Can you tell me where you got these fish from?"

After seeing this, the Swamp Leap Fish boss exclaimed that it was incredible, and then he started a heated discussion with the other fishmen and fish grillers around him.

The fish people come here for aquaculture, while the grilled fish people think that new species of fish can expand their population and snacks. Of course, there are also some mavericks, such as the owner of the Swamp Leap Fish himself.

He pointed to a fish that looked like steel and asked the Messenger of Plenty, "What kind of fish is this? I have never seen it before."

The Messenger of Plenty glanced at the fish and was silent for a moment.

Not only had the boss of the Swamp Leap Fish not seen it, in fact, he had not seen it either.

Before the fish people came, the Messenger of Plenty also discovered this fish. At that time, he thought it was just a new species from another place or an ancient fish. The fish people themselves must have known it.

This is bad, is this another new resource that has not been identified?

You can tell at first glance that this thing was made by the Iron God or the Error God!

How can there be such a thing as a steel fish in normal evolution? Does it live on minerals on the seabed?

"This is probably a new species, a product of spontaneous evolution in this world, probably swimming out from the mineral farm next door."

The Envoy of Plenty directly pushed the question to the dwarves, and explained that the dwarves had already started digging at the ore farm. After hearing this, the fishmen pondered for a while, and the Swamp Leap Fish Boss even muttered to himself thoughtfully:

"So that's how it is. Anyway, our previous world also had strange things like the hard-living fish. Maybe there is also sub-space matter or some other element in the underground or ocean of this world."

"Steel fish is really rare. If it were for sale, it would definitely be..."

"Selling, grilled steel fish?" The expression of the Envoy of Plenty changed, and the owner of the Swamp Leap Fish quickly waved his hands: "No, no, no, I mean to use it as a weapon."

"I used to sell fish, but there were always countries coming to my stall to import frozen fish. I didn't know why at first, but later I found out that they were buying my fish to use as weapons."

The Swamp Leap Fish owner ignored the dazed expression of the Messenger of Plenty. He started to choose from the exhibition area prepared by the Messenger of Plenty, and then he saw something even more incredible.

It was a red fish. Looking at its appearance, one would immediately associate it with a carp, but a closer look revealed that it had nothing to do with a carp. It had long filaments like a catfish around its mouth, and a golden crown on its head, and its mouth really just remained open in a "mouth shape".

"What kind of fish is this?"

The Swamp Leap Fish owner asked again.

"This is Magikarp."

At Warrior Academy, Shang Lin has conducted three lectures on the nine major arts. After each lecture, the rules and logic of an industry have been completely changed. Now that architecture and sculpture have been finished, only a little content is left on film art.

In between the speeches of the three projects, Shang Lin released the previously produced "Stardew Valley", which received a lot of praise, promoted the universe into a new pastoral era, and also made a god who was stuck out of the world and his loyal church return to the Sixth Age.

So, since we already have "Stardew Valley" which is about farming, as a representative of ranch games, how can we miss another game full of collection elements?

“Let’s make a Magikarp first and add it to the basic resources of the universe. The connection between the fictional world and the real world will become closer.”

The famous Pokémon series is being prepared, and Magikarp is almost a household name among them, not only because there are so many memes about it, but also because of its famous move Water Splash, as well as... According to their illustrated descriptions, they can be seen almost everywhere and are the weakest Pokémon.

"Registering all kinds of strange creatures in the atlas and taking them on long journeys, this kind of creatures also exist in the real universe, such as the God of Travel, his planeswalkers, and the sand elves."

"Collecting is one of the most fundamental desires and wishes of life, and even of the gods. People's collection of rare things and the gods' enthusiasm for wholesale saints are actually the same in essence."

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